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《Federal register》1981,46(237):60446-60448
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is issuing today a Regulation Interpretation Memorandum (RIM) which provides official interpretation of the issue of whether a generator who accumulates hazardous waste pursuant to 40 CFR 262.34, may qualify for interim status after November 19, 1980. This issue arose when the requirements for submitting a Part A permit application (one of the prerequisites to qualifying for interim status) were amended on November 19, 1980. The provisions interpreted today are part of the Consolidated Permit Regulations promulgated under Subtitle C of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended (RCRA).  相似文献   

《Federal register》1981,46(215):55110-55113
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is today promulgating amendments to the hazardous waste management regulations regarding the management of hazardous waste in containers and piles and associated permit regulations (40 CFR Part 264, Subparts I and L, and Part 122, Subpart B). These amendments better tailor the standards to the particular type of hazard posed by specific situations. The standards for containers are amended to waive the containment system requirements for wastes that do not contain free liquids, provided that the wastes are protected from contact with accumulated liquid. The standards for waste piles are amended to waive the containment system requirements for wastes that do not contain free liquids, provided that the pile is protected from precipitation by a structure and from surface water run-on and wind dispersal of the waste by the structure or some other means. The Agency believes these amendments believes these amendments will not reduce the level of protection of human health and the environment.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1982,47(94):20773-20775
The State of Nebraska has applied for interim authorization of its hazardous waste program under Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and EPA guidelines for the approval of State hazardous waste programs [40 CFR Part 123]. EPA has determined that the State's program meets all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements and is granting Phase I interim authorization to Nebraska to operate in its jurisdiction a hazardous waste program in lieu of Phase I of the Federal hazardous waste program.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1983,48(166):38722-38725
EPA is today proposing to amend its requirements under 40 CFR 271.21(e) (formerly Section 123.13(e)) for the approval and revision of authorized state hazardous waste programs. One purpose is to ensure that states applying for final authorization under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended, (RCRA) do not have to revise their programs and applications to respond to federal regulatory changes occurring while the states' applications are being prepared or processed. The second purpose is to provide all authorized states with one full year (or two years, if there is a need for state legislative action) from the effective date of amended federal regulations to make the revisions in their programs required by such federal amendments. This action would provide the state with an additional six months since the existing regulation requires that program revisions be made within one year (or two years) after the promulgation of amended federal regulations.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1983,48(247):56648-56649
This Notice is issued in accordance with Executive Order 12372, Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs as implemented by HHS in 45 CFR Part 100. The scheduled application due dates and funding dates for health systems agencies (HSAs) and State Health Planning and Development Agencies (SHPDAs) are provided below to assist States and other entities within a State in determining the comment period as required under 45 CFR Part 100.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1980,45(84):28654-28663
This notice contains information relating to the requirements for federally qualified health maintenance organizations (HMOs) as set out in Title XIII of the Public Health Service Act (the Act), as amended, and its implementing regulations at 42 CFR Part 110. This information, which includes a number of interpretive rulings, is being published in response to significant questions that have been raised regarding those requirements.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1999,64(242):70595-70599
EPA is approving Indiana's State Plan for Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators (HMIWI), submitted on September 30, 1999. The State Plan adopts and implements the Emissions Guidelines (EG) applicable to existing HMIWIs. This approval means that EPA finds the State Plan meets Clean Air Act (Act) requirements. Once effective, this approval makes the State Plan federally enforceable.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1982,47(134):30446-30447
The effective date for qualifications of insurers providing liability insurance used to satisfy liability coverage requirements applicable to owners or operators of hazardous waste management facilities, as such requirements are included in 40 CFR Parts 264 and 265, is extended from July 15, 1982, to October 16, 1982. The effective date for the rest of the liability coverage requirements remains July 15, 1982. This extension is being provided to allow 6 months between the date of promulgation and the effective date for the insurer qualification provision, in accordance with Section 3010(b) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended. During the period between July 15 and October 16, 1982, owners or operators may use certificates of insurance or policy endorsements that do not certify to the qualifications of the insurer.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1982,47(79):17506-17512
This rule revises existing regulations concerning the preparation, submission and approval of State agency cost allocation plans used in computing claims for Federal Financial Participation under public assistance programs. It also reflects the transfer of responsibility for review and approval of the plans to the Division of Cost Allocation (DCA) in the Department's regional offices. This responsibility was previously assigned to the Social and Rehabilitation Service which was abolished by Secretarial Order published on March 9, 1977 (42 FR 13262). The current rule has been rewritten so that it is clearer, easier to understand and more specific. The Department's Informal Grant Appeals regulation relative to cost allocation plans and indirect cost rates (45 CFR Part 75) is also being updated and revised to make it consistent with Supart E, Cost allocation plans, of 45 CFR Part 95, General administration--grant programs (public assistance and medical assistance). Although these regulations are final, the Department has decided to invite public comments for the reasons described in the Supplementary Information below. Comments may be submitted in the manner described below. If changes are needed as a result of the comments received, those changes will be published in the Federal Register along with the comments received and the Department's responses to those comments.  相似文献   

《Federal register》2000,65(78):21358-21361
EPA is approving the State of Idaho's section 111(d) State Plan for controlling emissions from existing Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators (HMIWI). The plan was submitted on December 16, 1999, to fulfill the requirements of sections 111(d) and 129 of the Clean Air Act. The State Plan adopts and implements the Emissions Guidelines applicable to existing HMIWIs, and establishes emission limits and controls for sources constructed on or before June 20, 1996. EPA has determined that Idaho's State Plan meets CAA requirements and hereby approves this State Plan, thus making it federally enforceable.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1992,57(148):33992-34021
This rule permits HCFA to approve or disapprove accreditation organizations and State laboratory programs and thereby determine that laboratories accredited by a HCFA-approved private, nonprofit accreditation organization are deemed to meet the requirements set forth in 42 CFR part 493 of the regulations, which implement section 353 of the Public Health Service Act (PHSA) or, in the case of State laboratory programs, are exempt from the requirements. Section 353 of the PHSA was enacted by the Clinical Laboratories Improvement Act of 1967 (CLIA '67) and was amended by the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA).  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(16):3752-3756
Section 4732 of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (Public Law 105-33) amended the Social Security Act to provide for two additional eligibility groups of low-income Medicare beneficiaries for whom Medicaid payment can be made for Medicare Part B premiums during the period beginning January 1998 and ending December 2002. This notice announces the Federal fiscal year 1998 State allotments that are available to pay Medicare Part B premiums for these two new eligibility groups and describes the methodology used to determine each State's allotment.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1980,45(28):8926-8931
This rule prescribes amendments to the Program Guidelines for the Appropriate Technology Small Grants Program which were issued pursuant to the Energy Research and Development Administration Appropriation Authorization of 1977. The full text of Part 470, as amended, is set forth in this final rule.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1997,62(178):48348-48391
This action promulgates new source performance standards (NSPS or standards) and emission guidelines (EG or guidelines) to reduce air emissions from hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerator(s) (HMIWI) by adding subpart Ec, standards of performance for new HMIWI, and subpart Ce, emission guidelines for existing HMIWI, to 40 CFR part 60. The standards and guidelines implement sections 111 and 129 of the Clean Air Act (CAA) as amended in 1990. The standards and guidelines apply to units whose primary purpose is the combustion of hospital waste and/or medical/infectious waste. Sources are required to achieve emission levels reflecting the maximum degree of reduction in emissions of air pollutants that the Administrator has determined is achievable, taking into consideration the cost of achieving such emission reduction, any nonair-quality health and environmental impacts, and energy requirements. The promulgated standards and guidelines establish emission limits for particulate matter (PM), opacity, sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen chloride (HCl), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), dioxins and dibenzofurans (dioxins/ furans), and fugitive ash emissions. Some of the pollutants being regulated are considered to be carcinogens and at sufficient concentrations can cause toxic effects following exposure. The standards and guidelines also establish requirements for HMIWI operator training/qualification, waste management plans, and testing/monitoring of pollutants and operating parameters. Additionally, the guidelines for existing HMIWI contain equipment inspection requirements and the standards for new HMIWI include sitting requirements.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1983,48(160):37233-37235
The Office of the Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, is proposing to amend 41 CFR 3-1.453, Establishment of cost rates, to identify officials delegated authority to approve indirect cost rates and special rates for commercial organizations. Part 3-3, Procurement by negotiation, is proposed to be amended by adding a new Subpart 3-3.7. Negotiated overhead rates, which sets forth policies and procedures concerning the approval of indirect cost rates and special rates for use in the pricing and administration of contracts.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1981,46(205):51918-51919
This final rule amends Part 32 of 42 CFR to provide for continuity of care at PHS expense for Hansen's disease patients being treated at PHS hospitals and clinics which will be closed ro transferred pursuant to section 987 of the Omnibus Budget.  相似文献   

《Federal register》2000,65(169):52814-52855
The Administration for Children and Families is issuing final regulations to implement section 403(a)(4) of the Social Security Act. This provision authorizes bonuses to high performing States in meeting the purposes of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Block Grant (the TANF program). We will base the bonus awards in FY 2002 and beyond on work measures (substantially the same work measures currently in effect for the FY 1999-2001 awards); measures that support work and self-sufficiency related to: participation by low-income working families in the Food Stamp Program, participation of former TANF recipients in the Medicaid and State Children's Health Insurance Programs (SCHIP), and receipt of child care subsidies; and a measure related to family formation and stability (increase in the number of children in the State who reside in married couple families). Bonus funds of up to $200 million each year were authorized for awards in fiscal years 1999 through 2003. This rule specifies a formula for allocating these funds in FY 2002 and FY 2003. The amount awarded to each high performing State may not exceed five percent of the State's family assistance grant. Earlier, we issued program guidance covering bonus awards in FY 1999, FY 2000, and FY 2001. We published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to cover awards beginning in FY 2002 on December 6, 1999 (64 FR 68202). In a related regulatory action, we are amending 45 CFR Part 265, the TANF Data Collection and Reporting Requirements, to reduce the burden of reporting data on Separate State Program-Maintenance of Effort (SSP-MOE) programs. This amendment will allow waivers of certain reporting requirements under limited circumstances.  相似文献   

Food  Nutrition Service 《Federal register》2008,73(79):21807-21811
This final rule amends the regulations governing the WIC Program to clarify issues that have arisen subsequent to the publication of the WIC Food Delivery Systems Final Rule on December 29, 2000, and to strengthen further the requirements for State vendor management and infant formula cost-containment systems. This rule contains provisions that would prohibit a State agency from requiring an infant formula manufacturer to provide free infant formula or other items in its infant formula rebate bid solicitation and contract; require that a State agency provide an abbreviated administrative review when a vendor receives a WIC civil money penalty (CMP) as a result of a Food Stamp Program (FSP) disqualification; and expand the types of vendor information that a State agency may release for general program purposes. Technical changes were also made to 7 CFR 246.16a due to revisions made to the WIC Food Packages, published in the Federal Register December 6, 2007. This rule updates regulatory citations contained in 7 CFR 246.16a that refer to 7 CFR 246.10.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1982,47(86):19116-19117
This regulation confirms the interim rule authorizing the Social Security Administration to withhold payment of Part B Black Lung benefits where Part C Black Lung benefits administered by the Dept. of Labor are paid for the same period. We are doing this by expanding the definition of "overpayment" in 20 CFR 410.560(a) to include these duplicate payments under Part C. This regulation provides a quick and efficient means of avoiding unjustified duplicate payments.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1982,47(248):57515-57520
The Office of the Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, is proposing to amend 41 CFR Part 3-50, Administrative matters, by adding a new subpart, 3-50.8, Determination of Adequacy of Contractors' Accounting and Billing Systems and Preparation of Invoices. This new subpart will establish uniform Departmental billing and financial reporting requirements for inclusion in cost-reimbursement type contracts. The objective of the new subpart are: (a) Streamlining the reporting of financial data; (b) establishing the requirements for determination of the adequacy of a contractor's accounting and billing system; and (c) establishing guidelines for the preparation of invoices for cost-reimbursement type contracts. Part 3-16, Procurement Forms, will be amended by the addition of three subsections to Subpart 3-16.9, Illustration of Forms. These subsections illustrate the financial reporting form and contain instructions for filling out the form and preparing invoices under cost reimbursement type contracts. When issued as a final rule, this regulation will supersede Procurement Circular HEW-78.1, Billing Instructions and Financial Reporting Requirements dated April 12, 1978, except for Section 3-50.803(b). Paragraph 3-50.803(b) has been superseded by Procurement Circular HHS 82.04, Prompt Payment, dated October 1, 1982.  相似文献   

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