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The social model of disability is presented as a new paradigm of the recent disability treatment, that has had theoretical and legal current development. It is a model that considers that the origins of disability are not either religious or scientific, but social in a great measure. From this new perspective, it is emphasized that the population with disability can contribute to the society in the same circumstances that the rest of the population, which integrates the society, all this from a valorization of the inclusion perspective and respect of diversity. This model is closely related with certain essential values which underline the human rights, such as human dignity, individual freedom and equality; all these conduce to a decrease of barriers and lead to a social inclusion that sets basis to principles as: personal autonomy, nondiscrimination, universal accessibility, environmental normalization, civil dialogue, inter alia. The premise is that disability is part of a social construction, and it is not the deficiency created by the society itself what limits and prevents people with disability to be included, to decide or to design autonomously their own life plan with opportunity equality.  相似文献   

Doping is addressed in this paper from two different scopes: on one hand, the legal regulations for prevention and repression are studied; on the other hand, the clash between the anti-doping control mechanism and a fundamental right such as the athlete's privacy is noted. We start from the irrefutable fact that “awareness against doping” is practically universal. The enactment of this law was a milestone in the history of the fight against doping in the Spanish regulation. However, the problem arises when the anti-doping legislation worldwide and in Spain, which enables some healthcare professionals and other people involved, to carry out several anti-doping operations that may conflict with the athlete's fundamental right to privacy, all of this in a context of strong media and social impact. For this reason, it is pertinent to raise the issue if one of these operations, such as the duty of permanent localization, is sufficiently justified in terms of protecting the sportsperson's health.  相似文献   

In classical philosophy only a fragment of the legal system is natural law. The natural precepts are solely a little part of the normative system of civil societies. Even though the natural principles are the fundament of positives rules, the iusnatural norms are not sufficient for the regulation of all aspects of human life. They are “indeterminate”. This is the reason of the need the normative power of State, of judges and particulars.  相似文献   

In this essay I present a comparative survey about the situation of two countries that have worked, in a almost parallel manner over time but divergently in the solutions applied, the topic of genre violence against women, especially femicide violence: Mexico and guatemala. Both countries enacted rules ad hoc to attend this world high impact problem and initiated specialized mechanisms in view of the application of his own legislations, pointing to the need of a justice operator’s specialization and invites to the reflection about the deconstruction of justice itself, as well as the reconstruction from the context in which it operates and the genre perspectives and humans rights.  相似文献   

The general goal of the present article is to provide a way of reasoning through a series of conclusions that may contribute to foster a frequently overlooked topic in Private International Law, we refer to the acknowledgement and enforcement of voluntary cross-border family agreements that may as well result in the creation of Soft Law instruments, such as the Guidelines for good practice in mediation. These are definitely enough reasons to try to spare children from irreversible damage arising from international family conflicts that could be mitigated — if not altogether deactivated— through cross-border voluntary agreements, acknowledged and enforced in all jurisdictions involved.  相似文献   

Due to the existing climate of violence, corruption and public insecurity, the Constitution was amended to stop police forces' members from being reinstated in their jobs despite having obtained a judicial decision proving their dismissal was unfounded. This amendment was adopted in order to Streamline the police forces but it ultimately affects other constitutional rights and principles such as police forces members' careers and their professionalism. Based on the use of a weighted assessment or a proportionality test, this article proposes an alternative application of the constitutional reform to satisfy the enforcement of the will of the constituent and to avoid unnecessary or disproportionate action against the police forces' above-mentioned fundamental rights.  相似文献   

This paper raises questions about the Brazilian legal system, which takes to an extreme the constitutional principle (the Publicity Principle) requiring publication of legal cases, and is unable to properly distinguish between the need to publish judicial decisions, and the publication of documents and texts produced by the parties, thus endangering the protection of personal data, and representing a possible security risk to the State and society as a whole.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to analyze the relation between the concept of the Rule of Law and the culture of legality from a compared approach in order to establish the scope and limitations of explanations that are based in cultural factors. More specifically, we are interested in comparing the scope and limitations of culture-based explanations on why the Rule of Law prevails in certain countries: these explanations are centered in the construction of wide agreements between social actors and the control by civil society. Also we consider equally important the comparing of different definitions of culture of legality and the strategies and instruments that allow its construction. For this purpose we will center, specially, in the experiences of Hong Kong, Palermo and Bogotá.  相似文献   

Generally regarded as synonyms, the Rule of Law and the Rechsstaat are different. There are between the two legal institutions substantial differences that we must distinguish rigorously. The idea of the public power submission to the law —expressed through both theoretical constructions— has gone beyond the State borders and, progressively, made its way into international scenario. For some authors, the root for the application of the principle of the Rule of Law to interstate relationships, within international society, could date back to the XVIII century. However, it was until a few years ago that the Rule of Law analysis, from a sttrictly international point of view, started to take off. In this article the author analyzes the differences between the Rechsstaat and the Rule of Law in order to study the extension of these conceptions and how it could be applied to highlight the preeminence of law at international level.  相似文献   

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