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市场选择下人际沟通对大学生就业的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李应华 《学理论》2009,(9):101-102
随着大学生就业制度从“分配制”到“双选制”的变化,大学生就业出现结构性的“就业难”现象,很多大学毕业生无法在市场选择下实现就业。要改变这一不利局面,一个重要的方法就是加强大学毕业生的就业人际沟通,使大学毕业生能够自觉地实现有效就业人际沟通,避免无效就业人际沟通,最终顺利实现就业。  相似文献   

姜胜影  李广才 《学理论》2010,(10):238-239
2004年10月,中共中央国务院发出《关于进一步加强和改进思想政治教育的意见》,强调指出,大学生是十分宝贵的人才资源,是民族的希望,是祖国的未来。加强和改进大学生思想政治教育,提高他们的思想政冶素质,探索大学生思想政治教育的方法,把他们培养成中国特色社会主义事业的建设者和接班人,加快推进社会主义现代化的宏伟目标,确保中国特色社会主义事业兴旺发达,具有重大而深远的战略意义。  相似文献   

蒋蕾  李一苇  钟妮 《学理论》2012,(21):278-280
在多元文化背景下,大学生的理想信念受到了不同文化的冲击,我们通过对复旦大学部分学生的问卷调查和走访调研,发现大学生的理想信念状况主流是健康的,积极向上的,但也存在一些问题。因此,本课题试图通过对影响复旦大学学生理想信念的多元文化梳理来找出对大学生进行理想信念教育更有效的方式方法。  相似文献   

At our predominantly white university, students often shy away from controversial conversations. How can the classroom encourage students to value and engage in potentially explosive conversations? We develop a concept of “empathic scaffolding” to articulate an approach that integrates diversity and inclusion into the classroom. Empathic scaffolding structures content and pedagogy in a way that strategically expands students’ zones of comfort, starting with very personal experiences with the material and expanding to include broader groups of people and course concepts. Understanding and engaging with these concentric circles of students’ relationships to the course material is crucial if students are to hear and engage with voices to which they may have limited exposure. This article documents the best practices of implementing empathic scaffolding in the realms of content and pedagogy, offering a toolkit for professors to critically engage conversations about race and social justice.  相似文献   

百年世博会为大学生思想政治工作带来了新的机遇。原因在于世博精神与大学精神具有内在的一致性。同时,世博会也是对大学生进行思想政治工作教育的生动课堂。世博期间广大大学生志愿者和志愿者背后的志愿者通过参与世博、服务世博、奉献世博,使他们的爱国热情得到升华,服务社会的意愿得到践行。  相似文献   

Recent research has documented high rates of food insecurity among university students, particularly students in their first year. Food insecurity among university students has been linked to poorer self‐reported health and academic outcomes. However, few studies have linked reports of food insecurity to objective student outcomes. In this study, we examine how food insecurity is associated with first‐year university students' (n = 591) academic performance, adjusting for objective measures of high school academic performance and self‐reported indicators of socioeconomic background. Zero‐ and one‐inflated beta regression was used to examine if food insecurity predicted grade point average (GPA) in the fall 2015 and spring 2016 semesters. Logistic regression was used to determine if food insecurity at the end of the fall 2015 and spring 2016 semesters was a predictor of retention to fall 2016. Food‐insecure students had a significantly lower GPA than food‐secure students. In fall 2015, 59% of food‐insecure students obtained at least a “B” grade (GPA = 3.00); our models suggest this percentage would increase to 72% if these same students were food secure. Food‐insecure students were less likely to be enrolled in fall 2016 than food‐secure students (OR = 0.72, 95% CI [0.41, 1.27]), though this difference was not statistically significant. These results indicate that food insecurity negatively impacts first‐year university students' academic performance, even after adjusting for high school academic performance and socioeconomic background. Students GPA, and potentially university retention rates, may increase if food insecurity on campus is minimized.  相似文献   


Researchers have been wary about social desirability of approval in authoritarian countries, namely, the tendency for people to overreport their regime support. Few have studied the social desirability of dissent, the reverse tendency for people to underreport their regime support. This paper argues that social desirability of dissent exists among Chinese university students because 1) the Chinese government has loosened its control on speech, 2) Chinese university students experience peer pressure to be aloof from the government, 3) blatant propaganda gives regime supporters a negative image, and 4) open expression of regime support may associate one with the infamous Fifty Cent Party. We conducted an implicit association test (IAT) among 306 Chinese university students and found distinct social desirability of dissent among them. We also found that the effect of social desirability of dissent is stronger among firm regime supporters identified by the IAT than among weak supporters.


《Race & Society》2003,6(1):57-73
This study examines the salience of racial identity among white and black students at four American universities. Utilizing the Twenty Statements Test [Kuhn, M. H., & McPartland, T. S. (1954). An empirical investigation of self-attitudes. American Sociological Review, 19, 68–76], we measure racial identity salience among students at three predominantly white northeastern universities and one historically black southern university. As predicted, we found that racial identity salience for white students at the predominantly white universities (PWUs) was significantly lower than racial identity salience among black students in these university settings. Contrary to our expectations, racial identity salience among white students at the historically black university (HBCU) was lower than racial identity salience exhibited among black students at this university, and white students at the HBCU were not more likely to exhibit racial identity saliency than white students at the PWUs. These findings indicate that the “transparency phenomenon,” transcends context in that whites are generally far less likely to think of themselves in racial terms than are people of color. Thus, racial transparency among whites appears to supercede context. Racial salience is much higher among African-American students at the PWUs than at the HBCU; this finding suggests the importance of context for African-Americans. However, fully one-third of African-American students at the HBCU listed race on the TST, suggesting the transcendent power of a racialized identity in a dominantly white society.  相似文献   

王钰鑫 《学理论》2009,(7):160-161
大学生政治素质事关中国特色社会主义事业的兴衰成败。正确认识和把握大学生政治观形成的规律和特点是正确引导大学生树立正确政治观的前提,本文通过河南省部分高校的调研数据,客观分析了当代大学生的政治观,并提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

杨金江  秦庆  李德波 《学理论》2009,(8):166-169
本文采用问卷调查和田野调查相结合的方法。首先从边疆9省中随机抽取了1000名生源地在边疆的少数民族在校大学生,运用卡特尔16PF对他们进行心理测验,结果发现边疆少数民族大学生心理健康水平显著低于全国一般水平,男生与女生之间的健康水平也存在显著差异。在影响心理健康水平的4个因素中,忧虑性对男女生的心理健康都有显著影响,而紧张性因素只对女生的心理健康有显著影响。同时,通过田野调查探讨了影响少数民族大学生心理健康的原因。  相似文献   

Beyond its ability to enhance the generation of goals and objectives, understanding an organization's brand equity is a key driver in communicating values to consumers and end‐users. In a very competitive marketplace, it is high time universities ditched the traditional means of communication and comply with the trending social media communication forms so as to better capture both the virtual as well as the real social space of their students who, in turn, are ambassadors of the institutions. Using data solicited from 317 university students, this study found that universities can better position themselves to compete when they employ both user‐generated and firm‐generated social media communication in building their brand equity. Our study also validates electronic word of mouth as a mediator of the relationship between social media communication and higher education brand equity. Recommendations for practice were also suggested.  相似文献   

刘玲灵  陆静 《学理论》2012,(14):275-276
传统的以灌输为主的理性化大学生思想政治教育方法已不能满足教育的需要,久而久之它导致学生的学习兴趣不高,究其原因是我们忽视了那些本身存在于大学生思想政治教育中的美学元素,没有提升这些美学元素,更没有利用好这些美学元素来进行大学生思想政治教育,以致大学生思想政治教育的实效性受到了影响,因此发现并提升大学生思想政治教育中的美学元素至关重要。  相似文献   

王玲  张红梅 《学理论》2010,(5):173-174
大学生班干部是大学校园中非常重要的群体,是辅导员和班主任的助手,更是班风、学风的领跑者。但近年逐渐出现班干部频繁更换,没人愿意当班干部的问题。纠其原因主要在于班干部所处的环境压力大以及欠缺自我奉献精神。了解到此情况后,班主任对班委成员进行了引导,使此现象有所改善,班干部队伍现已趋于稳定,且已呈现出良好的班风和学风.  相似文献   

刘会 《学理论》2012,(22):170-171
以大学生和大学教师为分析对象,从三个方面分析了高等教育过程中"马太效应"给大学生带来的消极影响,"马太效应"的存在使得大学生自我评价出现偏差、人际交往能力两极分化,同时由于"马太效应"大学生也受到了各种不公平待遇。然后相应给出了大学教师应该如何应对的方法。以期为大学生更好认识自己、更好规划发展提供指导;为广大教师改进教学方法、更好地与学生沟通、保障学生在公平友善环境中健康成长提供参考。  相似文献   

池喜生 《学理论》2010,(5):150-152
用科学发展观统领学生工作,深入开展大学生思想政治教育。以“教、学、做”为架构,以“实用型、技能型、职业型”为培养目标,深入开展大学生课内课外学习活动,大力加强学风建设。以学生党团建设为核心,培养和造就学生骨干。以“岗位成才率、事业成功率”为指标,指导学生快乐学习、健康成才。同时,加强辅导员队伍建设。  相似文献   

A frustrating feature in the Chinese higher educational landscape is the ubiquitous and appalling lack of student responsiveness in the classroom. Most of the explanations that have been provided for the causes of the unilateralism in the classroom discourse of Chinese higher education have placed under scrutiny various factors, from personal traits of students, such as shyness, to Confucianism. All these explanations attribute this unilateralism to, if not blame it on, the same external factor: the cultural specificity of Chinese college student. Whereas it is right to narrow the search for the causes down to the domain of culture, it does not really make much sense to simply single out parts of the Chinese culture for explanations. Instead of dwelling on specific components of the Chinese culture, the present article proposes drawing the attention to a certain functional mechanism within the culture: self-construal, which is also manifested in other cultures. It argues that the students’ minimum discourse performance in Chinese university classrooms can be understood as a result of their semi-conscious act of internal modeling, which entails confirming and reinforcing their identities based on evaluations of the situation and conforming to certain social norms that are prevalent in school. The self-construal in Chinese university classrooms perfectly reflects a kind of power imbalance between the teacher and students, which has a profound shaping force upon the students in their modeling of self-identity in regard to that of the teacher and is not conducive to students’ overall development, as it inhibits critical thinking and real academic innovation.  相似文献   

Despite the growth and diversification of the student population, many British universities are still organised to cater for young students without caring responsibilities. Drawing on feminist frameworks of gender equality, this paper explores the ways in which governmental discourse of equal opportunities is articulated, sustained and resisted by staff and studying parents in a 1960s university. While many respondents attempt to comply with the prevailing learner norms entrenched in government policy, some also articulate an alternative discourse justifying the ‘special treatment’ of non-traditional students. However, this paper extends a third narrative that attempts to re-imagine university as an inclusive space.  相似文献   

本文通过论述以人为本理论的产生和发展的极其重要性,结合大学生党建工作,分析以人为本的内涵和重要性.以及在大学生党建工作中的重要性。通过阐述当前大学生党建工作的现状,强调以人为本思想在党建工作中的重要性和迫切性。通过理论分析和例证,阐明以人为本思想在大学生党建工作中所发挥的作用,提出了新的观点,为以人为本思想在党建工作中继续深入开展奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

Higher education institutions should take into account the needs of stakeholders in the planning and development of quality educational services. In general, the stakeholders are divided into two categories: internal and external stakeholders. This study aims to explore the diverse basic needs of the university internal stakeholders (students, academic staff, and employees) and the impact of the services on the brand image of the educational institutions. Consensus has been built that an organization's image can only be or assessed by its stakeholders or constituents. Utilizing the qualitative approach through empirical semi‐structured interviews, data were collected from both Benghazi University in the country of Libya and Yarmouk University in the country of Jordan. To gain an in‐depth understating of the basic services, interviews were conducted with 41 university internal stakeholders (students, academic staff, and employees). The findings have a remarkable impact on the education services quality and the perception of brand image of both institutions, which subsequently affects the Libyan and Jordanian economy. The paper explores the differences between the needs of the three groups. This study is of value to educational leaders as it serves as contribution to the well designing of comprehensive plans of the university, by providing the decision makers with information on the needs of the university internal stakeholders. Managements can develop policies, which will improve the safety of customers and staff and increase collaborations with both universities stakeholders, etc. Accordingly, the results provide a foundation on which future research can be built.  相似文献   

李应东  陈维国 《学理论》2012,(20):262-263
青年历来都是中国共产党重视的后备培养力量,而青年学生又是其中的重点,民办高等教育的发展使得高校学生党建工作面临许多新情况和新问题。为此我们需要不断探索,加强高校学生党员马克思主义信仰教育,更好地为党培养后备力量。从某种意义说,大学生党员的信仰问题关乎我党未来的发展方向,因此建立健全大学生党员党性教育和党性锻炼的长效机制,加强马克思主义信仰教育,是新形势下民办高校发展党员的重要内容,具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

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