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血管电损伤的实验研究   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
观察电击后血管病理改变的规律及特点 ,探讨其损伤的发病机制和诊断电击伤 (死 )的价值。采用Wistar大鼠复制血管电击伤模型 ,通过HE、GS、Weigert弹力纤维染色和α actin免疫组化染色 ,观察电击后不同节段血管的病理变化。结果表明 :(1)电击后血管的损伤范围和程度均较其周围大 ;(2 )电击部位的血管常发生全层凝固性坏死 ,血管周围骨骼肌、脂肪细胞广泛坏死 ,大腔隙形成 ;距电击部位越远损伤越轻 ,血管损伤局限于管壁中内层 ,而血管周围组织相对完好 ;(3)光镜下 ,血管内皮细胞不同程度坏死、脱落 ;平滑肌肌浆凝聚 ,呈嗜碱性 (异染 ) ,胞核深染 ,扭曲伸长呈栅栏状排列 ,细胞内外大量汽化空泡形成 ,肌层中弹力纤维减少 ,网状纤维相互融合增粗、断裂 ,呈串珠状改变。TEM下见血管内皮细胞、平滑肌细胞内线粒体、内质网不同程度肿胀与扩张 ,甚至空泡化改变 ,平滑肌肌丝溶解 ,形成低电子密度区 ;汽化空泡边界清楚 ,无膜性结构 ,内无细胞器 ;SEM下见血管壁及腔面粗糙大小不等的腔隙形成 ;(4 ) 2 2 0V组血管的病理改变与 10 0 0V组相同 ,只是损伤程度较前者轻。电击后血管的病理改变是电热效应与电场作用的共同结果 ,血管的病理改变可以作为一种确证电击死的重要依据  相似文献   

Economic Change and Restructuring - This paper proposes a multidimensional dependent variable, namely the Green Power Index, as an appropriate proxy for a sustainable power market and assesses its...  相似文献   

This study analyzes accidental fatalities caused by electricity--at work and during leisure time--to evaluate risk factors, the role of alcohol, and to identify possible preventive strategies. In Sweden, data on fatalities by electrocution from 1975 through 2000 were collected from the National Cause-of-Death Register. Additional cases were found in the archives of The Swedish National Electrical Safety Board. Suicides and deaths by lightning were excluded. Two hundred and eighty-five deaths were found, including occupational (n=132), leisure time (n=151), and unknown (n=2). Most deaths were caused by aerial power lines, and the most common place for an electrical injury was a railway area or residential property. Postmortem blood from 20% (n=47) of the tested cases was found positive for alcohol, and these persons were killed mainly during leisure time. During the study period, the overall incidence of electricity-related fatalities has decreased, in spite of increased use of electricity. This indicates that safety improvements have been successful.  相似文献   

叶松青 《证据科学》1998,5(1):38-38
手电,是人们外出携带的一种照明工具,在农村、工厂使用较为普遍.因此,在斗殴中,随身携带的手电常用来作为一种致伤工具.据统计,手电简致伤法医检案,占总检案的1.8%.本文收集36例手电筒致伤案例,就其资料和有关问题探讨如下.  相似文献   

手电,是人们外出携带的一种照明工具,在农村、工厂使用较为普遍。因此,在斗殴中,随身携带的手电常用来作为一种致伤工具。据统计,手电筒致伤法医检案,占总检案的1.8%。本文收集36例手电筒致伤案例,就其资料和有关问题探讨如下。一般资料本组案例男性31例,女性5例,男女比例为6:1。年龄最小者12岁,最大61岁,以21—41岁组居多。职业以农民为主占89%。损伤程度:轻微17例(47.2%),轻伤12例(3.3%),重伤4例(11.1%),死亡3例(8.3%)。其中软组织损伤36例,骨折13例,颅脑损伤9例,内脏损伤5例。单纯1处损伤4例,2处…  相似文献   

在交通事故受伤人员脑外伤所致精神障碍伤残评定中,由于《道路交通事故受伤人员伤残评定》中涉及精神伤残评定条款内容可操作性差,精神伤残评定客观检查及量化指标较少,导致评定意见不一致,给交通事故理赔带来困难。在此就精神伤残评定技术操作中的有关问题提出一些经验性观点。  相似文献   

关于精神损害赔偿尽管有最高人民法院的司法解释作指导,但理论界的争论仍然大量存在,在司法实践中仍然主要凭借法官的自由裁量断案,这与当前我国的法制发展要求显然不符。为此,必须从我国国情出发,制定相应的参照标准,同时发挥法官的自由裁量权。  相似文献   

损害债权罪的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙明先 《河北法学》2002,20(2):56-59
损害债权罪是主要的侵害债权的犯罪。通过对中外的一些刑法关于损害债权罪的规定的比较 ,揭示损害债权罪的犯罪构成条件。为了惩罚损害债权罪 ,保护债权 ,我国刑法应增设损害债权罪的罪名、罪状和法定刑。  相似文献   

Employment status following spinal cord injury (SCI) has important implications for financial and psychosocial well-being. Several age-related variables-in particular chronological age, duration of SCI, and age at SCI onset-have been identified as being associated with employment among individuals with SCI. Cross-sectional investigations of this topic are complicated by methodological and statistical issues associated with aging and disability. The purpose of the current study was to examine the associations between three aging variables and employment status in individuals with SCI through a series of regression analyses. Six hundred twenty individuals with SCI completed a survey that included measures of demographic characteristics, pain, psychological functioning, physical functioning, fatigue, and sleep. The results indicated that chronological age and age at SCI onset were significant predictors of employment status. A significantly greater proportion of individuals aged 45-54 were employed compared to those aged 55-64 even after controlling for biopsychosocial variables. Additionally, there was a negative linear relationship between percent employed and age at SCI onset, and this relationship was not accounted for by the biopsychosocial variables. The analyses used in this study provide one method by which to disentangle the effects of different age-related variables on important SCI outcomes in cross-sectional research. Continued research in this area is needed to better understand age-related effects on employment status, which could be used to help maximize the quality of life in individuals with SCI.  相似文献   

齐晓琨 《现代法学》2007,29(1):184-192
德国《民法典》对损害一般人格权的非物质损害的赔偿并没有进行规定,它是德国法中一项典型的判例法制度。联邦宪法法院通过“索拉娅案”的判决,确认了以往的审判实践和学说所建立的“一般人格权”法律制度的基本原则。通过对该判决书内容的研究,即可了解这一制度在德国发展的历史、当前的基本形态以及未来的趋势。  相似文献   

论国家侵权的精神损害赔偿   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王志民 《政法学刊》2004,21(1):16-18
在现代法治社会中,对于因国家侵权而引起的精神损害,越来越多的国家给予法律上的保护,采取了包括财产赔偿在内的许多方式予以救济。对国家侵权行为不处以必要的精神损害赔偿,不能全面有效地保护权利主体的人身权利和人格尊严,对于国家侵权行为也不能有效地防止。我国已将依法治国作为国家的基本方略,对于国家侵权而造成的精神损害,采取有效的赔偿措施,确立相应的财产救济法律制度,势在必行,精神损害赔偿金应当成为诸多救济措施中不可或缺的一种有效方式。  相似文献   

医疗事故的精神损害赔偿责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《医疗事故处理条例》明确规定,对在因医疗事故造成医疗损害的受害人及其亲属赔偿各种医疗费用的同时,给予其一定数额的“精神损害抚慰金”。这在某种程度上解决了司法实践中是否给予精神损害赔偿的这一棘手问题。本文对医疗事故精神损害赔偿的必要性、应遵循的原则、赔偿的范围以及行使请求权的主体等问题进行了论述。  相似文献   

电流损伤的病理生理学及发生机制研究的新进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Dong L  Chen YC 《法医学杂志》2002,18(1):52-55
探讨电流损伤的发生机制及病理生理学改变,阐述电流的热效应与非热效应引起机体各器官病理学和病理生理学变化,揭示非热效应的选择性决定了远离触电点的脏器损伤,而临床上和法医实践中见到的损伤则是二者共同作用的结果,这给临床清创带来困难,法医学实践中无电流斑的死因推断也无从下手,由此阐明电流损伤的病理生理学和发生机制是非常重要的。  相似文献   

有限元方法(finite element method,FEM)是一种有效的应力计算分析方法,已逐渐被应用于人体结构生物力学功能研究。本文综述了颈椎有限元模型的构建、发展、材料属性赋值以及验证,并阐述了国内外研究者利用 FEM 在颈椎挥鞭样损伤成伤机制和生物力学响应分析等方面取得的研究成果。  相似文献   

胸部外伤致心脏瓣膜损伤的法医学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胸部创伤所致的心脏瓣膜损伤是一类少见而特殊的心脏损伤。胸部开放性或闭合性创伤都可致心脏瓣膜损伤。心脏瓣膜损伤的症状和体征,有的在创伤后很快出现,有的则出现较晚。心脏瓣膜损伤也常因其他合并伤的掩盖而被忽视。  相似文献   

Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) was initially conceptualized in boxers, but has extended to other athletes in recent years, albeit with limited clinical correlations. It is often asserted that CTE pathology represents the substrate for progressive neurodegenerative disease. We report the case of a shotgun injury to the brain with 42‐year survival and no neurological disease progression until shortly before death. The decedent had no other traumatic brain injury (TBI) exposure and did not play football or other high energy collision sport. Neuropathological examination confirmed tissue damage, but additionally demonstrated localized patterns of phosphorylated tau (p‐tau) meeting criteria for CTE pathology. P‐tau and TDP‐43 deposits within marginal tissue of damaged brain were also present focally. No amyloid‐β (Aβ) deposits were present. These findings indicate that CTE pathology may occur following a single, severe TBI.  相似文献   

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