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职务发明报酬是专利制度的一个重要内容。本文通过对中外职务发职务发明人报酬制度进行比较,分析我国现行职务发明报酬制度中存在的问题,并为我国《专利法》及其相关制度的修订提出些许建议。  相似文献   

While the Agreement between the United Nations and Lebanon providesa solid framework for cooperation between the Special Tribunaland Lebanon, Security Council Resolution 1757 (2007) is silenton the duty of third states to assist the Tribunal. As a result,the Special Tribunal will be confronted with a variety of obstaclesand problems in obtaining their cooperation, which may seriouslyhamper its functioning.  相似文献   

廖益新 《法学家》2003,(6):24-27
近些年来,法学教育界经过广泛深入地进行法学教育改革的讨论,对在法学本科教育中加强素质教育的意义和必要性,已经取得了共识.  相似文献   

一直以来,中国学界和司法实践中普遍接受和遵循《1992年国际油污损害民事责任公约》船舶所有人责任专属制度,将船舶油污民事责任主体限定为船舶所有人。然而,船舶油污民事责任主体是否具有扩张性,即是否可以及于船舶所有人以外的当事方却鲜有讨论。针对船舶油污民事责任主体的扩张性,通过对国外立法、司法实践中相关案例及理论基础进行详细分析,并结合中国目前船舶油污事故发生的实际情况及相关法律规定,可以认为扩张船舶油污民事责任主体在中国具有必要性和可行性。  相似文献   

学位论文的“首次保护”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
某报纸的头版头条以“学位 论文将首次获得大范围版 权保护”为题,报道其中心和某数据公司签署协议,共建中国学位论文全文数据库一事,其中称该库以“国家法定的学位论文收藏机构”中国科技信息研究所收藏的论文为依托,将利用网络技术“向高等院校、公共图书馆、科研机构、企业以及其他公众提供学位论文的全文信息服务。”又称该公司已拨出专款数百万元,希望广大  相似文献   

由于忽视对立法目的的探讨和提炼,对如何理解审判的时候怀孕的妇女存在聚讼。以限制死刑主体,废止孕妇死刑为目的,可以对此作出和谐统一的、合目的的解释。审判时包括整个刑事诉讼程序与死刑判决执行程序。孕妇应指怀孕的所有情形,包括正在怀孕、曾经怀孕和异常怀孕等。刑法第49条与相关司法解释、刑诉法第211条等的规定不存在矛盾。  相似文献   

重新犯罪社会原因检讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文分析发现了“重新犯罪招致了回归控制,回归控制制造了新的犯罪, 新的犯罪又强化了回归控制”这一悖论,在二者相互作用、互为因果、纠缠不清的状态下, 笔者依据认同理论和正义原则,构建了“控制回归控制”的预防重新犯罪方案。  相似文献   

《Russian Politics and Law》2013,51(4):380-389
The discussion on "The Defense Counsel: Rights and Problems," launched by LG this January, is approaching its conclusion. Today lawyers and an investigator offer their views.  相似文献   

论公证赔偿   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
一、公证赔偿的定义与特点 公证是公证机构根据当事人的申请,依法证明法律行为、有法律意义的文书和事实的真实性及合法性的活动。真实性、合法性是公证活动所应遵循的基本原则。若公证机构对不真实、不合法的法律行为、有法律意义的文书或事实予以公证,就会产生错误公证的问题。错误公证的法律后果之一即为公证赔偿。因此,所谓公证赔偿,是指公证机构及公证员在办理公证及辅助性事务的过程中,对于因自己的过错而导致当事人遭受的损失所应承担的补偿责任。公证赔偿具有如下特点: (一)承担公证赔偿的前提,在于公证机构及公证员存在过错。根据罗马法“无过  相似文献   

杨飞 《行政与法》2012,(6):67-70
因医院产前检查过失导致缺陷婴儿出生之损害赔偿案件在我国司法实践中并不鲜见,但世界各国对此类案件的处理则没有统一规定,在我国也没有相应的法律规范。本文从法理上剖析了人民法院以医院产前检查过失行为侵犯缺陷婴儿父母的生育选择权为裁判基础的不妥之处,评析了"缺陷婴儿不当出生之诉"的侵权不成立、违约救济之困境,提出在我国侵权法体系中应当增加"违反保护他人的法律规定之侵权类型",以消弭此类纠纷在司法实践中法律适用的困惑。  相似文献   

韩大元 《法学家》2001,(3):128-129
近年来随着法制实践的发展,我国宪法理论研究出现了向专题化方向发展的新的趋向。专题的理论研究不仅有助于推动宪法实践本身的发展,而且能够强化宪法理论的实践功能,标志着宪法理论研究的成熟程度。甄树青博士著《论表达自由》(社会科学文献出版社2000年6月版)一书是宪法学专题研究方面的重要研究成果,为基本权利理论的深入研究提供了有益的线索与丰富的理论依据。…….  相似文献   

The whole of South Asia is devoid of any standards and normson any dimension of refugee reception, determination and protection.The fact that a quarter of the world's refugees find themselvesin a non-standardized, if not hostile, refugee regime is a situationwhich does not augur well for either the mandate of UNHCR orfor any civilized society. The South Asian nations have theirown apprehensions, real or imaginary, about the utility of CSR1951 to their situations. Because of historical mishaps, politicalignorance, unstable democracies and exaggerated concern overnational security, there is hardly any motivation for, or anyenvironment in which there is a possibility for, the enactmentof national legislation. Non-governmental agencies, in their own way, have been tryingto influence the States to accede to the Convention and, also,to promulgate national laws. The most noticeable contributionis the draft national law for India, ‘Refugees and AsylumSeekers Act’, discussed and approved by the Fourth InformalConsultations on Refugees and Migratory Movement Sessions intheir Dacca Session. The draft legislation has been under considerationby the Indian government for some time but the issue, nonetheless,remains both important and urgent. There is an almost completeabsence of discussion about it in any forum, even the media.This paper is an attempt to examine the provisions of the draftlaw, insofar as it conforms to the international standards,and to show where it is found wanting. The paper also evaluatesthe competence of the draft law to answer security considerationsafter 9/11. The paper suggests suitable amendments that maymake the enactment of national law a reality, so that the voidin the international regime of refugee protection can be filledeffectively and fast.  相似文献   

STR data for the PowerPlex 16 loci for the Chinese population in Hong Kong   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Allele frequencies for the 15 STR loci included in the PowerPlex 16 kit were obtained from a sample of 247 unrelated Chinese in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

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