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The results of biochemical analysis of rabbit lungs in case of death due to fat embolism and mechanical asphyxia (control) are presented. Reliable difference in lipid quantities was evident both immediately after death and in different putrefaction periods (this difference was 9-10 times greater in case of pulmonary fat embolism than in controls). The significant reduction in water content of the lungs in case of fat embolism as compared to controls was detected. Histological analysis of the putrefactive lungs can't detect fat embolism. Biochemical analysis makes it possible to diagnose fat embolism of the lungs in case of their marked putrefactive changes.  相似文献   

Eighty bite-wing radiographs from 40 female and 40 male patients were selected from the patient record system at the University of Texas Dental School at San Antonio, Texas. All samples were equally divided into four age groups, with a range from 15 to 55 years of age. The lower right first permanent molar tooth was chosen as the representative tooth for measuring the maximum height and width of the pulp chamber. The reproducibility of the method was checked by repeating all measurements on two different occasions. Regression analysis indicates that the height and width of the pulp chamber were negatively correlated with age (height r = -0.376 and width r = -0.125). The coefficient of determination (r2) for pulp chamber height and width were 0.123 and 0.058, respectively. This indicates that although there appears to be a definite relationship between the age of an individual and the height and width of the dental pulp chamber, these measures cannot be used as a reliable method of age determination.  相似文献   

Autopsies were conducted on 234 putrefied corpses (exposed to the air, not buried) at the Institute for Forensic Medicine of the University of Hamburg from January 1979 to May 1983. Estimating the time it had taken to reach the respective degree of putrefaction was almost impossible. Only anamnestic clues provided evidence to ascertain the approximate time of death (between 3 days and 46 months ago). The cadavers were found in different locations: outdoors, inside heated or non-heated rooms. Some corpses wore clothes; others were naked; some were covered with blankets or other material. Chemicotoxicological analyses consisted of routine methods and additional modern sophisticated techniques: capillary gas chromatography, combined GC/MS, infrared spectrometry, radio- and enzyme-immunological tests. In organ specimens and body fluids of 47 corpses organic medicaments or poisons could be detected. Nearly all of these 47 forensic autopsies were carried out by request of the legal authorities to rule out legal intoxication as well as the influence of illegal drugs or medicaments. Unlike 20 years ago, today it is possible to detect and quantify organic drugs and poisons as well as their metabolic products, especially minor or major tranquilizers or barbiturates, in highly putrefied specimens. In spite of analytical progress, interpretation of some chemotoxicological results remains difficult. Poor anamnestic data provide insufficient clues. Therefore, pathologicoanatomical and histological results have special significance for the final conclusions. Good cooperation between the pathologist and toxicologist is one of the imperative prerequisites to come to a satisfying result.  相似文献   

目的探讨死后不同环境温度下离体牙的牙髓细胞平均DNA含量变化与死后时间(PM I)的相关性。方法采用细胞图像分析系统(PIPS-2020),测定离体即刻至15d牙齿在低温环境(10~15℃)和高温(30~35℃)环境下牙髓细胞DNA含量变化值,并对其数据进行统计学分析。结果在不同的环境温度下,牙髓细胞DNA降解的速度有所不同,温度的升高有加速牙髓细胞DNA降解的趋势,且DNA降解存在一个平台期。低温组牙髓细胞平均DNA含量与PM I之间的相关系数r=0.953,相关指数R2=0.917;高温组的相关系数r=0.991,相关指数R2=0.971。结论牙髓细胞平均DNA含量与PM I之间具有高度相关性,测定牙髓细胞的DNA变化情况对推断3d(高温环境)或6d(低温环境)后的PM I有参考价值。  相似文献   

In recent years, the post-mortem production of the drug of abuse gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) in biological fluids (e.g. blood and urine) has caused various interpretative problems for toxicologists. Previously, other researchers have shown certain microbial species (Pseudomonas spp. and Clostridium aminobutyricum) possess the necessary enzymes to convert GABA to GHB. A preliminary investigation involving putrefied post-mortem blood indicated there was no observed relationship between "endogenous" GHB concentrations and concentrations of common putrefactive markers (tryptamine and phenyl-2-ethylamine). Microbiological analysis identified the presence of various micro-organisms: Clostridia spp., Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Enterococcus faecalis and Aeromonoas spp. Equine plasma, human blood and urine samples were inoculated with these and an additional micro-organism (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and incubated at 22 degrees C for 1 month. Following comparison with control samples and pre-inoculation concentrations, the data indicated an apparent production of GHB in unpreserved P. aeruginosa inoculated blood (2.3 mg/l). All other fluoride-preserved and unpreserved samples (including controls) had GHB concentrations <1mg/l. Although this concentration is lower than is typically associated with "endogenous" post-mortem GHB concentrations, this paper proposes a potential microbial production of GHB with time.  相似文献   

肋软骨及牙髓细胞DNA含量与PMI的相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Long R  Wang WP  Xiong P 《法医学杂志》2005,21(3):174-176
目的探讨人死后肋软骨及牙髓细胞平均DNA含量与死亡时间(PMI)的相关性,寻求推断PMI的新方法。方法应用细胞图像分析技术分析高温(30~35℃)及低温(15~20℃)环境下人死后0~15d两种组织细胞平均DNA含量的降解情况。结果两种组织细胞平均DNA含量随死后时间的延长而逐步降解,其中低温组牙髓细胞平均DNA含量的降解在死后0~4d内有一个降解平台期。统计分析两组温度下两种组织细胞平均DNA含量与PMI有显著的负相关性(P<0.01)。结论依据两种组织细胞平均DNA含量的降解可进行PMI推断。  相似文献   

During former putrefaction experiments regularly a proteogenic substance has been found which by means of modern analytical methods now was identified as delta-aminovaleric acid (DAVA). DAVA seems to appear in guinea pig as well as human organs and some body fluids under experimental conditions never before the 3rd (20 degrees C) to 5th day (10 degrees C). It is characterized by statistically significant increases until the end of the 2nd (20 degrees C) to 5th week (10 degrees C) and relatively stable values thereafter. Considering storage temperature measurement of DAVA concentration can be of relevance for the estimation of the time of death in cases of putrescent corpses.  相似文献   

In contrast to blood serology, which usually fails in specimens more than a few days old, immunohistochemistry (PAP technique) provided reliable information on the blood group (ABO) and, in most cases, also the secretor character of 23 kidney specimens stored for months at room temperature. Better results were obtained with monoclonal antibodies than with human sera. In the late stages of decomposition, blood group diagnosis is based on the more decomposition-resistant antigens of the collecting tubular epithelium (in secretors) and the endothelia of the arteriolae medullares rectae and not on the identification of erythrocytic antigens. In addition, a decomposition-resistant epithelial antigen in the distal convoluted tubules (Tc II) is unmasked by autolysis or heterolysis. "Blood group" antigens were frequently detected in bacteria and fungi. These antigens, however, were clearly distinguishable from blood group characters of the tissue. A transient, weak, false-positive reaction with monoclonal anti-B appeared in decomposed Tc II epithelia.  相似文献   

Tooth fragments freshly extracted from humans and rats were stored at either 4 degrees C or room temperature in dry or humid conditions for periods ranging from 1 to 6 months. The fragments were reduced to powder and antigens were extracted. Comparison of these samples was carried out using Counter Current Electrophoresis. Extracted sera were tested against known specific antisera and resultant precipitin reactions stained for examination. Correct species identification was possible both from desiccated and humid fragments but there was species variation in the sensitivity of the method. All the extracts from human teeth were positive against human antisera. In the rat some test specimens were initially negative but became positive following further dilution of the extracts.  相似文献   

In the administration of criminal justice, the abolition or restriction of plea bargaining has raised many issues. Of primary concern is the impact on court systems and case dispositions. This research note looks at the Coast Guard military justice system and its 1975 decision to abolish pretrial agreements, effectively eliminating plea bargaining in that system. Studying criminal cases from 1973 to 1978, we determine if that intervention in a time series exhibits any potency. Specifically, what difference did the abolition of plea bargaining make? We find that the abolition of plea bargaining did not make much of a difference to the Coast Guard military justice system, similar to the conclusions drawn from studies of civilian courts.  相似文献   


This study examines the distribution of police traffic warning citations in a large northwestern city. Warning tickets were instituted to document the exercise of police discretion in the disposition of traffic stops. The paper tests three competing hypotheses about how these citations are distributed: law enforcement, traffic enforcement, and group threat. The findings show greater support for the group threat explanation. African Americans were disproportionately ticketed in the more affluent areas of the city with a higher per capita income and a higher percentage of home ownership. The data also demonstrated that traffic officers were more active than patrol officers in predominately white beats while patrol officers concentrated more on African American and Asian areas of the city.  相似文献   

This article reviews the literature regarding forensic education in the dental school curriculum and describes an exercise in forensic identification of victims of a mass casualty. Radiographs were made of dentate human cadavers in the gross anatomy laboratory at the Southern Illinois School of Dental Medicine. The jaws were then removed to provide "wet specimens" for the exercise. Several restorations were performed on the cadaver teeth, after which radiographs of the dissected jaws were made. One author wrote up mock dental records for each of the victims. These records included the first set or "premortem" radiographs. Students participating in the exercise were provided with a plane crash scenario, the dental records of the passengers on the manifest, the dissected jaws, and the second set or "postmortem" radiographs. Students were expected to form three teams. The first two teams evaluated the ante-mortem and postmortem dental records. The third team compared the ante-mortem and postmortem records to arrive at identification. The purpose of the exercise was twofold. It introduced dental students to forensic dentistry and emphasized the need for complete and accurate record keeping in the dental office. Several factors lessened the realism of the exercise and made it difficult to reproduce in the future. These included the uniformity of the dental records and the destruction of cadaver material following the exercise.  相似文献   

Recombinant DNA hybridizing specifically to a 300 nucleotide repeat DNA sequence (BLUR8) of human specificity and to human repeat DNA sequence (pHY10) on the Y chromosome was used for human identification and sex determination of degraded DNA samples of blood stains, dental pulp, and bone marrow. This radioactive technique enabled reliable and sensitive human and sex determination from blood stains that were more than 80 years old. Less than 1 piece of 0.5 cm length thread of blood stain was enough for both tests. DNA from relatively fresh dental pulp and bone marrow was clearly identified. The human identification test, which could recognize up to 0.3 ng DNA correctly, was 3 to 5 times more sensitive than the sex determination test.  相似文献   

“相关海岸”概念的产生离不开海洋划界法律制度的发展.国际法院将“相关海岸”定义为争端各方能够产生重叠海洋权利主张的海岸.识别“相关海岸”的作用是确定争端各方产生重叠海洋权利主张的海域以及构成进行不成比例检验的前提条件.识别“相关海岸”需考虑两个因素,其一为“产生重叠权利”,其二为“忠实于真实的地理情况”.岛屿、海湾构成识别“相关海岸”的特殊情况,需要根据自身情况判断其是否能够被识别为“相关海岸”.  相似文献   

Death in the dental chair   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Death during dental anesthesia is relatively rare. Review of eight such cases which occurred in our county, including the different anesthetics used, revealed one apparent basic pattern that prevailed...a need for awareness that something might go wrong and recognition of the fact that it was going wrong.  相似文献   

A procedure utilizing Chelex 100, chelating resin, was adapted to extract DNA from dental pulp. The procedure was simple and rapid, involved no organic solvents, and did not require multiple tube transfers. The extraction of DNA from dental pulp using this method was as efficient, or more so, than using proteinase K and phenol-chloroform extraction. In this study, the Chelex method was used with amplification and typing at Y-chromosomal loci to determine the effects of temperature on the sex determination of the teeth. The extracted teeth were incinerated in a dental furnace for 2 minutes at 100 degrees C, 200 degrees C, 300 degrees C, 400 degrees C, and 500 degrees C. After the isolation of DNA from the dental pulp by the Chelex method, alphoid repeats, and short tandem repeats, the human Y chromosome (DYZ3), DYS19, SYS389, DYS390, and DYS393 could be amplified and typed in all samples incinerated at up to 300 degrees C for 2 minutes. The DYS389 locus in some samples could not be amplified at 300 degrees C for 2 minutes. An autopsy case is described in which genotypings of DYS19, DYS390, and DYS393 from dental pulp obtained from a burned body were needed. The data presented in this report suggest that Chelex 100-based DNA extraction, amplification, and typing are possible in burned teeth in forensic autopsy cases.  相似文献   

Extensive research on bankruptcy still has not made it possible to end the efficiency discussion concerning the need for a reorganization provision in bankruptcy laws. In this paper, I discuss the pervasiveness of asset sales in bankruptcy procedures and the effect it has on survival rates. Without these figures on going concern asset sales Western countries show astonishingly low firm survival rates. In addition, it becomes clear that the bankruptcy system in the US may be under-researched to such an extent that it seriously confounds our view of bankruptcy resolution.  相似文献   

人离体肝组织胺类产生与死亡时间和环境温度的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的探讨在不同环境温度下,人离体肝组织中有机胺类产生量随死亡时间变化的规律,为某些碎尸案的死亡时间推断提供参考资料。方法应用高效液相色谱仪外标法,动态检测人离体肝组织中组胺、腐胺、尸胺和未腐败氨基酸含量。结果在8℃、15℃、23℃和32℃环境下,有机胺类产生量分别于人死后肝脏即刻离体69h、54h、40h和33h趋于最大值,并且在到达峰值之前,各温度组离体肝组织中有机胺类生成量均与死亡时间成正比关系。结论人离体肝组织中有机胺类产生量与死亡时间和环境温度在一定范围内均呈正相关。  相似文献   

In this paper I investigate the interaction of knowledge and institutions in the context of First Nations in the Pacific Northwest of Canada who have evolved management systems for fish and forest resources over hundreds of years. These management systems are viewed as institutions that are based on and apply knowledge systems over time. In the Nisga'a and Haida nations, knowledge systems guide management regimes that govern access, rights and responsibilities, harvesting, allocation of benefits and costs, technology, education and training. For the past hundred years these institutions and knowledge systems have come into conflict with knowledge and management systems imposed first by missionaries, settlers and colonizers and later from Provincial and National governments and corporations holding tenure rights assigned by those governments. National and international regimes such as the Law of the Seas and the Exclusive Economic Zones conflict with traditional institutions and knowledge systems by privileging one level of governance and consequently one form of knowledge and devaluing others. The paper is based on research conducted in the Pacific Northwest over the past eight years, primarily through interviews with elders, decision-makers, and resource users, as well as observation of cultural and resource practices. The research investigated the impacts of conflicting knowledge systems and the attempts to resolve those conflicts. The paper raises questions about knowledge systems and institutions, about institutional interplay, and the impact of international institutions on local institutions as they come into contact and conflict.  相似文献   

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