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房地产市场宏观调控的回顾分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈少围  贾晶 《中国发展》2007,7(1):64-66
当前房地产市场中房价过高、上涨过快的基本原因是市场需求过度旺盛与市场供给相对不足的短期矛盾。在回顾近年来一系列房地产宏观调控措施后,指出土地政策、信贷政策、财税政策中仍存在的问题。最后,对今后加强房地产市场宏观调控提出一些对策和建议。  相似文献   

In the past three quarters,investment in real estate development totaled 3351.1 billion yuan($504.2 billion),up by 36.4 percent year on year,of which,investment in residential buildings reached 2.35 trillion yuan($353.7 billion),representing a 33.8-percent increase year on year and accounting for 70.2 percent of the investment in real estate development.  相似文献   

A rebound in housing prices fuels speculation over more curbs China’s home prices took an upward swing since the last quarter of 2012 despite government-imposed measures to cool the market.In light of this,the State Council unveiled five new policies to reaffirm its stance on tightening the housing market.However,the new policies were questioned for their lack of originality and for not including long-anticipated  相似文献   

徐爱华 《湖湘论坛》2008,21(5):24-25
2008年以来,在房地产宏观调控背景下,地处内陆中部的湖南省房地产开发投资增长回落,房屋销售明显减慢,商业性房地产贷款增长下降较快;湖南房地产市场发展或将进一步趋缓。因此,应积极寻求房地产市场宏观调控与支持湖南省房地产市场发展的切入点和结合点,充分挖掘自身潜力,谋求政策支持,苦练内功,以保持湖南省房地产市场稳健发展。  相似文献   

2004~2005年国家调控房地产价格的政策措施,目的是促进市场健康发展和改善普通民众的住房居住条件,但是这个政策的效果,因为缺乏整顿市场的配套措施和房地产商联合个别政府部门的强烈抵制,现在已经打了很大的折扣。房价领头暴涨的上海,房价仍在高位徘徊,同样是高房价的北京,一  相似文献   

中国房地产业市场集中度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在市场力量的牵引下,目前的房地产市场格局将渐进地完成由无序竞争向合意集中的演进。在此过程中,一方面,无序竞争引起的各类问题会自发得到解决;另一方面,房地产市场集中度上升并不必然地导致一批房地产企业“退出”,较发达地区的房地产企业在竞争作用下逐渐朝欠发达地区扩散,在此过程中,渐进地推进我国房地产业整体的成熟。  相似文献   

房地产市场的症结不在于房价过高,而在于大部分社会成员收入过低。我国目前社会保障制度、土地制度、政府决策制度、监督制度的缺陷,导致和加深了贫富分化,进而使房价问题凸显,政府对此负有不可推卸的责任。  相似文献   

近期针对房地产市场的调控政策频繁出台,其关键就在于通过调节市场需求,平抑高位运行的房价,从而确保房地产市场的持续健康稳定发展.与此同时,在缓和供求关系之际,如何定向支持弱势购房群体的消费需求,从而为发展构建和谐的经济社会基础而努力.  相似文献   

Cultural factors, lack of household investment alternatives, and local governments’ reliance on property-related taxes are all contributing to soaring housing prices in urban China, despite the slew of regulatory measures of the government.  相似文献   

China’s banking regulator tightens real estate credit to central enterprises to limit thenumber of players in the property development market  相似文献   

正China’s real estate market is in a stage of cyclical adjustment.Data from the National Bureau of Statistics show that in April,secondhand housing prices in 22 of the country’s 70large and medium-sized cities dropped from the previous month,and newly built housing prices in eight of the 70 cities declined over those of a month ago.In the last several years,the country’s real estate industry has developed very rapidly,pushing up overall economic growth.However,  相似文献   

Nearly two years after the financial crisis,the Chinese economy is faring well-maybe too well.A recent Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR) report stated a dangerous bubble is expanding in the property market,raising concerns among policymakers.The price surges came as a surprisewhile the financial crisis plunged the world into a deep recession,sending a chill through the once-booming Chinese economy,the real estate market staged a defiant comeback.According to data from the China Land Surveying and Planning Institute,the country's average residence price ,soared 25 percent in 2009 from the previous year,a record rate since 2001.  相似文献   

Canadian real estate developers said that the flowing in of Chinese money will keep housing markets stable in Vancouver. The city was recently ranked the second least affordable in the world by Demographia’s International Housing Affordability survey. Colin Bosa,CEO of Bosa Properties,said that as long as the Chinese continue to move to British Columbia,markets will remain stable."They like it in British Columbia because it’s safe and they’re accepted here,"Bosa said."There is a good quality of life with universal health care and good schools."Vancouver is British Columbia’s largest city and known for hosting the 1986 Expo,2010  相似文献   

中国当前房地产市场调整的直接原因是包括中国在内的国际经济形势恶化,更深层次的原因是国际经济体系自身矛盾的爆发,中国粗放式、高消耗、劳动密集型的发展模式需要调整,导致房地产中心化发展模式需要随之调整.因而,房地产市场当前的困难不是政府救市就能解决的,房地产更大的困难可能还在以后缓慢到来.  相似文献   

2006年5月出台的“国六条”及其十五条配套细则对中国房地产市场产生了剧烈影响,京、沪、穗等地的市场交易量急剧下滑,消费预期再次发生动摇。因此,有必要在分析现阶段中国房地产市场现状和存在问题的基础上,进一步探讨中国房地产市场如何走向健康持续稳定发展的相关建设性对策。  相似文献   

政府对房地产市场的宏观调控是政府提供的一项“公共物品”,是政府各种行政权力运行的结果。从行政法治的角度分析,政府调控行为既要符合合法性的要求,又要符合合理性的要求,而目前调控行为中的“房产税”、“限购令”等措施在合法性、合理性方面都存在问题。  相似文献   

The first Annual China Real Estate Forum was held on September 4 on the Beijing Campus of the China Europe International Business School(CEIBS). The forum has invited all stakeholders including government officials,property developers, bankers and investors. The participants will discuss the emerging trends of the industry, as the landscape of China's real estate is facing profound transformation both at the policy and business levels.  相似文献   

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