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20世纪中国杰出的历史地理学家谭其骧早年曾在暨南大学求学三年,抗战胜利后回暨大兼课近两年.目前,已有多篇论著研究其学术思想.本文拟在此基础上,通过查阅<申报>、<谭其骧日记>,结合暨南大学综合档案室所藏的相关档案等,深入刻画谭其骧求学、任教暨大的历史细节,从中探讨求学、任教暨大的经历与其学术生涯的关系,并进一步探讨当时暨南大学的教育环境.  相似文献   

梁奇达同志是暨南大学在广州时期的主要开拓者和领导人之一.在20世纪50年代和70年代,他先后参与暨南大学的重建和复办的领导工作,为暨南大学的建设和发展作出了重大贡献.我们从梁奇达同志的工作业绩中,可以比较系统地了解暨南大学从1958年重建以来艰苦创业的历程,办学的成就和经验.  相似文献   

陶铸作为党和政府的一位重要领导人,二十世纪五六十年代长期主持中南局和广东省的工作。陶铸十分重视华侨高等教育,曾亲自担任“华侨最高学府”暨南大学筹备委员会主任和在广州重建后的暨南大学首任校长,为暨南大学的重建与发展,为新中国华侨高等教育事业作出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

暨南大学是中国第一所由国家创办的华侨高等学府,暨南大学的东南亚研究和华侨华人研究始于20世纪20年代,在海内外产生了广泛而深远的社会和学术影响。为了进一步巩固传统和突出特色,发挥教学与研究的相互促进作用,整合我校国际关系和华侨华人及其他相关领域研究力量,根据暨南大学暨通[2011]  相似文献   

暨南大学是中国第一所由国家创办的华侨高等学府,素有"华侨最高学府"之称。华侨华人研究是暨南大学重要的学术传统和特色。早在1927年,暨南大学便成立了南洋文化教育事业部,开展东南亚及华侨华人的研究。1981年,经教育部批准,暨南大学在  相似文献   

暨南大学是中国第一所由国家创办的华侨高等学府,素有"华侨最高学府"之称。华侨华人研究是暨南大学重要的学术传统和特色。早在1927年,暨南大学便成立了南洋文化教育事业部,开展东南亚及华侨华人的研究。1981年,经教育部批准,暨南大学在全国率  相似文献   

<正>暨南大学是中国第一所由国家创办的华侨高等学府,素有"华侨最高学府"之称。华侨华人研究是暨南大学重要的学术传统和特色。早在1927年,暨南大学便成立了南洋文化教育事业部,开展东南亚及华侨华人的研究。1981年,经教育部批准,暨南大学在全国率先成立华侨  相似文献   

2008年1月4日,新加坡共和国驻广州总领事洪齐全先生应邀访问暨南大学东南亚研究所,并作了题为"新加坡和它的精神"的学术讲座.新加坡驻广州总领事馆是2006年从原新加坡驻厦门总领事馆广州领事办公室正式升格为总领事馆的,洪齐全先生是首任总领事.讲座由东南亚研究所所长曹云华教授主持,这是暨南大学东南亚研究所计划中的外交官论坛系列讲座的第一讲.  相似文献   

经过半年多的筹备和论证,报经暨南大学校长办公会议通过,暨南大学美国研究中心于2003年5月正式成立。该中心是一个以暨南大学国际关系学系为依托,跨系所、跨专业的开放式学术研究机构,目前主要  相似文献   

在20世纪50年代,陶铸领导筹建了新中国第一所华侨高等学府--暨南大学,并亲自兼任该校校长.他提出了暨大新的办学方针和一系列的办学主张,为在新历史条件下办好华侨高等教育,积极进行实践和探索,其办学成就和经验,在华侨教育史上产生了深远影响.  相似文献   

暨南大学的东南亚研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文简单梳理了暨南大学东南亚研究的历史变迁与现状特色。文章共分为四个部分,传统与变迁部分回顾了暨南大学东南亚研究的诞生与早期发展;机构与队伍部分介绍了1978年以来以东南亚研究所为主体的发展情况;成果与特色部分介绍了东南亚研究所近年来的一些研究成果,并对其研究特色进行了尝试性的总结;最后一部分谈到了暨南大学东南亚研究面临的问题与挑战。  相似文献   

I. N. Duncan Wallace, QC studied law at his father's old college, Oriel, Oxford University, before spending the war years in the Navy. After the war he completed his law course, was called to the Bar in 1948 and took silk in 1973. His legal career involved practice in Pacific Rim countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, the Philippines and Indonesia, as well as stints as ‘visiting’ Scholar and Professor at the University of California at Berkeley and King's College, London. Aged 80, he is still active in producing legal textbooks.  相似文献   

海峡两岸的产业合作自20世纪80年代后期从传统产业起步,90年代以后步入高科技产业,在2005年连、宋访问大陆后又涉入农业与旅游业,那么下一个重点领域在哪里呢?笔者以为当在教育产业。从两所暨大发展的比较可看到两岸教育产业的广阔互补空间及双赢合作前景,而一切人为设限的“逆势操作”都终将被证明是不智且徒劳。  相似文献   

In 1932 the Lyons UAP government suspended the operations of the Commonwealth parliament's public accounts committee, allegedly as an economy measure. The role of public accounts committees is, in principle, that of a non‐partisan reviewer of the public finances, but in this case the committee had diverged from its charter and become involved in politics and policy. Twenty years later, the Menzies government resurrected the committee. A crucial figure in its re‐establishment was F.A. Bland, variously a professor of public administration, member for Warringah in the House of Representatives, and a significant public intellectual from the 1920s to the 1960s. Today Bland is almost forgotten but the role the re‐established committee played in its early days was largely a reflection of his interests and commitments.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to analyze Fernando Ortiz's treatment of the poetic production of the 1920s and 30s movement of Afrocubanismo . The first section explains his belief in a process which would culminate with the consolidation of a mulatto Cuban national identity. It is argued that Ortiz conceived of this process as one which would eliminate what he assumed were pure African forms, which he viewed as primitive and inferior. The second section explores how these notions affected his evaluations of the poetry of the movement. The third section compares Ortiz's methodology in determining identities to what is known in anthropology as an etic perspective. It is argued that Ortiz ascribes mulatto identities to cultural forms without considering the perspectives of their practitioners. The article reaches three main conclusions regarding Ortiz's treatment of afrocubanista poetry. Firstly, that he used it as the confirmation of a process of formation of a mulatto Cuban national identity. Secondly, that he viewed it as a genre which could stylize and make acceptable inferior African cultural forms. Thirdly, that he used it as an instrument through which to dilute conflictive black or African identities.  相似文献   

John Hare 《亚洲事务》2013,44(1):48-53

The Raiders of the Sarhad. By Brigadier‐General R. E. H. Dyer, C.B. London: H. F. and G. Witherby. 1921. Price: 15s. net.

Two Years in Kurdistan: Experiences of a Political Officer, 1918–1920. By Captain W. E. Hay. (Sidgwick and Jackson.)

An Administrator in the Making: James Saumarez Mann, 1893–1920. Edited by his Father. Longmans, Green and Co. 1921. Price: 15s. net.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to discuss the development of Joan Miró's aesthetics between 1915 and the early 1920s, and to offer an interpretation of a series of landscapes that he painted between 1918 and 1922, by highlighting their similarities with some of the landscapes described by Catalan writer Josep Pla in his Obra completa. Both Miró's and Pla's landscapes are situated within the context of Noucentisme and, more particularly, of Noucentisme's classicist aesthetics as defined by Eugeni d'Ors in his Glosari.  相似文献   

Hisahiro Kanayama graduated from the University of Tokyo with a B.A. in Economics in 1981, then joined the Nippon Steel Corporation. Several years later, he took a two‐year sabbatical to obtain his MBA from the University of Washington in Seattle. Upon returning to Japan, he became a manager at the Plate Sales Division of the Tokyo Head Office. Seconded to IIPS as a senior research fellow in July of 1992, his work is focused on Japanese policy in Asia and he has published several policy papers including “Economic Zones in China” (104J) and “The Marketization of China and Japan's Response” (115E).  相似文献   

朴正元 《当代韩国》2011,(3):99-112
本文旨在研究使用叙述策略解释韩国作家殷熙耕和中国作家曹文轩的成长小说。成长小说是讲述任务成长过程的小说,是描写主人公在其所处时代的文化和人文环境中从幼年期迈向青年期的自我发现和精神方面不断成长的过程的小说类型。两位作者的成长小说的区别如下:首先,曹文轩是以当时的社会和政治背景下以事件为主进行叙述的,而殷熙耕更重视以成长主体的心理变化和发展过程为基础进行的叙述。曹文轩具有以讲述为主的现实主义倾向,而殷熙耕具有以展示为主的现代主义倾向。其次,叙述者的位相是构成成长小说叙述策略的重要部分。掌握成长全过程的叙述者的视线会在运用“叙述性过去”的过程中,在小说文本和读者之间的相互作用方面占据绝对位置。再次,《辞格》中所说的“距离”适用于成长小说中的“叙述者一主人公”之间。以心理描写为主进行叙述的殷熙耕成长小说的“距离”较近,借用客观叙述策略的曹文轩小说的“距离”较远。  相似文献   

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