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Why are American politicians “single‐minded seekers of reelection” in some decades and fierce ideological warriors in others? This article argues that the key to understanding the behavior of members inside a legislative chamber is to follow the actions of key figures outside the chamber. These outsiders—activists, interest groups, and party bosses—use their control over party nominations, conditioned on institutional rules, to ensure ideological behavior among officeholders. To understand how vital these outsiders are to legislative partisanship, this article takes advantage of a particular natural experiment: the state of California's experience with cross‐filing (1914–59), under which institutional rules prevented outsiders from influencing party nominations. Under cross‐filing, legislative partisanship collapsed, demonstrating that incumbents tend to prefer nonpartisanship or fake partisanship to actual ideological combat. Partisanship quickly returned once these outsiders could again dominate nominations. Several other historical examples reveal extralegislative actors exerting considerably greater influence over members' voting behavior than intralegislative party institutions did. These results suggest that candidates and legislators are the agents of activists and others who coordinate at the community level to control party nominations.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of an environmental justice (EJ) program adopted by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) as a part of its regulation to phase out a toxic chemical used by dry cleaners. SCAQMD provided financial incentives to switch early and gave establishments in EJ neighborhoods priority in applying for grants. Despite this pro‐EJ policy, available data show that dry cleaners in low‐income, predominantly minority, and EJ‐designated areas were less likely to be an early adopter of green technologies, and this finding holds even after accounting for firm and market characteristics. Dry cleaners in disadvantaged neighborhoods were also less likely to receive a grant to switch technology despite the district's effort to set aside half of the funding for applicants from EJ areas.  相似文献   


Early adopters of innovation play a critical role in the successful spread of the innovation by legitimizing the adoption of the innovation and/or providing evidence of its effectiveness. This article explores why some organizations adopt innovations before than others by focusing on determinants of early innovation adoption. Analysis reveals that there is a U-shaped influence of organizational performance on early innovation adoption. Most organizations are encouraged to be early adopters by their poor performance, but some organizations with very high performance tend to be innovation-friendly. Other organizational characteristics such as organizational size and pro-innovation bias also have positive impacts on early innovation adoption. These findings have practical implications about strategies for successfully diffusing innovations.  相似文献   

技术与社会的关系是一个重要命题。本文以产业和社会结构发生剧烈变化的商业农村为个案,探讨技术与社会的关系,研究发现固定电话与手机的应用深刻地影响了商村的经济生产,它们在应用中的悖论现象则表明技术亦受社会的型塑:当熟人社会瓦解,信任机制发生改变时,固定电话因其完备的管理制度被使用者赋予隐秘的社会内涵;商村产业特征及经营策略压缩了经营者的私人空间和时间,致其将手机定位于商业信息传递的工具;漂泊的打工者在封闭的空间中更加渴求交流,因而在手机使用上表现出更强烈的情感倾向。此外,本文还想强调是使用者发挥了主体性,穿梭于信息技术产品与社会结构之间,赋予信息技术产品以生动的社会内涵,从而形成了具有地方社会特色的技术应用情况。  相似文献   

Borner  Silvio  Kobler  Markus 《Public Choice》2002,110(3-4):327-350
This paper addresses the question of why radical economicreforms became a reality in Argentina in the 1990s byconcentrating on the political andinstitutional dimensions of economic policy reform. Itpresents a framework for analyzing the determinants ofthe quality of economic institutions, notably thepolitical commitment of the state to provide propertyand contract rights, and its administrative capacity(``strength'') in implementing them. The framework isapplied to Argentina under the government of presidentCarlos Menem. The results of an empirical analysisclearly show an improvement in institutional quality,the state strength and commitment during Menem's firstterm. In turn, during his second term, the indicatorsshow ongoing signs of decline. Considering theprospects for Argentina in the near future,deficiencies of commitment with regard to democraticcontrol mechanisms represent a permanent threat tothe economic reforms realized so far.  相似文献   

Domestic strife and civil war frequently produce large population dislocations and refugee flows across national boundaries. Mass refugee flows often entail negative consequences for receiving states, particularly in developing countries. Moreover, civil violence frequently extends across national boundaries as “internal” conflicts are not constrained by borders. This article argues that refugee flows between states significantly increase the likelihood of militarized interstate disputes (MIDs) in that dyad. Refugee‐receiving states are more likely to initiate MIDs as they intervene to prevent further externalities, and refugee‐sending states initiate MIDs as they violate borders in pursuit of dissidents. Moreover, this research challenges conventional theories of international conflict that focus exclusively on distributional bargains between states. These propositions are tested in a quantitative analysis of the relationship between refugees and MID initiation, 1955–2000. Results confirm that refugees significantly increase the probability of international conflict.  相似文献   

Village democracy in China has expanded from village elections to the institution of village deliberation. This transformation would necessarily involve a number of trial studies on village deliberation. The paper examines one village deliberative democracy experiment in Bianyu village, Wenling city, Zhejiang Province. It provides a basic background to Bianyu village, discusses the design of the experiment, and examines its outcomes. The paper concludes with an assessment of the prospects for village deliberative democracy in rural China.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to analyse the process involving adoption of a corporate social responsibility initiative—the United Nations Global Compact—in a Spanish financial institution. Semi‐structured interviews were conducted for such purpose with managers, workers and customers from this organisation. From the analysis carried out, it can be ascertained that only professionals from the specific field of corporate social responsibility in the organisation being analysed have suitable knowledge about the initiative adopted, while the other professionals are practically unaware of it—even among professionals such as accountants who should clearly have suitable knowledge about the subject in order to draft sustainability reports. As a result, the research also provides evidence about the ceremonial adoption of the United Nations Global Compact, highlighting the internal friction existing within an organisation that until very recently stood out in the Spanish banking sector for the amount of externally obtained awards in recognition of its sustainability practices. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Public guardians are appointed by the state to meet the needs of incapacitated citizens when no other willing or responsible surrogate decision maker exists. These public administrators, who live the decisional life of another citizen, need meaningful controls and accountability because of the great private and public authority that is entrusted to them. A review of program documents, interviews with public guardians and their program supervisors, and participant observations revealed complex roles for the public guardian: service monitor, service broker, client advocate, surrogate decision maker, and relationship architect. Because of the multiplicity of roles and few controls on their actions, public guardians' accountability should first be drawn from mechanical mechanisms (for instance, thorough audits and sanctions for infractions), but a second and necessary control is the principles of public administration, which are grounded in normative values and democratic governance.  相似文献   

How individuals respond to innovative technologies depends on how motivated they are by an array of internal and external factors and the informational and cost barriers they face. To better understand technology adoption decision making we (i) assess changes in intent to purchase plug‐in vehicles in response to reductions in their price and (ii) identify motivators that incline new car buyers toward plug‐ins under status quo and reduced vehicle cost scenarios. We find that individuals already inclined toward alternative vehicles have a higher interest in plug‐ins under a reduced‐cost scenario than individuals who favor conventional vehicles. We also find that individuals who shift their vehicle preference from conventional gasoline to plug‐in vehicles are motivated by material factors and fears relating to the innovative technology, whereas those shifting preferences between less to more innovative technologies are likely to be motivated by a mix of material and nonmaterial factors.  相似文献   

Colin J. Bennett 《管理》1997,10(3):213-233
This article examines different explanations for the cross–national diffusion of three recent innovations in bureaucratic accountability—the institution of the ombudsman, freedom of information legislation and data protection (information privacy) law. The first two explanations are based on the assumption that these innovations are by–products of modernization, either the growth of the state or democratization. The third assumes that policy is shaped through processes of international communication. A combination of methodologies is employed to conclude that while the growth of government and liberal democratic values are necessary conditions for the adoption of all three policy instruments, they are not sufficient conditions. The pattern of adoption observed is best explained by examining how evidence about these respective policies flows from adopting states to non–adopters. In the case of the ombudsman, this process can be characterized as one of lesson–drawing; for freedom of information, evidence is used for legitimation purposes; for data protection, the diffusion is attributable to harmonization through international organizations. Policy transfer is hence a multi–faceted concept that embraces a number of distinct processes of transnational learning and communication.  相似文献   

Why is the difference in redistribution preferences between the rich and the poor high in some countries and low in others? In this article, we argue that it has a lot to do with the rich and very little to do with the poor. We contend that while there is a general relative income effect on redistribution preferences, the preferences of the rich are highly dependent on the macrolevel of inequality. The reason for this effect is not related to immediate tax and transfer considerations but to a negative externality of inequality: crime. We will show that the rich in more unequal regions in Western Europe are more supportive of redistribution than the rich in more equal regions because of their concern with crime. In making these distinctions between the poor and the rich, the arguments in this article challenge some influential approaches to the politics of inequality.  相似文献   

建设文明乡村的目标理念与路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建设文明乡村是破解“三农”问题的重大举措。在建设文明乡村的过程中,以人为本的科学发展观要有更加明确的目标理念,即以农民为本,实现公平正义,保障农民权益;工业反哺农业,实现农业的可持续性发展,保障粮食安全;统筹城乡发展,建设文明乡村。明确的目标理念决定了具有操作性的路径选择,即改革二元户籍制度是建设文明乡村的前提条件;确立以工促农、以城带乡,工业反哺农业、城市支持农村战略,这是建设文明乡村的必然选择;进一步改革农村土地制度是建设文明乡村的保证;改革现行的农民工制度,这是建设文明乡村的有效措施。  相似文献   

This article shows that political competition generates incentives that affect the pace of adoption of market reforms in the context of policy convergence. Previous work shows the effect of financial and technological pressures in promoting policy convergence and the impact of institutional constraints on shaping the pace of policymaking. Controlling for these effects, this article demonstrates the policy effects of political competition and ideological polarization even at a time when ideological policy differences seem to be fading due to policy convergence. This article studies policy adoption using duration analysis for the 18 countries of Latin America during the 1985–2000 period when most of the market reforms in public utilities were adopted.  相似文献   

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