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Using the results of the 2005 Public Service Employee Survey (PSES), this paper identifies which factors have the greatest effect on employee satisfaction in the Canadian public service. Several hypotheses are tested against the backdrop of existing literature. In general, public servant satisfaction is affected by belief in opportunities for promotion, fair classification, adherence to client service standards, life balance, recognition by immediate supervisors, team relationships with colleagues, how well information is shared and, finally, belief in the abilities of senior management. Some interesting elaborations of these basic findings emerge when other variables are controlled. The discussion considers how the public service can be seen as a more desirable career choice.  相似文献   

The New Public Management emerged in the 1980s, and with it, alternative service delivery (ASD) mechanisms, which removed service delivery from the public bureaucracy and separated policy making from policy implementation. Most western governments implemented measures including privatization or contracting out of service delivery to the private sector. By the mid‐1990s, many governments started reversing ASD policies and sought new ways to deliver services, leading to a mixed model approach to service delivery, which combines the benefits of the public and private sectors. We examine the adoption of the model in the Canadian municipalities of Hamilton and Ottawa to determine if and how it enhances competition, cost‐savings, efficiency, effectiveness, and good governance in the delivery of public services, during an era of fiscal constraint. Our findings indicate the model is better in enhancing the five variables when compared to solely public or private services delivery.  相似文献   

Absenteeism has received increasing attention in public sectors across the world. In Canada's federal public service, absenteeism cost the government approximately $871 million in lost wages in 2013 alone (Barkel 2014a ). Current and previous Canadian governments have attempted to reform sick‐leave policy to reduce absenteeism, but simple solutions to a complex problem will likely result in negative and unforeseen consequences. This article conceptualizes absenteeism as a “wicked problem” to explore its complexity. Addressing absenteeism requires a deeper understanding of issues and factors by government representatives, unions, NGOs, and policy experts, which can lead to multifaceted solutions.  相似文献   

This article surveys management improvement initiatives in the federal public service during the 2000s and assesses their progress. It reviews eight key areas: management accountability; expenditure management; financial management; human resource management; grants and contributions management; project management and capital investment; internal audit; and processes to sustain public service values and ethics. Although not all of the initiatives have been equally successful, this article argues that general improvement has been realized. The article also considers factors behind the successes, arguing that improvements typically arise from a combination of political, organizational, cultural and economic factors including public service leadership and support at the political level. Recent budget pressures may affect the sustainability of continuing management improvement, but elements for moving forward are clear.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper addresses the history of public personnel reorganization of the federal level of government in Canada and focuses on two periods of fundamental change. The first of these periods revolved around the Civil Service Act of 1918 and was associated with the introduction of the merit principle. The second period revolved around the public service legislation in 1967 and was associated with introduction of the principle of collective bargaining. The significance of these two watersheds, and of less important developments in the intervening years, is described. The author concludes that the forces required to bring about another period of fundamental change in public service personnel management are not in evidence and cautions against proposals that would, by diminishing the statutory powers of the Public Service Commission, undermine the merit principle governing public service appointments.  相似文献   

This article explores the area of research engagement between two very important communities in the Canadian public policy landscape: academics and senior public service executives. Using data from three surveys, we argue that while public sector executives may be more receptive to academic research than the literature suggests, academic advice and knowledge remain underutilized. While there does not seem to be a strong cleavage between the two groups, they also tend to come together mostly under very specific conditions. Oddly enough, academics do not seem to be troubled by the underutilization of their research.  相似文献   

“公共利益”的起源和“独立人格”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从"利益"和"公共利益"的起源和发展谈起,借鉴唯物史观的理念,对"公共利益"的定义、构成要素和特征,进行了简要分析,以建立"公共利益"的"独立人格".  相似文献   

Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to identify the distinguishing features of an effective approach to managing retrenchment in a public service organization. It draws on the author's experience in Alberta and makes reference to experience in the rest of Canada and in the United States. Management responses to changes in the external environment are considered under two headings: strategic and operational. Strategic responses aim to acknowledge economic reality and to increase political support by enhancing credibility and visibility. A new corporate strategy aims to position the organization for maximum effectiveness at a smaller size in the post-retrenchment period. Operational responses emphasize communication and productivity planning. Restraint measures include voluntary staff reductions, compensation reductions and non-voluntary staff reductions, usually in that sequence. The central operational issue is reducing staff complement and the principal dilemma is whether to encourage voluntary terminations or to select the staff to be dismissed. The outcome is a trade-off between fairness and rationality. Ten principles of effective retrenchment management emerge from the experience discussed: 1. scan the environment; 2. acknowledge reality; 3. foster political support; 4. renew the commitment to productivity; 5. review the corporate strategy; 6. target the reductions; 7. reduce slowly; 8. seek alternatives to staff reductions; 9. balance rationality and fairness in staff reductions; and 10. communicate, communicate, communicate.  相似文献   

Abstract During the last twenty years we have witnessed a spectacular increase in the size of Canadian government bureaucracy and in the breadth of its activities. This increased participation in the provision of services by the public sector raises the question of whether government in general, and the public servants who deliver government services in particular, are perceived by the public as effective service agents. Using survey data compiled in 1978, this study sets out to determine how Canadians see the differences between the private and public sectors in terms of their abilities to be fair and prompt in their dealings with the public. The study also attempts to measure whether there are differences in perceptions of the public sector between those who have had contact with the public service and those who have not and, finally, to assess whether attitudes toward specific characteristics of public servants based on personal experience are generalized to include attitudes about the public service as a whole. The results of this study suggest that the public has little faith in either the public or the private sector's ability to provide services, that favorable contact with the public servants has little impact on overall attitudes and that experiences in using government services are only marginally related to general attitudes about government. Sommaire. Au cours des vingt dernières années, now avons assistéà un spectaculaire agrandissement de la bureaucratie du gouvernement canadien et à un développement impressionnant de ses activités. Le secteur public assurant désormais davantage de services, on se demande ce que le public pense de l'efficacité du gouvernement en général et des fonctionnaires, dispensateurs de ces services, en particulier. Basée sur des données d'enquêtes compilées en 1978, la présente étude vise à déterminer quelles sont les différences que les Canadiens perçoivent entre le secteur public et le secteur privé, du point de vue de l'impartialité et de l'empressement dont les fonctionnaires font preuve dans leurs relations avec leurs clients. L'étude essaie également de voir si le secteur public est perçu différemment par ceux qui ont des contacts avec lui par rapport à ceux qui n'en ont pas; finalement, elle tente d'établir si la perception des fonctionnaires dans leur ensemble n'est pas la généralisation d'une perception individuelle de cas particuliers. Lenquête conclut que le public ne fait pas plus confiance au secteur public qu'au secteur privé en ce qui conceme les services qu'ils assurent, que les heureux contacts avec les fonctionnaires n'ont que peu d'influence sur l'attitude générale du public à leur égard et qu'enfin, les expériences dans l'utilisation des services du gouvernement n'ont guère d'effet SIX l'attitude générale envers ce même gouvernement.  相似文献   

Abstract. Pressure groups, defined as organizations whose members act together to influence public policy in order to promote their common interests, are assumed to be integral to the functioning of the Canadian policy system, now and in the past. Successful interaction between Canadian governments and pressure groups has been typified by consultation and the search for accommodation and consensus. This pattern appears to be changing. The number of pressure groups is increasing with the trend to complexity in Canadian social and economic systems, the pull of information technology, and the influence of government policy. The emergent pattern sees pressure groups exposed to heightened public scrutiny and increasingly dependent upon supportive public opinion. Change is attributed to increased competitiveness resulting from the proliferation of groups, government modification of policy systems, and the popularization of pressure-group activity through the mass media. For public officials the changed climate of pressure group-government relations will reduce the capacity of government agencies to determine the nature of their relations with pressure groups, and increase the complexity, and uncertainty, of the public servant's decision environment. To meet these changes public officials should not depend on the development of new policy machinery, as some suggest, but on better use of existing communications devices. Sommaire. Les groupes de pression sont définis comme étant des organisations dont les membres agissent collectivement pour influencer la politique publique dans le sens de leurs intérèts communs. Ces groupes sont considérés comme l'un des éléments du système canadien d'établissement des politiques, maintenant comme par le passé. L'interaction fructueuse entre les gouvernements canadiens et les groupes de pression a été caractérisée par la consultation et la recherche de compromis et de consensus. Ce scénario semble changer. Le nombre des groupes de pression est en train d'augmenter avec la complexité croissante des systèmes sociaux et économiques canadiens, l'impulsion donnée par la technologie de l'information et l'influence de la politique gouvemementale. On semble se diriger vers une situation où les groupes de pression sont surveillés davantage par le grand public et dépendent de plus en plus d'une opinion publique favorable. Ce changement est dûà une plus grande concurrence du fait de la prolifération des groupes, à la modification par le gouvernement des systèmes d'établissement des politiques et à la polarisation des activités des groupes de pression par les media de communication. Du point de vue des agents du gouvernement. le nouveau climat des relations groupes militants - gouvernement rendra plus difficile l'évaluation de leurs rapports avec ces groupes et augmentera la complexité et l'incertitude de l'ensemble des facteurs en fonction desquels ils prennent leurs décisions. Pour pouvoir faire face à ces changements, les agents gouvernernentaux ne devront pas compter sur l'élaboration de nouveaux mécanismes d'établissement des politiques, comme le suggèrent certains, mais faire un meilleur usage des moyens de communication existants.  相似文献   

Abstract: The policy-making process in Canadian broadcasting involves a wide array of groups from institutional, industrial and sociocultural sectors. The policy review leading up to adoption of a new federal Broadcasting Act in 1991 saw these groups deploy a range of tactics in attempting to influence broadcasting policy in line with their respective interests. In this article, we report on the relative influence of different categories of actors with regard to Canadian broadcasting policy in light of the resources they enjoy and the strategies they use to maximize their use. For non-industrial public interest and sociocultural interest groups, the fact that an important part of the policy process unfolded in public was an important factor for gaining access, through legislative change, to the broadcasting system itself. Where economic interests were concerned, however, the means deployed were radically increased and sought to address policy makers directly. The resulting policy outcomes demonstrated that, depending on the particular issue and the interest base promoting it, both public action and direct pressure could be effective levers of influence. In short, influence on the policy process was shown to be relative, depending on the degree of access to the decision making process enjoyed by the various parties. Sommaire: Le processus de définition des politiques de radiodiffusion au Canada implique un large éventail de groupes institutionnels, industriels et socio-culturels. Lors de la révision des politiques qui a précédé l'adoption, en 1991, d'une nouvelle Loi sur la radiodiffusion fédérale, ces groupes ont adopté toute une gamme de tactiques pour essayer d'influer sur la politique en matière de radiodiffusion, con-formément à leurs intérêts respectifs. Dans le présent article, nous exposons l'influence relative des diverses catégories d'intervenants en ce qui conceme la politique de radiodiffusion canadienne, en tenant compte des ressources à leur disposition ainsi que des stratégies qu'ils ont utilisées afin de maximiser l'utilisation de ces ressources. Pour les gmupes d'intérêt socio-culturel ou d'intérêt public non industriel, le fait meme qu'une partie importante du processus d'élaboration des politiques ait eu lieu en public fut un élément important afin d'accéder, par voie de modification legislative, au système de radiodiffusion lui-même. Cependant, lorsque des intérêts économiques étaient en cause, les moyens utilisés étaient nettement supérieurs et visaient directement les décideurs. Les résultats en termes de politique adoptée ont démontré que, selon la question concernée et le groupe d'intérêt qui la préconisait, tant l'intervention publique que la pression directe pouvaient exercer une influence efficace. En bref, il s'avére que l'influence sur le processus de définition des politiques est relative et défend le degré d'accès qu'avaient les diverses parties au processus décisionnel.  相似文献   

Abstract: Over the last thirty years, there has been a substantial improvement in the representation of women throughout the federal public service. The expectations of and about women in the workplace have also changed immeasurably. However, there are still important differences in the way men and women deal with their environment. The different ways in which men and women are socialized continue to have an impact on women's experience in the workplace. There are still too many places in the public service where a traditional “competitive” (some would say “male”) approach to management prevails. The contrasting “integrative” style of management, which values team-building, participation, responsiveness, and the ability to integrate various points of view, more closely reflects the way in which many women have been socialized and behave in the work environment. It is also the style valued in “well-performing organizations.” In addition, there are important differences in the way many men and women communicate. These differences can lead to misinterpretation and misunderstanding, and, in a culture where “toughness” is valued, this can sometimes result in men underestimating the competence and effectiveness of women. What is required is for management to move beyond employment equity, where the emphasis is on increasing the representation of women and minorities, to a focus on valuing and managing the diversity that women and minority groups bring to the workplace, so that full advantage can be taken of the variety of perspectives, skills and abilities of all employees. Sommaire: Au cours des trente dernières années, la représentation des femmes dans la fonction publique fédérale a connu une amélioration considérable. Ce qu'on attend des femmes sur les lieux de trevail anisi que leurs propres attentes ont grandement évolué. La manière dont les hommes et les femmes réagissent à leur milieu resrte cependant assez différente. La socialisation différente des hommes et des femmes continue à se répercuter sur l'expérience des femmes au travail. Encore aujourd'hui, de nombreux secteurs de la fonction publique font appel à une gestion «compétitive» classique (certains diraient «masculine»). Par contre, le style de ges tion «intégrateur» qui met l'accent sur l'esprit déquipe, la participation, l'ouverture d'esprit et la capacité d'intégrer divers points de vue, reflète de plus prè la manière dont de nombreuses femmes ont été socialisées et dont elles se comportent au travail. D'ailleurs, c'est aussi le style que préfèrent les «organisations performantes». De plus, la manière dont communiquent les hbommes et les femmes peut différer considérablement, ce qui risque de mener à des malentendus et à des mauvaises interprétations; dans une culture ouG l'on admire la «poigne», les hommes en viennent parfois à sous-estimer la compétence et l'efficacité des femmes. La hommes en viennent parfois à sous-estimer la compétence et l'efficacité des femmes. La gestion doit main tenant aller au-delà de l'équité en matière d'emploi, qui met l'accent sur l'augmentation de la représentation des femmes et des minorités, pour gérer la diversité que les femmes et les groupes minoritaires apportent au miliey du travail afin de profiter pleinement de la variété de perspectives, de talents et d'aptitudes de tous les employés.  相似文献   

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