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In forensic practice, decapitated bodies are predominantly associated with decapitation by wheels of trains or with postmortem dismemberment following homicide. In the suicidal context, decapitation accounts for less than 1% of total suicide. Apart from decapitation by trains, other encountered methods involve suicidal hanging and vehicle-assisted ligature suicide. Reported here is a unique case of suicidal decapitation in a 45-year-old man using a tractor loader at the foot of a silo, on his farm. The head was recovered in the loader and there were several impact spots from the loader as well as blood on the silo wall. The autopsy revealed a complete decapitation wound with the severance plane located between the third and fourth cervical vertebra. A 1.5 cm wide abrasion on the anterior part of the neck and abrasions under the chin were noted. This very unique case of intentional suicidal decapitation is the first reported case of a planned system intended to create decapitation outside the unique case of homemade guillotine and the more common decapitation by train.  相似文献   

An unusual case of suicidal ligature strangulation is described. The victim is a 42-year-old white male who devised a very elaborate ligature mechanism comprised of thin wire, a plastic tub filled with water, and a combination of other common objects to commit suicide while in custody. A brief review of the literature follows.  相似文献   

A recently widowed man constructed a guillotine in the entrance to his cellar, having previously announced his intention to decapitate himself. A neighbor who saw the device from her house alerted the police. The deceased was found completely decapitated, still holding a pair of pliers that he had used to activate the mechanism. The findings of the resulting investigation are described, and the mechanism of suicidal decapitation is reviewed.  相似文献   

Natural gas (NG) is used as a home energy supply and, with or without ignition, is rarely misused to result in death. The authors report an unusual suicidal explosive death induced by NG. A huge explosion with resultant fire had blown out a bungalow, with destructive damage predominantly above the ground, resulting in only 1 exterior wall and the foundation still in place. The victim was transferred to the hospital, and on the way, he admitted to undoing the natural gas fitting and to igniting the source. He survived for a short interval of time in the hospital before all resuscitative efforts failed. During autopsy, a special attention was paid to victim's identification and search for other injuries, not related to the explosion, so as to exclude or document homicidal injuries disguised by the subsequent explosion. The forensic pathologist should be aware of the different kinds of inflammable substances and integrate the findings with the scene information and the impression of the investigators at the scene.  相似文献   

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), the toxic gas associated with the smell of "rotten eggs," is an important cause of work-related sudden death. The gas is particularly insidious due to the unpredictability of its presence and concentration and its neurotoxicity at relatively low concentrations, causing olfactory nerve paralysis and loss of the warning odor. We report a double fatality involving 2 surveyors working near a man-hole, who fell into the sewer and died due to sudden exposure to hydrogen sulfide gas. Key historical, physical, and toxicologic findings are described. Additionally, we present a discussion of the clinical presentations and differential diagnosis, mechanism of injury, metabolism and toxicology, incidence, and scene and safety concerns in fatal hydrogen sulfide exposures.  相似文献   

The authors report a case of complete posthanging decapitation. The decapitated corpse lay against a pillar of a road bridge. The head had rolled 5 m from the trunk. The bridge was 7.2 m above the road level. The rope was 3.6 m long, its lower end was 3.6 m from the ground and its diameter was 10 mm. The noose used was a slip knot. Plain X-rays of the skull and cervical spine were obtained. The skull X-rays showed air in the meningeal spaces, in both lateral and third ventricles. The severance plane of the cervical spine was between the third and the fourth cervical vertebrae. No other cervical vertebral injuries were noted. At autopsy, the brain was macroscopically unremarkable except for air in the meningeal veins. The decapitation injuries of the head and the torso corresponded perfectly, without apparent loss of substance. The severance plane was confirmed. Dry bone study was carried out. Except for fractures of the extremities of the spinous processes of the second and third cervical vertebrae, no other bone injury of the spine was seen. The cervical vertebrae displayed numerous osteoarthritic lesions. The traditional hangman's fracture was not found. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of complete posthanging decapitation with a severance plane between the third and fourth cervical vertebrae.  相似文献   

A 25-year-old fit man died suddenly while playing social soccer. Autopsy revealed an infiltrative lesion involving the left ventricle with overlying pericarditis. No other significant pathologic changes were observed. Histologic examination showed necrotizing granulomatous inflammation. No acid-fast bacilli were demonstrated in the pericardial fluid or on histologic examination. The presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA complex was confirmed by use of the ligase chain reaction technique. The differential diagnosis of myocardial tuberculosis includes sarcoidosis, rheumatic fever, rheumatoid arthritis, giant-cell-containing tumors, idiopathic (giant-cell) myocarditis, and bacterial infections such as tularemia and brucellosis. This case illustrates the protean manifestations of tuberculosis and highlights the use of molecular biologic techniques in arriving at a definitive diagnosis in cases of suspected tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Suicidal electrocution using a time switch is relatively rare. Based on two cases from the authors' own forensic material and seven cases from literature peculiarities regarding the concomitant intake of medicines (benzodiazepines) and alcohol are discussed and comments are made how to proceed in the criminal and forensic investigation of such cases.  相似文献   

Ludwig angina is a rapidly progressing submaxillary, submandibular, and sublingual necrotizing cellulitis of the floor of the mouth that can have lethal consequences due to airway obstruction. Various aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms, and less often fungi, have been implicated to cause Ludwig angina, including oral flora such as streptococci and staphylococci. Early recognition and the use of parenteral antibiotics can prevent mortality and morbidity. We report a case of a 25-year-old white man who was admitted to the hospital by his dentist after being diagnosed with Ludwig angina secondary to periodontal abscesses involving teeth #17 and #32. Although antibiotics were administered, while in the hospital, the decedent had difficulty swallowing and was drooling. He suddenly began to have seizure-like activity thought to be anoxic myoclonus. The decedent was aggressively resuscitated and taken to the operating room for neck exploration and a tracheostomy. Neck exploration revealed severe necrotizing acute inflammation of the deep soft tissues and musculature of the neck. He remained on life support for 7 days until he was declared brain dead. Ludwig angina is a progressive cellulitis that often results in death by asphyxia. Ludwig angina can be complicated by subsequent deep neck infection. The underlying etiologies and common scenarios are examined, and significant autopsy findings and dissecting procedures are discussed. The pathophysiology of Ludwig angina is studied with a review of the current literature.  相似文献   

Heat stroke is the most serious and potentially life-threatening condition of the heat-related illnesses. Heat stroke deaths caused by electric blanket are rarely reported. In this paper, we report 2 cases of fatal heat stroke caused by overheating from electric blankets in winter. One was a 41-year-old man who was found unresponsive in bed on an electric blanket. His wife shared the same bed with him and was found unconscious. The wife's axillary temperature was 40 degrees C (104 degrees C) when she was admitted to the hospital. She fully recovered after medical treatment. The husband was pronounced dead at scene, with rectal temperature at 41.2 degrees C (106.2 degrees C). The other was a 13-year-old girl who was found dead in bed on an electric blanket, with rectal temperature at 41 degrees C (105.8 degrees F). The literature is reviewed, and the pertinent findings, including scene investigations, postmortem examination, the risk and mechanism of fatal heat stroke caused by using electric blanket, are discussed.  相似文献   

Verapamil toxicity: an unusual case report and review of the literature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Verapamil blocks the rapid influx of calcium into the cardiac myocytes of the cardiac conduction system and smooth muscle of the vasculature, resulting in decreased myocardial contractility, prolonged conduction time, and vascular relaxation. A sustained-release form, verapamil SR (or ER), is available that contains higher levels of medication and requires only once-daily dosing. The majority of reported fatal cases of verapamil toxicity are due to massive, intentional overdoses. Herein, we present an unusual case of fatal verapamil SR toxicity in a 57-year-old female that resulted from accidental overdose of only 3 tablets (720 mg), as witnessed by the decedent's daughter. In spite of the low dose ingested, the postmortem cardiac blood verapamil level was clearly toxic (6000 ng/mL, or 6 mg/L). Her preexisting medical conditions included hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, iron deficiency anemia, diabetes mellitus, and associated mild chronic renal failure. Complicating factors, which likely include the decedent's preexisting renal and cardiac disease, and a review of the available literature will be discussed.  相似文献   

Suicidal gunshot wounds from a livestock stunner with infliction of two shots against the head are extremely rare events. A case with these characteristics is presented and the corresponding literature is reviewed. A 61-year-old butcher was found dead with two entry wounds of the forehead on the right side and in the centre being typical for captive bolt pistols (symmetrically localized powder burns). The issues of the sequence of shots and the capacity of action are discussed on the basis of morphological findings and pathophysiological considerations. A literature review revealed only 4 case reports with double gunshot wounds of the skull caused by "humane killers" (Tovo 1956, Wolff and Laufer 1965, Schiermeyer 1973, Pollak 1977).  相似文献   

A very rare case of suicide by stab wound of a fistula for hemodialysis access in an elderly woman is reported. The incidence of suicide attempts in people undergoing hemodialysis is well known. Nevertheless, suicide means do not usually include stab wounds of the arteriovenous access. Various pattern differences between homicidal and suicidal stab wounds, characteristics of suicide in the elderly, and approaches to the investigation of such cases are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

As an antihistamine, diphenhydramine (DPH) is well known for its use in allergy treatment. Since its introduction in 1946, it has been marketed under various trade names, the most popular being Benadryl. Three years after its introduction, the first fatality due to DPH toxicity was reported in 1949.To better understand the incidence of fatalities due to DPH monointoxication, we reviewed deaths that were reported from 2 data sources: (1) the English-language literature using PubMed, from 1946 through 2003; and (2) the Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers Toxic Exposure Surveillance System (ARAAPCCTESS), from 1983 through 2002. The results were then tabulated using age, gender, clinicopathologic findings, and toxicology results.Combined results from both data sets show the following mean (and range) for age and DPH levels: Adult, 35.6 years (18-84) and 19.53 mg/L (0.087-48.5); pediatric, 8.6 years (1.25-17) and 7.4 mg/L (1.3-13.7); infant, 31 weeks (6 weeks-11 months) and 1.53 mg/L (1.1-2.2), respectively.Most deaths were certified as accident or suicide; however, 6 infant homicides were reported. The most common symptoms for all cases were cardiac dysrhythmias, seizure activity, and/or sympathetic pupil responses. The most common autopsy finding was pulmonary congestion.  相似文献   

A 27-year-old male committed suicide by ingestion of a large quantity of xylene. The presence of xylene in the tissues of the victim was confirmed by chromatographic and spectrometric techniques. High levels of xylene were detected in blood (11 mg/dl), gastric contents (880 mg/dl), and duodenal contents (3,300 mg/dl). Histological examination of the lungs showed severe congestion and acute pulmonary edema. Review of the relevant literature is presented.  相似文献   

Malaria is the world's most important parasitic disease, accounting for an estimated 300 to 500 million new cases and between 1.5 and 2.7 deaths annually. The majority of these deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa where malaria is endemic and are the result of infection with Plasmodium falciparum. The number of deaths in the United States due to malaria is comparably much lower and involves so-called "imported" cases in which U.S. travelers acquire the infection upon travel to endemic areas and subsequently return to the United States or in which infected foreign citizens travel to the United States. There were a total of 118 deaths due to malaria in the United States between 1979 and 1998 with an average of 5.9 deaths per year. Specific epidemiological data provided by the CDC regarding the 40 deaths that occurred between 1992 and 1998 yielded the following results. Deaths occurred in patients ranging from 9 months to 89 years of age (median, 53 years). Thirty-eight (95%) of these were due to P. falciparum and two (5%) due to P. vivax. Anti-malarial chemoprophylaxis was taken in 40% of cases, not taken in 45% of cases, and unknown in 15% of cases. Twenty-four (60%) of the cases involved U.S. travelers to endemic areas, of whom 59% traveled to Africa, 25% to South America, 8% to India, 4% to Haiti, and 4% to unspecified areas. The remaining cases included eleven foreign travelers to the U.S. (27.5%), three induced cases (7.5%), and two undetermined cases (5%). Thirty-nine (98%) of the cases were diagnosed antemortem and only one case was known to have come to the attention of the medical examiner/coroner. An illustrative case report demonstrates many of the features associated with fatal malaria infections in the United States. The case involves a U.S. student who was studying in Africa and who, by report, had not taken antimalarial chemoprophylaxis. Despite seeking medical attention, the patient was not diagnosed with P. falciparum infection and cerebral malaria until the time of medico-legal autopsy, where the classic gross and microscopic features of cerebral malaria were identified. This case represents one of the few cases of P. falciparum infection in the United States not diagnosed antemortem. Given the worldwide prevalence of the disease, increasing international travel, and rapidly developing drug resistance, malaria will continue to be an important disease and should be considered in cases of sudden, unexplained deaths. By reviewing the major epidemiological features of malaria-related deaths in the United States and by presenting the major gross and microscopic features of cerebral malaria, an attempt is made at raising the awareness of the forensic community to the potential of malaria-related deaths.  相似文献   

A typical case of suicidal strychnine poisoning by a rodenticide is presented. The forceful muscular convulsions were accompanied by a clear sensorium. Pathological findings consisted of an early onset of postmortem rigidity and microscopic hemorrhages with minimal degenerative neuronal changes in the spinal cord. The highest tissue concentrations of strychnine were found in the bile and liver. The pathophysiology and epidemiology of strychnine poisoning is reviewed and discussed in context.  相似文献   

Maternal hepatic rupture is a rare complication of pregnancy that can be fatal to both mother and child. This phenomenon is most often associated with preeclampsia/eclampsia and/or HELLP syndrome, which is defined by a collection of clinical features including hemolysis (H), elevated liver enzymes (EL), and a low platelet count (LP). These disease processes are typically identified and treated during pregnancy, often in the last trimester. The described case is unusual in that the decedent had no known history of preeclampsia/eclampsia or HELLP syndrome during this pregnancy, and she died suddenly several days postpartum of liver rupture with massive intraperitoneal hemorrhage following a routine cesarean section delivery and an uneventful hospital course. Similar cases are infrequent in the literature, which is reviewed in this report.  相似文献   

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