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Hair analysis has been presented by some authors as a possible tool of investigation for estimating patients' compliance to long-term therapies. This paper summarises the different publications that have been devoted to this topic and highlights the available statistical data presented to support this proposition. Qualitative results of such determinations may be of some interest but due to the enormous interindividual variations of quantitative data, the idea of using hair analysis to ascertain whether a patient has taken his treatment exactly as prescribed, clearly appears to be inapplicable.  相似文献   

In order to establish an animal model for entomotoxicological studies, the kinetics of morphine elimination from blood after a single intravenous injection of morphine and the concentration of morphine in tissues following a continuous perfusion were studied. The aim of these experiments was to obtain controlled morphine tissue concentrations similar to those encountered in fatal human heroin overdoses. These tissues can be used as a food source for developing fly larvae in entomotoxicological studies. In the single injection experiment, seven rabbits were administered 1 or 2 mg/kg body weight of morphine chlorhydrate via the main ear artery. Blood samples of 200 microL were removed regularly via a catheter. Morphine concentration was determined using RIA techniques. Morphine was found to be first rapidly distributed and then slowly eliminated, following a two-exponential equation. Elimination of morphine from blood can be described as a two-compartment model. Constants of the equation were determined using the Kaleidagraph program. Using those constants, the main pharmacokinetics parameters were calculated. Results of these parameters showed the following: clearance from 13.3 to 16.2 L.h.1, half-life of the distribution phase from 0.6 to 0.9 min, and half-life of the elimination phase from 21 to 26 min. These results were used to calculate the rate of perfusion of morphine for rabbits to obtain desired, controlled, and constant concentrations of morphine in tissues. In the second experiment, three rabbits received a perfusion of morphine intravascularly at a rate of 2 mg/kg/h for a period of 3 h. These rabbits were sacrificed and analyses performed on several abdominal and thoracic organs. Results showed that the concentrations of morphine differed according to the organ analyzed, but were reproducible for organs between animals. These concentrations were similar to those normally encountered in cases of human death due to heroin overdoses.  相似文献   

We propose a genetic test for full sibship for a pair of carrion flies that could reveal the postmortem relocation of a corpse. A carrion fly larva is sometimes left behind when a corpse is moved. The discovery of full sibling larvae of approximately the same developmental stage at two locations would strongly suggest that a corpse was moved between those two sites. Distributions of pairwise comparisons of relatedness (R) coefficients were generated using amplified fragment length polymorphism profiles for nine samples of laboratory-generated full siblings as well as for a reference sample of nonfull sibling Phormia regina (Diptera: Calliphoridae). The mean relative R coefficient, a pairwise measure of the proportion of shared alleles, was 0.479 (±0.289 SD) for full siblings, close to the theoretical expectation of 0.5. A likelihood ratio (LR) test was based on observed distributions of R. R >0.55 corresponded to an LR >1000 favoring full sibship for that pair of individuals.  相似文献   


In recent years, a number of translational tools have been developed in policing to make the growing research evidence base more accessible and useful for practitioners and policymakers. Here we focus on the creation of the ‘What works in policing?’ website, which resulted from a collaboration between a government agency in Seattle, Washington and researchers at George Mason University and Arizona State University. We describe the site in detail and its similarities to and differences from existing translation tools, as well as the rationale for a local government’s involvement in translational work. In particular we focus on efforts to link the site with the work of the Seattle Police Department through a case study approach. We review indicators that suggest the site is being well-utilized and close with thoughts on the future of translational work in policing and efforts to ensure translational tools are useful to practitioners.  相似文献   

Documentation of physical injuries from intimate partner violence (IPV) is critically important when a victim seeks legal help. Bruising, a common IPV injury, is often less visible on victims of color. This retrospective qualitative study is focused on IPV survivors’ and service providers’ experiences with the complex interrelationship between IPV injury, bruise documentation, race and legal assistance. Focus group results with a racially diverse group of female IPV survivors and legal service providers indicate that all victims struggle with documenting their bruises, but for women of color, even documentation of visible bruising underrepresents the severity of their IPV injuries. Further, there are a number of social, logistic, and systemic barriers to injury documentation that may make legal relief for IPV difficult for all women, but particularly more difficult for women of color. Proposed solutions to address the gap include, improved documentation techniques, and greater education for legal service providers. Implications for the field of family violence generally and potential future research directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

刘跃敏 《政法学刊》2001,18(4):57-59
公安行政复议决定书是公安行政复议机关行使行政复议权的最重要的、有法律效力的文书.公安行政复议决定书必须依法制作,内容合法,格式规范;同时必须在法定的期限内作出,否则要负法律责任.  相似文献   

An exhumed body of 40-year-old Hindu man was brought for repostmortem after 10 days of death with history of allegation of assault by mob. The body was in the advanced stage of decomposition with adipocere formation over chest, thigh, and arms. In the present case, atherosclerosis was present in the coronaries and aorta sufficiently enough to deduce the cause of death and to substantiate the first autopsy findings even in highly decomposed exhumed body.  相似文献   

Stereolithography is a computer-mediated method that can be used to quickly create anatomically correct three-dimensional epoxy and acrylic resin models from various types of medical data. Multiple imaging modalities can be exploited, including computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. The technology was first developed and used in 1986 to overcome limitations in previous computer-aided manufacturing/milling techniques. Stereolithography is presently used to accurately reproduce both the external and internal anatomy of body structures. Current medical uses of stereolithography include preoperative planning of orthopedic and maxillofacial surgeries, the fabrication of custom prosthetic devices; and the assessment of the degree of bony and soft-tissue injury caused by trauma. We propose that there is a useful, as yet untapped, potential for this technology in forensic medicine.  相似文献   

The use of dental processing software for computed tomography (CT) data (Dentascan) is described on postmortem (pm) CT data for the purpose of pm identification. The software allows reconstructing reformatted images comparable to conventional panoramic dental radiographs by defining a curved reconstruction line along the teeth on oblique images. Three corpses that have been scanned within the virtopsy project were used to test the software for the purpose of dental identification. In every case, dental panoramic images could be reconstructed and compared to antemortem radiographs. The images showed the basic component of teeth (enamel, dentin, and pulp), the anatomic structure of the alveolar bone, missing or unerupted teeth as well as restorations of the teeth that could be used for identification. When streak artifacts due to metal-containing dental work reduced image quality, it was still necessary to perform pm conventional radiographs for comparison of the detailed shape of the restoration. Dental identification or a dental profiling seems to become possible in a noninvasive manner using the Dentascan software.  相似文献   

If it was the riots across English cities that defined the British summer of 2011, then the summer of 2012 – featuring a Royal Jubilee and the London Olympics – was meant to showcase a thoroughly more stable and law-abiding Britain. Yet by June it seemed as if the Great British Summer of 2012 would be remembered for a remarkable and seemingly unending series of cases that exposed the corruption rotting at the core of the British establishment.  相似文献   

Previously, the interpretation of low copy number (LCN) STR profiles has been carried out using the biological or 'consensus' method-essentially, alleles are not reported, unless duplicated in separate PCR analyses [P. Gill, J. Whitaker, C. Flaxman, N. Brown, J. Buckleton, An investigation of the rigor of interpretation rules for STRs derived from less than 100 pg of DNA, Forens. Sci. Int. 112 (2000) 17-40]. The method is now widely used throughout Europe. Although a probabilistic theory was simultaneously introduced, its time-consuming complexity meant that it could not be easily applied in practice. The 'consensus' method is not as efficient as the probabilistic approach, as the former wastes information in DNA profiles. However, the theory was subsequently extended to allow for DNA mixtures and population substructure in a programmed solution by Curran et al. [J.M. Curran, P. Gill, M.R. Bill, Interpretation of repeat measurement DNA evidence allowing for multiple contributors and population substructure, Forens. Sci. Int. 148 (2005) 47-53]. In this paper, we describe an expert interpretation system (LoComatioN) which removes this computational burden, and enables application of the full probabilistic method. This is the first expert system that can be used to rapidly evaluate numerous alternative explanations in a likelihood ratio approach, greatly facilitating court evaluation of the evidence. This would not be possible with manual calculation. Finally, the Gill et al. and Curran et al. papers both rely on the ability of the user to specify two quantities: the probability of allelic drop-out, and the probability of allelic contamination ("drop-in"). In this paper, we offer some guidelines on how these quantities may be specified.  相似文献   

The burial of a body can affect plant communities through mechanical disturbance and nutrient balance alteration. We performed an experimental trial using five swine carcasses buried in an open site in Italy. Vegetation dynamics was monitored recording monthly every plant individual on a regular sampling grid during 1 year on the graves, on an empty control grave, and on an undisturbed plot. Plant species composition and cover were significantly different between the disturbed and the undisturbed plots. Disturbed plots showed the increase in ruderal species and the reduction in stress-tolerant ones. Graves and the control grave could not be distinguished from each other. Disturbance was the main factor affecting plant cover, while the presence of a buried body did not affect vegetation dynamics. However, disturbance could be easily detected; the functional approach seems promising for the identification of dynamic patterns to be used in different biogeographic and ecological contexts.  相似文献   

The Bavarian State Bureau of Investigation in Munich has the exclusive responsibility for investigation of criminal acts. One considerable expertise is that of hair analysis. According to the legal system in Germany, there is a special interest when some clients' hair tested positive for illicit drugs. An accused with a lot of drugs in his hair will be treated as a supposed addict and will be guaranteed extenuating circumstances. The instrumentation used for hair analysis is a powerful analytical tool: a Varian 3400 gas chromatograph linked to a Finnigan Tandem-MS (TSQ 700). The methanol extraction method is used for the detection of illegal drugs and metabolites: amphetamine, methamphetamine, MDA, MDMA (ecstasy), MDE, MBDB, methadone, THC, EDDP (metabolite of methadone), cocaine, benzoylecgonine, cocaethylene, opiates (dihydrocodeine, codeine, heroin, 6-monoacetylmorphine, morphine, acetylcodeine). For the detection of 9-carboxy-THC by negative chemical ionization the hair sample is hydrolyzed under alkaline conditions. Solid-phase extraction is used for clean-up. The LOQ for the determination of 11-nor-delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic-acid is 0.16 pg/mg hair. An unsurpassed combination for rendering an expert opinion based on hair analysis may be: a forensic expert using diligence and experience, coupled with the performance of a sophisticated analytical instrument.  相似文献   

There are several initiatives addressing the use of mark‐up languages or other means for clarifying the rights claimed by the right‐holder when making material available on the World Wide Web. An attempt is made to sketch a rather broad and historical background for using abbreviations triggering legal consequences. It is argued that the use of meta‐tags and similar formalised inserts directed at programs rather than humans has legal effects, taking the electronic commerce directive as an example. In addition, a simple scheme for introducing ‘copymarks’ for indicating the level of protection claimed by the right‐holder is suggested, with some indications for development in a multi‐agent environment.  相似文献   

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