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《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):283-312
Hypotheses from General Strain theory are addressed using data from a random sample of adults in Raleigh, NC. Analyses examine three issues: (1) whether strain predicts self‐projected criminal behavior; controlling for past self‐reported crime; (2) whether negative emotions mediate the relationship between strain and projected crime; and (3) whether social support and criminal peers serve as contingencies or mediators for strain in predicting criminality. Results are generally consistent with previous studies focusing on youth. Three of four measures of strain are found to predict the crime measures. However, that relationship is not mediated by negative emotion and the measures of social support and criminal peers do not act as contingencies or mediators. The results suggest that strain may not operate through negative emotions and that theoretical refinement is needed to identify which potential contingencies are likely to be operating under various circumstances.  相似文献   

主要研究专利无效宣告程序与专利侵权诉讼中的网络证据的公开性和公开时间的认定。以网络证据的基本技术作为逻辑起点分析网站的运行过程,对于网络证据的公开性进行分类讨论,确定网络证据公开时间认定中所涉及到的各种时间点,研究如何根据这些时间点确定网络证据的公开时间,以期对审查实践和司法实践有所帮助。  相似文献   

牟宪魁 《法律科学》2007,25(4):78-85
影响缔约意思形成的不平等缔约力,除了经济力的不对等,还有信息上的不对等.鉴于"信息不对称"情况下保护"信息上的弱者"在现代市场经济和信息化社会中的重要性,在制定民法典时,有必要规定说明义务与沉默性诈欺,以是否存在说明义务为标准,对沉默性诈欺进行类型区分,对于存在说明义务情况下的沉默,应缓和诈欺的因果关系要件和故意要件.  相似文献   

个人隐私公开豁免条款兼具定义规范和权限规范的双重特征,定义规范确定了条款的适用范围,个人隐私定义本身构成公开豁免的内在界限;权限规范赋予行政机关对何为对公众利益造成重大影响的裁量权限,公共利益的判准成为公开豁免的外在界限,双重界限的背后是隐私权与知情权的利益衡量与价值取舍。大数据时代中传统隐私权转向信息性隐私权的同时,界定个人隐私概念的关键应从隐私转向识别。在类型学和隐私保护领域阶层理论的基础上,在识别后果不同的个人隐私与重要性不同的公共利益之间进行基于比例原则的精细化利益衡量,才能发挥该条款的规范功能和实用价值。  相似文献   

政府信息公开与行政诉讼   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
《政府信息公开条例》第一次明确规定了公民知情权的行政救济途径。政府信息公开的范围涉及行政诉讼的类型以及法院的受案范围。政府信息公开行政诉讼中的当事人、举证责任和诉讼程序都因不同的行政诉讼类型而有显著区别。政府信息公开行政诉讼最关键的问题是法院对于国家机密的审查,政府信息是否国家秘密必须经过有权机关的确认,不能仅仅以属于国家秘密的空洞理由而不予公开。对于因政府信息公开遭受损失的当事人,应当给予国家赔偿。  相似文献   

Disclosure and Consent Problems in Pediatrics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Religion and historical contingencies help explain cross-national and historic variation of criminal law and punishment. Case studies from German history suggest: First, the Calvinist affiliation of early Prussian monarchs advanced the centralization of power, rationalization of government bureaucracy, and elements of the welfare state, factors that are likely to affect punishment. Second, the dominant position of Lutheranism in the German population advanced the institutionalization of a separation of forgiveness in the private sphere versus punishment of "outer behavior" by the state. Third, these principles became secularized in philosophy, jurisprudence, and nineteenth-century criminal codes. Fourth, partly due to historical contingencies, these codes remained in effect into post–World War II Germany. Fifth, the experience of the Nazi regime motivated major changes in criminal law, legal thought, public opinion, and religious ideas about punishment in the Federal Republic of Germany. Religion thus directly and indirectly affects criminal law and punishment, in interaction with historical contingencies, institutional conditions of the state, and other structural factors.  相似文献   

程滔 《中国司法》2007,(9):42-47
律师只有全面、详细地了解案情,才能更有效地履行辩护或代理的职责,维护委托人的合法权益,因此各国法律都规定律师有权查阅案卷材料。但我国有关律师的阅卷权的规定与国际准则中的规定尚有差距。尤其辩护律师在办理刑事案件的过程中的阅卷问题尤为突出,律师在不了解案情的基础上,无法进行卓有成效的辩护。一、辩护律师全面阅卷的必要性(一)阅卷权是律师有效辩护的基础阅卷权是律师行使辩护权的充分的保障,如果限制律师甚至不让律师阅卷,那么“巧妇也难为无米之炊”。阅卷权之所以重要一方面侦诉方收集的证据构成案件事实的主要的基础,另一方…  相似文献   

环境信息披露中的矛盾与选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境信息披露是信息披露制度的重要内容,是促进环境保护和可持续发展的重要举措。围绕环境信息披露的相关法律问题,笔者重点探讨了环境信息披露制度的理论基础、对象、内容与方式,指出我国应在证券法领域及早确立环境信息披露制度。  相似文献   

高雪 《人民司法》2020,(16):41-44
创造性与说明书充分公开这两个法律要求在专利法上具有不同的功能,遵循不同的逻辑。将说明书充分公开等法律要求所应审查的内容纳入创造性判断中考虑,不利于创造性判断法律标准的稳定性和一致性,又可能致使说明书充分公开等法律要求被搁置,因此,专利创造性与说明书充分公开的界限应当予以理清,使两者各司其职,并达到说理的逻辑自洽。  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(2):152-171
Participation in mass crime is often approached from a top-down perspective that centralizes the actions of the masses under the order of elites and leaders. While there is some evidence to support this approach, a more complete assessment of participation in mass crime must also consider the grassroots contingencies that unite the collective motivation and capacity that induce such actions. Such a bottoms-up approach is developed in this article with a particular focus on the personal experiences of former Serbian militiamen who took part in scenes of mass violence in Croatia and Bosnia–Herzegovina. Interviews with former militiamen illustrate how political opportunities, diverging nationalistic attitudes, proximity to growing violence in increasingly localized killing fields, incentives to participate in parallel criminal activities, and an influence within community networks that were submerged in mass crimes united to legitimize and facilitate their personal commitment to the events that took place in this region during the 1990s.  相似文献   

陈海嵩 《河北法学》2011,29(11):112-115
公开范围是环境信息公开制度的首要问题。根据国际上相关立法的规定,环境信息公开范围的确定,需经过两个阶段,一是事实认定阶段,即明确"环境信息"概念的外延;二是法律认定阶段,即明确哪些环境信息属于适用信息公开例外规则而免于公开。我国环境信息公开制度需要在借鉴外国立法经验的基础上,对公开范围给予更为精细化的规定。  相似文献   

时飞 《科技与法律》2015,(1):164-189
当下围绕着"公意主题事件"而生成的"网络谣言",多为公民基于参与公共政治的联动机制而形成的信息求索机制,属于公民权利的宪法机能形式。它在填补公民参与公共政治的信息赤字的同时,为建构良性的官民互动和公信机制提供了充分契机。伴随着互联网所建构的平面化信息交流机制的日益深入,以及开放、透明的公共信息机制需求在现代国家的民主政治建设中的作用日益凸显,制度设置必须提供更为开放和多元的信息交流机制,尤其是公民参与政治的公共信息获取路径。因此,需要阐明互联网上的信息生成和传递作为国民公共信息获取程式的必要性,澄清政治公议的宪法化展开逻辑,为"网络谣言"所犯政法禁忌解套,实现借助互联网有别于官方话语系统的政治公议的常态化和合法化,并最终寻求其正当性的法理根基。  相似文献   

我国司法信息公开制度的重构、检讨与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
司法信息公开是言论自由与新闻自由所衍生的知情权的嬗变,而知情权的充分行使,又将表达阪、参与权、监督权置于其延展线上。尽管司法信息公开已经被国际社会所认可,但在我国却与司法公开之间薛在误读与曲解。以各国司法信息公开经验为视角,司法行政信息公开、司法程序信息公开、法官信息公开是司法信息公开制度架构中的“三驾马车”。而“三驾马车”并驾齐驱才是制度的应然选择。但是,当前我国司去信息公开制度的运行仍然困难重重,尽力而为,量力而行地完善我国司法信息公开制度是我国司法权力运阡的必然进程。  相似文献   

Various forms of information disclosure such as labelling requirements,hazard warning and prior informed consent are increasingly beingused in the regulation of products that are traded across boundaries.In the context of GATT/WTO jurisprudence, in particular, informationalmechanisms are seen as more likely to survive challenge thanmore traditional regulatory methods such as export and importbans. Even then, there may be legal problems, especially whereinformation requirements relate to production methods as wellas to the products themselves. There are a number of distinctnormative justifications for information disclosure includingthe right to make an informed choice, the need to secure consumertrust, the avoidance of market failure and the right to know.But these are difficult and contested concepts. The currentdebate concerning EU requirements for the labelling of GeneticallyModified products provides a compelling example of differentmodels at play, which can as a result cause confusion and dissatisfactionamongst different interest groups. Much greater clarificationof the justifications for information disclosure is requiredif their effectiveness as a technique for controlling tradeproduct risks is to be properly assessed.  相似文献   

In 2016 the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) considered for the first time whether financial disclosure reform should address information on sustainability matters and other sources of nonfinancial risk. The resulting debate over these issues raised fundamental questions about how well the federal disclosure regime addresses emerging risks and about how well private ordering, through shareholder engagement, the work of private standard‐setters, and corporate voluntary disclosure, can fill the gaps. This article argues that the current model of nonfinancial risk disclosure, based largely on private ordering, is ineffective and undermines the SEC's mission to protect investors, facilitate capital formation, and promote fair, orderly, and efficient markets. This conclusion rests on evidence that the current state of sustainability disclosure is inadequate for investment analysis and that these deficiencies are largely problems of comparability and quality that cannot readily be addressed by private ordering. This article also highlights the costs of agency inaction to investors and to public companies, which have been largely ignored in the debate over the future of financial reporting. It concludes by proposing avenues for disclosure reform.  相似文献   

证据开示制度的法理与构建   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
证据开示 ,是指诉讼的一方当事人向另一方当事人提供和透露与案件有关的证据和信息的作法和程序。证据开示制度是实现审前信息交流的重要装置之一。在具有职权主义传统的国家 ,如法、德、意 ,证据信息的透露和提供往往是通过被告人或辩护人行使阅卷权的形式实现的。虽然在表现形式、透露范围和方向以及侧重点上各有不同 ,但阅卷权与证据开示制度构成了审前证据信息交换的两种典型形式。与职权主义主导的诉讼形式相比 ,在对抗式和存在对抗式因素的诉讼形式下 ,证据开示制度有着更为突出的意义。一、国外证据开示的法理及演变与其他古老的法律…  相似文献   

前言随着对知识产权的理论研究之深入,我国创造、管理、利用和保护知识产权的能力在各行业、各领域得到了广泛的推进。但是,我国在知识产权理论与实践的发展,主要集中于知识产权的基本原理,以及如何提高我国创造、管理、利用和保护知识产权的能力, 而对于知识产权与经济增长之间的关系,尤其是对经济增长模式的选择有何影响,国内的研究涉及不多。  相似文献   

豆星星 《河北法学》2008,26(3):62-65
行政信息公开是促进社会和谐、确保行政公正的前提,是制约权力、建设法治政府的重要手段和保障公民合法权益的重要条件。完善行政信息公开制度,必须实现行政信息公开法治化、扩大公开内容及范围,健全监督和评价体系、行政信息公开救济制度和政府新闻发言人制度。  相似文献   

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