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The basic concept of law which was built on that of the state’s sovereignty has been transformed in such a way that can be no longer recognised as operable in the reality of politics. a great number of social changes have contributed to such a transformation; such as politic and internal social pluralism, the latter contradicts the idea of sovereignty and cohesion; the establishment of alternative centres of power which coexist with the state; the institutionalisation of contexts integrate their branches of power beyond those of the state –and consequently, they are becoming unavailable both for individual states-; and for individuals to claim their rights before international jurisdictions. This paperwork analyses formal legal sources from this perspective.  相似文献   

In classical philosophy only a fragment of the legal system is natural law. The natural precepts are solely a little part of the normative system of civil societies. Even though the natural principles are the fundament of positives rules, the iusnatural norms are not sufficient for the regulation of all aspects of human life. They are “indeterminate”. This is the reason of the need the normative power of State, of judges and particulars.  相似文献   

The principle of balancing is an argumentative structure that provides juridical solutions when fundamental rights have problems coexisting with one another. It allows to maximize fundamental principles within their own factual and juridical boundaries and consists of three sub-principles: suitability, necessity and weighting. The sub-principle of suitability serves to determine if state intervention in matters of fundamental rights has a constitutional basis. The sub-principle of necessity has the purpose of determining if the state intervention in fundamental rights is the least onerous alternative. The weighting sub-principle allows us to choose the constitutional principle that should prevail. The principle of balancing is a tool to bring harmony between fundamental rights in specific situations and it is superior to other methods of constitutional interpretation because it does not state a hierarchy a priori in constitutional principles but promotes the maximization of fundamental rights if possible.  相似文献   

This study gives evidence through the International Comparative Law, two rules that come from standardization bodies of different nature, such as standards of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and ASTM International (ASTM International), which are recognized in the international trade and domestic trade, but it plays erratically, being in some significant cases and not in others mandatory. Thus constituting real technical barriers to trade through discriminatory criteria, contrary to the provisions and spirit of the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of which Mexico, the U.S. and Canada are also part.  相似文献   

This article analyzes in depth the regulation set forth by the Act 5/2012, of 6-7 as regards cross-border mediation. The article addresses some essential issues of this institution. Thus, the regulation of the agreement to mediate; the role played by mediators, their training and the recognition of their status; the law applicable to the merits of the dispute or the foreign recognition of any agreement reached between the parties after a mediation procedure are some of the issues studied in this article. The analysis highlights the relevance of the Act 5/2012 in Spain for promoting the use of mediation in Spain. But at the same time it shows the need for the Act to be fully implemented in order to solve some of the questions and problems that it still raises.  相似文献   

This article deals with the family organization of labor in a peasant community in Northern Spain during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. It uses this case study to review some of the assumptions with which peasant family history is being written, namely, the idea that from historical evidence of family members “working together,” a vision of families as cooperative, i.e., egalitarian units, can be deduced. Contrary to this idea, the article argues that coresidence cannot be taken as an indicator of equal economic status for all family members. The article proposes a method to identify inequalities between family members, based on a comparison between each member's working contribution to the household and access to family resources, including income generated by each member's own work.  相似文献   

As part of a long-term project on Northeastern Brazilians, population genetic data were obtained from 323 unrelated individuals from the state of Paraíba. The loci studied were CSF1P0, TPOX, TH01, vWA, D16S539, D7S820, D13S317, D18S51, D21S11, D8S1179, F13A01, F13B and LPL. Their distributions are in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Forensic parameters were calculated and a comparison was made with geographically nearby populations.  相似文献   

Résumé  Le but de cet article est de jeter quelques lumières sur le fonctionnement de la polyphonie dans le discours et l’argumentation juridiques, en insistant sur l’importance des notions-clés d’(in)défaisabilité, de présomption, de polyphonie, d’échelle argumentative. Les premiers linéaments d’une théorie générale de l’argumentation juridique sont ici exposés (1). La théorie en question se veut topique (raisonnements défaisables) et logique (raisonnements indéfaisables). Face aux théories unidimensionnelles (réductionnisme logique ou réductionnisme topique) une théorie bidimensionnelle est souhaitable, qui inclue à la fois le traitement des raisonnements défaisables et indéfaisables. Afin de développer cette esquisse de théorie de l’argumentation juridique, plusieurs notions sont définies (2): la défaisabilité (2.1), la présomption (2.2), la polyphonie (2.3), les échelles argumentatives (2.4). Enfin, un tableau général de quelques marqueurs argumentatifs résume les différents r?les que peuvent jouer les arguments dans la polyphonie du droit (3).
Stefan GoltzbergEmail:

秋,一个硕果累累的金秋。你却要踏着秋色归去了。回到那小院中去,享受晚年的天伦之乐;总算也有时间去看一看孩提时的伙伴;问候问候那踏过的山、涉过的水…… 同志们都安慰你说:“同样为四化作贡献,只是退居第二线。”你也乐呵呵地说:“我会把该留下的留下,该带走的带走。”可是,当你双手微颤着把缀有国徽的帽子、镶着  相似文献   

1999年3月下旬的一天上午,一个穿着一新的中年女子站在上海虹桥机场出口处的接客人群中,一双饱含企盼的眼睛焦灼地望着出口处通道。须臾,搭乘北京航班的大批乘客从里面蜂涌而出,中年女子一眼瞥见其中一个西装革履、手拎皮箱的高个男子,脸上顿时腾起一层红云。她不顾一切地分开人群直奔到对方面前,激动地尖声叫道:“柏生!柏生!你可回来啦!……真想死你啦!”说着,张开双臂想去拥抱双方。  相似文献   

International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique - Medellín has been a privileged subject in Colombian cinema. In films whose stories take...  相似文献   

The 15 AmpF/STR Identifiler loci (D8S1179, D21S11, D7S820, CSF1PO, D3S1358, TH01, D13S317, D16S539, D2S1338, D19S433, vWA, TPOX, D18S51, D5S818 and FGA) were analyzed in the sample of 180 unrelated autochthonous healthy adults born in Meztitlán City from the valley of Metztitlán (Estado de Hidalgo, México). The agreement with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was confirmed for all loci. From the forensic point of view, the heterozygosity value, power of discrimination and the a priori chance of exclusion were calculated.  相似文献   

1月6日,2021十大语文差错发布。据《咬文嚼字》主编黄安靖介绍,2021年,身份证上的公民身份号码最后一位"Ⅹ"的误认、误读,引起了社会的广泛议论,"Ⅹ"表示的是罗马数字"10",读作shí最为妥当。  相似文献   

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