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英国传统上以法律职业团体自我规制为主导的法律服务规制体制,对于英国法律服务业的发展发挥了重要作用,但近年来被指责为"过时、僵化、过于复杂、欠缺问责并且不够透明"。2007年《法律服务法》对传统体制做了大幅改革,包括设立了一个作为独立规制机构的法律服务理事会,使得公共规制和职业团体自我规制之间的权力配置更为合理;设立了独立的法律申诉局,致力于为法律服务市场中的消费者提供一个有效的权利救济途径;引入了替代性事务结构,允许非法律人投资者和管理人进行法律服务市场,以增强法律服务市场的竞争。这一改革对于中国法律服务规制体制的改革具有参考价值。  相似文献   

刘崇钦 《法制与社会》2012,(26):195-196
面对外来流动人口管理难度不断增加的实际情况,公安机关经过长期的摸索,运用警务协作的形式,探索建立了具有内外警方“双向互动”特点的外来流动人口管理警务机制,经过实践后取得了较好的成效,为加强外来流动人口管理提供了一个可鉴可思的经验.  相似文献   

广西高校对外合作办学可持续发展的探索与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际间高等学校合作办学是高等教育国际化的重要手段之一。中国-东盟自由贸易区建设进程的推进,以及北部湾经济区升级为国家发展战略,表明了广西经济面临着重大的发展机遇,并对高校对外合作办学也提出了新的要求。本文拟结合广西财经学院对外合作办学的实践,探讨广西高校对外合作办学可持续发展的策略。  相似文献   

王卉 《法制与社会》2012,(16):194-195
随着我区经济的快速发展,外来务工人员的数量逐年增加。2011年,我区登记外来务工人员的数量已超过50万。随着人数的增加,外来务工人员犯罪也在增加,尤其是外来务工人员未成年子女犯罪呈高发趋势。本文主要以2011年外来务工人员未成年子女在我区的犯罪情况为研究对象,就外来务工人员未成年子女犯罪的特点、成因以及对策做出分析。  相似文献   

秋英 《中国监察》2008,(5):22-22
西安市全面学习贯彻第十七届中央纪委第二次全会精神,将严查学校乱收费,坚决治理侵害群众利益的问题作为贯彻全会精神的具体措施来抓。在新学期来临之际,西安市组织专门人员,分赴有关区、县开展对学校收费与规范办学等情况进行专项检查。重点检查学校收费是否落实收费公示制和教育收费承诺制,是否按照规定的项目标准收费;  相似文献   

民工子弟学校的外来教师,作为城乡结合点在个人层面上的一种突出体现,在心理上向往着城市,肉体上蛰居在城市,但却在真正意义上敲不开城市的大门,在城市扎不下根来.这一特殊的生活经历和体验,使他们的生活世界充满了"流动"的变数,而这一流动性,为人们认识民工子弟学校,理解民工子弟学校中展开的教育,提供了一个非常有教育社会学意义的独特视角.本文尝试通过对一所民工子弟学校外来教师的访谈调查,描述他们在城市边缘建构起来的生活世界以及教育实践过程所展现的特色,并借用齐美尔"异乡人"的概念,从无根的漂泊感以及与货币的联系这两个维度,对生活世界与教育实践之有机关联进行解读.  相似文献   

蔡福全 《中国监察》2009,(20):37-37
北京市东城区是首都基础教育先进区和基础教育改革实验区,近年来,该区教委认真贯彻党的教育方针,深入实施教育优质均衡发展战略,加强对学校管理特别是对教育资金资产的管理,构筑四道立体防线,依法规范办学。  相似文献   

新加坡自1965年独立以来,教育发展备受重视,除了为当地政府所推动的工业化和经济发展提供优质人力资源之外,亦在提升人民的社会经济地位和生活水平,稳定社会及种族和谐等方面发挥了重要作用。作为一个多元种族的国家,新加坡的教育政策必须顾及各个主要族群——包括华人、马来人及印度淡米尔人三大族群——的需要。新加坡的教育政策旨在让各族群享有同等受教育机会,使所有学生能够凭借其学习成绩和才能争取升学和就业的机会,所有族群在不荻优待或受到歧视的环境下,进行公平竞争,体现“能者居之”的原则,不致出现偏袒任何族群的情况。然而,现实的情况是新加坡马来人的教育成就较之华人和印度人往往稍逊一筹,这对马来人在新加坡的政治、社会和经济地位构成一定程度的负面影响。有鉴于此,论文通过分析新加坡政府过去40多年来针对马来族群的教育政策,探讨教育政策对马来族群的教育成就和社会经济地位的影响,深入讨论新加坡马来族群在教育成就方面所面临的“边缘化”的问题。论文指出如果新加坡政府能够正视和妥善处理族群之间的教育公平问题,则必有利于维持当地政治和社会的长期稳定,  相似文献   

金川 《中国监狱学刊》2005,20(1):116-118
我国司法警官教育是高等教育的重要组成部分,司法警官院校是创办司法警官教育的主要力量,而正确的办学定位是司法警官院校办好司法警官教育的基础和前提。本文结合实际情况,对司法警官教育办学定位的现状和反思作了较全面的论述,以求对司法警官教育的办学定位问题有更深入的认识,进而促进司法警官院校的办学发展。  相似文献   

Abstract: Recent case-law of the Court of Justice on general interest exceptions to the free provision of services has indicated a flexible approach to general interest exceptions involving moral or ethical issues. In contrast, where the general interest exception is relied on in a case which demonstrates predominantly economic issues, it is subject to strict scrutiny, in particular, with reference to the principle of proportionality. The article analyses the Court's case-law and tries to deduce the criteria which now govern the Court's position. It also highlights difficulties which this two-tier approach may excite. The position of the Court of Justice reflects the lack of homogeneous European ethical and moral standards, but it also underlines the predominantly economic character of European integration to date. It is submitted, nevertheless, that divorcing the economic criteria for integration from general ethical considerations will prove an extremely difficult, if not fruitless, task.  相似文献   

一、律师执业行为与律师执业行为规范律师执业行为是指律师在法律允许的范围内,从事与律师职务相关的活动。律师执业行为规范是指律师在职务活动中应当遵守法定的或者约定的行为规则。律师执业行为规范是律师执业行为的保障和约束,而律师执业行为是律师执业规范的具体反映。随着我国经济体制改革的不断深入,律师执业活动范围和空间的不断扩大,律师执业行为由单一的参与法院审理案件的诉讼活动,逐步延伸到涉及国企改制、公司上市、房地产按揭等各种经济活动中。律师执业行为过程中应当包含律师执业行为的权利规范和律师执业行为的义务规范两…  相似文献   

TONI WILLIAMS 《Law & policy》2007,29(2):226-256
Financial regulators in many states recently have obtained statutory mandates to enhance consumer financial literacy. This paper investigates the development of policy pursuant to such mandates in the UK and Canada to identify how national regulators represent the role of the literate consumer in the financial market place. It finds that regulators in both countries represent financial education as empowering consumers but that each embeds in its policy an implicit normative ordering of responsible consumer behavior. The paper relates the tension between empowerment and responsibilization aspects of literacy enhancement to policy goals of expanding financial markets and assisting financial regulators to manage consumers' expectations of protection. It raises questions about regulators' use of consumer education to responsibilize consumption of financial products and calls for further research on the international growth of financial literacy education as a regulatory project.  相似文献   

There is a considerable amount of literature on embeddedness as part of sociological theory of economic action. Cultural and structural embeddedness often work together to shape the framework of economic relations, but, in an analysis of rural solicitors, we find unevenness between cultural and structural embeddedness. There are strong traits of the former, through a sense of place and belonging, but much less evidence of the latter with the structural relationships appearing relatively weak and underdeveloped. In a discussion supported by empirical data from a recent survey of rural legal practices in Wales, a number of causes are identified. The paper concludes that trends towards increasingly specialized rather than generalized legal service provision, set alongside the increasingly differentiated nature of rural space, suggest that the longer-term sustainability of rural legal practices may require both greater investment at the level of structural embeddedness alongside continuing reinvestment at the cultural level.  相似文献   

供需不均衡、财力投入不足、供给模式单一、效率低下是困扰农村基本公共服务有效供给的主要原因。依法治国方略确立了法律在国民生产和社会生活中的基本规范和根本性的指导作用。透过法律视角,分析基本公共服务供给中产生非均衡和低效这一现象的原因,可以为推进我国农村基本公共服务供给提供一条可行的路径,为此,我们必须从确立城乡一体化、完善相关法律制度、健全实体与程序的法律三方面着手。  相似文献   

This paper critically examines the intersection and interactions between conventional law produced and enforced by national legal systems (ie the ‘code of law’) and the internal rules of blockchain systems, which take the form of executable software code and cryptographic algorithms operating across a distributed computing network (‘code as law’).  In so doing, it seeks to identify whether, and to what extent, ‘regulation by blockchain’ will successfully avoid governance by conventional law.   It identifies three different ways in which the code of law is likely to interact with code as law, based primarily on the intended motives and purposes of those engaged in activities in developing, maintaining or undertaking transactions upon the network.  It argues that these different classes of case are likely to generate different kinds of dynamic interaction between the blockchain code and conventional legal systems, and critically examines the normative foundations of these emerging and anticipated interactions.  相似文献   

This article examines the new collaborative environmental governance, an enterprise that involves collaboration between a diversity of private, public, and non-government stakeholders who, acting together towards commonly agreed goals, hope to achieve far more collectively, than individually. Such an approach appears to blur the familiar sharp boundaries that separate 'the state' from civil society, yet we still know very little about exactly what this blurring of public and private adds up to, and what its implications are. This new form of governance is examined through the lens of three Australian case studies. Each of these studies involves participatory dialogue, flexibility, inclusiveness, transparency, institutionalized consensus-building practices, and, at least to some extent, a shift from hierarchy to heterarchy. The paper examines the relationships between new and old governance, the architecture of these new initiatives, the role of the state, and the importance of negotiating in 'the shadow of hierarchy'.  相似文献   

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