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A new public administration movement is emerging to move beyond traditional public administration and New Public Management. The new movement is a response to the challenges of a networked, multisector, no‐one‐wholly‐in‐charge world and to the shortcomings of previous public administration approaches. In the new approach, values beyond efficiency and effectiveness—and especially democratic values—are prominent. Government has a special role to play as a guarantor of public values, but citizens as well as businesses and nonprofit organizations are also important as active public problem solvers. The article highlights value‐related issues in the new approach and presents an agenda for research and action to be pursued if the new approach is to fulfill its promise.  相似文献   

官僚制范式适应了 1 9世纪以来大工业生产对政府职能和效能所提出的要求 ,成为 1 0 0年来公共行政的主导范式。知识经济的兴起 ,使官僚制范式的内在局限性和不适应性暴露出来 ,公共行政范式的危机表现出来 ,公共行政范式处于变革时期。本文尝试从五种行政改革模式讨论对官僚制范式的调整 ,这些改革模式与实践通过放松官僚制范式的基本原则 ,局部缓和了范式危机 ,但并没有实现公共行政范式由官僚制向民主制的转变  相似文献   

Between 1884 and 1896, Herbert Baxter Adams, James Bryce, Richard Ely, Albert Shaw, and Woodrow Wilson, participated in one of the first attempts to build a curriculum specifically aimed at educating American public servants. Their approach to curriculum development did not concentrate on government structure or management skills, but on politics, economics, history, law, and ethics. Their efforts reflected a need to justify local administration, public service, and active government in legal, moral, historical, philosophical, and practical terms. More than 100 years later, their efforts seem both awkwardly archaic and curiously relevant.  相似文献   

The decline in popularity of New Public Management worldwide reinvigorated the search for a new paradigm in the field of public administration. Several alternatives to New Public Management, such as the New Governance and Public Value paradigms, have gained prominence in recent years. Despite tensions among these paradigms, exceptional challenges for public administration teaching programs exist. Xun Wu and Jingwei He of the National University of Singapore compiled data on public administration and management courses from 48 top master of public administration degree programs in China and the United States. This essay analyzes how competing paradigms influenced the selection of course content and pedagogical foci in professional training curricula. The authors conclude that in order to take advantage of an unprecedented opportunity provided by the rapid, global expansion of professional education in public administration, there is an urgent need to find a synthesized theoretical framework .  相似文献   

This account of the practice in the Australian Public Service (APS) for appointing department secretaries, using contracts and rewarding for performance, is based on my own experience in being appointed, reappointed and not reappointed, and in receiving and not receiving performance pay. It also draws on my experience as Public Service Commissioner in assisting with appointments and performance pay of secretaries. I also discuss weaknesses in the current system, and the drift to ‘politicisation’. I was first appointed as a department secretary at the end of 1993 after 25 years in the APS including 15 years in the Senior Executive Service (SES) in three different portfolios (Social Security, Finance and Defence). I was secretary of three different departments (Administrative Services, Housing, and Health, some of which went through changes in name and responsibilities during my tenure) before being appointed as Public Service Commissioner from the beginning of 2002. I retired from the APS in June 2005.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine the cumulative impact of state environmentalprotection policies and environmental quality on the healthof state residents in the United States. Using a series of pathanalytic models, we simultaneously analyze the effect of stateenvironmental policies on environmental pollution and healthoutcomes. Our results indicate that states with stronger environmentalprograms have lower levels of pollution and better public health.These results are robust across multiple measures and alternativemodel specifications. We also find some evidence that statesthat assume authority to implement federal environmental programshave worse health outcomes. Our findings suggest that overalllevels of public health may be affected by state choices withrespect to environmental policies and highlight the importanceof assessing programmatic consequences across policy areas.  相似文献   

环境污染、劳工权益保护、土地资源破坏、食品药品安全监管等许多公共治理难题,给政府治理能力带来严峻挑战。如何借鉴国外先进治理经验破解现代化进程中的治理难题,是我们必须认真探讨的重大课题。行政监察专员制度为我们提供了一种崭新的思路。  相似文献   

This article argues that administrative burden—that is, an individual's experience of policy implementation as onerous—is an important consideration for administrators and influences their views on policy and governance options. The authors test this proposition in the policy area of election administration using a mixed‐method assessment of local election officials. They find that the perceived administrative burden of policies is associated with a preference to shift responsibilities to others, perceptions of greater flaws and lesser merit in policies that have created the burden (to the point that such judgments are demonstrably wrong), and opposition to related policy innovations.  相似文献   

从1949年至1978年将近30年的时间里,基于特殊的社会历史条件,我国建立和不断强化的是一种政治导向型政府管理模式.其主要特征为,执政党和政府以政治为本,一切工作都服从和服务于实现理想社会主义这一政治目标.基于此政治取向,执政党和政府以阶级斗争为纲,把发动群众性阶级斗争运动作为治国的主要形式,以党政一体化高度集权为体制基础,以强制性管制为主要管理手段,以权力单一中心和权力运行单向度为治理机制,以政治立场、政治觉悟、政治表现作为任用和评价官员的主要标准.这种政府管理模式虽然在一定时期促进了我国经济和社会的发展,但基于整体的视角和中长期时段的考察,它却是经济与社会走向衰退的根源.据此,我们可以得出一个结论,即政府管理模式的好坏直接关系着一国经济的增长或衰退,社会的前进或停滞,关系着国家的强弱盛衰.因此,建构一种良好的政府管理模式对于中国未来的发展至关重要.  相似文献   

Behavioral public administration (BPA) research aspires not only to draw on developments in behavioral science but also, importantly, to address central themes in public administration. By focusing a symposium on bureaucratic red tape, administrative burden, and regulation, we encouraged BPA scholarship to engage with fundamental public administration topics that are also relevant for the broader literature on organizations and management. Indeed, the symposium contributions demonstrate how BPA can better meld the behavioral science and public administration literatures. They expand on existing conceptions of BPA, with respect to both methodology and topical focus, and provide a basis for demarcating what might and might not be usefully described as BPA. The symposium contributions provide a blueprint for how BPA research might usefully evolve and the introduction offers a philosophical reflection on the future development of BPA and behavioral science.  相似文献   

The performance of election systems in the United States depends heavily on complex networks of people, tasks, organizations, and relationships, as well as the voting technology that has received so much attention since the presidential election of 2000. Public administration has much to contribute to our understanding of these systems. This article provides an overview of the field, highlighting linkages to theoretical approaches in public administration and emphasizing the importance of management in a brief case study.  相似文献   

刘心林  凌学武 《行政论坛》2004,(5):11-11,18
公共行政学自产生之日起,就一直存在着效率价值取向和规范价值取向的争议与互动。研究这两种价值取向的互动与流变,对于深化公共行政价值取向的认识、促进公共行政学的发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Chang  Chinkun  Turnbull  Geoffrey K. 《Public Choice》2002,113(1-2):191-210
Public sector bureaucratic utility is typically assumed to be a function ofbudget size or government employment. Although intuitively appealing, thereare no definitive direct tests of the assumption. To fill this gap, thispaper exploits data that isolate resource allocation decisions made by localpublic sector bureaucrats. We use revealed preference theory to find thatthe bureaucracy behaves ``as if'' bureaucratic utility is an increasingfunction of employment across government functions and public spending,providing direct evidence justifying the popular assumption in theoreticalmodels of government behavior.  相似文献   

This essay examines the remarkable careers of Elinor and Vincent Ostrom, exploring polycentricity and human management of common property resources from the “no‐name fields” of public administration in the late 1950s, through the metropolitan public service industries and public choice approach to democratic administration in the 1960s and 1970s and the institutional analysis of common pool resource management of the 1980s and 1990s. It continues with the diagnosis of the self‐governing capabilities of socio‐ecological systems in the 2000s. Many continuities underlie focal shifts in attention. Their work will be related to developments in the public administration field along with illustrations of their pioneer example for public administration on research as a collaborative enterprise. The 2009 Nobel Laureate in economics, Elinor Ostrom has been working from an academic background and intellectual tradition that, particularly through her long‐term collaboration with Vincent Ostrom, is strongly rooted in the classical and prevailing institutional concerns that may be seen as core to public administration as an academic field of education and research.

《公共行政学:管理、政治和法律途径》一书是美国著名行政学家戴维·H·罗森布鲁姆和罗伯特·S·克拉夫丘克的力作,是一部在国际公共行政学领域中享有盛誉的经典著作.首先总结了该书提出的三种不同视角的公共行政观、公共行政未来发展九大趋势及坚持传统公共行政范式,力图将(新)公共管理纳入其框架之中的主要观点.其次,分析了该书将法律途径纳入研究视角、多视角地研究公共行政的多元公共行政观及重视公共行政中民主宪政的重要性三方面的贡献及创新之处.再次,指出本书中的三点不足之处:其一是并未达到作者所预期的"合各种途径"的目的;其二是结构略显庞杂,论述不够深入、细致;其三是视角较为狭隘,仅局限于美国.最后,对于该书对我国的借鉴与启示作用,认为:一方面由于中、美国情差异很大,应该慎重对待该书中的相关理论;另一方面应借鉴该书中适用中国的经验、方法,推进中国公共行政理论与实践的发展.  相似文献   

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