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精神分析运动的百年发展历程是一种不断分裂与整合的过程.其整合过程就是不断地克服片面性、极端性从而逐渐地走向互相吸收、融合的历程,表现在它的不同发展阶段之间、其内部的各种模式之间以及它与外部诸多学科之间的相互吸收与融合.精神分析运动的整合逻辑与其发展逻辑相一致,也循着内部整合与外部整合两条路径.内部整合路径是指精神分析内部的各种模式之间的整合,即对驱力或本能、自我、客体关系与自体模式之间的不断整合,包括雅可布森的自我理论整合、克恩伯格的客体关系理论整合、科赫特的自体理论整合和米契尔的关系理论整合等.外部整合路径是指精神分析与外部邻近学科,如社会学、文化学、哲学、语言学、医学和神经科学之间的整合,包括社会文化学派的文化理论整合、存在精神分析的人本主义理论整合、拉康的语言学理论整合和神经科学的科学化整合等.回眸精神分析运动的百年历程,无论是内部整合还是外部整合都推动了精神分析运动不断向前发展.  相似文献   

精神分析运动的发展逻辑   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
自从弗洛伊德创立精神分析理论以来,精神分析运动已经经历了百年的发展历程,其发展循着内部和外部两条路径.内部发展路径指的是,精神分析内部的不断分裂与重组、演变与发展.其逻辑线索是,弗洛伊德所倡导的驱力模式,经过荣格、阿德勒等人的过渡之后,进一步演化为自我模式、关系模式和自体模式,分别对应着精神分析的自我心理学、客体关系学派和自体心理学等,它们从学科内部推动着精神分析运动向前继续发展.外部发展路径指的是,弗洛伊德之后的精神分析从外部学科,如医学、社会学、文化学、哲学、语言学等积极汲取养分,一些精神分析学家把传统精神分析学与其他学科相结合,分别出现了精神分析社会文化学派、存在精神分析学、马克思主义精神分析学、解释学精神分析以及后现代精神分析学等,它们推动了精神分析运动继续向外发展.  相似文献   

胚胎移植技术为不孕不育患者带来了福音.同时,由于立法规范的缺位与模糊,引发了大量的法律问题. 一、胚胎的法律属性 从医学角度上讲,精子和卵子受精后第3~8周称为胚胎,从第9周起称为胎儿. 对于胚胎的法律属性问题,学界主要有如下三种学说:一是“客体说”,认为冷冻胚胎具有物的属性,是民事法律关系的客体;二是“主体说”,认为脱离人体的器官和组织的法律属性非为物,这些器官和组织从属于人的身体,因而属于法律关系的主体;三是“折中说”,认为体外受精胚胎等脱离人体的器官和组织不同于一般的物,而是介于主体和客体之间存在的折中物.  相似文献   

米契尔等人在认知-情感人格系统理论中提出了认知-情感单元,认为个体在单元的长期可通达性和单元之间关系的结构上存在差异,这是个体独特性的基础.该理论假设,当个体在不同时间,遇到不同情境时,人格系统会产生具有独特的正面图和情境-行为剖面图.这一理论重新界定了人格系统、状态、特质与动力等概念,在一定程度上调和了人格心理学领域的矛盾,为人格心理学提供了一种整合途径.  相似文献   

攻击性是儿童较为常见的行为,理论界对攻击性的认识一直存在分歧.温尼科特的攻击性理论可以帮助我们从现代精神分析的视角理解儿童的攻击性.温尼科特认为,攻击性是与生俱来的,但其性质随着婴儿成长所依赖环境的不同而改变,够好的环境使儿童的攻击性逐渐整合,不够好的环境迫使攻击性以破坏的、反社会的方式显示出来.原初攻击性是原初爱的表达,并帮助儿童确立一个有自身界限的独立的外部世界.从客体关联到客体使用的发展过程中,儿童攻击客体同时客体幸存于攻击导致儿童对现实的确认和对内部客体与外部客体的区分.反社会倾向最初表达了被剥夺儿童的无助感,是向环境发出的求救信号,是对环境失败而阻碍情绪发展的一种补偿.  相似文献   

内部工作模型是Bowlby依恋理论中的重要概念,研究者就其内容、结构、形成和发展过程及其内在的认知、情感机制、行为策略、与依恋风格个体差异的关系等方面提出大量的理论假设,并围绕这些问题进行了大量的实证研究,但由于发展的不成熟,该领域仍存在着许多问题有待解决.内部工作模型是以层级形式组织的多层多维模型,相关证据也证实了不同内部工作模型的存在,也指出了它们的相关关系,但对于内部工作模型的具体组织形式,研究者迄今并没有给出准确的论述.就内部工作模型的作用机制而言,现有的研究多以概括水平的工作模型为研究对象,并未明确具体水平的工作模型对依恋行为的影响.  相似文献   

魏在军 《中国律师》2004,(12):57-59
一、关于受贿罪的犯罪客体(一)理论上的主要观点自1979年刑法规定受贿罪以来,刑法理论上关于该罪的犯罪客体就产生了争议,归纳起来主要有:一是认为该罪的犯罪客体是国家机关的正常管理活动;二是廉洁性说,认为该罪的犯罪客体是国家工作人员职务行为的廉洁性;三是复杂客体说,认为该罪的犯罪客体包括国家机关、企业、事业单位的正常活动和公私财产所有权;四是选择客体说,认为受贿罪的犯罪客体是一个以基本客体为核心与兼及客体选择组合的结构性客体,即以国家公务的正常进行和公务的声誉为基本客体,与社会经济管理秩序和公私财产所有权选择组合…  相似文献   

物业小区,是住宅市场化私人购买后新出现的一个要素和形态较为完备的新型社区,其内部的各种组织之间呈现复杂多样的关系。当前,多数物业小区内部的各组织之间处于功能离散、结构失调状态,导致物业纠纷日渐凸现。本文从物业小区各类组织的功能视角,分析彼此的关系,探索整合各类组织功能的理论和制度前提。  相似文献   

民法总则在起草过程中关于权利客体制度的条文设计与立法考量,关注到了民法中物与财产制度的现代化发展,尤其是脱离人体的器官、组织及尸体等人格物、网络虚拟财产、数据信息等新型权利客体对民事权利客体体系的影响,体现了其时代性与前沿性.在考察现代民法中新型权利客体的法律属性和权利归属时可以借助人格理论,关注民事权利主体与客体之间的关系,重视此类财产中的人格利益,保持开放的姿态,为新兴权利的发展提供法律支持.  相似文献   

本文指出经济法的和谐精神集中表现为控制力、协调力、平衡力;法的功能是内在的,经济法的和谐精神要求各个功能以及每个功能内部的各要素之间和谐统一,其中平衡政府与市场的关系是经济法和谐精神的根本追求.因此,经济法被学界认为是促使政府干预与市场经济互动及和谐的法.  相似文献   

This paper examines how differences in sex drives between husbands and wives affect bargaining strengths during marriage and particularly at times when divorce might occur. The basic argument follows from the fact that sex drives vary over an individual's life cycle, and are systematically different for men and women. The spouse having the lowest sex drive at any time in the marriage has a property right over whether or not sexual intercourse will occur, with a consequent increase in bargaining power at the margin. The paper derives a number of testable implications from its model, and, using several data sources, shows empirically how this difference affects marriage, adultery and divorce.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):238-267
Prior research has documented general associations between dating and delinquency, but little is known about the specific ways in which heterosexual experiences influence levels of delinquency involvement and substance use. In the current study, we hypothesize that an adolescent's level of effort and involvement in heterosexual relationships play a significant role in forming the types of friendship networks and views of self that influence the likelihood of delinquency involvement and substance use. Analyses based on a longitudinal sample of adolescent youth (n = 1,090) show that high levels of dating effort and involvement with multiple partners significantly increases unstructured and delinquent peer contacts, and influences self‐views as troublemaker. These broader peer contexts and related self‐views, in turn, mediate the path between dating relationships, self‐reported delinquency, and substance use. Findings also document moderation effects: among those youths who have developed a troublemaker identity and who associate with delinquent peers, dating heightens the risk for delinquent involvement. In contrast, among those individuals who have largely rejected the troublemaker identity and who do not associate with delinquent friends, dating relationships may confer a neutral or even protective benefit. The analyses further explore the role of gender and the delinquency of the romantic partner.  相似文献   

In opinions addressing whether graduate students, medical residents, and disabled workers in nonstandard work arrangements are employees under the National Labor Relations Act, I analyze partisan differences in how National Labor Relations Board members, under the previous two US presidents, confronted the contradictory permeation of wage‐labor into relatively noncommodified relationships. I argue that Republicans mediated the contradictions by interpreting indicia of employer property rights as status authority. They constructed employment as a contractual relationship consummated through exchange relations and demarcated a nonmarket social sphere in which to locate the relationships before them. This construction suppressed the class dimension of employment and the connection between relations of production and relations in production ( Burawoy 1979 ). Democrats mediated the contradictions by recognizing them in part and arguing that the workers were engaged in commodity production. They proposed the Act as a means for workers to negotiate “differentiated ties” ( Zelizer 2005 ) in nonstandard employment.  相似文献   

Although many empirical studies have documented the range and severity of problems caused by psychopaths, considerably less attention has focused on understanding its origins. Efforts to treat this potentially dangerous population have been equally frustrating, as psychotherapeutic approaches have almost always proven ineffectual. Because of the limited understanding of the psychological and interpersonal dynamics underlying psychopathy, the authors sought to assess the extent to which object relations theory could inform our understanding of psychopathy. In addition to eliciting background information, 74 men sentenced to probation following a criminal conviction were assessed using the Psychopathy Checklist: Screening Version, a clinician-rated measure of psychopathy, and were administered the BORI, a self-report measure of object relations. Results showed significant correlations between object relations dimensions, psychopathy scores, and childhood environment data. Furthermore, object relations scores added to the prediction of psychopathy even after demographic and behavioral variables were considered, suggesting that object relations deficits comprise a significant component of psychopathy. Results suggest that psychopaths harbor profound underlying psychosocial damage including intense anxiety, anger, bitterness, and resentment. Implications for interventions and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies of organized crime often seem to have focus almost exclusively on its functionality and rationality. Many researchers tend to construct organized crime as an object, and then to find relations between ‘it’ and its environment. The focus then is on organized crime as a goal-driven object. This view holds that success in crime depends on the roles and tasks people assume. It equates success in crime with functional secrecy and obedience, and therefore with stability. Researchers are seldom interested in everyday, informal elements and events such as coincidental encounters that may occur in everyday life, or personal relationships which have no direct connection with criminal activities. Inspired by the work of Watts and Strogatz [84] and Stuart Kauffman [38, 39], this paper attempts to suggest a complementary perspective on organized crime. The focus here is on the messiness and unpredictability of everyday relations and interactions. This paper illustrates the usefulness of this alternative perspective through a re-reading of Howard Marks’ ego-document which was analysed earlier by Carlo Morselli in his work on network dynamics and criminal career opportunities.  相似文献   

通说将犯罪客体与民事、经济、行政等法律所保护的社会关系严格区分,并将之限定为刑法分则规定的社会关系的整体,是不可取的。否定犯罪客体在犯罪认定中的作用,缺乏说服力。以法益等替代犯罪客体中的社会关系,并不可取。犯罪客体具有事实判断与价值评价双重功能。法律关系是犯罪客体的重要内容。正当事由符合特定法律关系,没有侵犯犯罪客体,不能认定为犯罪。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(1):101-131
The current investigation examined the relationships between family processes, self‐control, and adolescent deviance in a sample of N = 3,764 Swiss male and female youth pursuing an apprenticeship (lower SES) or attending a Gymnasium/teacher’s college (higher SES). Participants completed a questionnaire that included measures of family processes, self‐control, and deviant behaviors. Results indicated that self‐control predicted adolescent deviance in both groups, and that direct and indirect effects existed in the relationships between family processes, self‐control, and deviance. Findings provided evidence of comparatively few differences in the observed associations by SES, though the magnitude of the positive effect by low self‐control on deviance was more modest in male apprentices as compared to non‐apprentices. Findings are discussed in terms of the implications for Self‐Control Theory.  相似文献   

在法学界,对于国际私法的调整对象见解不一。实际上,如果从法理学上正确把握法律关系和社会关系的含义以及国际私法解决法律冲突的方式,就能够理解国际私法调整对象的双重性,即国际私法的调整对象既包括涉外民事关系又包括涉外民事法律关系。只有准确理解国际私法的调整对象及其相对独立性,才能推动国际私法的学科研究。  相似文献   

心理学视野中的人力资源开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从心理学的角度探讨了人力资源开发的问题,认为,人的能力是一种重要的开发对象,情绪既是开发的对象又是开发的手段、自我概念的成长则是开发的目标和最高境界,它是个体保持持久的上进心的内在动力,要发挥人力资源效率,应将人力资源开发的各个环节与能力挂钩,科学地设置能力与责任利的关系,激发人的潜能,改善人的情绪智力,促进人的自我成长。  相似文献   

The present paper explores personality disorder from a biopsychosocial and developmental perspective, in particular, while considering forensic applications. It reviews criticisms of the current approach to classification, especially about its categorical in nature. Then, the paper focuses on the Five-Factor Model of personality dimensions and the attempts to relate it to understanding and assessing personality disorder (Costa and Widiger 2002). Developmental research is revealing that from early in life, temperament and personality seem to conform to a five-factor structure akin to the Big Five, although there are exceptions. Next, the paper examines the biopsychosocial model of personality and considers how personality disorder in the healthcare context affects treatment, relations with providers, and so on. Lastly, the paper examines Young’s (1997) stage model of development in relation to the Big Five and shows how the manner in which it deals with the development of the self may facilitate understanding of personality development and its disturbance. Recommendations and implications are considered.  相似文献   

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