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温州是全国重点侨乡,海外温州人回乡投资创业已有百余年历史。温州侨资侨属企业发展至今,有力地助推了温州地方经济社会的发展,也形成了自身特色。其中1979-2010年间,温州侨企经历了平稳发展、快速增长和转型升级三个阶段,呈现出数量急剧扩张、投资形式多样化、科技含量不高、区域分布不均和行业结构失衡等特点。  相似文献   

现代城市管理中,”软”职能的加强对于城市安全运行有越来越重要的作用。本期《域外传真》将视线首先落在美国,在美国旧金山市,2009年该市政府通过了”涂鸦奖励基金”.为每位检举者提供2500美元,以此打击非法涂鸦行为,维护城市公共环境。而同样是关注城市弱势群体,法国人的做法就很浪漫.一个”流浪者巴士”、专门接待行驶过程中发现的露宿街头的无家可归者。  相似文献   

美国司法研究院发布个人防弹衣修订标准NIJStandard0101.04和个人防刺服标准NIJStandard0115.00美国司法研究所于2000年底发布了个人防弹衣修订标准NIJStandard0101.01。该标准的目的是规定用来保护躯体不受子弹伤害的个人防弹衣的最低性能要求的试验方法。将替代1987年4月发布的NIJStandard0101.03。NIJStandard0115.00规定个人防刺服的最低性能要求和试验方法。电子认证技术———特别是生物统计学技术可能在几年内或得广泛应用近几…  相似文献   

美司法部社区执法服务中心投资130万美元加强311非紧急电话报警系统美司法部社区执法服务中心于近日宣布 :该中心将投资130万美元加强各州的311非紧急报警系统。该项投资主要分成三大部分 ,佛罗里达州50万美元 ,德克萨斯州38.1万美元 ,麻萨诸塞州45.9万美元。联邦政府执法官员JanetReno说 :这笔款项将用于各县级城市的311非紧急报警系统的建立和加强。311非紧急报警系统是911紧急报警系统的分枝系统 ,有利于911系统的完备和效率的加强 ,也有助于边远市县的安全防范。(L)英国60 %的公司计算…  相似文献   

Following the aborted Oregon wind farm project,Sany Heavy Industry is now entangled in patent disputes Just as Sany Heavy Industry,the largest machinery manufacturer in China, is strained by its lawsuit against U.S. President Barack Obama and the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS),things seem to be getting worse. During the Fifth Round of the ChinaU. S.Strategic and Economic Dialogue,held from July 10-11 in Washington,the United States International Trade Commission(ITC) announced a Section 337 investigation into Sany and its American branch for patent infringement. The investigation was based on a complaint filed by Manitowoc Cranes that certain crawler cranes and components manufactured by Sany and its U.S.branch had infringed on two U.S.patents. Aside from that,Sany was also accused  相似文献   

China Newsweek Issue No.48,published on December 25,2014Having experienced a downturn in its domestic real estate market,in2014 the Chinese became the biggest house buyers in property markets in the U.S.,Australia and certain European countries.About 44 percent of those surveyed cited emigration as the main reason why they bought houses abroad,followed by children’s education and investment.The Chinese has overtaken Canadians as the biggest buyers in the U.S.real estate market,according to the latest report released in July2014 of the U.S.National Association of Realtors.The Chinese are also top investors in the Australian property sector.The annual Australian Foreign Investment Review Board report shows that Chinese mainland investors’purchases of houses in  相似文献   

正Chinese manufacturer seeks more international railcar orders By Wang JunHigh-speed train maker CRRC Corp.Ltd.is building a stronghold in the U.S.market and is looking forward to more orders from local operators.On April 15,CRRC signed a contract supplying the Chicago Transit Authority(CTA)with 846 new railcars.The order,worth$1.31billion,is the largest subway car order in the CTA's history.The CTA is purchasing a base order of  相似文献   

警员生理状态监视器 为及时掌握警员的身体生理状态和警戒水平,美国警界一个“综合研究小组”于近期研制出“警员生理状态监视器”。该监视器是在警员身体重要部位布有心律、步行代谢能量损失、体内外温度、动/静状态等多种无线传感器的服装,这些传感器内部嵌有微处理器,警员穿上它即可提供警员在巡逻或其他行动中反映出足够的生理状态信息,万一区别区别警员受伤,心律传感器则及时变换其功能,医生即可根据收到的伤势信息和全球卫星定位系统提供的地理位置及时救治。 美研制出可弯曲的电子纸 由美国贝尔实验室和电子油墨公司组成的研…  相似文献   

<正>Throughout the ages,mining has been a basic industry underpinning economic development by supplying mineral raw materials.Competing in the global resource markets and participating in the reallocation of resources are necessary to ensure long-term national economic security and development.As the largest and most competent  相似文献   

新型热气流原理安全检查门一种外型酷似金属探测门的新装置,能在乘客进入机场时探测出其所暗藏的炸药和其他违禁品。这是美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学气体动力学实验室主任、机械工程学教授加里·塞特尔斯的最新研究成果。这套奇特的门型装置的工作原理是:这种门能采集“人体上升柱形热气流”,它是一层包围在人体全身四周的上升热空气。柱状热气流中的空气在人体周围自然上升,形成从头部和肩部不断向上流动的界面层。这股热气流携带着人体皮肤的细微碎屑和其他粒子,夹带着人与之接触过的微量物质。因为人体皮肤所有表面都有物质进入柱状热气…  相似文献   

我国研制成功网络身份安全认证设备我国科学家最近通过生物认证技术,研制成功了一种先进的身份安全认证设备,从而有效地解决了网络环境的身份安全认证难题。这个核心技术只有邮票大小的签名器采用指纹作为访问的控制手段,依据人体指纹的唯一性来确定人的身份,保护私钥,实行数字签名。并将非对称加密  相似文献   

Detailed tasks have been assigned to different government departments to attract and utilize foreign capital In line with China's economic development,a policy introduced earlier this year was meant to optimize the structure of and serve as a guideline in utilizing foreign capital and direct such investment to China's central and western regions. Now,a new scheme is demonstrating the Chinese Government's determination and confidence to further improve the investment environment for foreign capital and en...  相似文献   

编者按城市环境建设是一个大课题,规划的前瞻性是重要前提.法国在建设城市绿色通道的规划中,有着明晰的原则,即将城市功能与生态功能相结合,值得借鉴.  相似文献   

轻便激光武器面世据报道,圣彼得堡科学家最近研制成功一种称为“溪流”的轻便式激光武器。报道称,专门制造子弹夹、手铐和警棍等军事辅助设备的圣彼得堡特殊材料公司的科学家发明的这种小巧轻便的激光武器重量仅有300克,长度只有15厘米,其外表就如普通的手电筒一样。另外,与世界上其它激光武器不同的是,“溪流”可以暂时将人击晕,但不会导致人失明或者致死。发明者克哈卢维斯基称:“这是技术上的一个突破。最重要的是这种激光不是致命的,这种技术在俄罗斯甚至全世界都是第一次出现。”“溪流”激光武器可以供警察或安全部队应付骚…  相似文献   

<正>New Palace Museum branch to provide better conditions for cultural relics exhibition and protection A new branch of the Palace Museum is expected to emerge on Beijing’s outskirts over the next few years to better showcase the museum’s cultural relics.  相似文献   

Courier sector grows both despite and due to COVID-19 When Xing Zuzhong, a medical worker in Hunan Province, central China, went to neighboring Hubei to help control the novel coronavirus epidemic in early 2020, he had no idea that he would become a statistical milestone. On December 22, 2020, after the situation was well under control, Xing received an unexpected gift from his coworkers in Hubei. The package also happened to be the 80 billionth package delivered by the country's courier sector in 2020, according to data from the State Post Bureau(SPB).  相似文献   

Chinese companies expand abroad to establish a global foothold in foreign markets With deep pockets and eyesabroad,Chinese companies are looking to expand their foot-prints beyond China’s  相似文献   

As the storm of the financial crisis gathers strength, China's market has shown its governance superior to the chaotic forces at work. The momentum of its economic development has been maintained throughout, and that success was bound to create a need for more human resources. So it is no surprise that Chinese enterprises are increasing their recruitment abroad, an effort focused on high-level overseas Chinese and foreign talent. The call is being answered - by more and more returnees and foreigners seeking to make China a career milestone.  相似文献   

Confucius Institutes are not only teaching Chinese language overseas,but also creating greater employment opportunities  相似文献   

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