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Hoping for Peace     
EVENthesunlightofJulycannotdispeltheshadowofgriefhangingovertheChinesepeonleMay8,1999,wasanunforgettabledayfortheChinesepeople.Onthatday,NATO,headedbytheUnitedStates,launchedmissilesagainsttheChineseEmbassyinBelgrade,killingthreeandwounding20.Thatwasthe45thdayofNATO'sairraidonYugoslavia.May8wasalsoanunforgettabledayforthefamilyofShaoYunhuan,48,areporterforXinhuaNewsAgencystationedinYugoslavia,whodiedintheinhumanbombing.Whenthenewsofherdeathreachedherhome,herparents,whoareintheir70s,…  相似文献   

China and Russia conduct routine joint military drills for the protection of regional peace and stability On August 15,the sixth China-Russia joint anti-terrorism military drill entitled Peace Mission 2013 concluded in Chelyabinsk.Russia.The joint military drill program has been an important aspect of bilateral military relations and security cooperation.The program not only  相似文献   

Chinese missile destroyer Guangzhou arrived at the Karachi naval shipyard in south Pakistan on March 5 for the Aman 09 multinational naval exercise. Under the slogan "Together for Peace," the exercise, led by the Pakistani navy, was conducted in the North Arabian Sea from March 5 to 14. It consisted of harbor and sea phases, aimed at the development and improvement of Response Tactics, Techniques and Procedures, or RTTP, with a focus on combating terrorism. Commander Li Ping, Captain of Guangzhou, shared hi...  相似文献   

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization holds joint military exercises for regional stability shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO) members have been holding joint military exercises since 2003.And this year’s was called Peace Mission 2010.  相似文献   

正China’s defense spending grows at slower rate this yearThe defense budget will grow at a rate of 7.6 percent in 2016,the lowest in six years,according to a budget report given to the Fourth Session of the 12th National People’s Congress,China’s top legislature,on March 5.This year,the budget is 954 billion yuan($146 billion),compared with last year’s budget of 886.9 billion yuan($136 billion).  相似文献   

正Solution to the South China Sea issue is ready to work on August 8-10,the 47th ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)Foreign Ministers Meeting(AMM)and its related gatherings brought together top diplomats from 27 nations,including 10 ASEAN member states and their Dialogue Partner countries,in Nay Pyi Taw,capital of Myanmar,to discuss political,security and development issues that have  相似文献   

A Call for Peace     
<正>Buddhist gathering focuses on exchanges and mutual learning The late U.S.political scientist Samuel P.Huntington famously predicted that people’s cultural and religious identities would be the primary source of conflict in the post-Cold War world.In contrast,Buddhist masters attending the recent Fourth World Buddhist Forum in China believe religion has actual y brought civilizations together,and can be a force for peace.Eminent monks present at  相似文献   

正China again implores Japan to stop violating its sovereignty and repair bilateral relations China continues to fight for its sovereignty and territorial integrity through words and actions.The country's marine surveillance fleet has expelled a number of Japanese vessels sailing illegally in waters around the Diaoyu Islands while maintaining routine patrols in the East China Sea.  相似文献   

China plays an active role in safeguarding stability on the Korean Peninsula Tensions on the Korean Peninsula finally seem to be easing.President of the Republic of Korea(ROK) Park Geun Hye said on April 11 that Seoul would conduct dialogue with Pyongyang and offer humanitarian assistance.During his recent visits to China and South Korea,U.S.Secretary of State John Kerry  相似文献   

A Call for Peace     
CHINESE President Xi Jinping attended the 3rd Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) and visited the Netherlands, France, Germany and Belgium, including the UNESCO and EU headquartersfrom March 22 to April 1. A momentous diplomatic event, the president's trip to Europe attracted world at- tention, yielding welcome results. History will prove this to be a milestone in China-EU relations, and its value in boosting the bilateral ties.  相似文献   

September 21 is the International Day of Peace. On that day, this unanimous United Nations resolution established in 1981 calls on people everywhere to commit to peace above all differences for 24 hours. The 2021 theme of Recovering Better for an Equitable and Sustainable World is highly relevant as human society still strives to re-cover from the COVID-19 pandemic. The international community today is more than ever eager to create a peaceful setting for development.  相似文献   

A Concert for Peace and Friendship,sponsored by the CPAFFC with the aim to in-troduce and popularize newsongs of peace and friendship,was held on the afternoon ofJanuary 31 in the auditorium ofthe CPAFFC.More than 250 peo-ple from the diplomatic,friend-ship,music and press circles at  相似文献   

ON August 3, I was invited to attend the finale and closing ceremony of the 13th Chinese Bridge Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students. This contest, organized jointly by the Confucious Institute Headquarters (Hanban), the Hunan provincial government and Hunan TV, was held, unsurprisingly, in Changsha, capital of the province.  相似文献   

Hong Kong’s transport network was partially paralyzed on August 5,as protesters created fresh chaos. Metro commuters were seriously affected by these actions, as many lines suspended operations.The metro system in Hong Kong transports about 5.8 million passengers a day.  相似文献   

<正>August 1 marked the 90th founding anniversary of the People’s Liberation Army(PLA),an enigma to many foreigners,thanks to the foreign media hype about the supposed military threat posed by a rising China.As a matter of fact,the PLA’s mandate is maintaining peace.It has a historical record of safeguarding national sovereignty,security and development interests as well as maintaining world peace and promoting global progress.  相似文献   

正Dear Readers,Forum is a column that provides a space for varying perspectives on contemporary Chinese society.We invite you to submit personal viewpoints on past and current topics(in either English or Chinese).Please provide your name and address along with your commentsAs we emerge from the embers of last year,2016 holds great potential for both hope and turmoil.  相似文献   

In the wake of the bumpy ride in 2008, where will the Chinese economy go in the midst of the global financial turmoil, and how will it fend off the devastating effects of an international economic recession? Beijing Review interviewed 10 economists and experts to get their insights about China's economic prospects this year.  相似文献   

Pursuing Peace     
<正>Chinese armed forces’ engagement in international cooperation in 2022 From November 10 to 18, 2022, Chinese naval hospital ship Peace Ark conducted its 10th overseas medical mission in Jakarta, capital of Indonesia. During the mission, the ship provided vital medical assistance in what was dubbed Mission Harmony-2022.  相似文献   

Courting Peace     
正China contributes to the disposal of Syria’s chemical weapons in a cooperative escort mission The first batch of chemical weapons was shipped out of Syria on January 7,bringing bigger hopes for a peaceful settlement to the chemical weapon issue in the country.Although it is too early to say that Syria’s crisis can be ended in the immediate future,the move will at least clear away an ob-  相似文献   

<正>A bearish economy and escalating conflicts strained the international community in 2014 Looking back at the state of the world last year,both conventional and nonconventional security threats posed  相似文献   

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