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民国前二十六年是中国金融结构变迁的重要时期,战乱、投机、金融危机的爆发使得金融结构劣化,金融体系脆弱性加大,金融效率降低;而经济发展、制度变迁、技术进步推动的金融创新则改善了金融结构,有助于金融体系的稳定及其金融功能的完善.可见,政局稳定、金融创新及有效的金融监管是金融稳定发展的必要条件.  相似文献   

李恺 《学理论》2009,(12):207-208
高校思想政治教育改革和发展的实践表明:了解和解决教育对象——大学生的思想实际问题是高校教育永恒的主题。改革开放以来,随着国内国际环境的转变,大学生的价值观从价值主体、价值目标到价值评价标准等多方面发生了重大变迁,而西方文化的渗透、社会转型和经济结构的深刻变革以及高校教育改革则是影响大学生价值观变迁的重要原因。  相似文献   

村落社区权力结构变迁及其影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国村落社区权力结构是村政的核心,对农村社会发展具有深远的影响。中国村落社区权力结构经历了国家政权内卷化、人民公社和乡政村治村三个重要阶段。当前我国的村落社区权力结构多元化的态势部分满足了农民的多样化需求,在一定程度上促进了农村经济发展和基层民主的生长,同时增加了村落社区社会整合的难度。  相似文献   

李丹  丁石 《学理论》2009,(15):29-30
建国以来,中国社会阶层结构变迁中产生过和仍存在诸多问题,对其清醒的认识,有助于提供政治制度改革视角,促进政治发展。  相似文献   

穆重怀 《侨园》2015,(Z1):19-22
今年是抗日战争胜利70周年。多年来,提到抗日战争进行了多长时间,人们往往会回答"八年抗战"。这是指1937年7月7日卢沟桥事变后的全面抗战爆发到1945年8月15日日本无条件投降这段时间。这种看法到目前为止是社会各界普遍接受的关于抗战的概念。上个世纪80年代以来,又出现了抗战十四年的主张,它的核心内容是把1931年9月18日发生在沈阳柳条湖的"九·一八事变"作为抗日战争的起点。这就把八年抗战又向前推进了六年,形成了十四年抗战的说法。这个观点在学界引起了广泛的争论,目前仍无定论。  相似文献   

建国60年来我国农地产权结构的历史分为前后两个30年:即1978年改革开放前的30年和1978年改革开放后的30年。通过对我国农地产权结构的回顾,在现行农地产权结构的缺陷分析基础上,对未来农地产权结构的展望提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

陈正卿 《团结》2012,(4):54-57
何香凝作为民主革命先驱、爱国民主活动家和著名书画家,为国家的进步、发展和文化艺术繁荣作出了多方面的重大贡献。本文拟就抗战之前何香  相似文献   

中小企业治理结构的变迁及其发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吕达成 《理论导刊》2003,(12):12-13
中小企业在发展过程中也与国有大中型企业一样存在着治理结构的问题,中小企业的成长过程也就是中小企业治理结构不断变迁的历史,而中小企业治理结构变迁的方向就是建立现代公司制。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,在体制转轨和社会转型的大背景下,中国的社会阶层结构也发生了重大的变化,其特征主要有:分层化趋势明显,社会阶层构成由"同质"向"异质"转变;社会流动加大,社会阶层结构由"封闭"向"开放"转变;变化迅速、复杂、仍在持续。客观结构变化的复杂性,决定了主观解释的多样性,对于这种新变化,学术界给出了断裂化、中产化、碎片化、结构化等不同的表述。  相似文献   

美国是一个由多民族、多种族构成的国家。经过几个世纪的发展,黑人已经成为美国社会人口最多的少数族裔。通过分析当代美国黑人的不同家庭结构以及形成的原因,可以看到美国黑人的家庭结构正在从传统的家庭模式向美国主流的家庭模式发展变化。  相似文献   

Since the economic bubble burst, Japan has been in a long-term recession. To stimulate the economy, improve the infrastructure and increase employment, the Japanese Government injected a substantial amount of money into public works in the 1990s. However, these public investments had limited utility but incurred huge debts. These public investments have become a controversial issue. The Japanese Government could not but promote many reforms concerning public investments. This paper focuses on Japan's case and introduces the debates on public investments.  相似文献   

Excessive borrowing by subnational governments is considered to be one of the perils of fiscal decentralization. On the other hand, fiscal decentralization might ensure the fiscal stability of the public sector by constraining Leviathan governments. Since the impact of decentralized government on fiscal outcomes is therefore ambiguous from a theoretical perspective, we explore this question empirically with a panel of 17 OECD countries over the 1975–2001 period. Our findings suggest that expenditure decentralization significantly reduces public indebtedness, whereas tax decentralization and vertical fiscal imbalances are insignificant.  相似文献   

We explore the implications of monetary unification for real interest rates and (relative) public debt levels. The adoption of a common monetary policy renders the risk-return characteristics of the participating countries’ public debt more similar. The implied reduction in the scope for risk diversification raises the average expected real return on the debt. Also, the share of the union-wide debt issued by relatively myopic governments or of countries that initially have a relatively dependent central bank increases after unification. This may put the political sustainability of the union under pressure. A transfer scheme that penalizes debt increases beyond the union average is able to undo the interest rate effect of unification, but magnifies the spread in relative debt levels.  相似文献   

Fritz  Benedikt  Feld  Lars P. 《Public Choice》2020,183(1-2):69-99

This paper investigates whether the large scale municipal amalgamations in the German state of Baden-Wuerttemberg in the early 1970s led to considerable common pool exploitation. Through amalgamation the resources of several municipalities are pooled together disclosing the former independent municipalities a larger source of funds. Additionally, the pooling also decreases the cost of local public goods, as those have to be borne by the whole of the amalgamated municipality. By exploiting the huge variance in the amalgamation process in terms of number of participating municipalities, but also in municipality size or amalgamation strategy, we identify considerable common pool effects. Amalgamated municipalities show considerably stronger acceleration in debt accumulation compared to non-amalgamating municipalities. This common pool exploitation is stronger if more municipalities participate and when municipalities amalgamate by annexation.


Business groups play an important role in emerging economies. The transactions cost perspective, which has dominated our understanding of such groups, argues that the emergence of business groups is a natural response to market failures in developing countries. In this paper, we propose an alternate theoretical perspective – the rent-seeking view – that takes these groups as engaging in coordinated lobbying for the capture of rents created by governments. We develop and implement an empirical strategy to test for the rent-seeking view drawing from the property rights theory of corporate finance. We find strong empirical support for the rent-seeking view using a large cross-sectional data-set of firms in India.  相似文献   

王云红 《学理论》2009,(5):140-141
清朝在入关初期,曾将大量人犯流徙东北地区,这一政策延续至乾隆初年始有所改变。清初发往东北的流放,一般称之为“流徙”,“流徙”初即为流刑,只是没有流放里数的限制。东北地区作为清王朝统治者的“龙兴之地”。那么,清初统治者缘何将大量人犯发往东北一隅呢?  相似文献   

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