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黎慈 《桂海论丛》2010,25(2):59-63
金融危机导致国际贸易萎缩,继而加剧国际市场竞争,也促使各国采取更为保守的贸易政策和措施,从而加剧国际贸易摩擦。最近发生的轮胎特保案就是由于美国奉行贸易保护政策的典型实例。美国的贸易限制对中国经济的影响非常大,不仅直接影响到中国众多企业的生存发展,而且会对中国整个经济发展带来冲击。如何应对美国对华实施的贸易保护政策已经成为一项非常复杂而又十分紧迫的任务,这其中,政府的引导和协调起着不可替代的主导作用。  相似文献   

我国财政补贴存在支出缺乏有效约束、影响国内公平竞争秩序等共性问题,也有具体补贴的个性问题。经济法有必要从控制补贴支出和规制政府反竞争行为不同层面、从约束财政支出公平和规范具体补贴不同层级规制财政补贴。完善财政补贴的经济法规制,需要推动财政补贴的清理整治,完善《宪法》、制定《公共财政支出法》,完善《预算法》,建立竞争性评估制度,完善违宪审查机制。  相似文献   

China and the United States have been talking past each other on a variety of issues ever since the normalization process began. To some extent, this enables each side to avoid repercussions from domestic critics and facilitate correct diplomatic relations. But on matters that broadly concern trade, the military, and Taiwan, it can cause considerable friction. Many of the more unpleasant episodes between the two nations have arisen as a result of unexpected and unpredictable events. The United States should address what of the trade imbalance is due to internal shortcomings before pressing the Chinese government to make changes in its economic system. While Washington should be mindful of the security dilemma, it would be unwise to ignore the implications of the PRC's continuing military buildup. Statements of peaceful intentions do not necessarily mean that peace is assured. Iterations of unambiguous commitment to the peaceful resolution of the status of Taiwan are important to the maintenance of peace. The United States and China are linked by market forces that Washington encouraged the creation of. America and China can get along without being enamored of each other's social system.  相似文献   

A World Trade Organization (WTO) arbitrator on January 26 ruled on the case of the United States—Countervailing Duty Measures on Certain Products From China, determining that China may impose trade retaliations against the U.S. with respect to trade in goods in the amount of$645 million annually given the U.S. failure to comply with a WTO ruling in force. China now urges the U.S. to take immediate action to right its wrongs in trade remedy investigations targeting China.  相似文献   

美国对中国产品并用反倾销反补贴措施问题研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
依据WTO贸易规则,WTO成员对来自市场经济其他成员的进口产品并用反倾销反补贴措施具有合理性和合法性.市场经济国家产品与非市场经济国家产品产生补贴重复计算的根源不同,补贴的形式也有差异.在美国对华并用反倾销反补贴的铜版纸案中,美国商务部对华适用反补贴法存在巨大的法律障碍.美国商务部拒绝给予中国市场经济地位或市场导向产业待遇,在反倾销调查中所采用的生产要素方法不可避免地导致了对中国铜版纸国内补贴的重复计算.我国有理由启动WTO争端解决机制和寻求美国司法救济.  相似文献   

国外农产品技术性贸易措施及其比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济全球化逐步深入,贸易透明度不断提高,各国政府为了保护本国的农业生产,阻止别国农产品对其市场的冲击,采取日益隐蔽的限制措施,即在WTO框架下采取技术性贸易措施。该文在总结国外农产品进口技术性贸易措施现状的基础上对各国特点进行比较,并对其效果以及发展趋势进行对比分析。  相似文献   

卢名辉 《中国发展》2009,9(1):31-32,37
该文基于动态博弈模型分析了一国汇率和产品生产成本变化对国内贸易和进出口贸易的影响,得出一国汇率与国内贸易和出口正相关,而产品生产成本与国内贸易和出口负相关,同时汇率对生产成本发挥作用的程度具有乘数效应的结论。充分认识这种关系有利于正确把握社会主义市场经济条件下的宏观调控方向,对中国实现经济又好又快发展意义重大。  相似文献   

尽管WTO《农产品协定》对农产品出口补贴进行了有效的规制,但仍存在着一定缺陷,包括起点负荷、滚动使用和农产品或产品组等漏洞,导致不少国家仍对关键农产品适用出口补贴。对于其他成员的农产品出补贴行为,我国除了在不违反《农产品协定》的情况下,通过国营贸易企业对关键农产品进行垄断经营外,也可根据国外农产品出口补贴对我国农产品影响的具体情况,采取多边和单边救济措施。  相似文献   

Yung Wei 《当代中国》2004,13(40):427-460
Regardless of the continued stalemate in the political arena, trade and economic interactions between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait have increased steadily. Both aggregate data and the results of survey research have testified to the existence of functional integration of the two societies across the Taiwan Strait. In addition to functional integration, structural readjustments have also been made by political authorities both in Taipei and Beijing so as to facilitate continuity of trade and economic relations. These types of mutual accommodations include: establishing proper ‘unofficial’ agencies on both sides to serve as instruments of practical contacts and negotiation; the more flexible definition of ‘One China’ by Beijing; and the opening of ‘small links’ between Quemoy and Amoy by Taipei. Beijing's refusal to grant Taipei any official diplomatic status and Taipei's reluctance to accept the ‘One China’ principle remain major obstacles to cross‐Taiwan Strait relations. The United States will continue playing a key role in future cross‐Strait relations. Beijing seems to be content, at least temporarily, to maintain cordial relations with the United States in exchange for the latter's adherence to the ‘One China’ principle and rejection of the option of Taiwan independence. Whether Taipei will use enhanced US commitment to Taiwan's security to strike a better deal with Beijing for gradual cross‐Strait integration or to utilize increased American protection to move onto the separatist road will be affected by domestic politics in Taiwan, future US policy toward to the island, and Beijing's response to Taipei's demand for security and international recognition.  相似文献   

Ka Zeng 《当代中国》2010,19(66):635-652
In recent years, at the same time it has pursued multilateral trade negotiations via membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO), China has embraced a regional approach to trade liberalization by negotiating a number of bilateral or regional free trade agreements (FTAs) with its trading partners. This paper examines China's increasingly active FTA diplomacy and seeks to explain China's motives for pursuing expanded FTAs. Specifically, this paper argues that while China's FTA activism reflects considerations about enhancing China's influence in the Asia–Pacific region, capturing the economic gains of FTA participation, and minimizing the trade and investment diversion resulting from the competitive dynamics of regional trade liberalization, the move toward expanded FTAs is also consistent with the desire to create alternative bargaining forums over trade issues that could help to stabilize expectations as well as the need to use FTAs to control the pace of trade liberalization so as to accommodate protectionist pressure emanating from domestic interest groups. In particular, this paper highlights the impact of domestic politics on China's FTA negotiations through a detailed discussion of how pressure from protectionist seeking interests influences the scope and depth of China's FTAs.  相似文献   

美国贸易保护政策的新特点及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆琳 《思想战线》2000,26(2):44-46
美国已形成了以非关税壁垒和经济区域化为主要特征的超级贸易保护网.在当今自由贸易与保护贸易政策并存、区域(集团)化趋势日益加强的形势下,中国应借鉴美国贸易保护政策的一些做法,合理地保护本国的民族经济及国内市场,以保持我国经济的健康持续发展.  相似文献   

目前国内关于合同债权转让情形受让人与原合同债务人间纠纷的诉讼管辖确定规则的理解存在误判。受让人与原合同债务人之间并非合同关系。受让人所取得权利性质上为以合同债权为客体的支配权。受让人与原合同债务人之间的关系为受让人行使该支配权过程中所形成的关系。因此其管辖权的确定不应适用民事诉讼法第23条的规定,而应直接适用法释[2001]12号第2条及第3条所确立的规则。该规则本质上为一个新的、有别于合同纠纷地域管辖规则的特殊地域管辖规则。  相似文献   

尽管近年中国服务贸易发展迅速,但中国服务行业的创新能力相对薄弱,服务贸易的国际竞争力依然不强,整体发展水平明显滞后,对拉动国内经济增长的贡献还非常有限。为此,本研究围绕如何推动中国服务贸易创新发展问题,以波特的钻石模型理论为基础,从分析影响服务贸易创新发展的诸要素入手,重点探讨了目前中国服务贸易发展中存在的突出问题以及制度瓶颈,强调服务贸易创新发展的动力来源于政府的制度环境改善和企业的创新能力提升,并就此提出了一整套相应的促进战略举措。  相似文献   

The study of Chinese foreign policy has long shown that domestic politics and domestic constraints are sources of foreign policy, albeit generally considered less potent than ideology and interests. Domestic political constraints should also be explored as factors in Chinese regional policies toward East Asia, including regional economic institutions. This paper examines three domestic institutional constraints on regional foreign policy in the area of trade and economics: a fragmented decision-making structure that has difficulty with coordination, a relatively heavy reliance on top level decision-makers at a time when issues of Asian economic policy have relatively low priority for these same decision-makers, and the relatively extreme lack of autonomy for negotiators vis-á-vis top decision-makers in Beijing. These constraints are by any means unique to China. However, at a time when many observers and participants are expecting—indeed, often hoping for—Chinese leadership in the region, the paper posits that these constraints hinder the PRC's ability to fill this role. The key empirical focus is regional trade agreements and regional economic organizations.  相似文献   

Phillip Stalley 《当代中国》2009,18(61):567-590
How does participation in the global economy influence the pollution management practices of firms in a developing country? Research on trade and the environment leads one to anticipate that integration into the international economy should enhance domestic firm environmental behavior. Integration facilitates access to cleaner technology, exposes domestic firms to global norms of corporate environmentalism, and compels developing country firms to meet trading partners' environmental standards or risk losing market access. This article tests these propositions by exploring the environmental compliance of internationally oriented firms in China—a country whose rapid economic expansion and increasingly prominent role as a foreign investor have considerable implications for protection of the global environment. It finds that there is only modest market-induced enhancement of environmental performance among Chinese companies. In terms of their compliance with environmental law, Chinese firms with connections to the global economy are either no better than domestically oriented companies or, in the case of firms that export heavily, are worse.  相似文献   

2005年美国修改反补贴法准备将反补贴法适用于我国。2006年起美国连续对我国出口产品实施九次反补贴调查。一个更大的威胁是:我国曾经是计划经济国家,国有企业接受过大量补贴。这些国有企业完成了私有化之后是否还继续享受补贴带来的利益呢?按照美国采用的三步骤法或同一主体法认定的话.回答将是肯定的。因此我国的策略是坚持WTO主张的独立交易法进行认定。  相似文献   

加入世界贸易组织后我国政府职能的转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界贸易组织正式运行以来,对政府职能的转变提出了更高的要求,其法律规则已成为各成员 方政府制定国内贸易措施,实现国际贸易自由化的法律准则。即将成为成员方的我国政府对世界贸易 组织法律规则必须有一个全新的认识,正视世界贸易组织法律规则对政府职能的重大影响,积极采取 应对策略,实现政府职能的战略性调整。  相似文献   

本文以RCA指数分析了台湾服务贸易国际竞争力,发现台湾服务贸易竞争力疲弱,不仅与美欧发达国家差距很大,而且在“亚洲四小龙”内也处在下游水平;虽然台湾传统服务贸易部门竞争力有所增强,但现代服务贸易部门竞争力却在弱化.本文探讨了岛内市场需求、外部市场需求、人力资本状况、服务业发展、货物贸易发展及服务贸易开放对台湾服务贸易竞争力的影响,认为各因素对台湾服务贸易竞争力的作用各不相同.最后,本文分析了两岸服贸协议对台湾经济的作用,探讨了近期岛内出现的“太阳花学运”反服贸风暴背后的原因,认为台湾既要理性、平和地安抚反服贸民众的热燥情绪,又要加快推进服贸协议,为两岸经济合作突破深水区提供新动能.  相似文献   

Qingxin K. Wang 《当代中国》2011,20(70):449-465
Drawing on the historical institutionalists’ emphasis on the effects of ideas on policy making, this paper focuses on the importance of economic ideas and ideologies on China's trade policy making with regard to the signing of the WTO agreement with the United States in 1999. The paper argues that trade liberalization in China was a result of top Chinese leaders’ embrace of neoclassical economic ideas which conceive a small role for the state in the marketplace, mainly as the regulator of the macro-economic environment and as the enforcer of the rule of law, rather than as a major player in the marketplace. Top Chinese leaders’ socialization with neoclassical economic ideas enabled them to forge a political consensus to link state-owned enterprise (SOE) reforms with speedy WTO accession and led to China's major concessions in WTO negotiations with the United States in 1999 which were inconceivable just a few years ago.  相似文献   

A greener China means additional business opportunities for Siemens Green is in.And green technology is set to become the next cash cow for major appliance,automobile and  相似文献   

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