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关于承接传统"孝道"的理论思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在近年的思想道德研究中,关于承接中华民族传统美德的问题一直是人们进行理论探讨的重要内容。本文试图以一个具体的传统道德观念——“孝”为例,从理论上进行细致的对比分析和阐释,使其富有传统的魅力和时代的特征,成为全社会成员普遍接受的新观念,为新的思想道德体系提供养分,从而实现传统美德与新思想道德体系的完美结合。  相似文献   

Abstract: Sweeping changes in administrative review legislation and procedures have occurred in Australian Federal government very quickly and with little debate. There have been several assumptions underlying the proposals for administrative law reform, including the notions that government has expanded greatly, that it has intruded into citizens' lives, that it is scarcely restrained by parliament, and that the specialist administrative tribunals established at various times are only partly effective. While these assumptions are all correct in certain respects, they do not necessarily support the demands for administrative law reform in the manner and to the extent that has generally been proposed. Closer examination of these assumptions suggests that comprehensive administrative review might itself lead to further expansion of government; that political decisions will have to be made about degrees of intrusion by government; that political avenues for redress of grievances should not be ignored, and could possibly be developed further; and that the need to prevent administrative errors is at least as great as the need to correct them after they have occurred. There is a good case for comprehensive administration review, but it needs to be examined more closely so that future problems can be anticipated and avoided.  相似文献   

In recent years the polarized debate surrounding the relative influence of the liberal and classical republican traditions on the political thought of the Founding Fathers has abated somewhat. Trenchard and Gordon's Cato's Letters , however, seen predominantly as a classical republican text, continues to be misread, resulting in a misinterpretation of the way in which it may have been read by the Revolutionary era generation. This article presents, evaluates, and subsequently rejects the arguments in favor of viewing the work of Trenchard and Gordon within the framework of either a classical republican or a neo-roman tradition. It argues instead that the authors fall squarely within a liberal republican tradition, embracing Locke, Mandeville, Hume, and Smith and suggests that it was in this vein that they were read by the Founding Fathers .  相似文献   

马克思是革命家与科学家统一的巨人,他创立的是革命性与科学性相结合的理论。按本来面目解读而不附加其他,才能坚持和发展马克思主义,把马克思开创的伟大事业不断推向前进。  相似文献   

Ethical orientations that emphasize universal duties, ideals, and values are well known to public administrators. We pay attention to principle, policy, ideals, shared goals, and the provision of a variety of commonly held values, such as clean air and water, mosquito abatement, and public recreation. The word "public" often seems to be a synonym for "universal." However, this article explores particularity in ethics, especially as it applies to the life of the public servant. It identifies three distinct orientations that focus on the concrete—as opposed to the abstract—and it shows how the exceptional cases are not administrative problems; rather they provide a reality check for public administrators who suppose rules, plans, and programs to be their primary orientation toward the management of public concerns.  相似文献   

当今学界关于儒家“超越性”的争论,因言说方式缺乏分层,故多有混淆。实际上,该话题肇始于明清之际,是耶儒双方围绕着“因性”与“超性”问题而展开的交流实践。重回明清之际,梳理阿奎那关于“超越”术语的几种用法,比较耶儒双方关于“超越性”的言说方式,可以发现儒家并非以神为中心进行自上而下的言说,而是从现实出发,对“超越性”问题进行自下而上的回溯。  相似文献   

大部制顺应了市场经济和服务型政府建设的要求,它是成熟市场经济国家与服务型政府职能相一致的政府组织体制,是与西方地方自治前提下的中央地方权力功能性分立相一致的。中国的国情决定我们在实行大部制改革过程中应深刻调整中央地方的关系,协调与党的机构、人大政协机构的关系,从决策、执行、监督相一致的高度设计,打破目前部门利益格局的权力运行框架。  相似文献   

马克思认为,历史的经济学研究必须以可经验的劳动范畴为出发点,进而从思维的具体的总体性中来把握劳动范畴。马克思开创了区别于英国古典经济学以及庸俗经济学的新经济学,在他看来,劳动范畴不是纯粹理论的,而是经验的历史的具体总体。劳动范畴是生产形式的基本依据和要素,它在时间和空间中所结成的有关生产各要素之间的特定关系,构成了生产形式的基本样式。价值形成过程的一般形式能够依靠纯粹理性来加以阐明,但特定的价值形成过程却需要在对历史经验的分析中完成。  相似文献   

The Conservative governments of 1979–95 have encouraged private sector pension provision to the extent that it covers two‐thirds of the British workforce. It is now possible to consider moving from the universal system of state provision laid down in the Beveridge scheme to a targeted system. Indeed, it has been suggested that the basic state pension should be abolished. However, if we consider the policy initiatives of the 1980s it would not seem that Conservative policy differs markedly from the policies pursued by the Conservative Party in the 1960s and 1970s. Indeed, there are also some similarities with the Labour Party policy. In this sense the case of pensions would appear to support the view that Thatcherism was less radical than has been generally claimed and represents a continuation of past policy. However, if we employ models of welfare state development to analyse policy outcomes we can demonstrate how the cumulative effect of individual policies pursued by the Conservatives has led to a change in the character of the British welfare state and thus the continuities with past policy may be deceptive.  相似文献   

America is thought to be an exceptional political system, and, in many of its particulars, it certainly differs from the institutional arrangements found in most of the world's democracies. Its separation-of-powers regime is thought to have spawned, in recent decades, the phenomenon of divided government in which partisan control of political institutions is divided between the major parties. By implication, it is suggested that this robust regularity in which Democrats control the legislature and Republicans the executive is a consequence of its institutional arrangements and, therefore, distinguishes America from its parliamentary counterparts elsewhere. In this article, the authors suggest that parliamentary regimes, too, experience divided government. Specifically, minority governments, in which the executive is controlled by parties that, between them, control less than a legislative majority, is the closest analogue to divided government in America. In each case, the executive needs to seek support in the legislature beyond its own partisan base. Thus, divided government per se does not distinguish parliamentary and separation-of-powers regimes. What does, however, are the constitutional roots of this phenomenon: divided governments are negotiated in parliamentary regimes whereas they are mandated electorally in separation-of-powers regimes.  相似文献   

近20年来,全国范围内统一组织开展了3次"严打"运动,社会上对"严打"方式和效果都有不同看法.文章对此进行了全面的分析,认为国家根据社会治安情况,在一个时期对犯罪采取严厉的打击方针是有理论和实践根据的.但是,"严打"必须是一贯性的方针,而不能是临时性的措施;应当在法治范围内进行,而不应该冲破法律的限制;同时,对刑罚的功能也应当有个客观正确的评价,国家不能过分依赖刑罚治理社会.  相似文献   

"但书"司法适用的现状暴露出令人担忧的问题,归结起来,集中表现在两个方面:一是"但书"司法适用少,作为支撑无罪司法判决的法律依据引用得更少;二是"但书"司法适用不统一、不协调。目前,论证和阐明"但书"司法适用的必要性和可行性是当务之急。从必要性角度分析,传统犯罪构成理论体系的完善需要出罪机制的建立,它是刑事诉讼法适用的内在需要和实体前提。从可行性角度分析,它是刑法总则统率、指导分则的内在要求和具体体现,是法律规范基本构造发挥效用、保持生命力的重要体现,具有司法解释的合法性保障和认可依据。据此,可从程序和实体两个维度构建"但书"的司法适用路径,使其在司法实践中发挥实效。  相似文献   

"促进型立法"作为一种新型立法,具有传统立法所不具有的诸多特点.在经济上,它是有限制的混合经济要求经济手段的多元化和经济的可持续发展的产物;政治上,它是国家职能从单纯的调控管理角色向服务促进角色转变的结果;在社会意识上,它是社会与政府平衡互动意识的兴起、特别是公众广泛参与政治经济生活的结果;立法模式上,传统立法模式的演进要求新型立法凸显法律的引导与促进功能.  相似文献   

在行政学120多年发展过程中出现的各种不同学派的争鸣,仅仅是在不同时期管理主题变动下研究潮流的变迁。在新的管理主题下,一种新的行政学研究潮流正在酝酿。我们在统计分析第三次明诺布鲁克会议资料的基础上预测了行将勃兴的研究潮流将会是“治理绩效管理”。同时,我们大胆预测,该潮流的8个重点研究主题将会是参与式治理、治理管理、治理绩效评估、超越行政管辖范围的治理、公共与非赢利组织治理、民主治理、治理工具和IT与网络治理,并据此建议我国行政学首先需要加强这8个方面的研究。  相似文献   

Despite the vast number of studies of the guns-butter tradeoff, we still do not know whether guns come at the expense of butter. In this article we attempt to clarify some of the major conceptual, measurement and statistical problems associated with this line of research.  相似文献   

略论"文化台独"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"文化台独"是一种以确立台湾独立性为价值取向,以"去中国化"为特征,为"台独"服务的社会文化思潮。从其发展趋势来看,影响已浸入到台湾社会的各个阶层,危害性也越来越大,一旦成为台湾的主流意识,必将对两岸的和平统一造成严重的危害。因此,必须高度关注,坚决遏制"文化台独"思潮的蔓延。中华文化与台湾文化同出一脉,源远流长。民进党当局推行"本土化""、去中国化,"这是要从根本上割断台湾与祖国的联系,是不得人心的,其图谋也是不能得逞的。  相似文献   

"国学"是国家文化的渊源,是中华文明的集中体现,是全民的"精神血脉"和"悟道之母"。传承先进国学思想与发展当代国学理念同样重要。而实践国学思想,有赖于全民的文化自觉。要使"国学之树"常青,需要把构建"当代国学思想体系"放在十分重要的地位,并深深根植于现实的土壤,使之真正生化为"民魂国魄"。  相似文献   

傅德田 《学理论》2008,(24):42-45
环境伦理学关于"人是什么"的预先设定,我们称之为"人的预设"。它是现时代实践根据与传统"人的预设"理论逻辑两相结合的产物。传统"人的预设"在思维方式上存在偏颇,在内容上偏执于理性、轻视甚至搁置自然,这些问题最终导致其扬弃自己,走上新"人的预设"。而这正是环境伦理学对人探讨、对人重新设定的重要内容。  相似文献   

黄燕 《学理论》2012,(12):132-133
扬雄《方言》中古鲁国表达"重"之义时使用"锤"这种说法;但今天的鲁西方言中表示"重"的含义已不再用"锤"这个词,而是使用"沉"和"坠"两种说法。那么,"锤""沉""坠"这三个词之间古今有什么样的联系呢?本文将在语音、语义方面,就这三个词的来源以及它们的同源词之间的联系进行引证比较,由文献分析,发现它们之间有必然的联系,是一组古今同义词。  相似文献   


Post-Communist Bulgaria has fared rather poorly in the transition to a capitalist economy. By nearly every macroeconomic standard, it is in worse shape now than in the Communist past. Macroeconomic statistics show that the per capita GNP is sharply down, the social-safety net has all but disappeared, and even the physical survival of many impoverished Bulgarians is in serious peril. This article uses the political-economy approach to analyze the symptoms of sharp socioeconomic de-development, including the weakening of state capacity to perform even the most basic functions and responsibilities. The main conclusion is that in the global center-periphery structure, formerly "Second-World" Bulgaria is increasingly "Third-Worldized," that is, marginalized out of the international division of labor--a finding that raises doubts about the purported "success" of the transitions to capitalist economy in the former state-socialist countries.  相似文献   

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