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欧俄现代化伙伴关系析论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在2010年举行的第25次欧俄峰会上,欧盟与俄罗斯正式启动了现代化伙伴关系计划,开启了深化欧俄合作的机会之窗.但是,双方的战略意图存在差异,该计划的实施将面临很多困难和各种因素的制约,并不会一帆风顺.  相似文献   

欧盟东扩与俄罗斯的关系值得注意.从欧盟来说,其东扩的潜在目的是挤压俄,其东扩的对象不包括俄,但东扩的过程绕不开俄.从俄罗斯来说,它对欧盟东扩采取不同于对待北约东扩的态度,想借机加强与欧盟的合作,但力求防止欧盟东扩的消极影响,并企图利用美欧矛盾,加强自己的大国地位.今后的欧俄关系,将进一步提高合作水平,建立某种新的合作机制,但俄不可能加入欧盟,双方也不会"融为一体",以形成真正统一的"大欧洲".  相似文献   

欧盟与俄罗斯之间快速发展的能源合作,带动双方能源互联互通的不断深化,但在能源对话机制建设上陷入瓶颈。俄罗斯依托其巨大的油气供应能力,通过在欧洲政商界建立利益网络、支持能源领域的欧元交易、与德国在能源问题上维护共同利益等方式在欧洲能源贸易中长袖善舞。欧盟对于与俄罗斯开展能源合作心态矛盾,采取措施降低对俄罗斯能源依赖。美国在加大对俄罗斯制裁的同时,积极发展自身对欧盟液化天然气出口,并推动欧洲国家减轻对俄罗斯能源的依赖。由于美国搅局能力有限,欧俄能源合作有望长期持续,但难以实现进一步突破。  相似文献   

Invited by "Unity for Russia" Foundation, a CAFIU delegation headed by Mr. Li Beihai, Vice-President of CAFIU, visited Moscow during September 23-25 of 2005 and attended the international forum "Russia and China: the possibility of a new world order in the 21st century". At the forum, Mr. Li elaborated on China's positions on a number of important international strategic issues as well as China's tentative idea of further developing and solidifying the Sino-Russian strategic partner…  相似文献   

马孆 《东南亚纵横》2009,(11):17-18
中国-东盟自由贸易区将于2010年1月1日如期建成,这既是中国-东盟战略伙伴关系发展的一个重大标志,同时也对双方的关系发展提出了更新和更高的要求,这就需要新的动力来推进。新的动力首先源自现有基础,即继续夯实中国-东盟战略伙伴关系的基础,其次是强调地区治理,再次是推动地区认同的建设,最后也是最重要的推动力是“和谐地区”。  相似文献   

俄罗斯与欧盟--新的合作伙伴   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文总结了俄罗斯与欧盟经济、政治关系的发展历程和现状 ,并力图从双方的视角来探讨这种关系的性质。俄罗斯与欧盟关系的问题集中在两个方面 :其一 ,双方对问题的关注点不同 ,即所谓利益关切没有集中在同一点上。俄罗斯要求的是在欧洲事务中的位置、俄罗斯的影响 ;欧盟关注的是俄罗斯的发展是否符合欧洲已有结构的“标准”。其二 ,双方的矛盾并不在原则性方面 ,而在许多具体问题方面 ,处理起来远比搭建宏观的原则性框架复杂和麻烦。这里既涉及双方政治、文化传统、发展水平、行政制度、社会现状的差异 ,也包括具体利益的分歧。  相似文献   

In recent years, the international strategic situation has been undergoing tremendous changes, while the pattern of international strategy has also experienced a profound shift. India-Russia relations have also been changing. As an important phenomenon in contemporary international politics, the relationship between India and Russia deserves close attention.  相似文献   

建立欧中战略伙伴关系是2004年在海牙举行的欧盟-中国峰会上确立的目标,虽然在2004年和2005年欧中峰会之间的9个月里,欧中之间的联系加强了,但是直到2005年12月,欧洲理事会才授权欧盟委员会就签署一项伙伴合作协定与中国进行谈判.  相似文献   

New China is celebrating its 50th birthday at the dawn of a new millennium,thethird one. This provides an opportune occasion to reflect on the nation's questfor modernization, a half-finished saga of ups and downs, joys and sorrows and tolook ahead to the country's future.  相似文献   

中亚国家与北约的接触始于1992年。独立后的中亚国家纷纷被邀请参加北大西洋合作委员会,1995年,中亚国家加入北约和平伙伴关系计划,双方在战略与防务上开始正式合作。  相似文献   

泡沫经济的发展早已经超出了国别经济的范畴,全球泡沫经济使得泡沫经济学进入了更广阔的领域,需要更宏大的全球意识和国际眼光。在泡沫经济的不断演进中,主权债务和国家破产成为新世纪最为抢眼的经济学热词。我们需要把握一个平衡:经济活力需要市场开放,政策目标需要市场控制。这种平衡对于市场的动态把握能力提出了更高的要求。市场与政府都是不可或缺的、极其重要的,但可能都是存在缺陷和局限的。仅仅从公共债务规模无法判断美国或美元是否已经确实形成了巨大的泡沫,或者这个泡沫是否即将破裂。美国作为国际货币的发行国,再加上美元自身的发行方式,使得它与普通国家存在着根本的区别。国际金融危机从美国引爆,但欧洲和转型经济体等国家却出现远为剧烈的经济和社会动荡,一个重要原因就在这里。  相似文献   

The period following the end of the Cold War has been marked by the twin trends of multi-polarization and globalization.Countries are nowmore inter-dependent;the world order has been decentralized.International relations have changed from us versus them to one that is marked by multi-center dominance, an order never seen before.As China's position continues to rise, the country is more inclined to adopt partnership diplomacy.This is characterized by the concept of non-alignment and efforts by the country to shape the world order to come into line with its own development.  相似文献   

In recent years,innovation has played an important role in China’s process of building a global partnership network.Since 2013,China has established an“innovative strategic partnership”with Switzerland,1 and an“innovative comprehensive partnership”with Israel.2 China have jointly proposed an“innovative partnership of mutual benefit”with Germany,3 a“China-UK innovative partnership”with the United Kingdom,4 and a“future-oriented new-type cooperative partnership”with Finland.5 Portugal,Spain,Czechia,Russia,Brazil,the United Arab Emirates,and Singapore have also actively responded to China’s offer to initiate innovation-centered cooperation,highlighting various elements of innovation in each of their joint statements on partnership.By focusing on innovative cooperation,China promotes the establishment of more equal and balanced partnership,and enriches the connotations of a global network of partnerships.  相似文献   

中印两国确定建立战略合作伙伴关系,对亚洲和世界形势的影响都将是深远的,有助于双方共同应对全球范围的挑战和威胁,对消除中印两强必相争的悲观论调和担忧也有重要的作用.但是必须承认,由于中印关系在两国建交后毕竟经历过重大挫折,双方之间存在一些敏感的问题,两国战略合作伙伴关系的政治基础需要继续努力得到加强,相互间的信任需要继续努力得到增进,以使两国的战略合作伙伴关系更加完善和成熟.  相似文献   

The success of the 2000 interest-based contract negotiation at Kaiser Permanente (KP) does not mean that future challenges to this approach to negotiation have evaporated. Among the factors that contributed to the success thus far were: establishing buy-in to what was a new approach for many people; effective coordination in a complex environment; deadline pressure; managing internal negotiations; effective leadership; an investment in training; facilitation; creative brainstorming; and establishing ground rules. In addition to reviewing the KP experience, the authors focus on lessons learned and guidelines for future negotiations, as well as the role of interest-based processes in an organization's daily routine.  相似文献   

The international financial crisis has brought about major turbulence in the political arena of the world. The world is in a transition period. The trend of multi-polarization is dynamic and moves along the changes in the balance of international forces. An apparent feature in the recent ten years is that the strength and international influence of the sole super power--the US is comparatively decreasing. The international pattern that is developing in depth has led to contradictions and frictions of various kinds, especially the political and economic problems among the big powers and between the existing powers and the emerging powers. However,  相似文献   

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