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有组织犯罪概念二元论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
有组织犯罪的理论研究从其一发端便面临着一种巨大的尴尬──概念确立的艰难。本文通过对当前这一领域研究成果的总结与清理,凸现了其现时的理论困境,并在此基础上提出了可能的突破路径,即有组织犯罪概念应从刑法学和犯罪学两个层面上予以二元解说。文章还进一步对二元论的立论基础、理论功能和基本内涵进行了详尽的分析。  相似文献   

宽严相济政策对犯罪控制效率的兼顾   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李建明 《现代法学》2007,29(4):52-58
宽严相济的刑事政策以促进社会和谐为基本价值目标,但这一政策对犯罪控制的效率可能产生一定的消极影响。犯罪控制效率同样决定着社会和谐的程度,因此,实施宽严相济刑事政策必须兼顾犯罪控制的效率。其主要对策是,借鉴《联合国反腐败公约》制定的反腐败策略,在立法和司法两个层面鼓励涉嫌犯罪者与刑事执法机关合作,并以现代侦查手段武装侦查机关,提高侦查、公诉机关揭露和证实犯罪的能力。  相似文献   

Research Summary Crime reduction policy has focused almost exclusively on offenders. Recent studies and evaluations show that expanding our policy portfolio to include places may be highly productive. We show that there is considerable research showing that crime is concentrated at a relatively few locations, that high-crime places are stable, that changing places can reduce crime, that displacement is not only far from inevitable but also less likely than the diffusion of crime prevention benefits, and that owners of high-crime places can be held accountable for the criminogenic conditions of their locations. We link these findings to environmental policy, where environmental scientists, economists, and regulators have developed a broad set of regulatory options. The core of this article describes a portfolio of environmental policy instruments directly applicable to crime places. We also discuss major decisions local governments will need to make to implement various forms of regulation, and we list challenges that governments must anticipate in planning for such implementation. We argue that a regulatory approach to crime places has the potential to lower the cost to taxpayers of reducing crime by shifting costs from governments to the relatively few place owners whose actions create crime-facilitating conditions. Policy Implications Taking a regulatory approach to crime places substantially expands the crime policy options under consideration. Regulatory options may increase local governments’ effectiveness at reducing crime while reducing governments’ costs. This is because regulatory approaches have the potential to shift some portion of the financial burden for crime fighting to owners of criminogenic locations. Policy makers can select between means-based anticrime regulations that focus on how place owners manage their locations and ends-based regulations that focus on the number of crimes allowed at places. Both of these approaches contain several alternative regulatory instruments, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Experimenting with various regulatory instruments could lead to the development of a range of new crime reduction policies. In addition, a regulatory approach has implications for the funding of policy research. Means-based regulatory instruments require governments to develop evidence that the means they regulate have the desired impact on crime. Ends-based regulatory instruments shift this burden to the regulated places.  相似文献   

This paper provides a preliminary overview of research on organized crime in Asia drawing on selected papers from a symposium held at the National University of Singapore in June 2007. We draw on these contributions to emphasize the enterprise nature of organized crime and the common problems encountered by law enforcement in controlling and preventing the many harms inflicted by serious criminal activity. Recent attempts to address the changing character and forms of transnational organized crime, especially through the strengthening of mutual legal assistance by regional bodies such as ASEAN, are noted. These measures have yet to develop into the cross-border institutional frameworks now found in Europe, and the level of effective co-operation can only continue to improve. Countering organized crime in Asia also faces additional difficulties arising from the cultural diversity, relative weakness of law enforcement in some states and the lack of common strategies in respect to illicit markets.
Roderic BroadhurstEmail:

This study, derived from a sample of 108 serial rapists (rapes=565), examines the relationship between demographic, crime scene, and criminal history variables and the distance traveled by serial rapists in order to offend. The pattern of offenses perpetrated by each of the 108 serial offenders as it relates to his place of residence is also analyzed in terms of known characteristics of the offender and his offenses. The theoretical focus of the study integrates premises derived from criminal investigative analysis, environmental criminology, ethnographic geography, journey to crime research, and criminal geographic targeting to explore the cognitive symmetry between the how and the where of serial sexual offenses. These components or dimensions of serial crime are explored in an attempt to aid law enforcement in their investigation of hard-to-solve serial crimes.  相似文献   

犯罪网络分析:社会网络分析在有组织犯罪研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在刑事司法领域所使用的"网络"(networks)一词通常是指犯罪组织。一个犯罪网络首先也是一个社会网络,社会网络分析是对社会关系结构及其属性加以分析的一套规范和方法。它主要分析的是不同社会单位(个体、群体或社会)所构成的关系的结构及其属性。自美国"9.11事件"以来,世界各国政府、学者、媒体逐渐认识到社会网络分析在有组织犯罪防控研究中的重要作用,纷纷使用社会网络分析方法对恐怖主义犯罪等有组织犯罪进行犯罪网络分析、研究,通过解构犯罪组织,发现犯罪成员体系、结构特征与行动目标,从而对有组织犯罪进行有效预防和打击。我国应充分认识社会网络分析在现代有组织犯罪防控研究中的重要价值,全面了解国外有关理论与应用发展,积极采取政府资助项目研发与直接设立研究机构等多种手段,促进犯罪网络分析理论与方法在我国的迅速发展。  相似文献   

现场勘查指挥中存在的问题及其对策探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑元勋  房俊鹏 《政法学刊》2010,27(2):126-128
现场勘查工作对刑事案件的侦破起着十分重要的作用,随着法制化进程的不断推进,对现场勘查各环节的规范化要求日益提高。当前各级公安机关都十分重视犯罪现场勘查仪器、设备的投入,然而硬件的完善只能为做好犯罪现场勘查工作提供技术支持,因此加强对犯罪现场勘查的环节控制,提出有针对性的解决对策就显得十分重要。  相似文献   

This paper offers some reflections on how to develop more effective policies against crime, drawing on more than 10 years of research experience on the international drug problem. The paper begins by trying to illustrate the so-called justice gap in the world, and explain why an institution such as the United Nations has a comparative advantage in closing that gap. It then details four lessons that the author has learnt from his own personal experience as head of research in the United Nations International Drug Control Programme, now called the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: (i) measure, count, and keep counting; (ii) publish or perish, either in inter-governmental default, or in public hysteria; (iii) limit the dangers of committing the euphemistic fallacy; and (iv) divorce research and policy, because research is policy-dependent; make research policy-relevant, and re-marry it to policy. Finally, the paper tries to show how these lessons can be applied in related areas and used as good practice in research on crime.  相似文献   

Crime prevention is an activity that, sooner or later, requires the concourse of science. But the dictates of science may not mesh well with the social, institutional and political considerations that are persistent and powerful determinants of collective action. To the extent that they are ignored, crime prevention is less scientific and more pragmatic. Using a marketing metaphor, this paper examines selected aspects of the supply of and demand for scientific crime prevention in Canada and Venezuela from 1949 to the present. In both countries, academic entrepreneurs are revealed to be a necessary factor in the sale of crime prevention to government. On the demand side, governments adopt and adapt crime prevention policies in relation to their broader perspective on social problems and social change. However, rising crime rates and climates of urgency reduce the attractiveness of crime prevention. Scientific crime prevention is easier to sell when crime rates are stable or declining.  相似文献   

This study examines neighborhood economic improvement, what is occurring in nearby neighborhoods, and the consequences for neighborhood crime rates. Negative binomial regression models are estimated to explain the relationship between the increase in average home values (a component of gentrification) and crime in Los Angeles between 1990 and 2000. We find that the spatial context is important, as gentrifying neighborhoods located on the “frontier” of the gentrification process have significantly more aggravated assaults than gentrifying neighborhoods surrounded by neighborhoods also undergoing improvement. Furthermore, this effect is stronger in neighborhoods that began the decade with the highest average home values. Our findings indicate that the extent to which neighborhoods are more or less embedded in a larger process of economic improvement, and where the neighborhood is at in the economic development process, has differential effects on neighborhood crime.  相似文献   

城市农民工犯罪与社会治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨德敏 《行政与法》2004,(10):85-86
城市农民工是城市中的特殊群体,他们在城市发展中扮演着非常重要的角色。但由于受制度歧视,社会保障机制不完善,导致失业严重,加之自身素质低下,造成城市农民工的犯罪活动频繁发生,并以侵财型、犯罪数额少、季节性和团伙性为主要特征,这势必会影响到社会稳定。只有政府转变观念,消除制度歧视,建立涵盖城市农民工的社会保障体系;严格劳动法律法规的实施;加强农民工教育。这样,才能改善农民工的社会地位及生存状况,才能从根本上抑制农民工犯罪。  相似文献   

论环境犯罪严格责任原则之有限适用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境犯罪是否适用严格责任是刑法理论界长期存在较大争议的一个理论难题。严格责任引入环境犯罪固然有助于严厉打击环境犯罪、减轻检控机关证明责任、提高诉讼效率等司法效益,但同时也必然带来扩大对环境犯罪的打击面、突破传统刑法罪过理论以及随意出入罪等司法弊端。而现代刑事法治的一个基本要求是要在惩罚犯罪和保障人权之间保持平衡,以牺牲人权保障来换取惩罚犯罪的司法成效是得不偿失的。环境犯罪中引入严格责任同样必须合理平衡惩罚犯罪和保障人权这两大诉讼目的,应当严格控制环境犯罪适用严格责任,即只能为了有效保护被害人和社会公共利益而在有限的范围内使用,必须受到法定条件的严格规范,且必须重视推定等证明方法的贯彻和运用。  相似文献   


A wide-ranging body of research on the immigration-crime relationship has shown that immigration does not increase community crime levels. However, most prior studies have focused on traditional immigrant destinations or border cities. This study addresses several gaps in this line of research by exploring immigration effects on neighborhood levels of Violent and Property Index crimes for the 2008 to 2014 period in Cincinnati, Ohio – a Midwestern, mid-sized, nontraditional immigrant destination. Overall, our findings are consistent with previous research and indicate that controlling for other factors, the percent foreign-born has largely neutral effects on census tract-level crime rates in Cincinnati. Moreover, our findings show no signs of indirect effects of immigration on crime through neighborhood disadvantage.  相似文献   

环境犯罪被害是一类新型特殊的被害。与传统被害人比较它有自身特有特征:被害对象的特殊性和复杂性,被害原因行为价值判断的似是而非性,被害的间接性、累积性、不可逆性以及空间广延性,被害的国际间弱势转移性,等等。鉴于此,国家应承担首要的环境犯罪被害预防责任。就现代中国而言,国家预防责任的实现以宪法确立公民环境权为转折点。  相似文献   

Livestock theft is common in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa. Experience of theft can deplete household assets and food resources. This article reports the findings of an exploratory study to investigate whether livestock theft patterns in Malawi reflect variations in the extent to which different animals are “CRAVED” (Concealable, Removable, Available, Valuable, Enjoyable, and Disposable), Clarke's mnemonic to explain preferences for items to steal. Measures of the elements of CRAVED were correlated with self-reported levels of theft for seven species of livestock using data from a cross-sectional, nationally representative survey of 11,280 households. Higher availability and disposability of livestock were significantly associated with higher levels of theft. Livestock displaying more CRAVED attributes were also stolen in greater numbers. The findings are cautiously interpreted as suggesting that livestock theft in Malawi is largely opportunistic. Implications from and for the application of CRAVED to livestock theft in Malawi are discussed.  相似文献   

文化作为上层建筑的组成部分,对犯罪研究的影响极为深远。中西方的文化迥异,导致犯罪研究的背景及途径各有特色。本文试图从文化的角度解析犯罪,并通过对中西方文化发展轨迹异同的研究,阐明其研究对法律制定、犯罪控制、学科建设等相关领域的影响,进而增强学术研究的忧患意识,最终为我国的犯罪研究提供新的视角及建议。  相似文献   

The current research tests three conceptual models designed to explain citizens’ fear of crime—vulnerability, disorder, and social integration. These models are assessed for differential impact across the cognitive and affective dimensions of fear of crime. The analysis reported here considers the consecutive and simultaneous influence of individual- and city-level factors using multilevel modeling techniques. Recently collected survey data for 2,599 citizens nested within 21 cities across Washington State provide the empirical evidence for the analysis. Results indicate that the disorder model is best able to explain variation in both the cognitive and affective dimensions of citizens’ fear of crime across cities. The vulnerability and social integration models explain significantly less variation. Further, the vulnerability model lacks directional consistency across the observed dimensions of fear. Societal implications of the research findings are discussed.
Noelle E. FearnEmail:

环境犯罪中疫学因果关系理论探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马骏 《政法学刊》2014,(3):40-44
以科学法则为基础的传统因果关系理论无法解决环境犯罪中因果关系的认定,有必要借鉴疫学因果关系理论来分析认定。疫学因果关系本质上是一种推定的事实因果关系,必须满足一定的条件才能成立。对环境犯罪因果关系的认定,有必要在相当因果关系的判断过程中引入疫学标准。  相似文献   

近年来,重庆市毒品犯罪案件总数有下降趋势,但大要案件突出,犯罪特点及犯罪人员出现一些新的变化。重庆特殊的地缘因素、庞大的毒品消费市场以及打击毒品犯罪的难度较大使禁毒的形势更加严峻。要通过构筑毒品流入流出防线,斩断毒品流通网络,迫使毒品消费市场萎缩,有效遏制重庆市毒品犯罪态势的恶化。  相似文献   

黄辉 《政法学刊》2005,22(5):92-93
犯罪是一种极其复杂的社会现象,现代警察的产生无疑是与犯罪预防联系在一起的。中国社会目前正处于转型的关键时 期,社会转型对犯罪预防提出了新的挑战。在犯罪预防中,警察的作用既是重要的,又是有限的。仅凭警察自身的力量不可能从根本上 解决犯罪问题,也不可能彻底完成对犯罪的预防。这种角色定位,有助于我们更理智地去分析研究犯罪产生的根源和原因,寻求犯罪 发生的规律,从而采取有效措施以减少和预防犯罪。  相似文献   

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