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Book reviewed in this article: Administration publique Québécoise The Structure of Canadian Government By J. R. mallory. The Report on Maritime Union By the governments of new Brunswick, nova SCOTIA AND PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Les tribunaux administratifs et la Constitution Par gilles pépin. Economic Evaluation of Municipal Expenditures — PPBS By a. J. robinson. Economic Consultative Bodies: Their Origins and Institutional Characteristics By paul malles. The Commons in Transition Edited by a. h. hanson and bernard crick. Public Administration in the Second United Nations Development Decade: Report of the Second Meeting of Experts Toward a New Public Administration: The Minnowbrook Perspective Edited by frank marini.  相似文献   

Can Governments Learn? Comparative Perspectives on Evaluation and Organizational Learning Edited by FRANS L. LEEUW, RAY C. RIST AND RICHARD S. SONNICHSEN. Learning from Others: Administrative Innovations among Canadian Governments. (Monographs on Public Administration: No. 16) New Trends in Local Government in Western and Eastern Europe. Édité par Gérard MARCOUC et IMRE VEREBELYI. Qualité totale:Nouvelle panacée du secteur public? De Gérard ÉTHIER. Rapports fiduciaires entre la Couronne et les peuples autochtones: questions de mise en application et de gestion -Un guide pour gestionnaires. Social Inquiry; Needs, Possibilities, Limits. By eugene J. meehan. La dette publique d'un Québec indépendant De ROBIN RICHARDSON.  相似文献   

L'administrateur public: un être “pifométrique” Par ALPHONSE RIVERIN, ANDRÉ GAGNÉ, JEAN TURGEON et JANON HAMEL. The Economic Prerequisite to Democracy By Dan Usher. A Choice of Futures: Politics in the Canadian North By Gurston Dacks. The Atlantic Provinces in Canada: Where do we go from here?/ Les provinces de I'Atlantique dans le Canada: vers quoi nous dirigeons-nous? By J.R. Winter L'administration québécoise: organisation et fonctionnement Par Louis Borgeat, René Dussault et Lionel Ouellet, avec la collaboration de Patrick Moran et Marcel Proulx. Le Duplessisme. Politique économique et rapports de force, 1944–1960 Par Gérrd Boismenu The Politics of Poverty By David Donnison. Inside the Multinationals By Alan M. Rugman. Wage Controls in Canada, 1975–78 By A. Maslove and G. Swimmer Les politiques publiques, élaboration et mise en oeuvre Par George C. Edwards III et Ira Sharkansky.  相似文献   

Histoire de l'administration publique québécoise, 1867–1970 By James Iain Gow . Canadian Public Administration: Problematical Perspectives By Robert F. Adie and Paul G. Thomas. Réflexions sur Tart de se gouverner Par Louis Bernard. The Long Road to Reform: Restructuring Public Education in Quebec By Henry Milner . Regional Economic Development: Canada's Search for Solutions By donald J. savoie . Northern Development: The Canadian Dilemma By Robert Page Grand Illusions: The Politics of the Keynesian Experience in Canada 1945–1975 By Robert m. Campbell .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: ProFile Index: Canadian Provincial and Municipal Publications 1974 / Index ProFile: Publications provinciales et municipales canadiennes 1974 Une économie à libérer By Par maurice saint-germain. Police, culture et société Pressure Group Behaviour in Canadian Politics Edited by A. PAUL PROSS. Ethical Conduct: Guidelines for Government Employees / Comportement Professionnel: Directives à l'Intention des Fonctionnaires By Kenneth kernaghan. How to Manage by Objectives By JOHN W. HUMBLE. Report of the Nova Scotia Royal Commission on Education, Public Services and Provincial-Municipal Relations By James D. McNiven. Governing Greater Stockholm: a Study of Policy Development and System Change By THOMAS J. ANTON. Public Sector Employment Selection: A Manual for The Personnel Generalist Edited by GRACE H. WRIGHT. The New Zealand Bureaucrat By THOMAS B. SMITH. Accounting Income Models: an application and evaluation By JOHN R. HANNA. Incomes Policy and Inflation Edited by Michael parkin and MICHAEL T. SUMNER. Man vs the Welfare State By HENRY HAZLITT. Understanding Public Policy By THOMAS R. DYE. Canadian Public Land Use in Perspective Edited by J.G. NELSON, R.C. SCACE, and R. KOURI. Les Systèmes d'information aux fins de gestion PAR ROLLAND HURTUBISE.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Legitimacy in Public Administration: A Discourse Analysis By O. C. Mcswite Politics, Polic, and Government in British Columbia Edited by R. K. Carty A Stake in the Future: Redefining the Canadian Mineral Industry By MARY LOUISE MCALLISTER and CYNTHIA JACQUELINE Alexander Reform in the Australian Public Service 1983–1996 By J.W. Holmes and T. A. wileman Beyond Intellectual Property: Toward Traditional Resource Rights for Indigenous Peoples and Local CommunitiesBy Darrell A. Posey and Graham Dutfield Performance et secteur public: Réalités, enjeux et paradoxes Par Marie-Michèle guay Poverty Reform in Canada 1958–1978: State and Class Influence on Policy Making By Rodney S. Haddow Reforming the Canadian Financial Sector: Canada in Global Perspective Edited by Thomas J. Courchene and Edwin H. Neave  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Rapport de l'enquête de la Commission royal sur la fiscalité. Financial Committees of the Indian Parliament: A Study in Parliamentary Control over Public Expenditure. By R. N. Agawam . The Financing of Canadian Federation: The First Hundred Years. By A. Milton Moore , J. Harvey Perry , and Donald I. Beach . The British and Their Successors: A Study in the Development of the Government Services in the New States. By R. Symonds .  相似文献   

The Sociology of Natural Resources By john elliot. Technology versus Democracy: The Comparative Politics of International Airports By ELLIOT J. FELDMAN and JEROME MILCH. A Choice of Futures: Politics in the Canadian North By gurston dacks. Comprendre I'organisation: approches de recherche Par YVAN BORDELEAU, LUC BRUNET, ROBERT R. HACCOUN Analyse économique de la bureaucratie Par xavier greffe. Project Progress: A Study of Canadian Public Libraries Prepared for the Canadian Library Association by URBAN DIMENSIONS GROUP INC. Inequality: Essays on the Political Economy of Social Welfare Edited by allan moscovitch and glenn drover.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: New Players, Partners and Processes: A Public Sector without Boundaries?:MEREDITH EDWARDS AND JOHN LANGPORD The Trouble with Government:By DEREK BOK. Cambridge, Mass. Workfare: Why Good Social Policy Ideas Go Bad:By MAEVE QUAID Federalism, Democracy and Health Policy in Canada:Edited by DUANE ADAMS Whistleblowers: Broken Lives and Organizational Power:By C. FRED ALFORD Décentralisation, politiques publiques et relations de pouvoir:De VINCENT LEMIEUX Skyscrapers Hide the Heavens: A History of Indian‐White Relations in Canada:By J.R. MILLER World Public Sector Report: Globalization and the State 2001:By UNITED NATIONS DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS  相似文献   

Judges and Judging: Inside the Canadian Judicial System By PETER MC CORMICK and IAN GREENE. La Guerre des Experts: comment la commission royale sur la gestion financière et l'imputabilité a perdu la bataille (The War of the Experts: how the Royal Commission on Financial Management and Accountability lost the battle). By MOHAMED CHARIH. Le ministère des Affaires extérieures du Canada. Volume I. Les années de formation, 1909–1946 DE JOHN HILLIKER. Canada's Department of External Affairs, Volume I: The Early Years, 1909–1946 By JOHN HILLIKER. Ethical Frontiers in Public Management: Seeking New Strategies for Resolving Ethical Dilemmas Edited by JAMES S. BOWMAN. The Third America: The Emergence of the Nonprofit Sector in the United States By MICHAEL O'NEILL. Strategic Management of Public and Third Sector Organizations: A Handbook for Leaders By PAUL G. NUTT and ROBERT W. BACKOFF. Administrative Argument By CHRISTOPHER HOOD and MICHAEL JACKSON.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Déontologie: Rapport du Groupe consultatif du Conseil des Arts du Canada : Ottawa. Managing Canada's Renewable Resources : Edited byralph b. kruger andbruce mitchell. Urban Canada: Its Government and Politics : Bydonald j. h. higgins. . Monetarism and Controls: The Inflation Fighters : Bythomas j. courchene. . A Theory of Public Bureaucracy: Politics, Personality and Organization in the State Department : Bydonald p. warwick . Canada's Salesman to the World: The Department of Trade and Commerce 1892–1939. : Byo. maby hill. . La theorie du système général-théorie de la modélisation : Parjean-louis le moigne. . Les élites politiques, les bas-salariés et la politique du logement à Hull .  相似文献   

Criminal Justice in Canada. An Introductory Text; Par C.T. GRIFFITHS, J.F. KLEIN, et S.N. VERDUN-JONES Politics and Government of Urban Canada: Selected Readings, fourth edition; LIONEL D. FELDMAN Water: The Emerging Crisis in Canada; By HAROLD D. FOSTER and W.R. DERRICK SEWELL Class Inequality and Health Care: The Origins and Impact of the National Health Service; By VIVIENNE WALTERS Traité de droit de la santé et des services sociaux.; Par ANDRÉE LAJOIE, PATRICK A. MOLINARI et JEAN -MARIE AUBY The Way Out: A More Revenue Dependent Public Sector and How It Might Revitalize the Process of Governing; By A. R. BAILEY and D. G. HULL . Montreal: The Institute for Research on Public Policy The Art of Administration; By KENNETH E. EBLE . Sun Francisco: Jossey-Bass The Effective Administrator; By DONALD E. WALKER . Sun Francisco: Jossey-Bass  相似文献   

Sommaire: l affaire Groupaction met en relief deux formes de politisation de la Fonction publique fédérale: l'une partisane, l'autre structurelle. La politisation de type partisan et I'intégration de personnel politique au sein de la Fonction publique via l'article 39 de laLoi sur la Fonction publique sont devenues des phénoménes plus répandus au cours des demiéres années. La notion de politisation structurelle sou‐ligne comment la Fonction publique canadienne n'est pas politiquement neutre face à ceux et celles qui veulent dé‐faire l'ordre fédéral. Même si elle ne constitue pas une excuse justifiant le type de comportement observé dans l'affaire Groupaction, la politisation structurelle founit le contexte pour comprendre pourquoi certains fonc‐tionnaires ont pené qu'il pouvait être légitime de contourner les régles pour préServer I'unité nationale. Abstract: The Groupadion affair draws attention to two forms of politicization in the federal public service, one partisan and the other structural. Partisan politicization and the integration of political staff within the public service through Sedion 39 ofThe Public Service Employment Act have become more common in recent years. The concept of structural politicization underlines how the Canadian public service is not politically neutral in the face of those wishing to undo the federal order. While it does not constitute an excuse that could justify the type of behaviour observed in the Groupaction affair, structural politicization provides a context for understanding why some public servants thought it could be legitimate to circumvent the rules in order to preserve national unity. L'auteur remercie son assistant de recherche, Michael Dumoulin, pour son efficacité et son esprit de détective.Il remercie également Leslie A. Pal, Herman Bakvis et André J. Béanger pour leurs commentaires sur la premiére version de ce texte présenté au congrés annuel de I'Association canadienne de science politique à Halifax en mai 2003. Il remercie enfin Madame Jocelyne Bourgon et les évaluateurs anonymes de la Revue. L'auteur se dit seul responsable de I'interprétation donnée aux événements entourant cette affaire, qui faisait toujours I'objet d'enquêtes policiéres au moment de la révision finale de cet article. … les hauts fonctionnaires chargéS de la gestion des contrats ont manifesté un mépris flagrant à I'égard de la Loi…ils ont contourné b peu prés toutes les règles. Sheila Fraser, Vérificatrice généraie du Canada  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Rationality in Public Policy: Retrospect and Prospect. A Tribute to Douglas G. Hartle. Canadian Tax Paper No. 104 Edited by RICHARD M. BIRD, MICHAEL J. TREILBOCK and THOMAS A. WILSON. Precarious Values: Organizations, Politics and Labour Market Policy in Ontario By THOMAS R. KLASSEN. Les relations du travail au Québec de michel leclerc et michel QUIMPER The Audit Society: Rituals of Verification By MICAHEL POWER Bureaucratic Language In Government and Business ROGER W. SHUY. From Bureaucracy to Public Management: The Administrative Culture of the Government of Canada By O.P. DWIEDI and JAMES IAIN GOW.  相似文献   

The Public Right to Know: Accountability in the Secretive Society Donald C. Rowat, Les organismes autonomes et centraux de I'administration québécoise James Iain Gow, Contemporary Cathedrals: large-Scale Development in Canadian Cities Michael Fish, Agar Adamson, The Private Government of Public Money: Community and Policy inside British Politics Carolyn J. Tuohy Police Command: Decisions and Discretion A. K. McDougall, Prairie Liberalism: The Liberal Party in Saskatchewan 1905–71 Patrick Kyba, Committees of Inquiry T. J. Cartwright,  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the Public Service of South Australia : ADELAIDE, S.A. Public Choice and Federalism in Australia and Canada : By M.H. SPROULE-JONES. Traité de droit administratif: canadien et québécois. : Par R. DUSSAULT. Divided Loyalties: Canadian Concepts of Federalism : By EDWIN R. BLACK. An Approach to Social Reporting in the Canadian North : By K. SCOTT WOOD. Culture et Management: Le cas de l'entreprise québécoise : Par GEORGES MAURICE HENAULT. Policing in Canada : By WILLIAM and NORA KELLY. Cabinet Studies: A Reader : Edited by VALENTINE HERMAN and JAMES E. ALT. American Public Administration: Past, Present, Future : Edited by FREDERICK C. MOSHER.  相似文献   

Books Reviews     
Droit administrative canadien et québecois Edité par RAOUL BARBE. Le pouvoir déclaratoire du parlement, augmentation discretionnaire de la compétence fédérale au Canada Par ANDRÉE LAJOIE The Right to Housing Publié sous la direction de MICHAEL WHEELER. Environment: A Challenge for Modem Society By LYNTON KEITH CALDWELL. Consumers and the Economy By F. KNOX. George G. Harrap Coping with Public Employee Strikes By CARMEN D. SASO. The Administrative Process in Britain By R.G.S. BROWN. The Higher Civil Service in Britain By RICHARD A. CHAPMAN. Human Engineering By LORD ALFRED ROBENS. Urban Policy Making: The Council-Manager Partnership By ARTHUR W. BROMAGE. The Influence of Federal Grants By MARTHA DERTHICK. Bureaucracy, Politics, and Public Policy By FRANCIS E. ROURKE. L'individu et le droit de la Communauté européenne Par MAURICE TORRELLI. Montréal: Les presses de l'Université de Montréal Municipal Refuse Disposal By the INSTITUTE OF SOLID WASTES.  相似文献   

The Crown in Canada : By FRANK MACKINNON. Money, Inflation, and the Bank of Canada : An Analysis of Canadian Monetary Policy from 1970 to early 1975: By THMAS J. COUBCHENE. Government in Canada : By T.A. HOCKIN. The Illusion of Wage and Price Control : Edited by MICHAEL WALKEB. Canadian Perspectives on Wage-Price Guidelines: A Book of Readings : Edited by W.D. WOOD and PRADEEP KUMAR. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet : By W.A. MATHESON. Planning and Development: A Case of Two Nova Scotia Communities : By A. PAUL PROSS. Savoir organiser, Savoir décider : Par GERALD LEFEBVBE. Public Policy-Making : By JAMES E. ANDERSON. Prospective de I'Etat : Par ALAIN PLANTEY.  相似文献   

Abstract: Since the 1980s, numerous studies in Canada have shown weaknesses in the level of involvement by firms in training and have thus raised the question of the role of public policy. In 1995, the Quebec government adopted a unique law in North America in this regard: An Act to Foster the Development of Manpower Training. The “1% Wage Bill Law” was intended to improve the qualifications, skills and performance of workers through training. This article investigates three impacts of this law: the level of investment by firms; the distributional aspect of the law in terms of its capacity to ensure a more equitable investment in training for the different categories of workers in firms; and, finally, the structural aspect in terms of establishing partnerships. From a theoretical perspective, the Quebec experience illustrates that, between the liberal approach and the institutionalist approach (market versus institutions), it is possible to observe a compromise being made by social actors with respect to the regulation process, which at the same time respects the decisional space of firms. Another observation relates to the complementary aspect of institutional forms in labour‐market regulation and to the fundamental role of unions in partnershipbuilding. Sommaire: Depuis les années 1980, de nombreuses etudes au Canada ont révélé un faible degré de participation des entreprises à la formation et ont ainsi soulevé la question du rôle de la politique gouvemementale. En 1995, le gouvemement du Québec a adoptéà cet égard une loi unique en son genre en Amérique du Nord: une Loi fauorisant le de'veloppement de la formation de la main‐d‘œuvre. La G loi du 1 % de la masse salariale “visait à améliorer les qualifications, les competences et la performance des travailleuses et travailleurs grâce 5 la formation. Le présent article examine trois impacts de cette loi: le niveau d'investissement des entreprises; l'aspect répartition de la loi en termes de sa capacitéà s' assurer que des investissements plus équitables soient consacrés à la formation pour différentes catégories de travailleuses et travailleurs dans les entreprises; et enfin, l'aspect structurel pour ce qui est de l’établissement de partenariats. D'un point de vue théorique, l'expérience du Québec illustre qu'entre l'approche libérale et l'approche institutionnelle (marché contre institutions), il est possible d'observer un compromis de la part des acteurs sociaux en ce qui concerne le processus de réglementation, qui respecte en même temps l'espace décisionnel des entreprises. Une autre observation porte sur l'aspect complémentaire des formes institutionnelles dans la réglementation du marché du travail et sur le rôle fondamental des syndicats dans l‘établissement de partenariats.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Un État Réduit? A Down-sized State? Edited by ROBERT BERNIER and JAMES IAIN GOW. Governance in a Changing Environment Edited by B. GUY PETERS and DONALD J. SAVOIE. La reforme de la constitution au Canada Par ANDRE TREMBLAY. Corporate Decision-Making in Canada Edited by RONALD J. DANIELS and RANDALL MORCK. How Ottawa Spends 1996-97 Life Under the Knife. Carleton Public Policy Series No. 18. Edited by GENE SWIMMER. Special Operating Agencies: Autonomy, Accountability, and Peformance Measurement By J. DAVID WRIGHT. Ontario Hydro at the Millennium: Has Monopoly's Moment Passed? Edited by RONALD J. DANIELS. Maintaining a Competitive Workforce: Employer-Based Training in the Canadian Economy By DEREK HUM and WAYNE SIMPSON. Hard Choices or No Choices: Assessing Program Review/L'heure des choix difficiles: L'évaluation de I'Examen des programmes. Limiting Rights: The Dilemma of Judicial Review By JANET L. HIEBERT.  相似文献   

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