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“垂直搜索”将从互联网网页中提取的信息内容存储在自身服务器中向公众提供,引发了著作权侵权问题。在“大众点评网诉爱帮网案”及“携程网诉趣拿网案”两案中,被“垂直搜索”引擎所提取的信息均为用户上传的点评。许多点评未达到“独创性”的要求,因此不构成作品。同时点评的集合也未在选择或编排方面体现出“独创性”。但在被提取的信息构成作品的情况下,“垂直搜索”直接复制并向公众提供信息的实质内容.将替代用户对来源网站的访问。这种行为无法被认定为合理使用.而是对来源网站作品著作权的侵权。“垂直搜索”服务提供者应合理地设计其商业模式,限制搜索结果中显示的作品长度,以避免代替用户对来源网站中作品的访问。  相似文献   


John Kaplan, The Hardest Drug: Heroin and Public Policy Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1983, xi + 247 pp.  相似文献   

Procedures leading to the proper investigation and certification of deaths occurring in police custody are discussed. The importance of training and experience, of interchange of information between investigator and forensic pathologist, and of common sense in the pursuit of fairness toward this end is emphasized.  相似文献   

The life cycle of a fly illustrates that the late immature stages of necrophagous insects frequently leave the body, and are therefore not found on the corpse itself. Taking into account these stages (i.e. pupae) while investigating a death scene is very important. Two case histories demonstrate the effects of not taking that fact into consideration when determining the post-mortem interval. Since there is no standardized method in Germany for collecting insects at a death scene, an entomological collection kit with a short instruction is introduced.  相似文献   

Efforts to avoid punishment are generally deemed undesirable and therefore punished or otherwise regulated. In reality, however, not all avoidance efforts are punishable or regulable, at least not to the same degree. For practical or sometimes constitutional reasons, certain efforts to avoid punishment, such as non-creation of incrementing evidence or zealous criminal litigation, are non-punishable. This paper examines whether and under what conditions it is wise to deter avoidance efforts in a setting with multiple avoidance activities, some of which are non-regulable/punishable. The main results of this paper are that deterring certain avoidance activities does not necessarily: (i) decrease the extent to which offenders engage in avoidance activities; and (ii) more importantly, improve deterrence of the principal crimes. Normatively, then, it might be better to let certain punishable avoidance activities go unpunished or, more surprisingly, even to subsidize them. This calls into question recent responses by lawmakers after evidentiary fouls, such as those at Enron, WorldCom and HealthSouth, to stiffen penalties for obstruction of justice.
Avraham D. TabbachEmail:

The demand for women's egg cells is increasing and is leading to reproductive tourism and transnational oocyte trafficking. The article considers the regulatory landscape of oocyte donation in Europe and analyses different types, particularly whether oocytes are provided within or outside of the IVF context, and whether anonymity of the donor is legally possible or not. The bifurcation between different purposes of egg extraction, particularly the challenges raised by ova demands for cloning research (SCNT) are highlighted. In emphasizing the need for supranational regulation, nine rules for supranational minimum standards are proposed to protect both donor interests and the public good. A particular focus is directed to the commodification of oocytes with regard to the European principle of non-commercial, voluntary and altruistic donation.  相似文献   

家庭暴力:从国际到国内的应对(下)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
三 反对家庭暴力的战略(一 )人权战略《妇女公约》的条约机构“消除对妇女歧视委员会” 1 992年发布的第 1 9号一般建议 ,阐释了歧视妇女、基于性别的暴力与侵犯人权和基本自由之间的密切关系。该一般建议将基于性别的暴力 (包括家庭暴力 )视为《妇女公约》第 1条规定的歧视定义所涵盖的歧视形式之一 ,同时也构成严重阻碍妇女与男性平等享有权利和自由的问题。一般建议指出 ,虽然《妇女公约》的具体条款没有明确提及暴力 ,但基于性别的暴力违反公约所载的若干人权 ,如生命权、免受酷刑或残忍、不人道以及有辱人格的待遇的权利和人身自由以…  相似文献   

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