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POP singer Yin Xiangjie was arrested in November 2015 for drug use and possession,four months after finishing a even-month prison term for the same crime.Two weeks later Mao Ning,another singer dubbed in the late 1990s as the  相似文献   

THE turn of the year is the high season for China's film industry, when three major festivals come in a row: Christmas, New Year and Spring Festival (or Chinese New Year).With a steep increase in the number of moviegoers, this period of a month or more (Spring Festival can fall anywhere between late January to early February) is always marked by hectic competition among established directors intent on refreshing their reputations, and newcomers eager to carve out a niche. This year the battleground was particularly crowded.  相似文献   

Midair Battle     
<正>After being beaten to the draw by Airbus in China,Boeing now takes bold steps to score points in the world’s most promising civil aviation market Much like Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to the United States irrevocably changed Sino-U.S.relations,the worldof aircraft manufacturing has also undergone a major change.  相似文献   

I n the barren courtyard stands an evergreen tree, full of life. Its grower is gone, leaving the boy alone to grow with the tree. "Papa died four years ago," says the boy of a farming household of Dai, an eth-nic group in southwestern province of Yunnan, who identifies himself as Xiao Mao. "People say he lost his life to AIDS." The news came when the big black-eyed boy was asleep. "My uncle woke me up and said, 'Your papa is gone. Don't you cry.' But I cried," Xiao Mao recalls, now foste…  相似文献   

<正>Clashes break out near China's border as unresolved ethnic conflict threatens Myanmar reform By Shi Yongming This spring season has not brought hopeful renewal to the people of northern Myanmar,as clashes between government forces and Kokang ethnic insurgents raged in the country's northern Kokang region.  相似文献   

China takes measures to prevent the outbreak of the A/H1 N1 flu on the mainland Swine flu,formally known as the A/H1N1 flu,has dealt a second blow to countries already reeling from the global financial crisis.  相似文献   

<正>While many developed countries grapple with deflationary forces,China faces a different monster:inflation. The problem has cast an ominous shadow over the country,although policymakers have pulled out all the stops to keep inflation at bay. How serious is the problem? And what should the government do to address it? Zhuang Jian,senior economics officer at the Asian Development Bank PRC Resident Mission,sat down with Beijing Review reporter Hu Yue to discuss the matter.Edited excerpts follow:  相似文献   

After three years of operation,the Qinghai-Tibet Railway has brought great changes to Tibet and its people The Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the 1,956-km transportation link that began operations over the roof of the world in 2006, made it through severe tests to its third  相似文献   

正Backing a price war between cab-booking apps serves the larger ambition of China’s Internet companies Han Yonghui is a cabbie in Beijing.After a taxi fare increase in 2013,he makes roughly 5,000 yuan($823)a month,just about enough to feed his family.Recently,Han started using cab-hailing mobile software to pick up customers who order taxis via smartphone.Benefiting from an increasingly fierce competition of rewards between two of the most popular apps for this purpose,he can receive up to 2,250 yuan($370)  相似文献   

正In spite of tough measures,the overuse of antibiotics in China is still rampant Since penicillin was invented in 1928,antibiotics have spread rapidly around the world.In China,antibiotics are commonly referred to by another name—medicine to diminish inflammation.  相似文献   

IN recent years Chinese companies, especially large-scale state-owned enterprises, have been making great efforts in emission reduction and energy saving.According to the National Bureau of Statistics, large-scale state-owned enterprises invested RMB 87.84 billion for energy saving in 2009; compared to 2005, they reduced their comprehensive energy consumption per 10,000 yuan output value by 15.1 percent (at comparable prices),  相似文献   

Although schedules have been disrupted and programs postponed by the novel coronavirus outbreak,the release of the Central Governments first policy statement of the year--the No.1 Central Document--on February 5 showed that China remains resolute in eradicating absolute poverty by the end of 2020.Agriculture,rural areas and farmers*issues remained the focus of the document for the 17th consecutive year.  相似文献   

CQB是室内近距离作战的英文缩写,是反恐怖特勘单位必修的战术科目。CQB战术在国外是成型的战术类型,对我国警察执法战斗具有一定的参考价值,为使CQB战术在我国警察执法战斗中得到应用,文章对CQB战术内容加以介绍,以供实战部门公安民警参考。  相似文献   

正Inflation eases,but a dramatic monetary loosening is unlikely After reaching a record high of 6.5 percent in July 2011,China's consumer price index(CPI) began to decline.According to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS),the CPI rose 4.1 percent in December  相似文献   

<正>China and the United States held the 19th round of Bilateral Investment Treaty(BIT)talks in Beijing from June 8 to 12,when the two sides exchanged their proposed negative lists and officially began negotiations over the negative list.A negative list outlines sectors that are restricted for foreign investors.The latest progress signals  相似文献   

正Tibet pushes ecological protection amid harsh natural conditionsLobsang Dawa is a student at the Machu Vil age Primary School in Amdo County,southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region.He is also called a"little environment protector."After school or during breaks,he picks up the garbage on the street."There are more than 20‘environment protectors’like me at my school,"Lobsang said.  相似文献   

RONG JIAOJIAO 《人权》2006,5(1):35-36
As if a special gift for the10thanniversary of the UnitedNations Fourth World Con-ference on Women,con-vened in Beijing in1995,China revised its13-year-old Law on theProtection of Women's Rights and Inter-ests on August28,2005,to further guaran-tee gender…  相似文献   

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