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This paper draws on research in social and cognitive psychology to show how theories of judgment and decision making that incorporate decision makers' affective responses apply to legal contexts. It takes 2 widely used models of decision making, the rational actor and lens models, and illustrates their utility for understanding legal judgments by using them to interpret research findings on juror decision making, people's obedience to the law (e.g., paying taxes), and eyewitness memory. The paper concludes with a discussion of the advantages of modifying existing approaches to information processing to include the influence of affect on how legal actors reach judgments about law and legal process.  相似文献   

The Court of Appeal has set out a new framework for the application of copyright law's joint authorship test in a recent landmark case. Kogan v Martin brings some welcome clarity to the complex joint authorship landscape, embedding an inclusive pro-collaboration default standard. This case note contrasts the appeal court's nuanced framing of the dispute with the first instance court's narrower approach. The note then examines the new joint authorship framework and explains how it allows the test to be applied with an eye to the reality of collaborative creative endeavours. Finally, the significance of Kogan v Martin is highlighted, as are some questions which remain unanswered.  相似文献   

我国税收基本法制定的意义、特征和框架   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
按照“八届”、“九届”、“十届”全国人大常委会立法规划的要求,近期全国人大财经委员会已正式启动对税收基本法的起草工作,并争取在“十五”计划末期或十届人大常委会任期终了时完成。制定我国税收基本法是我国税收法制的重大事件,是健全和完善我国税收法律体系的迫切需要。它对于规范政府和纳税人的征纳税行为,对于巩固和发展税制改革的成果,对于加强和完善税收立法、执法和司法活动,充分发挥税收的职能和税法的功能作用,促进我国市场经济的发展和完善有着重大的意义。  相似文献   

随着区域科学的兴起与我国法治建设的推进,区域法治发展成为法治国家建设领域中一个全新的论题,也是法治中国建设的题中应有之义。区域法治发展理论是在全面推进法治中国建设,全面建成小康社会历史条件下形成的,也是在形成基础上构建的。加强区域法治发展理论研究具有促进法学理论发展与推动现实问题解决之双重意义。在基础理论研究层面上,区域法治发展的研究应当从本体论、价值论、方法论三个维度进行。区域法治发展理论将丰富中国特色社会主义法学理论体系和法治理论体系。  相似文献   

The paper focuses on the application of a particular conception of the rule of law to situations characterized by traditional local justice and legal pluralism. While in the twentieth century international rule‐of‐law programmes were directed almost exclusively at state legal system, they have recently begun to take into account traditional local justice, namely, those institutions which in many world regions represent the main form of effective justice. Starting with a review of the positive and negative aspects of traditional local justice from a rule‐of‐law perspective, the paper underlines the widespread lack of protection of human rights, particularly of women’s rights. Discussing vertical rule‐of‐law functions in contexts of legal pluralism the paper stresses the advantages of an approach to the promotion of the rule of law based on mutual recognition and influence between different legal authorities and sources. It is argued that this “interactive” approach appears best suited to the complex frameworks of relations that characterize present‐day systems of deep legal pluralism. Finally, the paper underlines the correspondence between this approach and a conception of the rule of law as an ideal framework of plural interactions characterized by the limits imposed on the law by the law itself, and it discusses its advantages from the perspective of human rights and women’s rights promotion.  相似文献   

It is widely held in translation studies that translation proper is not merely a process of linguistic transfer but also of cultural transfer. But how cultural transfer is effected or whether it can be effected is not at all clear. The study begins with a critical analysis of the problems relating to law translation in general and translating the common law into Chinese in particular. It then examines the nature of cultural transfer in law translation with special reference to the translation of common law terminology. The study purports to set out the framework for legal translation as cultural transfer, in particular, for translating the common law into Chinese in Hong Kong. It argues that successful transfer of the legal culture of foreign laws always requires the adjustment of translating language and the employment of metalanguage.  相似文献   

本文从经济面与功能面对信托法加以阐释。首先以台湾地区信托法为例,说明信托法律关系各当事人间的基本权利义务关系;然后再采取一个整体性的分析架构,分别从契约法、物权法与组织法三个面向,说明信托法结合多重法律关系的核心内涵。并认为从信托法的一般原理可以看出,台湾地区信托法制提出可以往如下五个方向发展:(1)信托财产的主体性;(2)信托财产登记制度;(3)受托人之忠实义务;(4)有限责任法则之运用;(5)任意规定与强制规定之调和。而其中蕴含的原理具有普适性,同样适用于对中国大陆信托法的完善。  相似文献   

In the United States at this time, no uniform federal law exists regarding commercial surrogacy, and state statutory schemes vary vastly, ranging from criminalization to legal recognition with contract enforcement. The authors examine how commercial surrogacy agencies utilize the Internet as a means for attracting parents and surrogates by employing emotional cultural rhetoric. By inducing both parents and surrogates to their jurisdiction, agencies circumvent vast discrepancies in state statutory regulative schemes and create a distinct interstate business, absent an efficient regulatory framework or legal recourse in some circumstances. The authors propose a uniform federal regulatory scheme premised upon regulating interstate business transactions to create accountability and legal remedies for both the parents and the surrogate.  相似文献   

经济法学研究框架初探   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
我国经济法学在其发展过程中形成了经济与法律互动结合框架、经济法规体系框架、“主体—行为—责任”框架、“政府—社会中间层—市场”框架、法益主体框架、比较框架、可诉性规范与不可诉性规范相结合框架等较为成熟的研究框架。总结和分析这些研究框架,有助于经济法学走向成熟。  相似文献   

本文以全球化进程、国际化进程以及新旧国家主义的强对抗力量为背景,分析了国际体系的新的错综复杂性及其对国内法的影响。在第一部分,作者引入全球化的概念及其是否发生的国际背景。第二部分,作者描述和分析了在贸易和环境领域,关税与贸易总协定、经济合作和发展组织和欧共体框架内在全球化过程中的主要战略、机制和手段。基于上文论述,作者在第三部分认为在国际模式下,主要是通过缔结国际协议迫使各国将国际法律义务转变为国内法,而在超国家模式下,立法全球化的影响是直接的。选择何种模式,必须作出许多政治性决策:必须决定全球化是一个可取的结局;必须决定全球化问题认知达到必要程度的方法以及更可取的解决问题方法;必须改变传统市场导向方式。作者还建议美国和欧共体成员国要对国际政治、经济和法律事务的传统民族国家为中心的认知进行修正。  相似文献   

After raising doubts about Foucault's approach to law-power, in the light of various acts of religion-inspired violence on and after 11 September 2001, a case is made against this approach, based on the charge that Foucault ties law far too tightly to what he calls negative power. He makes law part of juridico-sovereignty power, a form of power he regards as outmoded, with an outmoded commitment to sovereignty and the state. It is argued that in attempting to separate law from what he sees as the positive power of modern governmentality, Foucault never understands law's role as a part of a crucial balance - between political power, military power, the social, the cultural, the legal, and the economic - a balance that tries to achieve both individual freedom and the security to enjoy that freedom. An alternative way of understanding law, and of understanding sovereignty and the state - the state under the rule of law - is presented as a much better route to an appreciation of law's part in the balance.  相似文献   

郭冬梅 《现代法学》2012,34(3):154-163
《气候变化框架公约》及其议定书是人类应对气候变化所制定的总体规划和实施细则,但是,由于其和其他环境法公约一样具有环境法的"软法"特质,一些《气候变化框架公约》的履行机制出现了许多值得探究的边白。以"震慑型"方案还是"激励型"方案为主,需要从《气候变化框架公约》的履行理论切入,深入剖析,对此两种方案进行理论、实证博弈分析,得出《气候变化框架公约》履行方案的应有选择,为今后其他国际环境条约的履行提供相关指导。  相似文献   

从本源看,国际关系与国际法之间联系紧密,在学科发展上国际关系理论与国际法学相互依托、互相促进。斯劳特的自由主义国际法学,正是一种渊源于自由主义国际关系理论,并将国际关系理论与国际法学紧密结合在一起的新研究范式。在这种范式里,最引人注目的是其尝试为国际法学开辟一条自下而上的研究路径。无疑,这是对长期以来依赖自上而下的国际法传统研究路径的一个很好的弥补,也为当代跨国法的研究提供了良好的分析框架。当然,自由主义国际法学存在的不足也必须引起我们的注意。  相似文献   

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