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Research from the U.S. suggests that interracial relationships tend to have an elevated risk of intimate partner violence (IPV). The purposes of this study were to examine IPV in interracial relationships in Canada and explore the extent to which indicators derived from potential explanations account for the elevated risk of IPV in interracial relationships. Data were from a nationally representative sample of more than 19,000 Canadians, of whom 399 were in an interracial relationship and 9,969 were in a non-interracial relationship. Results showed that individuals in interracial relationships faced a significantly elevated risk of IPV victimization. Logistic regression analyses suggested that the presence of children and short union duration were particularly important in accounting for 56 % of the elevated odds of IPV in interracial relationships. Interracial relationships are a vulnerable population and the implications of the elevated risk of IPV in these unions need to be considered in IPV prevention efforts.  相似文献   

Kerala is one of the most progressive states in India in terms of women’s opportunities for higher education and employment. Despite these advancements in gender equality, intimate partner violence (IPV) against women remains high, with some studies finding increased rates of IPV in Kerala relative to other states. This study examines contributing factors to male-to-female IPV in Kerala. One hundred and thirty-four men were surveyed on perceived marital power, early exposure to violence, drinking habits, depression, and marital satisfaction in relation to current IPV. Forty percent of participants reported incidents of IPV in the past year. Batterers scored significantly higher on childhood abuse, drinking, depression, and marital dissatisfaction. These four predictor variables were all significantly correlated with male-to-female IPV, but perceived marital power was only partially correlated with IPV. Abuse in childhood emerged as the strongest predictor of current IPV. Implications and suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study documents psychometrics of the Turkish version of Intimate Partner Violence Attitude Scale-Revised (IPVAS-R; Fincham et al. in Psychological Assessment, 20, 260–269, 2008). Dating college students (n=280) from four universities completed Turkish versions of the IPVAS-R, Multidimensional Measure of Emotional Abuse, Physical Assault of Conflict Tactics Scale - Revised, and Ambivalent Sexism Inventory. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the three factor structure of the IPVAS-R, albeit with an item change from the Abuse to the Control factor, due to the cultural nuances. This factor structure was cross validated with a second independent sample of 205 dating college students. Convergent validity and satisfactory internal consistency were also reported. The IPVAS-R was found to be a psychometrically sound measure to gauge attitudes toward psychological and physical dating aggression among college students outside of North America.  相似文献   

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is overrepresented among men in substance use treatment. Individuals who relapse following substance use treatment report greater IPV perpetration relative to individuals who remain remitted. In addition, distress tolerance has been shown to be an important treatment target in substance use treatment, with distress tolerance predicting relapse following treatment. However, we are unaware of any research that has examined the relationship between distress tolerance and IPV among men in substance use treatment, which may hold important treatment implications. The current study therefore examined this relationship in a sample of men in substance use treatment (N = 138). Results demonstrated that distress tolerance was negatively associated with physical and psychological IPV perpetration. After controlling for age and substance use and problems, distress tolerance remained associated with psychological, but not physical, IPV perpetration. These findings suggest that distress tolerance may be an important component of treatments for IPV, particularly for psychological aggression. Substance use treatment programs that target distress tolerance may concurrently reduce the risk for relapse to substance use and IPV perpetration.  相似文献   

Women who have been sexually coerced by an intimate partner experience many negative health consequences. Recent research has focused on predicting this sexual coercion. In two studies, we investigated the relationship between men’s use of partner-directed insults and sexually coercive behaviors in the context of intimate relationships. Study 1 secured self-reports from 247 men on the Partner-Directed Insults Scale and the Sexual Coercion in Intimate Relationships Scale. Study 2 obtained partner-reports from 378 women on the same measures. Across both studies, results indicate that men’s use of sexually coercive behaviors can be statistically predicted by the frequency and content of the insults that men direct at their intimate partner. Insults derogating a partner’s value as a person and accusing a partner of sexual infidelity were most useful in predicting sexual coercion. The discussion notes limitations of the current research and highlights directions for future research.  相似文献   

This study used data from the Demographic and Health Surveys to examine the prevalence and correlates of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) against men in Africa. Nationally representative data from 12 countries was analysed using a Spatial Latent Gaussian Model to capture the linear and non-linear nature of covariates while accounting for spatial heterogeneity. The results showed that female perpetrated abuse was significantly associated with education, alcohol consumption, intergenerational cycle of violence, polygamy, wealth, and type of union. As far as age of perpetrator (female) or victim (male) and spousal age difference were concerned, they had a non-linear effect on IPV. Furthermore, the spatial effects highlighted lack of spatial autocorrelation between the prevalence of IPV as one moves from country to country.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to understand the relationship between egalitarianism, dominance, and intimate partner violence within the context of couples’ dynamics. 87 heterosexual dyads completed questionnaires on gender role egalitarianism, dominance/control, sexism, power dynamics, and aggression. The relationship between female and male scores on the dominance, egalitarianism, sexism, and intimate partner violence scales were examined using Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM). Findings indicated that the APIM model provided a satisfactory fit to the data. For both sexes, dominance had more explanatory power than sexism and egalitarianism when all else was controlled in the model. Contrary to our expectation, male egalitarian attitude had no significant actor or partner effect on relationship aggression, while female egalitarian attitude had significant actor and partner effects on relationship aggression. Dyadic analysis indicated that cultural pointers of patriarchy, such as egalitarianism among young college students, were not associated with male-to-female violence.  相似文献   

Family violence is a core social issue in every country around the world. The extent and consequence of family violence as a major problem has received increased attention around the world. The focus of the present study is not only to inform about intimate partner violence (IPV) that occurs in individual countries, but to illustrate how individuals, families, communities, and cultures use their strengths to overcome the challenges that violence presents. An analysis of 16 countries, including 17 cultures is represented and includes all seven of the world’s major geocultural areas. Qualitative methodology was used to examine the stories of intimate partner violence in which similarities and differences across cultures were discovered resulting in a theoretical discussion of findings. The International Family Strengths Model was applied to examine the family strengths, community strengths, and cultural strengths used to mitigate family violence worldwide. Individual strengths emerged as a new and important component of the model. Suggestions for change include recognition of differing solutions across cultures, the need for mediation and policy changes, and the importance of empowerment.  相似文献   

A continuing debate in sociological criminology involves the association of crime with economic disadvantage at both aggregate and individual levels of analysis. At the aggregate level, data from law enforcement sources suggest that rates of intimate violence are higher in disadvantaged neighborhoods. Disadvantaged neighborhoods may experience higher rates of intimate violence for compositional or contextual reasons, or rates may only appear to be higher because of differential reporting. Similarly, at the individual level, intimate violence appears more common among couples that are economically distressed, but whether economic distress triggers intimate violence is not certain. Using data from waves 1 and 2 of the National Survey of Families and Households and from the 1990 U.S. Census, we investigate the effects of neighborhood economic disadvantage and individual economic distress on intimate violence against women. Controlling for violence at time 1 and other individual level characteristics, we find that neighborhood economic disadvantage, neighborhood residential instability, male employment instability, and subjective financial strain influence the likelihood of violence at time 2. The relationship between neighborhood disadvantage and intimate violence appears to reflect both compositional and contextual effects.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to characterize the profile of men who are victims of interpersonal physical violence (IPV) by an intimate partner. This study is a retrospective analysis of suspected cases of male victims of IPV by an intimate partner, aged 18 years or older, treated at a Forensic Medicine and Dentistry Center in Brazil. Sociodemographic variables of the victims, the types of violence and the patterns of injuries were evaluated. Over this period, 1520 suspected victims of IPV by an intimate partner were examined; 14.6 % (n = 222) of them were men. Based on Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) two dimensions were formed: the first dimension (internal reliability = 0613) was primarily formed by the relationship between aggressor and victim, the marital status and the type of IPV, and the second dimension (reliability = 0509) by the day of week, the period of day and the marital status.  相似文献   

There is a wealth of research that details the bidirectional nature of the majority of intimate partner violence (IPV; Langhinrichsen-Rohling et al. Partner Abuse, 3(2), 199–230, 2012). However, there is a tendency for interventions to treat perpetrators and victims unilaterally from a gendered standpoint. The current paper discusses the evidence to date that illustrates the extent of the problem, including frequency within several samples and the severity of outcomes. It further argues that the only way to develop effective interventions is to acknowledge that many perpetrators may also be victims, and the need to understand the context in which the violence occurs.  相似文献   

Gender differences in dominance and aggressive behavior in intimate relationships among Mexican Americans were examined. Three hundred and sixteen Mexican American men and women took the Dominance Scale and the Conflict Tactics Scale 2 (CTS2). Results showed that power and possessiveness were associated with all types of aggressive behavior. Dominance was, however, expressed differently by men and women. High power and possessiveness were associated with all types of aggressive behavior. Decision-making power was also associated with physical assault, and high devaluation with inflicting injury among men. Among women, high power was only associated with physical assault, whereas possessiveness was associated with psychological aggression and physical assault. Devaluation was also high among women who inflicted injury on their male partners.  相似文献   

For over 30 years, research has shown that men can and do sustain intimate partner violence (IPV) from their female partners. This is the first large-scale, nationally-based, quantitative study to systematically detail the helpseeking experiences of men who have sustained IPV from their female partners. The sample is composed of 302 men who were recruited from resources specializing in men’s issues. Results indicate that men who seek help for IPV victimization have the most positive experiences in seeking help from family/friends, and mental health and medical providers. They have the least positive experiences with members of the DV service system. Cumulative positive helpseeking experiences were associated with lower levels of abusing alcohol; cumulative negative experiences were associated with higher rates of exceeding a clinical cut-off for post-traumatic stress disorder. Results are discussed in terms of implications for the social service sector and for future research.  相似文献   

Criminal justice officials assume that intimate partner violence victims oppose filing charges against their abusers. In a study of 94 respondents, reluctance actually occurred with the prospect of going to trial. While 70% supported filing charges, only 37% wanted a trial. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses help explain the reasons women gave for their opinions about trials. The strongest quantitative predictor was that as the level of the victim’s injury sustained from the crime increased, their support for a trial increased. Gondolf and Fisher’s (1988) survivor theory predicted factors that influenced victims’ support or opposition to a trial in the quantitative section. The nested ecological model explained approximately half of the open-ended responses to those opposing trials while the goals of sentencing model articulated most victims’ support for trials.  相似文献   

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