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In a Starbuc ks shop in Beijing at the end of 2004,a 30-something man named Yang Bo could be found wor king on his laptop every day with a cup of coffee at hand.A few months late r,he launched a website called Douban.com,whi c h now many Interne t us e r …  相似文献   

From watch repairman to cable magnate, Jiang Xipei takes success in his stride Jiang Xipei, Chairman of Far East Group, has worked his way up from being an ordinary watch repairman to being China's "King of Cable"-leading his company to a ranking of 30th in the 2006 Hurun IT Magnates List. He has undertak- en corporate restructuring on four occasions, and plays an active role in  相似文献   

Mongolian people are known as the 'ethnic group on horse back' - the traditional image of nomadic people moving slowly with great flocks of sheep. People who slept in easily erected circular "yurts"- tents covered with heavy felt. In today's modern Inner Mongolia although this old lifestyle is rapidly disappearing it can still be experienced.From the capital, Hohhot, a tree-lined road known locally as "The Snake"  相似文献   

正The room was dark,quiet and empty except for a single couch,a book shelf,and a few very peculiar posters—we had 60minutes to escape.My friends and I feverishly began searching the place for clues on how to get out of the locked room,announcing anything suspicious to try and help each other out But don't worry;we'd paid for the experience ahead of time.We were playing a game called"escape the room,"or mishi taotuo in Mandarin Chinese,which translates to" secret  相似文献   

The government hopes that proactive fiscal measures and a properly relaxedmonetary policy will thwart possible deflation  相似文献   

正Analysts predict that slower growth in China’s money supply will become increasingly common amid the country’s deleveraging efforts.The M2,a broad measure of money supply that covers cash in both circulation and deposits,rose 8.2 percent to 167.68 trillion yuan($26 trillion)at the end of 2017,according to  相似文献   

In the eyes of one Chinese painter,Istanbul is a magnificent wonderlandblending the ancient and the modernWhen speaking about his search for artistic inspiration in Turkey that he undertook a mere handful of years ago.Wang Shengli,a famed oil painter from northwest China,can barely contain his excitement  相似文献   

Australia's recent defense white paper paints China as a growing threat when Kevin Rudd ran for primeminister in 2007,he promised to issue a defense  相似文献   

<正>The"Four Comprehensives"may constitute the main pillars for the next phase of the Chinese social and economic transformation.The general direction of these principles is,however,not new.It has been widely recognized that China needs ongoing reforms for more sustainable and socially inclusive growth.Otherwise,imbalances will increase,posing higher risks to the Chinese and world economy.Being principles,they are rather vague and leave much room for interpretation and adjustment.Concrete targets on the social and economic transformation have not been set.The need for reforms is urgent in many areas,and it is a challenging task to keep the balance.Development priorities Future GDP growth should become more sustainable and should not harm the environment.Eco-friendly growth can be supported if the service sector accounts for a higher share of the economy.The service sector is also less productive on average,implying that high employment can be realized even at  相似文献   

Q. Edward Wang 《当代中国》2010,19(64):273-289
Ever since it was first broadcasted in 2006, the Rise of the Great Powers, a popular Chinese TV mini-series of 12 episodes, has received great attention both at home and abroad. Some have suggested that the showing of this series marked a new orientation in China's foreign policy and a new perception of its position in the world. Using oral interviews and written works by the historians who masterminded the project, this article analyzes the view of the Chinese historian, and of current Chinese leadership, about the globalizing world today and China's position in and relation to it. Using the documentary as a starting point, it discusses the status quo of world-history study in China today and argues that though receptive to the incentive for globalizing history writing, historical scholarship in China remains grounded in a Eurocentric understanding of modern world history. China's recent economic expansion has paradoxically reinforced this tradition, as the country is bracing for its own world power status.  相似文献   

<正>Slowing growth rates in both developed and emerging economies will pose challenges in 2015 The global economy faces an uncertain future in 2015,marked with the prospect of weak growth.Challenges include a potential rate hike by the Federal Reserve,low bulk commodity prices in the international market and growing risksamong emerging economies.These trends  相似文献   

正False reports of large-scale Chinese land acquisition in Africa highlight the flimsy evidence behind recent China-bashing China’s rapid rise has generated mixed feelings the world over,and nowhere do emotions run higher than in the debate over farmland ownership.Population growth,urbanization and higher consumer spending in China are major drivers of growth in the agro-food products industry,  相似文献   

<正>China's economic growth rate has been declining since 2010,faling to a six-year low of 7.3 percent in the third quarter of 2014.This has been the longest growth slowdown since the country adopted the reform and opening-up policy in 1978.In an  相似文献   

<正>Improving China-India relations depends largely on the efforts of their respective media professionalsThe China-India Media Forum,launched in 2013,has just held its second meeting on Beijing.The Indian Government,which recently changed hands and is now led by the Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP)since May2014,sent a delegation of seasoned journalists to participate in the second edition.  相似文献   

一九五三年,山西襄汾縣丁村村南的汾河東岸,發現了一些動物化石。經過山西省文物管理部門進一步調查,又获得了原始牛角、象的下頜骨、犀牛和馬的牙齒等化石,還有人工打擊的石片等。一九五四年秋,中國科學院古脊椎動物与古人類研究所同山西省文物管理部門等單位組成發掘隊,在這里又進行了系統的調查發掘。他們在以丁村為中心的長达十一公里、寬五公里的地段内,發現大批石器、動物化石和三枚人類牙齒化石。經古人類學家鑒定,这三枚牙齒,一為上内側門齒,一為右下二臼齒,另一為右上外側門齒,均属于一个十二三岁儿童个体的;从齒冠較高、體積較小、嚼面紋理不甚複雜及石化程度等特徵考證,比較早發現的‘北京猿人’進步,而比現代人原始,属于人类发展史上的古人階段的一種人類,故命名為‘丁村人’。  相似文献   

中央电视台《经济半小时》在《对话》栏目请吴敬琏先生从"问题"的角度谈了自己对股市的一些认识和看法,目的十分明确,即希望中国的股市走向规范健康,为投资者提供畅通和较为安全的投资渠道。但万万没有料到,吴敬琏先生当时的一番言论却引起了轩然大波,遭到许多媒体、学者、股民甚至重量级经济学家的"围追堵截"。有人指责他的"言论"有操纵股市之嫌,是最近股市下跌的直接"导火索";有人指责他"情绪化"、"偏激不专业"、"不是股民,没资格谈股市";甚至有些经济学家还给他戴了不少帽子,认为他"反感股市","否定股市的成就",暗含着否定"国企改革和改革开放"的意思。  相似文献   

<正>Recent UK media report reveals an invisible hand at play British newspaper The Times recently published an article disclosing that the Japanese embassy in the UK last year engaged a think tank,the Henry Jackson Society(HJS),to voice opposition to Chinese  相似文献   

正Researchers debunk the theory that the Chinese Government is tackling food security by buying African land By Corrie Dosh It’s the kind of headline that sells magazines:"China Buys Up the World."It appeared in a November 2010 issue of The Economist,illustrated by a faceless,militaristic figure loading cars,oil barrels,power lines and various manufactured goods into  相似文献   

Dubbed a "garden city by the sea," Xiamen is famous for its beautiful sceneries and clean and livable environment.Yu Weiguo,Secretary of the Xiamen Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China,talked about the city’s latest efforts  相似文献   

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