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At present, the connotation of security has expanded from the traditional sense of security to non-traditional one, covering politics, economy, finance, science and technology, culture and many other areas. Economic globalization makes countries more interdependent on each other. In other words, it makes the interests of different countries further intertwine. The advancement of science and technology and the progress of informationization accelerate the exchange and communication among people.  相似文献   

The intangible cultural heritage of the ethnic minorities is the cultural treasury of the Chinese nation that has been passed on for generations, which serves as the moral resources and foundation for developing an advanced socialist culture and the internal impetus for the survival and development of the country and the Chinese nation.  相似文献   

China's reform and opening up, hailed as a great revolution, hasnot only transformed the country and nation in a thorough way but also produced a significant influence internationally. It has freed China's material as well as non-material productive forces and enhanced substantially its hard and soft powers,  相似文献   

正The year 2013 saw continued and steady growth of ties between China and Africa.Developing relations with Africa and strengthening SouthSouth cooperation remained high on the agenda of the new Chinese Government.Several Chinese state leaders visited Africa too.Shortly after the NPC and CPPCC sessions,President Xi Jinping  相似文献   

Ⅰ.AnoldChinesesaying,whichisusedtoexpostulatepeople,goeslikethis,″oneshouldnotliveinhappinesswithoutknowingit″.ItisreallyafortunatethingtoexperiencetheloftinessofSino-RussianStrategicandCooperativepartnership.Forourgenerationwhohaswitnessedupsanddownsintherelationsbetweenthetwocountries,thisisreal-lyestimable.Somuchforourpassionatewords.Thescholarsinourcountryhavebecomemoreandmoresober-mindedandobjectiveintheirstudiesofthehistoryofthetwocountries.Whatwecantakeprideofisthatex…  相似文献   

Backgrounds and Features According to recent annual reports by both Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and Londonbased International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), twenty to thirty armed conflicts and local wars in various forms take place every year in the world since the 1990s, and of  相似文献   

Lin: My impression is that everyone here gives a positive view of the projection given by the Goldman report. Let us give specific focus on the development environment and condition of the four countries to see the feasibility of the Goldman report. Fang: Objectively, the four countries do have favorable conditions to preserve long-term rapid economic growth. They are all regional powers with abundant human resources, vast territories and strong de- velopment potentials. In addition, the inf…  相似文献   

StrengtheningNon-governmentalExchangesandCooperationbetweenChinaandSouthAfricabyZhongWeiyunAttheinvitationoftheChineseAsociat...  相似文献   

FriendshipandDevelopmentFriendshipandDevelopment¥ZhuLinglingAttheinvitationoftheChineseAssociationforInternationalUnderstandi...  相似文献   

Li: The above discussion reveals that we have made in-depth stud- ies on anti-terrorism and its predicament, though sometimes with dif- ferent viewpoints. Let us move to another topic, that is, what reflec- tions and inspirations can we draw from these predicaments? Gao: Anti-terrorism did not begin after 9/11, nor did the United Nations and the international community carry out anti-terrorist cam- paign after 9/11. As early as in the 1930s, the international communi- ty began solving terror…  相似文献   

IworkedasadiplomatforsixorsevenyearandworkedinthefieldofCPCinternationalworkformanyyears.Now,IhavethehonortobeelectedasaCouncilMemberofthe9thCouncilMeetingofCAFIU.Though,thethreetypesofworkfallunderforeignaffairs,theydifferfromeachotherintermsofgovernment,semi-governmentandnon-govern-ment.Tobeexact,theydifferwhilesharingcom-monality.Anyway,Ihaveenteredasemi-newareaofwork.Non-governmentaldiplomacyisanimportantcomponentofthestatetotaldiplomacywhichin-cludesgovernmentaldiplomacy,partydiplom…  相似文献   

I. Background for cooperation between China and Germany in the area of human rights(1)China has made great achievements in economic and social development since the reform and opening upi. Basic achievements. Over the past 50-plus years since the founding…  相似文献   

For China and Latin America, the 21th century is a century inwhich great progress could be achieved. As the economic globalization sweeps its way across the world, interdependency between countries will be enhanced, and relations between China and Latin America tend to be even closer. What's more important, both sides consider its rela- tions with the other one on a strategic level. This serves as a new impe- tus to promote the bilateral relations in the new century. Judging by the present …  相似文献   

Lu: The world situation tends to be relaxed generally. Big powers often interact, especially in Asia, because China is developing and Asia is developing as well. When we review peripheral and regional situa- tions, we can see it. In China's concept of diplomacy, periphery is put at the foremost position and China's periphery is in a sense the U. S. ' strategic front. Therefore, building a greater peripheral environment, coping well with China's relations with the U. S. and China's Neigh-…  相似文献   


Since 2015 universities have been placed under a legal duty of “due regard to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.”1 This reflects the belief in UK counter-terrorism policy that radicalisation exists and can be countered. Advice to universities is largely silent on how this duty applies to teaching. Yet many degree programmes generate lectures and seminar discussions where views of an allegedly radicalised nature could be aired. This article presents focus group research which elicits students’ understanding of radicalisation, and provides insights into their experience of debating contentious issues such as identity, community cohesion, and the causes of terrorism. We argue that students’ understanding of radicalisation is conflated with extremism and we explore students’ anxiety about debating these issues and reliance on educators to create the right environment for such discussions. Finally, the data presented here challenges some of the assumptions underpinning contemporary counter-radicalisation policy in the domain of higher education, which are premised on ideas of active grooming. We argue that this does not accord with students’ own experiences, as they regard themselves as discerning, critical thinkers rather than inherently vulnerable to manipulation by those espousing violent extremist views.  相似文献   

To build a bridge between editors and readers and improve the editorial equality of International Understanding, Asking for Opinions and Suggestions was issued by our editorial office last December; we have received active responce from our readers at home and abroad. Many officials from foreign embassies in Beijing have offered high appreciation, they hold that International Understanding is a window open to mutual understanding between China and the rest of the World. An Australian reade…  相似文献   

Since 1980 when Fuzhou and Nagasaki of Japan be-came sister- cityofeach other- the first ofits kind inour province, both sides have had fruitful exchangesand cooperation in economy, trade, culture, educa-tion, environmental protection and tourismetc, andgratifyingresultshavebeenachieved.1. High level exchanges of visit having increasedmutual understanding and underpinned friend-ship. Since 1980 todate, our province and Nagasakiand Okinawa of Japan have sent to each other 860delegations with …  相似文献   

This year marks the 55th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between China and Pakistan. Leaders of both countries have sent each other congratulatory messages in high praise of the relationship. President Hu Jintao pointed out that in the past 55 yea…  相似文献   

At the summit meeting marking the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations,Chinese President Hu Jintao delivered an important speech entitled “Build toward a Harmonious World of lasting Peace and Common Prosperity”.  相似文献   

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