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The need of State and local governments to deal with an increasing range of technological problems has led to the development of relatively new ways to call on Federal laboratories. This paper discusses the structure of these mechanisms for technology transfer, organizations involved in the systems that have developed, trends that affect these organizations and current problem areas.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, empirical evidence has increasingly supported the view that it is possible to reduce reoffending rates by treating or rehabilitating offenders rather than simply punishing them. In fact, this shift from a punishment to a rehabilitation model is arguably one of the most significant events in modern correctional policy. Criminogenic needs, dynamic risk factors, have been the focus of a considerable amount of research and are viewed as primary intervention targets. Drawing from the correctional, psychological, philosophical, and social policy literature, we distinguish between instrumental and categorical needs. The latter are derived from assumptions about human nature and provide the theoretical grounds for the former, as well as for criminogenic needs. We argue that an enriched concept of needs embedded in the notion of human well being, can provide a coherent conceptual basis for rehabilitation and also avoid the problems apparent in the concept of criminogenic needs. From this perspective, criminogenic needs are usefully construed as the internal and external obstacles associated with need distortion. Therefore, they are directly linked to basic need distortion and the absence of the internal and external conditions necessary for a person to lead a fulfilling life. Finally, we outline a possible framework utilising categorical needs and discuss the clinical and policy implications of our perspective.  相似文献   

The Marine and Coastal Access Bill includes legislative provisions for improving public rights of access to the English coast. This paper examines the background to the coastal access proposals and analyses the draft legislative framework in the context of ongoing controversies over the creation of public rights of access to private land. It also considers the issue of compensation payments to the owners and occupiers of land affected by the coastal access proposals.  相似文献   

本文阐释了获得司法正义的概念及其重要性,检讨了当前中东欧国家法律援助的现实状况,并依据可适用的国际人权公约中关于获得司法正义的标准和一些比较的标准,对中东欧国家的法律援助状况加以分析,进而简要描述了世界上一些国家的法律援助制度,介绍了改进现状的某些可行机制,并就一些在构建和改革法律援助制度过程中可能出现的实际问题展开探讨。  相似文献   

Howard Zinn has been classified in a number of ways for his many social contributions. However, despite the breadth of his work, he has never been considered a criminologist. It is likely that this is the result of the inaccurate perceptions many Americans have about crime being a predominantly street‐level social problem. Zinn maintains that the social harms caused by those in positions of political and economic power are in fact crimes against humanity that are far more destructive and violent than the actions our legal system has historically deemed criminal. He also points to the ways our criminal justice system is unjust and ineffective, and has demonstrated how social inequality ensures that the disadvantaged will be further subordinated by the criminal justice system. Zinn’s critical contributions about the most significant sources of social harm, the unjust nature of the American justice system, and the influence of social inequality offer an unorthodox criminological perspective that deserves special consideration. His unconventional criminology calls for increasing social justice by means of political dissent, social resistance, and civil disobedience.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the law relating to special educational needs. It discusses the impact which the growth in the area of parental rights has had on LEA administrative and executive functions. It highlights varying circumstances leading up to the processes of statutory assessment and statementing in which parents and the LEA may find themselves in a position of conflict and tension. This article provides an analysis of how one specific LEA has sought to respond to the burgeoning workload and associated pressures brought about by changes in educational legislation, regulations and case law and the general increase in the number of appeals lodged against it.  相似文献   

The Marine and Coastal Access Act, amongst its other aims, is intended to ‘build on existing access legislation to create a route around the coast of England’ (Foreword to the Draft Marine Bill, HMSO 2008). As such the Act can be seen as a continuation of the access objectives of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act, and possibly as a vindication of the success of the original Act. The broad objectives of access, land management and conservation are present in both pieces of legislation, though it remains to be seen whether the access provisions of the Marine Act will enjoy the same level of funding as those of the CROW Act. This paper investigates the origins of the Marine Act, and in particular the power and influence of tourism, nostalgia and environmentalism on the emergence of this legislation.  相似文献   

Most instruments used to assess offenders' risk of recidivism were developed and validated on male samples. Use of these instruments with female offenders is, however, common practice. This use with female offenders implies the assumption that the risk of recidivism can be predicted on the basis of the same risk factors for women as for men. Yet, this implied gender-neutrality of offender risk instruments has been the topic of much debate. This study compared criminogenic needs in male and female offenders and their relevance in predicting recidivism. A large sample of male and female offenders (N = 16,239) charged with a range of index offenses was studied. Results mainly support the gender neutrality of existing offender risk and needs assessment. However, results do suggest that some criminogenic needs may indeed have a different impact on recidivism for men and women. Problems with accommodation, education and work, and relationships with friends were more strongly correlated to general recidivism in men than in women. For women, difficulties with emotional well-being had a stronger correlation with recidivism than for men. In addition, relative to all other criminogenic needs, problems with emotional well-being were more important for women than for men in predicting general as well as violent recidivism. However, because the bivariate correlation for female offenders between emotional difficulties and recidivism is weak (as it is for male offenders), the question remains whether the relative importance of emotional difficulties in predicting recidivism in women actually has clinical relevance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

This article proposes an analytical framework for exploring policy responses to common challenges of environmental governance. Observing that governance involves multiple processes, I begin by identifying a conceptual platform for studying unilateral learning and adaptation as well as international cooperation as integral and interacting components of a complex governance system. I propose the concept of co-evolution as the cornerstone of this platform and distinguish between two modes of co-evolution: diffusion and cooperation. The article draws findings and propositions from recent literature to identify the mechanisms at work and the conditions under which they foster mutually beneficial solutions. Indicating how important governance challenges differ with respect to these conditions, I build the case for a diagnostic and differential approach that matches capacity-building and policy strategies with the challenge in focus.  相似文献   

In this article, Dean and professor Albert E. Gunn explains that there is something wrong with the medical profession today. The lack of opposition by physicians to current practices that contravene basic human nature is disturbing. Gunn believes an origin of the problem lies in the process of the selection of medical students. Selection has been biased against the very traits that should make a person a good, caring physician. Gunn recommends looking favorably upon, even recruiting, applicants with a broad education in such subjects as history, philosophy, and literature, rather than just basic, technical science knowledge that they are currently being encouraged to study. Applicants should be recruited who are highly educated and able to think for themselves on important issues. Another bias the author has observed is that against applicants who possess a religiously justified morality. Such applicants are asked to justify and defend such a stance. Gunn believes that the fact that applicants who possess these traits are not considered highly desirable, much less preferred, is the basis of the deterioration of the medical profession, and recruiting such independent-minded, ethical, religiously motivated candidates could be the answer to reviving it.  相似文献   

石纪虎 《北方法学》2010,4(3):53-60
股东大会作为由公司全体股东组成的对公司重大事务进行决策的机制在本质上并不是"机构",而是一种制度,是股东民主的制度形式。股东大会与政治国家中的立法机关(议会)具有本质性的差别,在理论上不能将其类比为立法机关(议会),而应当将其视为一种类似于"全民公决"的重大事项决策机制。股东大会作为股东民主的制度形式只能采用多数决的规则,决定了股东大会制度面临着与政治民主制度同样的问题,即如何保护少数派(股东)的利益。  相似文献   

This article explores how migration to rural areas might be a life phase strategy, especially when families are in the expanding phase. Rural life may be experienced as qualitatively better that urban living, as safer and more relaxing. At the same time, rural life is not as exclusive choice but a part of the individual complementarity in rural–urban orientation throughout the life course. The study is based on 48 life story interviews with men and women in rural communities of central Norway. Because informants represent various age groups, the article also examines changes in rural living during the last several decades.  相似文献   

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