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台湾话剧从写实传统向现代主义转型是在1960年代后半期及70年代.姚一苇等戏剧家为了真实深刻地描写现实和表现人,为了给已呈衰颓迹象的台湾话剧注入活力,借鉴西方现代派戏剧并融合民族戏曲传统去求新求变,推动了中国话剧艺术的发展.  相似文献   

H. R. Lan 《当代中国》1996,5(13):391-405
An intriguing literary crisscrossing appeared in recent decades around the dichotomy of realism versus modernism: while many Western critics and writers have grown increasingly weary of the ‘habitualized’ disruptive techniques of modernism, many young Chinese writers feel that realism has become an embarrassment in their literary creation and are seeking to discover/rediscover the meaning of modernism and to emulate the modes of modernism. In the meantime, there are other Chinese writers in post‐Mao China who are challenging the polarized dichotomy of realism and modernism and are experimenting in the ground between the two. This paper inquires into this literary phenomenon by looking into Getting Used to Death, a recent novel by the internationally acclaimed Chinese writer Zhang Xianliang, placing it in the discourse of the literary relationship between China and the West.  相似文献   

黄健 《思想战线》2002,28(1):46-49
基于中西文化和审美理想的内在差异 ,中国美学的“内省”意识 ,导致中国美学实践中 ,不论是对外部世界的再现与反映 ,还是对内心世界的表现与抒发 ,都要求通过内心体验和感悟的方式 ,来传达对世界、人生、社会的真实感受和认识理解。而西方美学的“忏悔”意识 ,则注重通过以写实、反映、再现、模拟的方式 ,来对外部世界作出反应 ;面对主客体的分裂 ,“忏悔”审美意识提倡在灵魂的撞击震荡中寻求心灵的净化与超越 ,最终获得精神升华与自我完善。  相似文献   

Rex Li 《当代中国》1999,8(22):443-476
Over the past few years there has been a heated debate in the West over the potential challenge of an increasingly strong and assertive China to the Asia‐Pacific region and to the world in general. This article offers a systematic analysis of the debate on China's emerging role in the international system and its security implications from the theoretical perspectives of realism and liberalism. While both international relations theories have provided valuable insights, neither of them alone is able to unravel the puzzle of whether a prosperous and powerful China will be a major force of stability or a threat to international peace. Drawing on the theory of trade expectations, this article shows the conditions under which high interdependence between China and its trading partners will lead to pacific or belligerent Chinese behavior. If Chinese decision‐makers’ expectations for future trade are high, they will be less likely to use force to deal with unresolved disputes with neighboring countries. If, however, they have a negative view of their future trading environment, they will be likely to take measures, including military actions, to remove any obstacles that might forestall the pursuit of great‐power status. For the moment, China's expectations of future trade are by and large optimistic, but there is evidence of growing Chinese suspicion of a Western ‘conspiracy’ to contain China which may alter Beijing's future perceptions. To ensure that the rise of China will not cause regional and global instability, the outside world should seek to integrate China into the international community by pursuing policies that will have a positive influence on China's expected value of trade. In the meantime, some elements of the balance of power strategy need to be introduced in order to curtail China's expected value of war.  相似文献   

刘奔 《思想战线》2007,33(2):133-136
文化可以从动和静两种形式考察,这相当于老子所谓“履”和“迹”的关系。人类的社会生活实践总是从动的形式转化为静的形式,即从时间形式转化为空间形式。要真正达到文化自觉,不能局限于空间形式的考察,而要坚持唯物史观的实践动态观点。  相似文献   

This essay examines current developments in International Relations theory in China. First it comments on Song Xinning's essay, agreeing that IR theory in China is limited by ideology, the dominance of policy-oriented research, and the state. But rather than seeing culture ('IR theory with Chinese characteristics') as a problem that can be solved by a more scientific approach to IR theory, the essay argues that the scientism of realism and IPE has similar problems. Thus the essay switches from the universals of science to the contingency of interpretation to understand global politics, drawing on recent books which combine IPE with historical and cultural studies. The concept of sovereignty is deconstructed to show how it is not universal, but is bound up in knowledge practices in both the West and China. The essay concludes by suggesting that we broaden both the concepts and the resources of IR research to consider the transnational economic‐cultural relations of Greater China. In this way China can be part of the globalization of IR theory, for such concepts exemplify current theoretical debates about the meaning of globalization. This approach moves from territorial notions of sovereignty where power is based on an expansion of economic and political relations—which reify borders—to popular notions of sovereignty where power is measured by movements of people across borders in a qualitative struggle of cultures and knowledge.  相似文献   

当前,在全球生态环境问题愈演愈烈的情况下,一些身处边远地区的少数民族却用他们的“生态智慧,,实现着人与自然的和谐共生,为解决人类与社会发展中所面临的生态环境危机提供了一定的借鉴,生活在大兴安岭密林深处的使鹿鄂温克族就是这样一个具有典型意义的小民族族群。他们是目前唯一的“使鹿部落”——敖鲁古雅鄂温克族,这些猎民在长期的生产生活中,适应环境、并利用和改善环境,体现着深刻的生态智慧,本文用生态人类学的理论对此进行了分析。  相似文献   

在促进发展的过程中保护和创新民族文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多年来,在包括贵州在内的广大西部少数民族地区,经济发展与文化传承、传统生活方式与现代化、民族文化的保护与开发等等之间,一直存在着张力。地方政府与学者在这个问题上的见解也是不尽相同的。本文通过对贵州具有典型意义的一些民族村寨的考察、分析,提出必须以高度现实主义的态度对待这些问题,有所为有所不为;必须以实现贵州少数民族群众的脱贫致富奔小康为最大、最迫切的需求,在此基础上,把少数民族文化的保护和创新推上新的台阶。  相似文献   

Since 1980s, the writings of a young but promising novelist Su Tong and his generation of fiction‐writers have been considered “vanguard literature” and “new realism” by many critics in contemporary China. Su Tong and the new generation have made a significant difference in historical perspective of contemporary Chinese literature. They destroyed the myths of “revolutionary historical fiction,” and started rethinking and rewriting the history of the 1920s‐1950s in China. This paper tries to examine the important cultural phenomena through analyzing Su Tong's historical fiction.  相似文献   

Zhang Yiwu 《当代中国》2008,17(57):733-746
Globalization is an inescapable fact that conditions daily life in China today. To squarely confront this fact, two mythologies regarding globalization and China must be avoided. The first is the romanticization of globalization, which turns the trend into an all-purpose solution to China's problems that will introduce ‘universal’ values to the Chinese people. In fact, Chinese people should maintain a critical distance from the phenomenon and realize that so-called ‘universal’ values often turn out to be self-serving ‘Western’ values. On the other hand, there is also the mythology that globalization is not happening in China at all, but is rather a process occurring elsewhere that does not affect the daily life of the Chinese people. Various examples from contemporary fiction and film prove this observation to be wrong. Moreover, they point the way to a possible response to the challenges of globalization: a community ethic that keeps the Chinese people grounded in their local environment and dependent upon each other to face and overcome the difficulties of globalization together.  相似文献   

在女性主义的视域内,女性在国际关系中的缺席与国际无政府状态之关联是一个十分有意义的研究命题。作为主流国际关系理论,现实主义的重要理论预设——国际无政府状态表现出男性特征。本文沿着现实主义设定无政府状态的逻辑,从对自然状态下女性特征的解读、男性化国家的描述以及国际无政府状态的女性缺席特征三个方面进行分析,揭示了现实主义逻辑中女性之缺席与无政府状态的相关性,指出女性缺席是现实主义逻辑链条中至关重要的一环,是无政府状态的前提而非结果。  相似文献   

蒲安臣是中国历史上第一位外交使节,由于他本身是美国人这一特殊身份使得他在中美关系史上具有重要地位。在他主导下签订的《蒲安臣条约》是近代中国第一个以平等身份签订的条约。从蒲安臣的经历以及《蒲安臣条约》看出:晚清美国的对华政策往往是理想主义与现实主义交融的产物,而清政府则希望利用美国相对于其他列强对中国的善意达到“以夷制夷”的目的。《蒲安臣条约》在劳工、留学等方面对日后的中美关系产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

正确认识民族优惠政策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
民族优惠政策是中国解决民族问题的重要举措,是社会主义民族关系的主要体现。但长期以来人们对于这一政策的看法并不一致,尤其随着市场经济的发展,国内外不断有人以不同的方式对民族优惠政策提出疑问。因此,有必要从认识上对此予以澄清,以在当前国际民族主义盛行、国内经济差距拉大的现实下,维护多民族中国的和谐与发展。  相似文献   

Xiaomin Rong 《当代中国》1999,8(20):123-146
Using Chinese and Japanese data, this paper shows that Japanese foreign direct investment (FDI) has been under‐represented in China since 1980, but especially before 1992, compared with Japanese FDI in some other East and Southeast Asian countries, and with FDI in China from other major international investors. The under‐representation of Japanese FDI in China, and its important patterns cannot be simply dismissed as being a result of China's poor investment environment. This paper proposes an alternative explanation by repositioning Japanese FDI in China into a larger historical, political and strategic framework. It argues that the growth of Japanese FDI in China has been shadowed by the lingering historical experiences of the two nations since 1895, and has been disrupted by a series of political incidents between the two countries during the previous 17 years.  相似文献   

夏洛特.帕金斯.吉尔曼是美国女性主义文学的鼻祖。对吉尔曼的小说进行整体考察,可以发现:她的创作经历了从解构“他乡”(男权社会)到建构“她乡”(女性乌托邦)的转变,或者说,从以揭露和解构为主的现实主义,走向了以规划和建构为目标的乌托邦主义写作。这使她成为树立女性乌托邦典范的枢纽人物,其对于现代女性乌托邦文学的影响可谓深远。同时,这一转变也充分显示了吉尔曼女性主义思想的前瞻性,她预见性地实践了后现代女性主义所倡导的女性主义文学之目标,即:击破、摧毁、预见与规划。  相似文献   

多年来,在包括贵州在内的广大西部少数民族地区,经济发展与文化传承、传统生活方式与现代化、民族文化的市场价值与审美价值等等之间,一直存在着张力。地方政府与学者在这个问题上的见解也是不尽相同的。本文通过对贵州具有典型意义的一些民族村寨的考察、分析,提出必须以高度现实主义的态度对待这些问题,有所为有所不为;必须以实现贵州少数民族群众的脱贫致富奔小康为最大、最迫切的诉求,在此基础上,把少数民族文化的保护和创新推上新的台阶。  相似文献   

论中西方人性观的差异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为把中西方人性观的差异归结为性善与性恶之差异,易使人们对中西方的人性观及其差异产生简单化、表面化、抽象化、片面化的理解.本文认为中西方的人性观的差异,与其说为性善与性恶之差异,不如说为一元和谐论与两元对立论、乐观主义与悲观主义、理想主义与现实主义、等级主义与平等主义、泛道德主义与自然主义、义务本位与权利本位之差异.  相似文献   

历史时期的华南少数民族 ,包括广东、广西、海南、台湾等地的少数民族 ,他们在特定的生态地理环境和相对落后的社会发展阶段中 ,充分利用华南地区丰富的自然资源 ,维系本民族的生产与生活 ,逐步形成了华南地区少数民族利用自然资源的传统与特点 ,进一步促进了华南地区各民族社会的发展进步。  相似文献   

生态环境是人类社会经济活动的基本要素和物质基础。本文从民族地区生态环境的破坏以及对民族地区产生的危害,探讨了保护生态环境与民族地区可持续发展之间的关系,以及治理民族地区生态环境的对策,最后总结了六点可借鉴的国际经验。  相似文献   

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