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自奥巴马政府执政以来,美国在深化与亚太盟国关系方面显现新思路,包括采用更具灵活性的方式拓展与盟国的合作渠道、整合盟国与伙伴国的战略资源等。美国亚太同盟呈现出向软同盟拓展、向影子同盟衍生和向分权趋势发展等特点。美国强化同盟关系的新做法,加大了地区国家间战略消耗,但能否达到其预期目标还受东盟平衡政策等因素制约。面对新形势,中国需继续保持战略定力,以两手对两手,妥善应对美国亚太同盟关系变化带来的新挑战。  相似文献   

美国亚太同盟体系的网络化已产生“集群”效应,推动轮辐结构向网状结构转化.本文以美日韩、美日澳、美日印三组三边合作为考察对象,分析了网络化的新进展及其深刻背景,并对三边合作发展为“亚太小北约”的前景作了分析.本文认为,三边合作在机制化以及安全合作的深化两大方面取得了重要进展,这源于美国的政策调整、三边关系中双边安全合作的加强以及亚太地区现有多边机制的不足.未来三边合作能否发展为“亚太小北约”取决于美国的决心与能力、双边关系的发展水平以及各方联合对华的程度,中国需对此密切关注.  相似文献   

美国亚太同盟体系的调整及其走向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文试以美国亚太同盟体系为切入点,通过纵向的历史演变和横向的特点比较,找出其亚太战略的“基石”——亚太同盟体系的发展脉络,进而探讨其未来趋势。  相似文献   

正Under theAmerica Firstforeign policy,the Trump administration has taken a series of measures toward its East Asian allies the Republic of Korea (ROK) and Japan,in order to force them to make substantial concessions on defense cost-sharing and trade issues.As a  相似文献   

Since the beginning of his second term, Barack Obama has made some adjustment to US strategy of rebalance to the Asia-Pacific. The distinctive features of the strategy in Obama's second term is more emphasis on the great significance of ideological export to the strategy, more clarification of the contents of ideological export, and more vehicles and means to of to promote ideological export. China should make the US understand the existence of realistic differences in terms of ideology, thus lowering its existence its expectation with regards to the effectiveness of its ideological export.  相似文献   

正Currently,a debate about the country’s China policy is underway in the United States,which is the biggest and the most significant debate since 1989.The debate is mainly between the United States’China experts,scholars of international politics and foreign affairs experts,and includes many former government officials.The massive number of reports,dissertations and journals on the topic of whether the China policy  相似文献   

金欣  潘峰 《亚非纵横》2013,(6):24-32
亚太地区国际体系的特殊性使中国崛起面临来自美国亚太同盟体系的巨大压力。奥巴马政府将关式霸权的软性特点融入其亚太同盟政策之中,使美国依然强大的权力继续受到追捧和攀附,中国则反被视为威胁地区稳定的因素。权力制衡观点对此解释力不足,威胁均衡和利益同盟的观点不失为较好的观察角度。  相似文献   

While frequent high-level interactions and policy communication have provided stability in China-India relations, the involvement of third parties and changes in India's China policy are eroding the steady development of ties. Coping with a more pragmatic and increasingly self-confident India under Prime Minister Modi will be a test of China's strategic composure and wisdom.  相似文献   

美国对亚太同盟体系的强化,构成当前及未来一个时期地区格局和大国关系发展变化的重要影响因素.历史上,美国及其盟友在政治、军事领域的紧密合作曾是其获得冷战胜利的重要原因之一.在冷战后尤其在反恐战争中,美国的战略自负曾引起比较广泛的反感,甚至使一些盟友与其拉开了距离,在一定程度上动摇了美国霸权的基础.经过十余年反恐战争后,美国欲将战略重点转向亚太,实施所谓亚太再平衡战略,强化同盟关系成为其中一个重要举措.美国有战略家明确意识到,要防止在亚太地区出现可能向美国霸权地位提出挑战的敌对联盟,就必须加强与盟友和伙伴的紧密合作,推进建立基于规则的国际秩序,构建一个跨太平洋的安全体系.  相似文献   

The United States' new Central Asia strategy, issued in the context of increased efforts by the US government to contain Russia and China with both elements of continuity and changes, will inevitably have an impact on the development of the Central Asian countries and major-power relations in the region. However, constrained by various factors, the new strategy will hardly yield the expected goals.  相似文献   

Populism in the United States, with several trends in recent years, has brought about new risks to the country and the world. Combined with the "China threat," it heralds profound adjustments in Washington's foreign strategy and its China policy, with a tougher stance toward China becoming a "new normal" of the Trump administration to integrate its domestic policies and diplomacy.  相似文献   

The Trump administration sees Central and Eastern Europe as a new regional strategic foothold in great-power competition and an extension of US grand strategic adjustment. With complex strategic considerations, the US return to the region will weaken the EU's strategic autonomy and undermine the transatlantic ties, and also add uncertainty to China-CEEC cooperation.  相似文献   

<正>When Shinzo Abe assumed office the second time as Japanese Prime Minister,he put forward the diplomatic strategy of proactive pacifism,drawing worldwide focus.Under this strategy,Japan,the most significant ally of the US in the Pacific region,is  相似文献   

Iranian-Arab Shiite ties can be characterized by sensitivity, complexity and uncertainty. Interpreting this type of relations is helpful for understanding the current politics of the Middle East.  相似文献   

The structural defects in the Kyoto model have necessitated a renewal of global climate governance, and achieving it is dependent on the efforts of multiple political forces. This general trend has been embodied in the Paris Agreement reached at the end of 2015.  相似文献   

The United States' economy is recovering from recession and is expected to be in high gear in the coming years, and the world economic power structure will also likely experience some new changes. All of these structure these developments can, to a large extent, be attributed to the United States' four new areas for economic growth. For China, the new growth areas for American economy have created both advantages and disadvantages, with opportunities generally outweighing challenges.  相似文献   

美菲同盟是与美国亚太再平衡战略推进最为同步的一个同盟,美国视其为该战略的"核心"。美菲同盟的强化,其主要原因在于美国亚太再平衡战略与菲律宾对南海领土图谋之间存在契合。美菲同盟在美国再平衡战略背景下迅速机制化。美菲同盟在美国再平衡战略中扮演着进入东南亚地区多边机制的介入功能,承载着重空间轻基地、少投入多产出的威慑功能,体现着由关注非传统安全向关注传统安全的调整功能。  相似文献   

正The Asia-Pacific region is characterized by rapid economic growth and complex security challenges.It is also a region where the interests of China,Japan and the United States are deeply integrated and the differences between them highly concentrated.As the Asia-Pacific becomes a center of gravity in terms of economic and geopolitical development on the global stage,China,Japan and the United States are all focusing more  相似文献   

奥巴马执政后,美国极力推行其"重返亚太"战略,恰逢缅甸的政治转型。二者在短期内产生共振,双边关系迅速回暖。奥巴马任期内,美国试图通过放松对缅制裁、加大对缅软实力输出及寻求美缅合作空间,恢复美国在缅甸的影响力,并钳制中国的发展。但美国此举并不足以冲击中缅关系。在此情形下,为了维护并发展中缅两国的"胞波情谊",中方应倡导中缅在政治层面互信关系的建立、经济层面的互联互通以及多领域的全方位合作来扩大中缅合作的互利局面。  相似文献   

The European Parliament's competence in the Union's foreign relations has been strengthened since the Lisbon Treaty. The issues involving China have become broader, bringing positive effects to China-EU relations.  相似文献   

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