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赵菁 《法学论坛》2020,(1):152-160
我国2018年修改后的《刑事诉讼法》未对认罪认罚案件的上诉问题作出具体规定。鉴于认罪认罚案件可能包含被告人对权利的放弃等原因,应对其是否设置上诉权、上诉权的范围、上诉审查及二审如何处理进行法律完善。参考域外认罪协商类制度上诉权的范围以及被告人权利保障、司法风险、效率等价值之间的平衡,我国应限缩认罪认罚案件的上诉权。应基于被告人上诉的真实动因进行分类,设置有条件的上诉权。认罪认罚案件上诉的审查方式为基于被告人认罪自愿性的审查,宜引入无效辩护概念;二审处理中应增加违背意愿认罪情形等的规定。  相似文献   

中国古代耻辱刑考略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
杨鸿雁 《法学研究》2005,(1):126-138
耻辱刑是以犯罪人的人格为毁损对象,使犯罪人感受精神痛苦的刑罚。中国古代长期存在多种类型的耻辱刑。文献典籍和考古研究成果记录下了丰富的内容。回顾历史对冷静观察当前世界各地耻辱刑回潮的现状,会有很好的启示意义。  相似文献   

Grading Arson     
Criminalizing arson is both easy and hard. On the substantive merits, the conduct of damaging property by fire uncontroversially warrants criminal sanction. Indeed, punishment for such conduct is overdetermined, as the conduct threatens multiple harms of concern to the criminal law: both damage to property and injury to people. Yet the same multiplicity of harms or threats that makes it easy to criminalize “arson” (in the sense of deciding to proscribe the underlying behavior) also makes it hard to criminalize “arson” (in the sense of formulating the offense(s) that will address that behavior). This article asks whether adopting one or more arson offenses is the best way for criminal law to address the conduct in question, or whether that conduct is more properly conceptualized, criminalized, and punished as multiple distinct offenses.
Michael T. CahillEmail:

日本对非法传销行为的刑事处罚   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
非法传销在日本一般称之为"老鼠会"或"多层次营销法",在非法传销组织中,居于上位的成员不用劳动也能得到比其他成员更多的利益,这种不劳而获的做法在一定程度上会极大地刺激社会上一部分人的投机心理。非法传销如果不能吸收新的会员,从其处获得金钱来维持经营就会面临破产的境地,而一旦破产最大的受害者就是处于组织最下层的"最后一只老鼠",他们都将落到血本无归的境地,"最后一只老鼠"并非是一个人而是大多数人。日本的《无限连锁会防止法》较为详细地规定了非法传销的构成要件以及处罚基准。  相似文献   

一、对于同种数罪应否并罚 <刑法>第69条巾所谓的"一人犯数罪"是仅指数个性质不同的犯罪即异种数罪,还是也包括数个性质相同的犯罪即同种数罪?也即对于同种数罪足否应实行并罚的问题.对此,理论界有不同的意见分歧:有的认为,对一人所犯同种数罪无须并罚,只按一罪酌情从重处罚即可;①有的认为,刑法关于数罪并罚的规定并未限定只适用于异种数罪,因此,对于同种数罪当然应实行并罚②;有的认为,对于同种数罪是否实行并罚不能一概而论,而应当以能否达到罪刑相适应为标准,决定对具体的同种数罪足否实行并罚,即:当能够达到罪刑相适应时,对于同种数罪无须并罚,相反,则应实行并罚③.  相似文献   

肖鹏  苑民丽 《政法学刊》2004,21(2):25-27
刑罚目的的要求、刑法规定的要求、剥夺利益存在的要求和刑罚方法极限的要求是确定数罪并罚规则的根据。依照数罪 并罚的四个根据,文章对我国刑罚合并执行的各种类型提出相应的合并执行规则,并对我国数罪并罚制度存在的不足提出了相应完 善建议。  相似文献   

严格限制结果加重犯的范围与刑罚   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
张明楷 《法学研究》2005,27(1):82-96
我国刑法中的结果加重犯数量繁多,是适用死刑最多的犯罪类型;但是,结果加重犯是结果责任的残余,缺乏加重刑罚的合理根据。因此,一方面,要严格限制结果加重犯的成立范围:加重结果必须是成立条件之外的、具体罪刑规范阻止的加重结果;被害对象必须限于基本行为的对象;基本行为必须具有发生加重结果的特别危险性;因果关系必须符合"直接性要件";行为人对加重结果至少有过失,而且对人身伤亡、公共危害之外的加重结果必须具有故意。另一方面,也要从量刑上限制结果加重犯的刑罚。  相似文献   

言论自由作为一项宪法基本权利,是一个社会极为重要的品格与价值.但言论自由并不是一项绝对化权利,而是一种可克减权利,其行使受到名誉权的限制.近年来,我国公安机关依据治安管理处罚中“诽谤”的规定,在很大程度上维护了公民的名誉权,但与此同时, “诽谤”的滥用也在一定程度上限制了公民的言论自由.究其根源,即是在对“诽谤”的认定中,言论自由是否应当被纳入考量范围.据此本文基于言论自由的视角,从法理上平衡名誉权与言论自由的需要,法律上言论自由条款的神圣地位,事实上顺应国际潮流的趋势三个层面论证了“诽谤”的认定离不开言论自由的考量.  相似文献   

The theory of operant conditioning is based on the premise that people are motivated to engage in, or refrain from, certain behaviors because of the rewards and punishments they may receive (Honig 1966; Skinner 1974). While managers within law enforcement agencies frequently use both rewards and punishments to try to guide the behavior of their officers, little information exists about how police officers perceive the rewards and punishments they utilize. This study surveyed a sample of patrol officers to determine how they ranked the value of several specific rewards, and the severity of several specific punishments. The findings suggested that a hierarchy of rewards and punishments exists in the minds of law enforcement officers, the ranking seemed to be associated with how they could impact the officer’s off-duty quality of life, and significant variation existed between officer responses. Interesting differences were also found by officer gender, tenure, and education.  相似文献   

异种数罪应当包括牵连犯在内,在形式逻辑上,异种数罪属于种概念,牵连犯属于种概念下的子项,因而异种数罪与牵连犯两概念不能并列.异种数罪可以划分为牵连异种数罪与非牵连异种数罪两种.牵连异种数罪(牵连犯)处罚原则的通说观点应予否定,对其应当实行数罪并罚而不实行按一罪从重处罚.在1997年修订刑法中,部分非牵连异种数罪也规定了按一罪从重处罚而不实行数罪并罚,这导致了处罚原则上的混乱状况,有必要采用数罪并罚原则来统一解决非牵连异种数罪的处罚问题.  相似文献   



Most existing studies of sentencing focus on the decision of whether or not to incarcerate a convicted individual. However, many cases do not involve incarceration, and there is a considerable amount of freedom to mete out alternative sanctions as part of a sentencing decision. This study addresses this gap in the literature by investigating the patterns of sentences among those individuals not sentenced to prison.


This study used latent class analysis (LCA) to identify unobserved “classes” based on packages of sentences, which may involve both jail and non-incarceration alternative sanctions imposed on defendants not sentenced to prison. This study also demonstrates the potential use of LCA by (1) comparing and contrasting the results of LCA and the sentence severity scale approach, and (2) investigating how class membership could be explained by legal and extralegal characteristics of the cases.


LCA identified four latent classes among individuals who were not sentenced to prison, two of which could not be differentiated by the severity scale approach. Regression models demonstrated that legal variables were better at explaining the incarceration decision, whereas extralegal variables were better at explaining some of the margins between the classes.


Compared with the incarceration models and severity scales, LCA revealed variations that could not be detected by either of the approaches. LCA also has the potential to be a helpful tool in future analysis of sentencing decisions utilizing large-scale, administrative datasets.

欧陆刑罚改革成就与我国刑罚方法重构   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
谢望原 《法学家》2006,(1):30-33
一 德国学者耶林有言:刑罚乃双刃之剑,用之不当,国家与公民两受其害.近代以来,欧陆各国无不十分重视刑罚改革.事实上,欧陆各国在刑罚改革的理论与实践方面取得了巨大成就.这主要体现在以下几方面:  相似文献   

实施《治安管理处罚法》需要注意:《治安管理处罚法》与《行政处罚法》应当是特别法与一般法的关系;与《刑法》之间存在着交叉和衔接关系;实施治安管理处罚不能放弃处罚法定原则;主观状态不应作为治安管理处罚的构成要件;公安机关在确认治安违法事实时应当遵循多元化的证明标准。  相似文献   

董林涛 《法学杂志》2020,(9):111-119
在我国,认罪认罚并非控辩协商的结果,而是被追诉人对指控事实、量刑建议及程序适用的同意。将认罪认罚界定为同意的价值有三:凸显被追诉人的诉讼主体地位;维护被追诉人的合法利益;增强被追诉人应对多元复杂程序的能力。被追诉人有效同意需要同时具备四个要件:一为同意能力,被追诉人应当具有理解、评判、决策与沟通能力;二为知情同意,被追诉人的同意应当建立在对案件信息的全面了解与掌握之上;三为自愿同意,被追诉人认罪认罚的意思表示应当是自由作出的;四为同意意向性,被追诉人认罪认罚的意向在于获得从宽处理。以此标准审视,为保障被追诉人同意有效性,尚需要从三个方面进行调整与完善:进一步规范检察机关的权利告知程序;在审查起诉环节建构证据开示程序;为值班律师提供更为宽松、便利的履职环境。  相似文献   

仝伟 《中国司法鉴定》2009,(5):I0005-I0006
道路交通事故伤残等级评定时机应以治疗终结为前提。然而,在司法实践中,事故相关方出于各种目的,要求在治疗终结前即进行伤残等级评定的情形屡见不鲜,由此产生了一些急需解决的实际问题。对于此类情况,应当按照损伤对解剖结构及功能状况的影响程度区别对待。单纯影响解剖结构的,可适时提前评残;解剖结构影响,生理功能受累程度明确的,也可适时提前评残;解剖结构异常,生理功能受累程度暂时难以明确的,可先按解剖结构异常评残,并在鉴定意见书中予以说明。若相关方利益因提前鉴定而受损的,可通过其他法律救济途径加以解决。  相似文献   

司马迁字子长,夏阳今陕西韩城南人,西汉景帝、武帝时人,约生于公元前145年,卒于公元前86年。历任郎中、太史令、中书令等职。勤学好问,善于著述。他在充分掌握国家文献和民间资料的基础上,写了中国历史上第一部正史———史学巨著《史记》。《史记》虽是一部历史著作,但包含了丰富的法律思想。尤其是对司马迁德教与政刑的思想的分析和研究,是很有必要的。一司马迁认为,在治国理民当中,礼乐仁义等德教与法令刑罚等政刑相比,不能不占首要地位。他说,孔子曾指出:导之以政,齐之以刑,民免而无耻;导之以德,齐之以礼,有耻且…  相似文献   

2005年7月29日,司法部发布《国家司法考试违纪行为处理办法》(以下简称《办法》),自2005年9月1日起施行,司法部《国家司法考试违纪行为处理办法(试行)》同时废止。现就该《办法》作一解读。一、修订的必要性《国家司法考试违纪行为处理办法(试行)》自2002年3月30日实施以来,为实现国家司法考试“最权威、最规范、最严密、最廉洁”的目标以及“组织严密、程序严谨、标准严格、纪律严明”的要求,发挥了重要作用,与国家司法考试工作总体上是适应的,实施效果是好的。针对国家司法考试中出现的一些新情况、新问题,为严肃考试纪律,依法查处违纪行…  相似文献   

This paper examines views about the justice of punishments for offenders convicted of five major types of offenses—drug, violent, corporate, property, and victimless crimes. We focus on the just punishment and the just dispersion in the punishment distribution, together with observers' framing and expressiveness; and we test for interrespondent differences. Data are drawn from six U.S. samples interviewed in 1982, a probability sample of the adult population of a major city and samples of five special groups, prison inmates, police officers, law-school and high-school students, and Job Corps trainees. Respondents' judgments were obtained using Rossi's factorial survey method. Fictitious offenders were constructed by randomly combining offender, offense, and victim characteristics; and respondents used a line-matching technique to rate the justice of punishments randomly assigned to fictitious offenders. Analysis is guided by the framework for empirical justice analysis, which provides an integrated set of procedures for estimation and testing. Results indicate that respondents in all samples save one disagree with each other on the just punishment; and the six samples yield four distinct average orderings of just prison sentences. However, large majorities in all six samples find the dispersion in the punishments experimentally put into the vignette world to be too small relative to the just dispersion. More broadly, comparing the results obtained here from the probability sample of a major city with results from a comparable study on the justice of earnings, we find two interesting symmetries—approximately 1% of the general population is contrarian, regarding earnings as a bad and time in prison as a good; and approximately 92% to 94% of the population regard earnings inequality as too high and prison-time inequality as too low. Finally, this study provides additional evidence that the general population in the United States exhibits independence of mind informing their ideas about what constitutes the just earnings and the just punishment.  相似文献   

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