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为了搞好精简机构这场革命,必须掌握辩证方法,即正确认识和处理好理论和实践、积极推进和慎重稳妥、难和易、进和出、领导和群众、坚持和吸收、精简和效率、精简和巩固等八个关系,才能保证机构改革。精简的健康进行。  相似文献   

王殿明,河北省和谐文化研究会会长,致力于“和”文化的研究和弘扬,是“和”文化的传承者、创新者、建设者,在“和实生物,同则不继”的思想上,进一步提出“举和旗、求和道、生和美、和天下”的“和”的宗旨,主编《中国和学年鉴》、《华夏和谐文化第一村》系列丛书,《中华新二十四孝》、《和之说》、《和千问》、《史伯研究文献辑录》等“和”文化著作。  相似文献   

崔景明 《天津检察》2008,(5):45-45,44
群体性上访是指上访人数较多、表达诉求行为较为激烈的群访活动。群体性上访具有聚众性、偏激性、组织化和复杂化等特征。预防和处置群体性事件,必须进行政策和策略、本质和现象、现实和可能、宏观和微观、当前和长远的辩证思考,从而抓住关键和主要矛盾,对症下药。  相似文献   

李本 《中国司法》2009,(10):93-94
自黑龙江省2003年成立全国第一家司法鉴定人协会以来,全国绝大部分省均已陆续成立了省级司法鉴定协会。司法鉴定协会的传统作用和通常可预期的作用不外乎以下方面:业务指导和培训、学术交流、业务交流和调研、对外交流、信息共享、纪律约束和奖惩、会员维权、竞业协调、行业间协调、与相关国家机关间的协调、制订行业标准和技术规范、立法咨询、信誉等级评价、社会慈善。笔者认为,除了以上作用以外,司法鉴定协会还有更大的空间发挥其技术和社会团体的优势,至少在处理信访和投诉,减少重新鉴定率方面可以有明显的作为。  相似文献   

十七届四中全会准确把握了当今世情、国情、社情、民情的深刻变化,指出了党和国家在大发展、大变革、大调整时期面临的机遇和挑战,对进一步推进经济、政治、文化、社会建设和党的建设作出了全面部署.具有深刻的思想性、时代性和前瞻性。检察机关要适应新形势、完成新任务、实现新跨越,必须始终不渝地坚持和发扬解放思想、实事求是的思想路线和与时俱进、改革创新的工作方法,从根本上解决体制、机制上所面临的诸多矛盾和问题.为服务经济社会大局和实现自身科学发展注入新的生机与活力。  相似文献   

肖金明  冯威 《法学论坛》2005,20(6):53-62
在民主法制建设、市场经济发展、社会文明进步和全球化的进程中,基于行政法治化和人权保障的需要,推动行政处罚领域的制度创新,进一步完善和发展行政处罚类型制度、实施主体制度、行政相关人制度、适用制度、程序制度等,对于规范行政处罚的设定和实施、推进依法行政进程、建设法治政府和保障公民合法权益具有重要意义。  相似文献   

构建社会主义和谐社会,为公证事业的发展注入了强劲的背景动力、形势支撑和前瞻性预期;公证所具有的证明、信用、秩序、沟通、服务、预防、监督等内在价值和外显功能,必将释放更加显著的独特作用。公证拓展和规范,应该进一步加强对公证制度、公证队伍、公证公信力、公证环境的培育、培养和培植;抓紧建立健全公证管理体系中的行政控管机制、行业自律机制、公证处规范化建设机制、公证责任机制和公证程序机制;厘清公证执业活动中交织存在的权力关系、权利关系和利益关系,始终坚持维护公证的国家公权性、权威性、程序性、公益性、非竞争性和必要的消极性、被动性。  相似文献   

上官婉儿,她是唐高宗的才人、武则天的秘书、唐中宗的昭容兼女宰相、太平公主和韦后的闺蜜、安乐公主和唐玄宗的死敌,也是武三思和崔湜的情人,至于和张昌宗、李显、李贤的关系,更是混乱不堪。那么,历史上的上官婉儿,到底是一个怎样的女人?  相似文献   

全家福(前排左起:陈舒、伍增荣、于宁、扬伟程、邓甲明后排左起:李海伟、张燕、陈紫芸、迟凤生、韩德云、何悦、吴德立、王林、许智慧、李责山)3月4日下午,全国律协邀请出席十届全国人大四次会议和十届全国政协四次会议律师中的人大代表和政协委员共聚全国律协会议室,畅谈中国律师业的发展。全国律协会长于宁和秘书长邓甲明向代表和委员介绍了全国律协近期的工作,希望全国人大代表和政协委员对全国律协的工作提出意见和建议。曾为执业律师的全国人大常委会委员伍增荣代表12位律师中的人大代表和政协委员对换届后全国律协的工作给予高度评价,…  相似文献   

瑶族是历史悠久、文化丰富的居住在中国南方的民族.在长期的社会发展中,瑶族形成了内容全面、功能突出、影响深远的调解和审理习惯法.瑶族调解和审理习惯法包括调解和审理者、调解和审理范围、调解和审理原则、调解和审理程序、调解结果和判处等内容.  相似文献   

Today there is no sophisticated theory, which continues to rely on subjectivist premises. It is important, however, that anti-humanism theory's disinterestedness in the (imaginary) subject of voluntarism does not lead to an indifference towards being's constitutive non-essence and passivity in the manner of the worst kind of humanism. Emmanuel Levinas' places ‘absurd’ suffering in the place of essence as the knot of subjectivity; his view of the quiddity of suffering as mode of being passively rather than as psychological content and of the modality of disinterested compassion are used in order to formulate the question `who comes after the subject' in ways which allow us to continue thinking of what it means to be affected in an individuated manner without returning us to the subject of self-presence and autonomy. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The suitability of liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and solid-phase extraction (SPE) for the preparation of impurity extracts intended for gas chromatographic profiling analyses of amphetamine were evaluated. Both techniques were optimised with respect to the extraction of selected target compounds by use of full factorial designs in which the variables affecting the performance were evaluated. Test samples consisted of amphetamine synthesised by the Leuckart reaction, by reductive amination of benzyl methyl ketone and by the nitrostyrene route. The performance of LLE and SPE were comparable in terms of repeatability and recovery of the target compounds. LLE was considered the better choice for the present harmonised amphetamine profiling method due to the lack of information on the long-term stability of SPE columns.  相似文献   

Raffield  Paul 《Law and Critique》2002,13(2):127-150
This article considers the development of the individual subject of law and his constitutional status in the early modern English State, within the context of sumptuary legislation enacted by the Crown and the Inns of Court. During the sixteenth century, the legal community took upon itself the role of exemplifying the correct use of symbols and of elucidating the purpose of sumptuary law. The image of the lawyer was manipulated to represent the inherent divinity of common law. The reformation of the image was inevitably influenced by the doctrinal concepts of the European Reformation and is a graphic indication of the centrality of Anglicanism to the development of early modern common law. I discuss these developments with reference to theories of the image proposed by Goodrich, Legendre and Marin. I refer also to Carlyle's satirical treatise on the symbolism of clothes,Sartor Resartus. The constitution of clothes represents the idea of citizenship and the centrality of reason to the body-politic. The rediscovery of classical texts during the Renaissance was instrumental in shaping a constitution in which an embryonic social contract was apparent, as represented in the sumptuary legislation of the Inns of Court. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Moore  Nathan 《Law and Critique》2000,11(2):185-200
This essay is concerned to trace a materialist current within the work of Peter Goodrich, with the aim of evaluating it in the light of the work of Deleuze and Guattari. The are two reasons for this: firstly, it serves to encourage the development of Deleuzean perspectives within critical legal studies, and secondly, it presents the potential of a re-invigoration of a branch of criticism based not only upon the problems raised by issues of meaning and representation, but one which is also sensitive to the conditions of the relations of production of both meaning and desire. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国信托法》中的创造性规定及其评析   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
张淳 《法律科学》2002,(2):110-120
《中国信托法》中的重要的创造性规定包括 :将信托合同规定为诺成合同 ,确认信托财产所有权由委托人享有 ,将登记确定为信托的生效要件 ,将委托人的三项重要权利规定为其以自己的行为干预信托的权利 ,为委托人增设因其重大侵权行为而变更受益人或者解除信托的权利 ,为受托人增设对信托的保密义务 ,将受益人不确定的信托规定为无效信托 ,将信托监察人制度限定适用于公益信托并规定公益信托应当设置信托监察人。  相似文献   

In his twelfth century alaṃkāraśāstra, the Candrāloka, Jayadeva Pīyūṣavarṣa reverses the sequence of topics found in Mammaṭa’s Kāvyapr-akāśa, an earlier and immensely popular work. With such a structural revisionism, Jayadeva asserts the autonomy of his own work and puts forth an ambitious critique of earlier approaches to literary analysis. Jayadeva investigates the technical and aesthetic components of poetry in the first part of the Candrāloka, prior to his formal semantic investigations in the latter half of the text, thus suggesting that aesthetic evaluations of poetry beneficially inform scientific investigations of language. Jayadeva’s organization of his chapters on the semantic operations, moreover, intimates that the study of suggestive and metaphoric functions of language clarifies our understanding of denotation, which is conventionally understood to be the primary and direct path of verbal designation.  相似文献   

Friedland  Julian 《Law and Critique》2001,12(2):185-199
This paper provides a critique of the contemporary notion of intellectual property based on the consequences of Wittgenstein's “private language argument”. The reticence commonly felt toward recent applications of patent law, e.g., sports moves, is held to expose erroneous metaphysical assumptions inherent in the spirit of current IP legislation. It is argued that the modern conception of intellectual property as a kind of natural right, stems from the mistaken internalist or Augustinian picture of language that Wittgenstein attempted to diffuse. This view becomes persuasive once it is shown that a complete understanding of the argument against private language must include Wittgenstein's investigation of the role of the will in the creative process. It is argued that original thought is not born by decree of the will, but engendered by a public context of meaning and value. What marks a person as a genius is, therefore, according to Wittgenstein, not some sovereign capacity of conceptual world-making, but merely a propitious dose of intellectual courage. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Kochi  Tarik 《Law and Critique》2002,13(1):29-50
This paper looks at the concept of themessianic as a means of understanding theMarxist tradition, particularly therelationship between the ethical and thepolitical. It examines the positions of JacquesDerrida and Ernst Bloch, whereby both utilisethe messianic as a means of upholding anethical space which is not reducible to being,while at the same time emphasising the need anddemand of the messianic to be brought intobeing. This contradiction operates as the basiccharacteristic of the messianic and it isasserted that Bloch, rather than Derrida,offers a stronger version of the messianic andthe relationship it constructs between ethicsand politics, by attaching a notion of thegood, that of human dignity which operates toguide the ethical command. While Bloch'sdignity may lead to the position of sacrificewhen engaging within the political, theco-ordination of the ethical by dignity doesnot itself sacrifice ethics as a totality.  相似文献   

The article is concerned with the question of how legal institutions are structured with the use of constitutive, institutive, consequential, and terminative rules. To that end, the regulation of international treaties as laid down in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969 is analysed. This leads to the discovery of two additional categories of rules: content rules and invalidating rules. Finally, the special status of unique legal institutions is investigated. Unique legal institutions – for example, heads of state, parliaments, and supreme courts – enjoy validity in a legal system to the exclusion of the validity of any other legal institution of the same category in that system.  相似文献   

Agamben traces the bio-political essence of modern politics to the non-sacrificial killing of Homo Sacer in Roman law. Nancy, on the other hand, links the history of Western politics to the fundamental logic of sacrifice in Western metaphysics. He nevertheless contemplates the possibility that Western societies may finally have arrived at the threshold of a non-sacrificial existence. Derrida seeks to resist the sacrificial logic of Western metaphysics and politics, but nevertheless appears to accept it as an irreducible fact of human co-existence. Unlike Nancy, he envisages no actual or actualised beyond beyond the realm of sacrificial metaphysics and politics. He thus can be said to interrupt Nancy’s ‘myth’ of a non-sacrificial partage. This article compares these three philosophical stances in the hope of throwing more light on the role of sacrifice in the law and politics of our time. Professor of Law, Rand Afrikaans University. Conversations with Ann van Sevenant, Carol Clarkson, Louise du Toit, Peter Fitzpatrick, Costas Douzinas and Adam Thurschwell gave impetus to many of the themes developed in this article. Concomitant shortcomings and inaccuracies, as always, are mine.  相似文献   

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