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A ramified system of public institutions for children has been established in the USSR, in which children who have been left without parents live and study. At the same time, legislation has provided for the adoption of children by individual citizens who may wish to take children into their families, raise and take care of them as they would their own.  相似文献   

The Roman empire was legally pluralistic. But what exactly does this entail in concrete terms? With the growth in historical studies of legal pluralism in the Roman empire, some significant differences in approach have emerged. This article tests and clarifies some of the limits in the current ‘legal pluralism’ conceptual landscape, focussing on disputes and dispute resolution. It is argued that a clearer distinction should be drawn between ‘normative’ and ‘jurisdictional’ pluralism, though both approaches still raise certain conceptual problems. The place of disputes within the family within this wider institutional picture is then taken as a case study in the final part of the paper, and it is suggested that while family disputes can evidence ‘legal pluralism’ in the ‘norms’ sense, there is less to suggest that there were a multitude of officially sanctioned legal fora available for resolving family disputes. As a result, many went beyond the law. This has wider implications for the study of legal pluralism in antiquity and the problem of integrating alternative dispute resolution (ADR) into the pluralistic picture.  相似文献   

早期的东罗马帝国立法活动非常频繁,立法成果颇多,塞奥多西王朝颁布了《引证法》和《狄奥多西法典》两部重要法律文献;查士丁尼时代则有《国法大全》问世,作为其组成部分的《查士丁尼法典》、《学说汇纂》、《法学阶梯》和《新律》,客观而实用,开启了东罗马帝国法制史的新篇章,奠定了整个东罗马帝国的法律基础,在当时的中世纪社会乃至后世都留下了深刻的影响,流传甚广。  相似文献   

This article is the first attempt to analyse the condition of Roman law in Roman Britain for more than thirty years. It is intended as an introduction to the subject and a point from which further research can be done. The article briefly describes current knowledge of the effectiveness of Roman law in Roman Britain, relying upon not only traditional Roman law sources but also a large number of epigraphic sources. Based upon an analysis of these, it may be said that Roman law played an important role in the daily life of Roman Britain. It was not only associated with the Roman conquerors, but it was also used by Romanized native inhabitants of the island. It is even possible that the foundations laid down by the Romans influenced the later development of medieval Welsh law.  相似文献   

作为人类文明史上一座永不磨灭的丰碑,罗马法至今仍被人们视为写下来的理性而具有强大的生命力,罗马法的理性精神主要源于希腊文化,斯多葛学派在希腊理性精神与罗马法之间起到了直接的嫁接作用,而深受斯多葛自然法学说影响的罗马法学则成为罗马法与希腊精神相互融合的主渠道。  相似文献   

This article advances a new model for family law to address emerging non‐conventional family formations, particularly between parents and children. We contend that the conventional model of kinship categories as static, predefined statuses should be replaced with a model whereby the state accommodates kinship categories the law users themselves produce within their fluid and nomadic family assemblages and that they actively revise when negotiating state recognition. We claim that this model would better reflect and govern the emerging kinship system. We corroborate this by drawing on insights from family research that takes issue with the fragmentation of kinship, particularly the fragmentation of motherhood. We then elaborate on a conception of state recognition as the capacity to trace connections and identify normative frameworks, one that valorizes the self‐organizing force of social practices but at the same time holds onto the filtering role of the state.  相似文献   

法律人格与伦理的关系状态反映了法律对人的态度。人格属性历经古代罗马法、近代欧陆民法以及现代社会化民法的发展过程,分别表现为"反伦理化、泛伦理化、去伦理化"倾向。人格概念的伦理价值判断功能应该让位于它的法律技术功能。通过承继并改造罗马法人格制度建立现代民事主体制度。  相似文献   

论古代罗马侵权行为法的发展演变   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
叶秋华  刘海鸥 《法学家》2006,(6):137-147
作为大陆法系侵权行为法基础的古代罗马侵权行为法,在其发展演变过程中突出表现为三个特点,即侵权行为责任方式和性质逐步由赎罪金过渡到损害赔偿金,这一变化体现了古代侵权行为法从野蛮到文明的进程;裁判官的司法实践活动极大地丰富了罗马侵权行为法的内容;过失责任的确立则奠定了现代侵权行为法归责原则的基础.  相似文献   

经济法主要是反不正当竞争法和反垄断法,罗马法中的《关于生活资料供应的优流斯法》是其反不正当竞争法,483年的芝诺敕令是其反垄断法。此外,还有通货紧缺管控法和价格限制法等经济危机管控法,它们共同构成罗马经济法的体系并被公认为现代经济法相应分支的始祖,因此,经济法现代德国起源说值得商榷。由于经济法不过是排除妨碍市场经济正常运作因素的法,上述罗马经济法规的存在,证明古罗马采用市场经济。  相似文献   

徐国栋 《法学研究》2009,(1):147-165
包括民众诉权、民众令状、人民控告和检举四项制度的罗马法公益诉讼制度群,是现代公益诉讼制度的起源。四项制度的递嬗,展现了罗马诉讼法从民众主义到国家主义的发展史,由此揭示了在国家机器完善的现代条件下民众诉讼的存在依据问题。由于人民利益与官僚利益可能发生不一致,民众诉权仍有存在余地,但必须采用众有利益理论对原告资格制度进行改革,才能保证民众诉权良好地运作。  相似文献   

Classical and Hellenistic Greek laws and dowry practices were generally more progressive and provided more protections for wives than early Roman marriage law and practice. Roman dowry law then witnessed a series of significant developments over the course of the republic, beginning with the time when the Romans were coming into increased contact with Greek culture. Changes in social attitudes towards the conditions for women in marriage, their ability to control their dowries, and their right to own property, seem to have been responsible for these transformations in Roman family law. As Romans became increasingly Hellenized, their dowry and marriage practices in general came to resemble patterns prevailing in the Greek world, perhaps as a result of individuals’ emulation of Greek laws and customs. The shift from the overall predominance of marriage in manu to marriage sine manu may therefore be explained partly by influences from the Greek world.  相似文献   

罗马法债权理念的一般发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由罗马法发展起来的债权理念 ,代表了罗马法的较高成就 ,是人类法律文化的宝贵遗产。罗马法债权理念发展的一般历程分为三个阶段 ,即 ,人身性债权向财产性债权的过渡形成、债权理念与家父权理念的并存格局 ,以及罗马法债权理念的扩充发展。这三个阶段展示了人类债权理念由原始状态向文明过渡的历程  相似文献   

周枏先生去世时,我曾写了“带走一个时代的法学家”以寄追思。为什么这样说?因为他的人品、学品和命运在某种程度上浓缩了一个时代的众多法学家的个性特征、学术生涯和人生追求。无论是其人品学品,还是其生涯命运,都有时代的印痕。现今我们所处的时代,即使有人想去追求,已经很难产生、锻造周枏先生这样的学者了。这就是时代的不可抗力,它既可带给人们光辉与希望,也可给人造成黯淡和神伤。所幸的是,一种纯净的人品和精深的学品总能给人以激励和向往。周枏的《罗马法原论》(以下简称《原论》)就是这样一部体现了作者学品,并且给人以激励,为后来者奠基的著作,这是他留给后人的丰厚遗产。这个遗产既是一种已然的学品,又是当今学人应行仿效的楷模,也为将来的学术树立起了准衡。周枏先生去世带走了一个时代的另一层含义,是说作为老一辈学者,他其实是前一个时代的罗马法学者在后一个时代的仅存。从20世纪初以来至今,中国的罗马法学著作可以说并不少,除译著外,中国学者自己的著述也有十四五种之多。这些著作在不同时期,不同地区都发生过相当的影响。其中影响较为持久广泛的当属黄右昌的《罗马法与现代》、陈朝璧的《罗马法原理》以及改革开放以后在中国大陆出版的周枏、吴文翰、谢邦宇的《罗马法》(群众出版社,1983)和江平、米健的《罗马法基础》(中国政法大学出版社,1987)。从时间上看,虽然《原论》1994年才问世,但在此之前,像《原论》这样系统全面、深入具体、资料翔实的中文罗马法专著还不曾有过。这部著作是周枏倾其一生精力与心血的巨制大作,是他一生学术积累和造诣的集中体现。此前已有的任何一部罗马法著作,都没有像《原论》这样做了几十年的酝酿和准备,融入了几十年的学术探讨与教学积累。仅此而言,《原论》可谓对其他既有罗马法学著作的超越,是中国罗马法学近乎一个世纪的集成。正因如此,该书出版之后,受到了学界的广泛关注和欢迎。到2004年4月,该书已经五次印刷。这在同类学术著作中,无疑独享殊荣。在此意义上,完全可以说斯人已逝而不去,学品无声得永生。这就是一个学者的价值,无论他生存时曾否得意辉煌,或者曾有多少失意怅惘。从《原论》中我们可以看到哪些学品呢?  相似文献   

《十二表法》中的破产法以债务人的人身作为责任手段,导致债奴甚至杀害债务人的残酷现象。《关于债奴的佩特流斯和帕皮流斯法》废除了债奴制度。尔后产生了财产拍卖制度解决债务人破产问题,但该制度不以解决破产问题为限。它和以后的财产零卖制度都是强制破产制度。恺撒颁布的《关于财产让与的优流斯法》开创了自愿破产制度。它放弃了破产惩罚论,把破产看做一种解决危机的手段,并把破产法独立化。该法深刻影响后世的破产法。此外,罗马法还有特殊破产制度,它们是遗产破产、银行破产、特有产破产、返还嫁资的丈夫破产、受敬畏者破产等,其共同特点是具有特别要素。  相似文献   

文本研究了罗马法上裁判官法的发展以及市民法—裁判官法二元体制的形成,以及罗马法通过《永久告示》的编纂和法学家研究的努力,将其整合为一个体系的历史过程.借鉴这一历史经验,在中国民法典编纂中必须对既有的民事领域的司法解释进行全面的整理和汇编,然后整合到未来中国民法典之中去.在民法典编纂之后,我国最高法院的“造法”功能应当发生根本性的转型,目前的这种通过司法解释来造法的体制需要加以重大地改革.  相似文献   

马聪 《河北法学》2007,25(8):156-159
中世纪商人法的出现是中世纪城市经济发展的产物,而罗马商法则是古罗马高度繁荣的奴隶制经济发展的必然结果.由于商品经济发展的相似性、地理位置的接近、帝国永续理论的巨大威力以及罗马法学的繁荣等原因,中世纪的商人法明显地体现出对罗马商法的继受.分析中世纪商人法对古罗马商法继受的原因,从中可以看到法律发展过程中的相承关系.  相似文献   

一、导言:研究的目的与对象 要因行为和不要因行为的划分是德国民法和继受德国民法的各国学理中一种关于法律行为的重要分类,[1]基于此种分类,许多学者进而认为物权行为是无因行为,债权行为是有因行为.[2]但是,对于原因是什么,原因和目的的关系是什么等等问题我国理论界到目前为止尚未有充分的认识.笔者认为,只有准确地探究原因的基本含义、本质及其发展过程才能正确地解决上述问题,而这种探究不应从哲学的角度而应从历史的角度入手,这是因为"对一项法律制度的最好解释常常藏身于其历史而非其现在的运行中."[3]  相似文献   

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