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The current backlog of casework is among the most significant challenges facing crime laboratories at this time. While the development of next-generation microchip-based technology for expedited forensic casework analysis offers one solution to this problem, this will require the adaptation of manual, large-volume, benchtop chemistry to small volume microfluidic devices. Analysis of evidentiary materials from rape kits where semen or sperm cells are commonly found represents a unique set of challenges for on-chip cell lysis and DNA extraction that must be addressed for successful application. The work presented here details the development of a microdevice capable of DNA extraction directly from sperm cells for application to the analysis of sexual assault evidence. A variety of chemical lysing agents are assessed for inclusion in the extraction protocol and a method for DNA purification from sperm cells is described. Suitability of the extracted DNA for short tandem repeat (STR) analysis is assessed and genetic profiles shown. Finally, on-chip cell lysis methods are evaluated, with results from fluorescence visualization of cell rupture and DNA extraction from an integrated cell lysis and purification with subsequent STR amplification presented. A method for on-chip cell lysis and DNA purification is described, with considerations toward inclusion in an integrated microdevice capable of both differential cell sorting and DNA extraction. The results of this work demonstrate the feasibility of incorporating microchip-based cell lysis and DNA extraction into forensic casework analysis.  相似文献   

目的探讨国产磁珠Wawasye试剂盒在法医DNA检案中的应用效果。方法利用475份各类常见生物检材测试其效果,并与M48磁珠试剂盒作比较。结果国产磁珠Wawasye试剂盒与M48磁珠试剂盒在检验各类常见生物检材的结果无显著性差异。结论国产磁珠Wawasye试剂盒适用于公安机关DNA实验室。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the forensic protocol recently developed by Qiagen for the QIAsymphony automated DNA extraction platform. Samples containing low amounts of DNA were specifically considered, since they represent the majority of samples processed in our laboratory. The analysis of simulated blood and saliva traces showed that the highest DNA yields were obtained with the maximal elution volume available for the forensic protocol, that is 200 μl. Resulting DNA extracts were too diluted for successful DNA profiling and required a concentration. This additional step is time consuming and potentially increases inversion and contamination risks. The 200 μl DNA extracts were concentrated to 25 μl, and the DNA recovery estimated with real-time PCR as well as with the percentage of SGM Plus alleles detected. Results using our manual protocol, based on the QIAamp DNA mini kit, and the automated protocol were comparable. Further tests will be conducted to determine more precisely DNA recovery, contamination risk and PCR inhibitors removal, once a definitive procedure, allowing the concentration of DNA extracts from low yield samples, will be available for the QIAsymphony.  相似文献   

目的研究脱氧核糖核酸酶I(DNase-I)纯化结合碱性裂解法提取混合斑精子DNA的方法在法医学中的应用。方法收集79份性犯罪案件混合斑检材,分别用DNase-I纯化结合碱性裂解法和差异裂解法提取精子DNA,采用STR荧光标记复合扩增体系进行16个STR基因座分型,并比较检验结果。结果应用DNase-I纯化结合碱性裂解法提取精子DNA,64例检材分型成功;应用差异裂解法提取精子DNA,57例检材分型成功;两种方法比较结果存在显著性差异(P=0.039),DNase-1纯化结合碱性裂解法提取精子DNA的STR分型成功率更高,成本低廉。结论DNase-I纯化结合碱性裂解法提取混合斑精子DNA可提高检验成功率,操作简便,快速,易于自动化,适于法医学个体识别鉴定。  相似文献   

目的探讨常见载体上的微量血痕DNA的提取方法、PCR循环次数对STR扩增成功率的影响。方法分别应用Chelex-100法及Chelex-100结合纯化法对8种载体上不同大小的血痕样本进行DNA提取,并采用28次、30次及34次PCR循环进行STR扩增,分别观察其扩增成功率。结果经28次、30次及34次PCR循环,Chelex-100法提取DNA后的STR扩增成功率分别为0.2917,0.3333,0.4583,Chelex-100结合纯化法的STR扩增成功率分别为0.3750,0.4583,0.8750。结论用Chelex-100结合纯化法提取DNA,用34次循环扩增可提高STR基因座的检测成功率。  相似文献   

牙齿的DNA提取及STR分型研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的建立有效的牙齿DNA提取方法。方法使用物理及化学方法去除牙齿表面污染物,经脱钙、裂解、纯化从牙粉中提取DNA进行STR分型。结果对96例牙齿检材进行DNA检验,获得STR分型的有94例,在查找尸源的案件中发挥了重要作用。结论本方法操作简单快速,能够显著提高牙齿DNA检验的成功率。  相似文献   

The DNA purification step has been thought to be essential for typing of STR DNA. However, this process is time-consuming, and there is a risk of unexpected cross-contamination during purification. We report a new method for direct short tandem repeat (STR) amplification using a newly developed direct PCR buffer, AnyDirect, which can amplify STR loci from whole blood and blood- or saliva-spotted FTA cards without DNA purification. The autosomal and Y chromosomal STR loci were analyzed for whole blood and blood or saliva spots of random individuals, followed by comparison of the results with those of corresponding purified DNA. The results from whole blood and blood spots showed perfect concordance with those from purified DNA without allele or locus drop-out. However, in the case of saliva spots, no amplification or locus drop-out was observed in some of the samples, which offers a topic for further study. Additionally, some commercial hot-start DNA polymerases other than AmpliTaq Gold DNA polymerase were also found to be compatible with this buffer system. Therefore, this direct PCR buffer was demonstrated to be useful for fast forensic DNA analysis or criminal DNA databases for which there is no need to store DNA samples.  相似文献   

Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue blocks are commonly used in the field of pathology and forensic pathology as a source of histological slides. For postmortem kinship analysis or identification, DNA can be extracted from blocks with specialized kits. However, when an STR profile should be generated from single microscope slides, the removal of the coverslip and the limited sample size poses unique challenges. We aimed to test the effectivity of agitated xylene incubation to dissolve the mounting material to facilitate the coverslip removal. DNA extraction tests were performed on 5- to 7-year-old histological slides. Xylol was used to dissolve the mounting medium to facilitate cover slide removal, one set of samples was shaken during incubation, and the other set was left still. It was found that shaking the sample while bathed in xylol decreased the incubation time from three days to two days. Agitation not just reduced the processing time but increased the quality of acquired STR profiles: on average 30% more alleles were detected from the shaken samples compared to the still bathed ones.  相似文献   

目的人骨骼和牙齿DNA提取方法的比较和优化。方法收集18份不同个体的长骨、30颗磨牙和同一个体2根股骨、8颗磨牙。利用TissueLyser-Ⅱ组织破碎仪和PreFiler Express BTA^TM法医DNA提取试剂盒(BTA法),应用Automate Express^TM自动化法医DNA提取系统提取DNA,进行STR分型,与脱钙法进行比较,并进行实验条件优化。结果用TissueLyser-Ⅱ结合BTA法,约2.5h即可完成骨骼和牙齿的DNA提取,分型成功率分别为94.4%和96.7%。与脱钙法比较,两种方法获得DNA质量浓度和检出率比较接近(P〈0.05),但BTA法在操作过程方面更具优势。最佳样本量为100mg,消化时间为2h。结论采用TissueLyser-Ⅱ组织破碎仪结合BTA法对骨骼和牙齿进行DNA提取和分型检验,能满足实际检案的要求,可在法医学实践中选择使用。  相似文献   

We devised a simple DNA extraction procedure suitable for STR typing of urine sample. Use of a commercially available DNA/RNA extraction kit equipped with a silica-gel-based membrane made it possible to omit the recovery of urinary nucleated cells by sedimentation before the extraction. Successful genotyping of the TH01, HumTPO and multiplex STRs was achieved using aliquots of urine as small as 100 microL. Furthermore, application of this DNA extraction procedure to frozen urine samples provided STR allele results comparable to results obtained from fresh samples. Therefore, this extraction procedure is considered to be effective for STR typing of urine samples in both the frozen and aqueous state. Furthermore, addition of sodium azide to fresh urine samples prolonged their storage duration even at room temperature.  相似文献   

In order to cope with the demanding workload for DNA profiling of forensic casework samples a concept for a semi-automated processing system was developed at the Landeskriminalamt (Office of Criminal Investigation) Baden-Württemberg, Germany [K. Vollack, et al., Implementation of a semi-automated processing system for DNA profiling of forensic casework samples, this issue]. The applied magnetic bead extraction method is based on ChargeSwitch® Technology (CST) from Invitrogen and was established on a liquid handling workstation Freedom EVO® 150 from Tecan.  相似文献   

Previous analyses of Australian samples have suggested that populations of the same broad racial group (Caucasian, Asian, Aboriginal) tend to be genetically similar across states. This suggests that a single national Australian database for each such group may be feasible, which would greatly facilitate casework. We have investigated samples drawn from each of these groups in different Australian states, and have quantified the genetic homogeneity across states within each racial group in terms of the "coancestry coefficient" F(ST). In accord with earlier results, we find that F(ST) values, as estimated from these data, are very small for Caucasians and Asians, usually <0.5%. We find that "declared" Aborigines (which includes many with partly Aboriginal genetic heritage) are also genetically similar across states, although they display some differentiation from a "pure" Aboriginal population (almost entirely of Aboriginal genetic heritage).  相似文献   

Sex determination of blood stains from women who were in the late stages of pregnancy was possible by detecting human placental lactogen (HPL) in them. However, the agglutination time for positive reactions was prolonged as the stains aged.  相似文献   

An important area of recent research in forensic entomology has been the use of insect DNA to provide identification of insects for fast and accurate estimation of time since death. This requires DNA to be extracted efficiently and in a state suitable for use in molecular procedures, and then stored on a long-term basis. In this study, Whatman FTA cards were tested for use with the Calliphoridae (Diptera). In particular, testing examined their ability to effectively extract DNA from specimens, and store and provide DNA template in a suitable condition for amplification using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The cards provided DNA that was able to be amplified from a variety of life stages, and thus appears to be of sufficient quality and quantity for use in subsequent procedures. FTA cards therefore appear suitable for use with calliphorids, and provide a new method of extraction that is simple and efficient and allows for storage and transportation without refrigeration, consequently simplifying the handling of DNA in forensic entomological cases.  相似文献   

Laser microdissection can be used in forensic casework to isolate specific cell types from mixtures of biological samples. Extraction of DNA from selected cells is still required prior to STR amplification. Because of the relatively pristine nature of the recovered cells, laser microdissection is more sensitive than more traditional methods of DNA analysis, theoretically resulting in DNA profiles from less cellular material. A one-tube extraction and amplification method minimises loss of DNA through liquid transfers and reduces the potential for contamination events occurring. In this paper, the development of a one-tube method for the effective extraction of DNA from laser microdissected sperm and epithelial cells is described. The performance of the in-house method was compared to that of a commercial DNA extraction kit for extraction of DNA from sperm and the downstream compatibility with STR amplification was determined for both sperm and epithelial samples. Full Identifiler™ profiles after 28 amplification cycles were obtained from as few as 15 epithelial cells and 30 sperm.  相似文献   

Forensic DNA analysis is a multi-step process involving extraction of DNA, quantification of human DNA in the extract, amplification using multiplex STR systems, separation of products, and data analysis. The backlog of forensic casework is increasing worldwide. Automation is one significant way to alleviate the bottleneck of sample processing in forensic labs. The HID EVOlution™ Combination System described here is a robust, reliable sample processing platform, easily adapted to forensic laboratory workflows. Using a variety of forensic sample types including: blood stained FTA paper, cotton fabric and denim, dried blood spiked with known PCR inhibitors, saliva on cotton swabs, and semen stains, we found that yields of human DNA and STR profiles obtained with AmpFlSTR® Idenitfiler® kits were complete, highly reproducible, and equivalent to results obtained using the manual PrepFiler™ reagent extraction method. Automated operation was clean, and no cross-contamination was detected between extraction blanks and interspersed high DNA content samples.  相似文献   

As the first step, the locus D1S80 was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction technique from genomic DNA extracted from artificial bloodstains and crusts with different amount of blood (32 microl, 16 microl, 8 microl, 4 microl, 2 microl, and 1 microl). In all samples of bloodstains and crusts, identification by DNA analysis was possible. As the second step, the locus HLA-DQA1 was amplified from genomic DNA extracted from diluted blood samples (640, 320, 160, 80, 40, 20, 10, and 5 leukocytes). DNA amplification was possible in diluted blood samples with at least 10 leukocytes. Considering the conditions in which the present study was carried out, it was possible to conclude that 1 microl of bloodstains or crusts was enough for identification. It was also concluded that five leukocytes are not enough material to render consistent DNA identification.  相似文献   

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