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我国结婚制度是婚姻制度的重要组成部分,2001年婚姻法(修正案)对,98D年<婚姻法>有关结婚制度实质要件的基本内容没有作出修改,现随着时代的发展,已明显不适应新时期调整婚姻家庭关系的需要.我们应以制定我国<民法典>为契机.对禁止结婚的主体范围、老年人再婚权利的保护等问题作出具体规定,以全面完善我国的结婚法律制度.  相似文献   

爱滋病患者应禁止结婚翟桂范我国婚姻法第6条第2款规定:“患麻风病未经治愈或患其他医学上认为不应当结婚的疾病”的,禁止结婚。《婚姻登记办法》第6条第5项规定:“患麻风病或性病未治愈的”,禁止结婚,不予登记。根据这些规定,我国婚姻法禁止结婚的疾病患者可概...  相似文献   

我国《婚姻法》规定的结婚禁止条件质疑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国《婚姻法》基于优生的需要而禁止表兄弟姐妹及某些不宜生育的疾病患者结婚的规定,在现代社会已缺乏合理性。随着不育文化的兴起、国家经济和现代医学技术的快速发展以及收养制度、社会保障制度、《人口与计划生育法》的实施与完善,《婚姻法》应当为表兄弟姐妹及某些不宜生育的疾病患者解除婚禁。  相似文献   

<正> 结婚,又称婚姻的成立,是指男女双方依照法律规定的条件和程序,确立夫妻关系的行为。结婚制度是婚姻制度的重要组成部分,也是各国民法的核心内容之一。大陆的婚姻法和台湾的亲属法对结婚制度都作了重要的规定。 亲属法与婚姻法虽然都属于民法的一部分,但与民法的其他部分相比较,则具有了明显的习俗性和伦理性。大陆婚姻法和台湾的亲属法受同一伦理道德观的影响,必然会有许多共  相似文献   

凡男女结婚,都必须符合法律规定的条件。结婚的法定条件,可分为必备条件和禁止条件两种。婚姻法第六条规定:“有下列情形之一的,禁止结婚:一、直系血亲和三代以内的旁系血亲;二、患麻风病未经治愈或患其他在医学上认为不应当结婚的疾病。”这即是结婚的禁止条件,它又分为禁止结婚的血亲关系和  相似文献   

李曼曼 《法制与社会》2013,(25):234-235
目前,我国《婚姻法》对结婚实质要件的具体规定仍存在不足之处,尤其关于直系姻亲能否结婚,立法并无明文规定。本文将对结婚实质要件的若干立法空白,提出相关完善建议。  相似文献   

结婚,既是人生之大事,又是社会之大事,不同的国度,在这一重大问题上,都作出了具有本国特色的法律规定. 比利时的法律规定,年满18岁的男子,年满16岁的女子方能结婚.同16岁以下的未成年者发生性关系,属于犯罪行为,在法律上作为强奸论处,法院将根据其情节和受害者的年龄,判处犯人5-20年的监禁;婚姻关系必须建立在当事人自主自愿的基础上;结婚者必须是单身未婚者、鳏寡者和经过法律批准的离婚者,如果新娘原来已经结过婚,她必须在前一次婚姻关系解除后间隔300天方能再婚;直系血亲禁止结婚.结婚人必须根据法定的程序公开宣布自己的婚姻.  相似文献   

王玮 《河北法学》2005,23(9):50-52
结婚条件是结婚制度的重要组成部分。在我国婚姻法中结婚条件更多地强调了社会利益的实现,个人权利保护不够充分。在个人权利保护日益受到重视的今天,我国结婚条件构成的不足愈加显现,主要表现为法律规定态度上的犹疑和贯彻实施过程中的障碍。关注婚姻的特殊性,从实质意义上实现对个人权利的充分保护,达到社会利益和个人权利充分实现的平衡,细化结婚条件,将是解决许多难以解决的婚姻家庭领域问题的关键。  相似文献   

《宪法》第37条和39条分别规定:“禁止非法拘禁和以其他方法非法剥夺或限制公民的人身自由,禁止非法搜查公民的身体.”公民的住宅不受侵犯,禁止非法搜查或者非法侵入公民的住宅.《刑事诉讼法》从第119条到第123条用了五个条文规定搜查的具体程序.此外,《公安机关办理刑事案件程序规定》对公安机关的搜查活动做出了明确规定,《人民检察院刑事诉讼规则》对检察机关自侦案件中的搜查行为也做出了明确规定.搜查权力集中在侦查机关手中,因此我国的搜查制度还具有实际权力的集中性特征.本文对我国搜查制度在程序规则和司法救济制度两方面的不完善之处略陈浅见.  相似文献   

目前各国关于涉外结婚法律适用都是将结婚的实质要件和形式要件进行分开规定,并主要采取混合制的做法。我们应根据国际社会的实践以及我国的实际情况,完善我国涉外结婚法律适用的立法。  相似文献   


One of the most controversial laws promulgated by the National Party as part of South Africa’s mid-twentieth century apartheid policies was the 1949 Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act. This Act stipulated that ‘a marriage between a European and non-European may not be solemnized, and any such marriage solemnized in contravention of the provisions of this section shall be void and of null effect’. We use more than 23,000 newly-transcribed Anglican marriage records of Cape Town for the period 1911 to 1964 to show that the Act had mostly followed, and not led, changing interracial marriage practices. In the years before the Act’s promulgation, interracial marriages were rare and on the decline, despite the fact that apartheid-era policies had not yet been institutionalized. Our results suggests that marriage behaviour in Cape Town, and probably in South Africa more generally, was shaped by racial stratification early in the twentieth century. The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act of 1949, although devastating to those affected, was a correlate to rather than the cause of changing marriage behaviour.  相似文献   

对我国合同法中几个问题的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者结合律师实务,对我国合同法中的诚实信用原则、要约、承诺等若干问题提出了自己的看法和体会。  相似文献   

离婚时处理按揭房屋的法律问题探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
婚姻期间购买的按揭房屋在夫妻离婚时如何处理是司法实践中的难点问题,《法释[2003]19号》第21条将按揭房认定为"尚未取得所有权"的房屋,要求人民法院在夫妻离婚时仅就按揭房屋的使用权予以判决。这一处理方式,既不符合物权法定分止争、物尽其用的立法宗旨,也不符合婚姻法确立的夫妻财产分割原则,更有违法律的公平正义。本文试图通过探讨按揭房屋的产权问题,特别是夫妻以一方名义购买的按揭房屋在离婚时的分割问题,突破现有的处理方式,以解决因处理按揭房屋衍生出的各种矛盾。  相似文献   

Section 12 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 as amended by the Gender Recognition Act 2004 requires transgender people to disclose their ‘gender history’ to the other party to a marriage prior to the marriage ceremony. Failure to do so enables the other party to exit the relationship through nullity proceedings. This article argues that this provision is discriminatory and encroaches on the right to privacy, breaching Articles 14 and 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights. It challenges the idea, implicit in the provision, that non‐disclosure of gender history is unethical or fraudulent. Crucially, the article considers and rejects the claim that discrimination against and encroachments on the privacy of transgender people are justified because inadvertent sexual congress with a transgender person is potentially harmful. Finally, if a consent‐based right to know exists, it argues that it ought to be trumped by considerations of justice, legal consistency and public policy.  相似文献   

Scotland took its time in abolishing irregular marriage. While the Roman Catholic Church stopped recognising irregular forms in 1563, and England followed suit two hundred years later with Lord Hardwicke's Act of 1753, Scotland retained the medieval canon law of irregular marriage until 1940. This article exposes the various interests lobbying for reform of the law of formation of marriage in Scotland during the 1920s and 1930s and the assertions and arguments they employed and reveals the main factors which resulted in the success of this lobbying at this particular point in time: the influence and attitude of the Church of Scotland, and, echoing the scandal of Fleet marriages in England before the 1753 Act, the availability of circumstances at Gretna Green which could be portrayed as a scandal.  相似文献   

在理论上,涉外婚姻家庭关系的范围包括涉外婚姻的成立及效力、涉外夫妻关系、涉外离婚的条件与效力、涉外父母子女关系及其他涉外家庭关系。我国现行立法仅对涉外结婚、涉外离婚、涉外收养、涉外扶养等问题作出原则性规定。正在起草的《涉外民事关系的法律适用法》(草案)用专章规定了涉外婚姻家庭关系的法律适用规则,但其结构安排和内容仍值得进一步探讨。未来立法应按照婚姻家庭关系的内在逻辑要求,借鉴国际社会立法经验,制定符合我国国情的涉外婚姻家庭关系的法律适用规则。  相似文献   

With marriage comes in‐laws, and if the in‐laws include delinquent males, their delinquency could affect the prosocial effects of the given marriage. In this article, I focus on the effect of having a convicted brother‐in‐law as a general indicator of this broader phenomenon of family‐formation processes impairing the positive impact of marriage on crime desistance. I use registry data on all men from birth cohorts 1965–1975 in Denmark (N = 69,066) to show that when a man marries, his new family ties to delinquent brother(s)‐in‐law do indeed hinder his criminal desistance. The results that take into account the characteristics of husbands, wives, their shared family‐formation process, and the criminality of male family members suggest that 1) family dynamics tend to keep criminality within family networks and 2) influences from one's broader social network through marriage are important for the protective effects of marriage. Analyses of previous conviction, co‐offending between a man and his brother‐in‐law, as well as analyses of in‐laws who reside in close proximity confirm the two mentioned main findings. In all, the findings reported in this article add to our understanding of the processes by which families are tied, and how these family‐formation processes influence men's behavior.  相似文献   

Marriage breakdown is now common in western society, but it is hardly a new phenomenon. The article investigates the mechanisms and juridical representations of divorce and separation in eighteenth-century France, and argues that if in that century divorce was connected to the secularization of the state, during the 1789 Revolution it gained a new autonomy because of the efforts to add a new article at the universal declaration of human rights. The images of divorce still current today suggest an eighteenth-century past when marriage dissolution was conceived of as a phenomenon involving a more inclusive context of relations and not just as an isolated element of the social reality. Then, discussion of marriage as well as of divorce belonged to a larger domain of family relations and social attitudes, as is evident in the civic representations of these phenomena.  相似文献   

王小英 《法学杂志》2012,33(5):146-149
我国《婚姻法》虽然有无效婚姻的规定,但立法上仍然存在一些缺陷,给司法实践解决相关问题造成了困难。例如,对因疾病导致婚姻无效的规定不明确;对无效婚姻的认定缺乏行政救济途径;对当事人提出的婚姻确认之诉实行一审终审,不利于保护其合法权益;受害一方在婚姻被确认无效后得不到相应的民事赔偿等。笔者认为应该对无效婚姻立法进行修改完善:在实体法律上明确、细化不宜结婚的疾病种类及不同疾病禁止结婚的条件,在认定程序上适用二审终审制,在行政救济上赋予婚姻登记机关认定无效婚姻的权力,在民事赔偿上建立无效婚姻受害一方损害赔偿制度。  相似文献   

于东辉 《法学论坛》2007,22(4):132-136
无效婚姻制度是2001年《中华人民共和国婚姻法》新增设的一项制度,填补了立法空白,是婚姻立法上的重大进步.无效婚姻是指违反婚姻成立要件的违法婚姻,本文对无效婚姻的法定事由、宣告机关及法律后果等方面的缺陷进行了分析,提出了完善的立法建议:1、建立结婚登记公示制度;2、应缩小自始无效婚的范围,扩大可撤销婚的范围;3、确认和宣告婚姻无效的机关应仅限于人民法院;4、自始无效婚有溯及力,可撤销婚无溯及力;5、当事人所生子女视同婚生子女;6、增设无效婚姻的侵权制度.  相似文献   

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