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This essay looks at why, how and with what degree of success the international community has applied its recognition policies in the post-Soviet space. The essay addresses the issue from a normative perspective by comparing these policies with alternative policies on recognition that have arisen in Soviet and post-Soviet debates. A basic distinction is made between four normative positions. The essay compares the kind of just cause these positions claim to defend, the motives of those supporting each of these positions, the likelihood of success in achieving the stated objective, and the consequences and drawbacks inherent in each of these positions for post-Soviet conflicts over sovereignty generally and more specifically for the Georgian–Abkhaz dispute.  相似文献   

Julie Wilhelmsen 《欧亚研究》2019,71(7):1091-1121

This article investigates how Russian foreign policies are shaped in a two-level interactive social game. Russian foreign policies take their cue from ingrained identity positions articulated by the state leadership and negotiated in domestic debates, but they are also informed by interaction with other states. The article explains the shift in Russian policies away from pragmatic cooperation with the West in Syria from autumn 2015 onwards. While the Russian leadership initially sought such cooperation, the prominence of anti-Western discourse in Russia following the crisis in Ukraine as well as the West's rejection of Russia in this period spurred Russia to act independently in Syria.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the introduction of the value-added tax on inequality and government revenues using newly released macro data. We present both conventional country fixed effect regressions and instrumental variable analyses, where VAT adoption is instrumented using the previous values of neighbouring countries’ VAT systems as an instrument. The results reveal – in contrast to earlier work – that the revenue consequences of the VAT have not been positive. The results indicate that income-based inequality has increased due to the VAT adoption, whereas consumption inequality has remained unaffected.  相似文献   


The Roman Empire experienced decline and renewal on many occasions. While certainly political in nature, the solution to these imperial crises also entailed the successful application of management. In examining the history of these imperial crises, four major managerial themes can be seen: (1) organizational legitimacy, (2) anti-corruption, (3) organizational stability, and (4) effective leadership. The combination of these led to an assured imperial renewal.

First renewal entailed the identification of the regime with what could be termed as an “organizational culture” -- the moral ideal of the Empire. Second, renewal entailed reform of the abuses and corruption that had, in many instances, contributed to the decline. Third, renewal necessitated the institutionalization of these reforms thought the establishment of an effective administrative structure. Fourth, the strength of character of visionary leadership was required.

The Roman Empire endured through its ability to integrate these four elements - legitimacy, anti-corruption, stability and leadership. Its success at this enabled Rome to govern the vast Mediterranean world. To a great extent this success represents the triumph of management.  相似文献   

诺齐克在<无政府、国家与乌托邦>一书中提出一种"自由总会维持正义"的观点.作为分析的马克思主义学派的创立者和首要代表,柯亨对诺齐克的这种观点予以反驳.实际上,这种反驳体现为柯亨与诺齐克围绕"自由是否总会维持正义"这个问题,在自由与正义内涵上的论争.客观上,柯亨与诺齐克的这一论争产生了重要的理论和启示意义,同时也带来了需进一步思考的问题.  相似文献   

Little research has examined the consequences of a suicide for social or family networks. Because suicide occurs within families, the focus on the aftermath of suicide within families is an important next step to determine exactly how to help survivors. In this article, we review and summarize the research on the impact of suicide on individuals within families and on family and social networks. We begin with a discussion of family changes following suicide. Next, we discuss the effects of suicide on social networks overall and responses of children and the elderly to a suicide in the family. Finally, we identify key issues that remain to be resolved in family survivor research and make recommendations for future studies.  相似文献   

由于少年疑犯身心发育尚未完全成熟,因而法律应给予他们以不同于成年人的特别关怀。就我国而言,虽然法律对少年疑犯的诉讼权利作了规定,但与有关国际文件的规定相比,我国立法还有不足之处。本文采用比较分析的方法,以侦查阶段为视点,在对我国少年疑犯的权利体系进行分析的基础上,对照国际公约的有关规定,指出我国现行法律规定中不尽完善的地方,并就如何完善我国现行法律提出了建议。  相似文献   

This article assesses current trends and developments in terrorism within the context of the overall progress being achieved in the global war on terrorism (GWOT). It examines first the transformation that Al Qaeda has achieved in the time since the 11 September 2001 attacks and the variety of affiliated or associated groups (e.g., what are often referred to as Al Qaeda "clones" or "franchises") that have emerged to prosecute the jihadist struggle. It then focuses on recent developments in Saudi Arabia and especially Iraq in order to shed further light on Al Qaeda's current strategy and operations. In conclusion, this article offers some broad recommendations regarding the future conduct of the GWOT.­  相似文献   

The often changing range of terrorism journals selected for indexing in various databases adds to the elasticity of this field's definition. The electronic databases as well as websites change their format and content quite often and this instability hampers the formation of a clear delineation of the disciplinary boundaries of terrorism. Nevertheless, the integration of electronic databases into terrorism research has exposed researchers to a large number of journals that deal with various aspects of terrorism, and the boundaries of this subject are continually expanding to encompass new sub-areas. In addition to the known core journals covering terrorism, many peripheral journals are emerging that are concerned with the dynamics of this field. The exposure of researchers to such a massive amount of information, print and electronic, demonstrates a marked knowledge growth in this area of study. However, the field could become so broad, even before reaching disciplinary maturation, that it could defy any attempt at delineation.‐  相似文献   

伊拉克战争虽然改变了中东的政治格局 ,助长了美国的世界霸权战略 ,使大国关系发生了新的变动 ,但是国际基本格局和发展态势并未改变。面对伊拉克战争所引发的国际局势的新变化 ,中国有必要重新审视自己的国际战略并作出新的选择  相似文献   

英国工党关于欧洲问题的争论及政策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国工党的欧洲政策一直处于调整变化之中,这种调整变化与工党内部争论有关.在欧洲问题上,工党内部一直存在疑欧派和亲欧派之争,这种争论在很大程度上主导着工党在不同时期对欧政策的制定.疑欧主义和欧洲主义的争论使工党在顺应历史潮流融入欧洲之时又对其深怀戒心,从而形成工党具有英国特色的欧洲政策.  相似文献   

The persistence of Soviet era senior level management in the administration of the states recently emerged from the former USSR is examined. The extent of such persistence is illustrated by reference to Lithuania. Subsequently, the validity of the commonly held belief that the continuation of the nomenklatura is detrimental to reform is affirmed. It is concluded that the as yet widespread prevalence of the nomenklaturists inhibits reform in that they are bearers of an organizational culture which is antithetical to public administration in liberal democracies.  相似文献   

全球化对劳资关系体制的冲击   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以资本全球化为中心的全球化进程,对市场经济国家业已形成的传统劳资关系格局产生了前所未有的冲击.探索其影响,对于构建适应全球化和我国国情的劳资关系,具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

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