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心理验尸   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理验尸是一种重建死亡方式 ,特别是研究自杀死亡的科学方法。它是通过回溯性收集、研究有关资料来认定死亡方式 ;适用于死亡方式不清楚的案件。心理验尸需要法律精神医学知识和有关自杀的信息  相似文献   

泓庆 《江淮法治》2011,(12):24-24
作为处理交通事故的民警.验尸是再平常不过的工作了。所以在我们的私人笔记里.我想该有这样的内容。能用这么平淡的口气谈这个话题。或许会让不熟悉我的朋友感到惊讶了吧?  相似文献   

何进 《江淮法治》2010,(18):33-33
清朝时期,江西省南昌城内有家布店,是一个浙江慈溪人所开,老板姓胡。胡老板精明又能干,虽然是携家带口地在外乡闯荡。但仗着头脑灵活、吃苦能干,倒也将布店干得有声有色,生意很是不错。此后,由于布店生意愈发兴隆,胡老板还雇了两个当地人作伙计,这两个伙计手脚勤快,办事也很不错,胡老板非常满意,对两个伙计也视同家人一样。  相似文献   

涂文强  赵虎 《法医学杂志》2009,25(5):380-382
长期以来,中国对自杀的判断仅依靠死亡现场和尸体特征,忽视了心理解剖对死亡方式的区分作用。心理解剖与传统的自杀风险评估和自杀流行病学调查有明显区别。心理解剖的目的主要是了解死者个性特征、行为方式、自杀动机;心理解剖的方法是全面调查、收集和分析死者有关的资料。心理解剖也存在很多限制,其中缺乏标准方案是主要原因。最近Bermanr提出了一个较为完善的标准,但这个标准在我国应用之前还有许多问题需要解决。  相似文献   

近年来,大学生自杀事件频繁发生,大学生是知识分子群体中的一部分,这种发生在大学校园中的不正常的现象,应该引起当代社会的警醒,进而关注他们的心理。本文试从正常与异常的两个心理状态方面着手具体分析大学生的自杀现象。  相似文献   

山东省公安专科学校与济南部队军事医学研究所经过两年多的努力共同研制成功 J—87型验尸专用防尸臭口罩最近通过了省级鉴定,这种口罩的问世为改变法医工作者及其它接触腐尸工作人员的环境和条件,保障他们的身体健康做出了贡献。在鉴定会上,专家们认为:“目前国内对尸臭尚无可供利用的防护用品,本产品的问世属国内首创,填  相似文献   

自杀的心理解剖   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自杀是重要的公共卫生问题。但目前国内的研究焦点主要关注的是怎样预测和预防自杀的发生等方面,对自杀者的心理解剖工作却几乎没有开展。本文重点介绍并讨论了已经在国外开展了40年的针对自杀者的心理解剖工作的概念、工作原则和具体操作方法,为国内专业人士更准确地了解自杀者死亡的心理学原因和其他相关的危险因素,为更好地预防和控制自杀提供了一条新的途径。  相似文献   

陈立成  陈鹏 《证据科学》2006,13(4):302-304
自杀是重要的公共卫生问题。但目前国内的研究焦点主要关注的是怎样预测和预防自杀的发生等方面,对自杀者的心理解剖工作却几乎没有开展。本文重点介绍并讨论了已经在国外开展了40年的针对自杀者的心理解剖工作的概念、工作原则和具体操作方法,为国内专业人士更准确地了解自杀者死亡的心理学原因和其他相关的危险因素,为更好地预防和控制自杀提供了一条新的途径。  相似文献   

1案例资料某日中午,路人发现某出租屋内有血迹自门缝流出的,拉起卷闸门见宁某(女,24岁)正持菜刀猛砍自己头部,急上前制止,反遭其抗拒,后送医院抢救无效死亡。现场勘验现场地面有大面积血泊,向卷闸门外流淌,血泊周围有滴落状血迹,血泊中有1把菜刀,四周墙壁有大量甩溅状血迹。地面及床上见断发、碎骨片及脑组织。现场有某精神病院的药袋,内有舒必利、氯氮平片、盐酸苯海索片等药品。尸体检验尸斑淡,全身皮肤及粘膜苍白。额顶部15 cm×10 cm范围内有数十条密集的平行排列的砍痕,颅骨破碎,13 cm×6 cm范围内软组织及额顶骨缺损,相应处脑组织缺损…  相似文献   

武传家 《法制与社会》2010,(15):181-183
作为一个由学校向社会过渡的特殊群体,大学生正愈来愈多地影响着国家的繁荣和兴旺。但这一群体又是相当脆弱的。触目惊心的自杀数字一次次向我们敲响警钟,大学生自杀数量正呈逐年递增的态势,自杀已经成为大学生死亡的首要原因。因此对大学生自杀行为原因的分析显得尤为重要。自杀行为的发生是生物、社会、经济、心理等多因素交互作用的结果,本文主要从社会心理角度分析了自杀行为产生的原因,以便更好地认识并及早得防范这一社会性问题。  相似文献   

While the use of psychological autopsies has at least a 50-year history in the investigation of equivocal deaths and suicides, we report a case where, after the discovery of a woman who died of natural causes, a subsequent search of her home found three deceased newborn infants. The infants were born on three separate occasions; the most recent was delivered approximately 2 weeks before the death of the mother. Using her own diaries and interviews with family and friends along with the physical autopsy and scene investigation data, we built a psychological autopsy that addressed the mother's mental state over the period of time when the infants' deaths took place. While the use of the psychological autopsy was not employed to distinguish the manner of death of the mother, it did provide explanatory power over circumstances of the crime scene and the behavioral disturbance of the mother.  相似文献   

We describe a device for the simultaneous recording of the autopsy findings during the autopsy, thereby offering a convenient way of obtaining correct and timely autopsy reports.  相似文献   

Biosafety considerations for autopsy   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An autopsy may subject prosectors and others to a wide variety of infectious agents, including bloodborne and aerosolized pathogens such as human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B and C viruses, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Other hazards include toxic chemicals (e.g., formalin, cyanide, and organophosphates) and radiation from radionuclides used for patient therapy and diagnosis. These risks can be substantially mitigated through proper assessment, personal protective equipment, appropriate autopsy procedures, and facility design.  相似文献   

Sporadic deaths from Legionnaires' disease may escape detection at autopsy. Known epidemiological and clinical features of the disease should arouse suspicion and prompt appropriate bacteriological studies. The pathological findings in Legionnaires' disease are almost entirely confined to the lungs and are not distinct from any other severe bacterial bronchopneumonia. The causative organism, Legionella pneumophila, is difficult to identify on a Gram stain but will stain nonspecifically with the Giemsa, Warthin-Starry, and Dieterle techniques. The direct fluorescent antibody method allows specific identification of Legionella in paraffin-embedded tissue sections.  相似文献   

Sudden and unexpected death and violent death of persons with a high risk of acquiring HIV-infections, especially homosexual males and intravenous drug abusers, have to be investigated by forensic autopsies. Therefore every forensic pathologist has to be aware of this infection and should try to make the proper diagnosis. Three typical cases are described: (1) suicide by hanging, (2) homicide by cutting the throat and (3) intravenous heroin overdose. Merely retrospectively it could be cleared up that the deceased were homosexual but did not manifestly suffer from AIDS. The morphological findings in the lymph nodes and the postmortem serological findings are described in detail.  相似文献   

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