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Along with the fast growth of world economy, industrialization in particular, global issues such as climate change have become common concerns of the international community. Climate diplomacy is also gradually becoming a hot topic on the international agenda. Climate change is a common challenge to the world and every country bears the responsibility to address this issue. China is highly concerned about climate change and hopes to work with EU and the rest of the world to meet this challenge.  相似文献   

<正>Climate change issues, as a grave challenge to the sustainable development of the human society, have received ever greater attention from the  相似文献   

I.Over the past decade and more,countries around the world have gradually come to the consensus on global warming:the Earth is getting constantly warmer,with its temperature rising by 1.4 ℃ in the past 100 years.The third review of  相似文献   

Power tradeoffs always change the pattern of relations between big powers. Because of the shrinking gap between powers and the relative decline of the U.S.’supreme strength, changes have emerged. Traditional alliances persist and there is no absolute hostility. Issue-focused cooperation has prevailed and governments  相似文献   

Considered as the "last chance for human beings to save the earth", the UN Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen has directed world attention to environmental protection and energy conservation. People still remember the "climate refugee venue, statues" standing outside the conference preluding a gloomy tomorrow in silence, and the mehing polar bear ice sculpture in the city center, foretelling a tragic future with its exposed skeleton.  相似文献   

The European Union (EU) is one of the main energy consumers and importers in the world. Safeguarding energy security has become the priority objective in internal and external policies of the EU. By implementing its diversification strategy in energy supply, the EU has strengthened its rivalry for energy in Central Asia. China and the EU face similar energy security problem. After the launching of the natural gas pipelines in Central Asia,  相似文献   

The British government initiated the concept of low-carboneconomy in its 2003 White Paper on energy, which constituted an economic model for higher economic output with low natural resource consumption and low environmental pollution. Since then, this concept of low-carbon economy as well as the economicmodel have been widely acknowledged and accepted by the world community.  相似文献   

Groups of developing countries are playing increasing important role in global economic governance. As China has now become a member of such groups like G20 and BRICS, it should make good use of its new identity to explore new markets and promote more Sino-European and South-South cooperation, so as to gradually reduce its current over-dependence on the U.S.A.  相似文献   

Gtreat expectations rest upon the U.S. and China, as the biggest economies in the developed and developing worlds, with regard to tackling challenges in the global economy and building a new world order. The governments have enjoyed a solid cooperation within the framework of G20. A rising China looks forward to an improved economic order and more effective responsiveness to other global challenges, and so will begin to participate in global affairs with a positive and constructive attitude and bear responsibilities commensurate with her status. China has benefited from the existing global economic order, and so will try to be a reviser or a reformer rather than a revolutionist in the world economic system. This article will assess Chinese influence on the global economic order and related U.S. factors from a long-term perspective.  相似文献   

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