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安乐死的宪法学思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
安乐死是困扰人类的一个道德和法律难题,是一个多学科研究的问题。从宪法学的角度来看,安乐死主要涉及到:病人的生命权与人性尊严的竞合、病人是否具有死亡权或者能否放弃自己所享有的基本权利、病人的个人自决权与国家对基本权利的保护义务及其冲突三个问题。如果解决宪法学上的这三个问题,将为其他学科具体构建安乐死制度提供理论上的论证资源。  相似文献   

The declaration of public use in takings is, in most constitutional systems, a guarantee every individual has against the power of the State to seize his or her property. The institute is of fundamental importance for the protection of (other) individual guarantees from the expropriatory power of the State. However, our Supreme Court’s traditional precedents do not allow its judicial control. This paper analyses what is public use and what is the reason for its importance. Then, it shows that the Supreme Court’s criteria have varied the matter, containing in its development an important exception and several ambivalences. Finally, it explains why it is more adequate to our constitutional principles, to the rights our Constitution grants and to the very nature of the institute of takings for the declaration of public use to be subject to judicial control.  相似文献   

关于安乐死问题学者多是从哲学、宗教、伦理、医学等诸方面进行研究,而较少从民法基本理论角度进行分析。本文拟尝试以法益分析的方法从民法学之生命权和人格尊严权角度对安乐死做一初步考量。并在此基础上提出选择安乐死是自然人的一项天然权利,应给安乐死合法地位。  相似文献   

This article is one of the research results of the project “Impact of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights case law on Latin American High Courts rulings. Study about Brazil, Mexico and Colombia”. The author indicates how the Colombian State was seen compelled to send off a Law in the year 1996, through which, receiving a special procedure, he is included inside his internal code the guarantee of not repetition as mechanism of application of the decisions in matter of human rights and international human law in said country.  相似文献   

人格权法的发展与完善——以人格尊严的保护为视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王利明 《法律科学》2012,(4):166-174
从人格权法的发展趋势出发,现代人格权制度的核心在于保护人格尊严。从保障人格尊严的角度出发,我国人格权法应该依据宪法尊重和保障人格尊严的规定,以人格尊严的保护为中心,在《民法通则》确认的人格权基础上,对隐私权、个人信息、网络环境下的人格权作出确认和完善。  相似文献   

Medical technology has made tremendous strides in extending the lives of patients who have suffered organ failure. Machines can now replace the function of the kidneys, the heart, and other vital organs. Much has been written about a patient's right to refuse or direct the withdrawal of medical treatment, especially at the end of life, under the guise of “death with dignity.” However, little attention has been paid to the situation where a patient elects to deactivate their life-sustaining medical device without a physician's involvement. This raises the challenging question of whether the patient's manner of death should be classified as suicide or natural. Surprisingly, common law, statutes, medical ethics, and public health practice are not in alignment on the answer. This article will explore the ramifications and far-reaching impact that such divergence has on the survivors and the medical community, as well as recommend corrective actions and practical approaches for the medical and legal practitioner.  相似文献   

民族自治地方经济社会发展自主权是在宪法和民族区域自治法赋予民族自治地方经济与社会各项自治权的基础和框架下,民族自治地方自主地管理和发展本地区经济与社会各项事业的一项法定的权利。对民族自治地方经济社会发展自主权的研究,实质上就是探索在新的历史条件下,民族自治地方经济社会发展的道路、规律和途径等重大理论与实践问题。  相似文献   

本主要论述两个问题:一、投身反秦起主及参与楚汉儒家人数已居各派之首;儒生对秦王朝焚书坑儒的怨恨;人追求富贵显达的本性在儒家知识分子身上表现更为突出。二、汉初儒家知识 分子在以战争手段夺取政权时所发挥的作用有限,但在以政治手段巩固政权时则较有建树。  相似文献   

冲突解决的理想性状和目标--对司法正义的一种理解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李琦 《法律科学》2005,23(1):13-21
以冲突解决中的人类需要为依据 ,冲突解决的公正性、效率性、确定性和自治性构成了冲突解决的理想性状。冲突解决的理想性状的各要素之间不可避免地相互矛盾 ,这意味着当事人和社会都必须理性地为冲突解决设定现实目标。对冲突解决的理想性状的揭示 ,具有冲突解决的正当性的构建功能  相似文献   

This paper considers advance decision-making in the context of healthcare. The common law recognition of advance decisions is contrasted with new statutory provision. This paper will examine the Mental Capacity Act 2005 framework for advance decisions and lasting powers of attorney. The ‚best interests’ test and substituted judgment as criteria for proxy decision-making are compared by application to a case example. The paper examines the statutory safeguards in respect of refusals of ‚life-sustaining treatment’ and postulates that these safeguards may render respect for autonomous advance decision-making difficult to achieve in practice.  相似文献   

易军 《法学研究》2012,(3):68-86
我国学界普遍忽视私人自治与作为其生存环境与运行背景的私法之间的关系。私人自治与私法品性之间具有密切关联。由于实行私人自治原则,私法呈现出抽象性、目的独立性、否定性、程序性、形式性、自治性、工具理性等形式主义品性。由私人自治在民法中的基石性地位所决定,形式主义品性在私法中居于主导地位。民事立法应坚守形式主义品性,若必须创设例外,应有正当充分的理由。中国现行民法还存在着上述诸品性程度不高的缺憾,形式主义品性有待提升。  相似文献   

The legal maxim Justice delayed is justice denied, but is now a reality. People demanding agility and require a solution promptly and fairly close to its interests, it is fitting that in a world dominated by technology, legal and administrative bureaucracy around the delivery of justice to maintain a slow pace. At the international level seek ways of economic and prompt settlement of disputes in this way are promoted among various legal means, first voluntary jurisdiction otherwise the mediation, it is both streamline procedures, however the legal for each is different. The analysis of the article focuses on the legal experience and valuing Spanish first draft Voluntary Jurisdiction Act and the Act on civil and family mediation to establish its various functions in search of an agile and real justice.  相似文献   

民国时期,阎锡山兼管山西军民两政,开始推行村本政治,历时数十年形成规模并影响全国,使得山西能够在政局动荡之时基本保持了比较完好的地方秩序。山西村治是地方自治思潮与中国传统文化相互影响下的产物,其中既具有西方地方自治经典定义中的一些成分,又具有传统儒家文化色彩,凸显了官治与民治的耦合。对山西村治的研究能够为地方自治在中国的具体化、本土化提供有益的历史启示意蕴。  相似文献   

公司的管制与自治是公司法的基础理论问题,管制意味着股东意思自治的空间较小,而自治则意味着股东享有较大的意思自治空间。进一步看,管制分为事前与事后两种模式,结合公司法的立法目的,需要放宽和减少事前管制,但同时又必须强化事后管制。  相似文献   

李峰 《行政与法》2013,(4):109-115
合同自由是《合同法》的基本原则之一,在现代社会中若对合同自由的绝对放任,就会使合同自由背离合同正义;反之过分干预,就有可能缩小私法自治的空间,侵害私人权利。合同信用监管则是对合同自由的限制,这是一项有中国特色的法律制度,它是指工商行政管理部门等在职权范围内依照法律、行政法规的规定,对合同签订和履行等进行监督和处理的行政监督管理活动。本文在对合同自由和合同信用监管基本理论分析阐述的基础上,就我国在当前形势下妥善处理两者之间关系.以促进经济交往顺利进行和社会经济秩序的正常发展等提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

Arts management has commonly been analyzed as a microcosm of the art field, in which struggles between artistic, economic, administrative, and societal considerations are constantly being fought. Using the field theory of Bourdieu, scholars have attempted to uncover levels of functional differentiation within arts organizations, and interpreted differentiation between artistic considerations and economic and administrative considerations as a core element in defining the artistic autonomy of such organizations. In this article, I present an alternative approach to the interpretation of artistic autonomy in arts management. Through the stories of three artistic directors and the way in which they run their theatres, I aim to show the theory of justification (developed by Boltanski and Thévenot) and shed new light on the interpretation of arts management, as well as on the understanding of artistic autonomy more generally.  相似文献   

法哲学视野中的民法现代化理论模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
民法现代化的理论模式主要有从身份到契约、从契约到制度 (身份 )以及近现代民法模式 ,它们都有一定的不足之处。私权的社会化的结果是私法公法化、私法社会法化与私法社会化。民法现代化的核心观念与理论模式是私法社会化 ,其具体内容包括 :民法以社会为中心 ;个体性与社会性的统一 ;民法应注重对弱者的不对等保护。私法社会化并不是对私法自治的否定 ,它以私法自治为前提与基础  相似文献   

The origin of numerus clausus has its historical root and practical utility in protecting transaction safety. Some opinions against this principle lack empirical support, because rights outside statutory property rights, since utterly incapable of effective notice, cannot obtain a sort of absolute supremacy; therefore, various scenarios that propose to formulate property rights in accordance with customs and conventions are virtually impossible for technical implementation. Numerus clausus might restrict some rights of actors, but not their freedom to act, and as a result is not the opposite of the autonomy of private law. Translated from Journal of Jurisprudence, 6th Issue, 2004  相似文献   

国际贸易惯例的性质及在我国的适用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴琼 《政法学刊》2009,26(5):34-38
国际贸易惯例是在长期的国际贸易实践中经反复实践而形成的公认的、具有普遍适用性的行为规则。国际贸易惯例是法律,而且属于法律规范中的任意性规范。国际贸易惯例在我国的适用必须符合两个条件:一是需经当事人协商选择;二是不能违背我国社会公共秩序。  相似文献   

The article discusses a proposed universal adoption of comprehensive family law subject matter jurisdiction, inclusive of end‐of‐life (EOL) cases, as articulated in the unified family court (UFC) concept. It posits, using the Schiavo matter to illustrate the difficulties inherent in EOL disputes, that contested EOL cases are unlike other civil court cases in that they involve intimate facts and emotionally laden family dynamics. As such, these cases pose a distinctive challenge for the courts. The article suggests that contested EOL cases should be heard in a UFC because UFCs include alternative dispute resolution (ADR) protocols to deescalate family strife with the goal of facilitating out‐of‐court settlements and that litigation is an imperfect solution for an EOL dispute. It is also noted that judges presiding in UFCs are more experienced in handling fractious family matters and thus they are more likely to avert protracted litigation if the matter is not settled via ADR.  相似文献   

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