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When I first arrived here a few months ago, I couldn't help but notice several work projects going on all around me. A new dorm was being built on campus where I would be teach-ing, as well as a courtyard being repaved and bricked in front of the female students' dormitory, and a building next to my gym was being renovated. I wondered how long it would take to finish these large tasks, espe-cially the courtyard, as school would begin in about a week, and it would be a mess for students to have to walk through mud, over piles of sand, and around stacks of bricks to get where they wanted to go.  相似文献   

Shanghai is a city that has many sto-ries, and Jia Zhangke, a celebrated film director, is about to tell some of them in his new film, I Wish I Knew.The documentary film is dedicated to the 2010 World Expo, and will be screened at the World Expo site. The Chinese director spent three years preparing for the movie and one year actually filming it.  相似文献   

正From a cultural landmark,the Beijing International Film Festival has grown into an incubator for talent and international cooperation By Yuan YuanL a Patota had been on Feng Luyao's wish list for a long time.The Argentinian film tells the story of Paulina,a rape survivor,as she tries to put her life back together."This movie triggers thoughts on what is real justice,"the Beijing-based lawyer said after watching it at the Sixth Beijing International Rim Festival."Without this film  相似文献   

A favorite summer activity for Chinese students is the internship - but is it worth the trouble?GLOBULES of sweat splash off the desk as the invigilators gather up the last of the exam pa- pers. Somewherein the distance a shrill bell sounds, and a stampede of students charges down the steps and out the college gates for a two month break from the books. Many full-time employees today recall such a scenario with the fondest of memories - school's out for the summer. Two long months to slouc…  相似文献   

Girging him with“incitement of insurction”and describing him as a“clear id present danger”to the nation,the U.S.House of Representatives impeached President Donald Trump for a historic second time.Ten Republican members broke ranks and joined Democrats.Coming in the waning days of Trump's administration,the date of a Senate trial is still uncertain,but there are indications that it might proceed months later after the business of helping a new administration take root has been completed,and long alter he has left office.  相似文献   

The newly born Republic of Nepal has gone a long way to transform its political system more than three months after it became arepublic, Nepal will hopefully have a new government soon, with the election for prime minister slated for August 15. The Constituent Assembly declared Nepal to be  相似文献   

PPOPLE are often reluctant to pay a visit to the doctor and will avoid it for long periods in their lives. It seems that nobody can live without medical attention however.  相似文献   

THE eastern metropolis of Shanghai has for decades been a main driver of the Chinese economy, and long a point of convergence for companies throughout the world to meet and do business. The 2010 World Expo and the overall upgrading of local infrastructures it entailed have further stimulated Shanghai’s vitality. The municipality’s ascendancy to global finance and shipping industry makes it both more attractive and accessible to business travelers.  相似文献   

正Debutante director pays tribute to her hometown with award-winning film By Li QingThe Tarim Basin in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,northwest China,is a land of contrasts.Flanked by towering mountains with the arid Taklimakan Desert lying at its heart,it boasts lush greenery and a vast Euphrates poplar forest the largest and best preserved of its kind in the world.This is the hometown of Wang Lina,the32-year-old director whose debut feature film A First Farewell received rave reviews when it was screened in film festivals in 201 8 and got  相似文献   

<正>Sun Dongchun’s The Delayed Gap Year made waves in China,as it is believed to be China’s introduction to the concept of a"gap year."Sun heard the word"gap year"in 2006 and months later,he embarked on his own,with a plan to go to India via Thailand to do volunteer work.At first,he planned a three-month trip but ended up extending it to 13 months.After the  相似文献   

正Internet financial products have enjoyed huge success,but will they change the landscape of China’s financial sector?Wang Kang,27,works for a Beijing branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China(ICBC),a major state-owned commercial bank in China and the largest bank  相似文献   

正China Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi severely criticized Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s visit to the Yasukuni Shrine,calling it a brazen affront to people of all countries that suffered from Japanese aggression and colonial rule.  相似文献   

正"Reading books gives you access to the knowledge and culture of the people of different countries.The main problem facing China and Turkey in the field of literature is the lack of translated books."Chinese writer and Nobel laureate Mo Yan,calling for more translated literature works at a news briefing in Istanbul on February 22  相似文献   

正58 Number of approval items that the State Council canceled or delegated to lowerlevel governments to streamline administration on November 24 $2.3 blnvalue of agreements signed between businesses from Singapore and east China’s Zhejiang Province at the 10th SingaporeZhejiang Economic and Trade Council meeting held in Singapore on November 24 4% Decrease in business revenues in China’s telecom sector in October  相似文献   

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正Backing a price war between cab-booking apps serves the larger ambition of China’s Internet companies Han Yonghui is a cabbie in Beijing.After a taxi fare increase in 2013,he makes roughly 5,000 yuan($823)a month,just about enough to feed his family.Recently,Han started using cab-hailing mobile software to pick up customers who order taxis via smartphone.Benefiting from an increasingly fierce competition of rewards between two of the most popular apps for this purpose,he can receive up to 2,250 yuan($370)  相似文献   

正Japan’s leader hopes to salvage his power by way of an early election Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe dissolved the House of Representatives,or the lower house in the country’s bicameral parliament,on November 21.A consequent snap election will be held on December 14,two years ahead of schedule.In recent months,the Japanese economy has continued to slide and entered a technical  相似文献   

正Barack obama strives for a sound legacy Predictably,the U.S.Republican Party(GOP)took back the Senate after eight years in a landslide victory during the mid-term congressional election in November.While the GOP is still in control of the House of Representatives,it also gained ground in state governor elections in Illinois,Maryland,Iowa and Colorado—the traditional spheres of influence of the Democrats.  相似文献   

正The 15th Russia International Show of Construction Equipment and Technologies(CTT)was held in Moscow from June 3 to 7.Liuzhou OvM Machinery Co.Ltd.attended the exhibition with its prestressed products."At the moment,infrastructure construction such as housing,elec-tric power and railway is continuing to expand in Russia,and given that the country’s import of machinery  相似文献   

正China has declared Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe an unwelcome visitor following his recent visit to the controversial Yasukuni Shrine.When asked whether Chinese leaders would listen to his explanations for the shrine visit in person,a Foreign Ministry spokesman ruled out the possibility by saying that Abe has"shut the door"on dialogue.China is not alone.The U.S.State Department also expressed disappointment at Abe’s visit  相似文献   

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