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This paper draws on recent research examining feminist and everyday geopolitics to focus on the relatively neglected domestic sphere as a space where geopolitical events like the Falklands/Malvinas war are learnt, (re)produced, remembered and contested by young people. It presents qualitative data drawn from interviews with young people from Argentina (Río Gallegos) and the Falkland Islands (Stanley), locations with intimate connections to the 1982 war. It argues that research in domestic environments that engages the familial relations, objects and practices that embody geopolitical pasts can help make sense of how young people (are able to) express geopolitical agency.  相似文献   

National identities play a significant role in Latin American international relations. They affect the ways in which policy‐makers view themselves and others, as well as influencing the ways in which their policies are ‘received’ abroad. In this way, identities create opportunities and constraints for foreign policy‐making, framing the relations between Latin American countries. The author argues that, since 1990, three main patterns of Chilean identity recently affected the country's relations with its northern neighbours Bolivia and Peru: a ‘neoliberal identity’, a ‘legalistic identity’ and a ‘progressive identity’. These three patterns of identity have created opportunities for cooperation as well as causes for conflict.  相似文献   

This article conducts a comparative analysis of a catastrophic flood that hit the Kulob region of southern Tajikistan in 2010, and the government of Tajikistan's campaign to gather money to build the Roghun dam and hydropower station. It advances the notion of ‘everyday disasters’ in order to explain the imprecise boundaries between major catastrophic events and more mundane dimensions of the everyday as experienced by residents of Kulob. The article seeks to shed light, firstly, on the processes that underpin both Kulob residents’ experiences of stagnation and the normalization of non-development, and, secondly, on the ways in which Kulob residents joke and ‘do’ cunning/cheating whilst dealing with disastrous events in order to cultivate an everydayness that is worth living.  相似文献   

对地缘政治三大常混问题的辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在地缘政治的研究中,存在着对地缘政治与地缘政治学、地理政治和政治地理学的混淆.地缘政治是现实政治的现象之一,地缘政治学是一种知识体系;地缘政治是围绕地理空间的控制权展开的人与人之间的关系,而地理是讲自然范畴的关系, 地理条件与地缘政治是或然关系,将地缘政治翻译成地理政治似乎欠妥;地缘政治论是政治学范畴的知识体系,政治地理学是地理学的内容之一,两者属于不同的知识领域.  相似文献   


This article extends understandings of “shadow economies” – networked, economic exchanges outside formal state regulation – and specifically how they are socially, economically and politically nested within frontier landscapes. The article analyses two related commodities that are often cast differently upon the legality spectrum: timber and cassava. By comparing the actors, relationships and practices that facilitate timber and cassava trade across the Cambodia-Vietnam border, two significant points of connection are identified: border checkpoints and land transactions, both through state actors. The analysis therefore exposes the systemic role of state actors in shadow economies and broader processes of frontier commodification, supported by their regulatory mandate. Methodologically, the study illustrates how examining relationships between commodities can help to illuminate the mechanisms, relationships and ambiguities of shadow economies operating in resource frontiers in border areas.  相似文献   

东亚或者按现行术语来说的东欧亚,在世界政治经济体系中的地位以及地区内部关系的性质方面面临着重大变化。21世纪初形成的北太平洋地区“双边关系”正在经历转型。莫斯科正将其议程从亚太地区重新定位为“大欧亚”,俄罗斯东部地区再次回到东亚和欧亚地区双边缘的地位。如果莫斯科真想改变俄罗斯东部边缘地区的命运,就必须认识到亚太地区发生的结构性转变的深度。欧亚一体化的东北平台从幻想变成现实,需要中国和俄罗斯发挥推动和协调的作用,同时建立东欧亚地区国家多边政治对话机制。太平洋俄罗斯有着巨大的发展潜力,变化的地缘政治局势为其创造了新的机遇,意味着将有新的尝试来改变地区的命运。本文原载于俄罗斯《全球政治中的俄罗斯》(双月刊)杂志2018年第5期,经作者授权在《俄罗斯学刊》中文发表。  相似文献   

This article approaches fiction writing from the northern Mexican frontier from the perspective of the border. It perceives the border between Mexico and the United States as a multispace that permeates fictional texts from the area. In clear contrast with most Chicano and Border Studies perspectives, the border is viewed here as a physical rather that metaphorical space whose dynamics formulates textual discourses and aesthetics. The fiction works of Luis Humberto Crosthwaite and Jesús Gardea are analysed from this perspective.  相似文献   

The article will analyse the development of the Chilean cause in the politics of Eastern Europe countries since 1973, focusing on the Czechoslovak case. On the one hand, it will prove that during the communist government Czechoslovakia played an important role in the international campaign for the resistance against the dictatorship at a worldwide level. On the other hand, it posits that the propaganda aimed at Czechoslovakia, which sought to kindle society's belief in the revolutionary ideals strongly affected after the Soviet invasion in 1968, turned out to be much less effective.  相似文献   

缅甸罗兴迦人问题的历史变迁初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
缅甸罗兴迦人问题的产生与发展有着深厚复杂的历史背景,引起世人普遍关注.本文试图就国际上存在争议的罗兴迦人身份问题、若开穆斯林与佛教徒的历史纷争以及罗兴迦人的发展脉络作一梳理.  相似文献   

吉米·卡特是美国历史上少有的在执政期间真正有意致力于推动世界和平的总统之一。他为抑制美苏军备竞赛,裁减军备和缓和当时的国际紧张局势做出了不懈的努力。他的这些努力是他后来荣膺诺贝尔和平奖的原因之一。然而,由于卡特的这种外交方针触犯了当时美国国内某些极端保守势力的利益,在国际上又遭到苏联霸权主义的扩张带来的冲击,使他在执政期间屡屡遭受外交政策上的挫折。分析美国外交政策史上的这一特定时期的种种内在和外在的因果联系,对于我们今天更深入地了解美国外交政策的内在动因具有极为重要的参照意义。  相似文献   


Despite a plethora of research on North Korea, understanding and managing the challenges posed by the country have long been complicated with no simple solution to put an end to this decades-long security and economic predicament on the Korean Peninsula. With the potential for international conflict, attention must be given to the converging messages emerging from the scholarly works reviewed in this article: Glyn Ford, Talking to North Korea: Ending the Nuclear Standoff, Van Jackson, On the Brink: Trump, Kim, and the Threat of Nuclear War and William Overholt’s collection North Korea: Peace? Nuclear War? These works speak to the need to: take seriously the risk of nuclear war; consider the connectedness of the North’s decades-long security and economic reform dilemmas; and to acknowledge that the mistrust that is deeply rooted on all sides must be mitigated to bring peace. These books are published at a critical juncture of increased tensions following a highly publicised but remarkably short-lived effort at a breakthrough on the Korean nuclear issue, Pyongyang’s rapidly evolving security posture and its perennial domestic challenges. Each of these volumes provides valuable insights on these challenges for North Korea and internationally.  相似文献   

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