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近代的社会契约思想源于对教会统治和“君权神授”观念的批判 ,从格老秀斯、霍布斯主张通过契约的方式将权力转让给君主 ,到斯宾诺莎、洛克主张通过契约的方式使政府保护人民的权利 ,到卢梭的人民主权观点 ,形成了系统的社会契约论 ,这一学说对近代资产阶级革命和资本主义发展产生了重大影响。  相似文献   

社会契约理论是西方政治哲学一个很重要的传统,经常被用来论证国家的合法性和个人自由的合法性。霍布斯,洛克和卢梭都有社会契约理论,为了各自的社会契约理论的建立,他们都做了不同的前提预设,即自然状态。通过三者不同的自然状态的比较,有助于我们更好地理解和把握社会契约理论。  相似文献   

从社会契约论到契约社会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会契约的观念源远流长。与其说社会契约论是关于国家起源的理论 ,不如说它是一种提供民主社会建设蓝图的学说。而且 ,在现代社会中 ,社会契约论这一理想性观念已经和正在变成现实的契约社会  相似文献   

裴津峰 《学理论》2012,(14):13-14
社会契约理论是近代西方政治思想家提出的一套比较系统的关于国家起源以及政治制度设计的理论体系。英国的霍布斯、洛克以及法国的卢梭均是近代西方以社会契约论为出发点来阐述国家起源和本质的。然而通过比较发现,由于他们所处的历史环境和立场不同,他们关于契约的逻辑前提、定义、性质、约束力等方面的看法不同。从比较政治学的角度去解析他们之间的差异,可以比较深刻地理解社会契约理论之一理论体系。  相似文献   

袁刚  张茜 《学理论》2009,(31):149-151
社会契约论是近代西方政治思想家提出的一套比较系统的关于国家(政府)起源及理想政治制度的理论,经霍布斯奠基,和洛克的阐发,由卢梭发展到极致。然而通过比较我们可以发现,由于所处历史环境以及个人经历的差异,三位思想家关于契约订立的原因、订立方式以及订立结果方面的看法各有不同。社会契约思想不仅极大的影响和鼓舞了资产阶级和劳动人民为推翻封建政权所做的斗争,而且成为西方国家宪政制度设计的重要理论基础。  相似文献   

对西方近代社会契约论思想的再思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在西方近代社会契约论发展过程中,是格老秀斯完成了由古代契约论向近代契约论的最终转型,霍布斯、斯宾诺莎、洛克通过其社会契约论主张共同开创了西方的自由主义传统,而卢梭的社会契约论则出现了明显的激进主义的转向,20世纪后期的契约论复兴则远离了其过去的超验色彩,更具工具性特点。  相似文献   

自然状态是霍布斯与洛克社会契约订立的基石。霍布斯所持接近敌对状态的自然状态和洛克所认为的有缺陷的自然状态,二者都不约而同地把自然状态的不完美性看作是社会契约订立的必要条件。但社会契约的订立不仅受到除自然状态之外的诸多因素影响,在执行过程中也存在风险。分析霍布斯与洛克对自然状态的阐述,发现二者对社会契约订立过程中的主体、目的、权利转让等方面的认识存在差异与联系。以集体行动逻辑为视角检视两者社会契约能否订立的可能性,有利于霍布斯与洛克关于社会契约思想的互动,这为理解社会契约理论提供新的方法论依据。  相似文献   

王诗文 《学理论》2013,(24):1-3
从人性恶到社会契约的形成,霍布斯的《利维坦》利用社会契约论的论证逻辑,构建了一个绝对主权国家,被认为是专制主义的代表。从社会契约的原则、内容与主体间关系来看,作为国家基础的公民被国家所吞噬,国家享有对公民的绝对主导地位。然而从国家主权产生方式、社会契约的基础与目的来看,人为构建的利维坦,仍然具有自身的限度,这也是为什么霍布斯的《利维坦》同时被称为自由主义的代表作,证明了社会契约论视角的双重性。  相似文献   

杨发文  相征 《学理论》2013,(30):38-39
西方认为政府是人们通过"相互约定"而建立起来的,在西方政治传统中,占主流地位且影响深远而广泛的是社会契约论。在西方政府的起源理论中"自然权利论"和"社会契约论"占主导地位,其中以洛克的"政府理论"阐释为最全面。洛克作为政府理论第一人,在他的"政府理论"中对政府的起源、政府权力的来源及政府的最终目的等做了理性的阐述,且为西方的"政府理论"打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

黄琳 《学理论》2011,(16):34-35
人类的群体性活动决定了人与人之间权利义务的相互性。在自然法条件下,每个理性的公民都设法把自己利益最大化,这种交集的必然结果就会导致无政府状态下的交易成本增加。为了减少交易成本,公民共同让渡出部分权利以契约的形式委托第三方代为管理,这便产生了公共管理。因此,公共管理以公民权利实现为基础,公共管理部门作为契约的委托人,必须在契约所规定的范围内活动,以实现公共利益的最大化为目的。随着公民社会的进一步成熟决定社会公共管理走社会、市场、政府有机结合是有效实现公民权利的必由之路。  相似文献   

石明 《学理论》2009,(8):170-171
爱国主义教育是我们国家现阶段加强未成年人思想道德建设的首要任务。但爱国主义教育必须要坚持贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近未成年人的原则,寻找一个科学的切入点,那就是从爱父母做起。  相似文献   

新制度经济学是当代西方经济学的重要代表,本文立足于中国改革开放的实践,详尽分析了新制度经济学的制度变迁理论;并从规范分析与实证研究相结合的视角,提出并论证了中国政府制度创新的模式选择及相关改革举措,充分展现了新制度经济学制度变迁理论的现代价值.  相似文献   

The paper contrasts the value of information at the private level with the social value when all voters have access to information. A sequence of examples illustrates how the private and social value of information changes as the distribution of benefits and costs derived from a project varies across individuals and states of the world.  相似文献   

The social contract theory of J.M. Buchanan provides no clear-cut answer on the question which one of the multitude of possible Pareto-efficient contracts is chosen by individuals who shape a contract in an (imaginary) state of nature. This deficiency is remedied in this paper by adding the Nash-bargaining theory. It seems to be in line with at least part of Buchanan's reasoning. Whereas for Buchanan the configuration of contract depends unilaterally on the natural equilibrium of the state of nature, we are able to show that the parties' (rational) contractual expectations have repercussions for their behavior in the state of nature. That is why the location of the natural equilibrium proves to be heavily dependent on the chosen bargaining theory. The implication is that assessing the legitimacy of a given constitutional order or contract (on the basis of the natural equilibrium) depends on the particular bargaining theory chosen to solve the underlying constitutional distribution problem. I am grateful to D. Andrews, D. Schmidtchen and U. Witt for helpful comments on earlier drafts. The usual caveat applies.  相似文献   

随着新科技革命、知识经济和工业文明的飞速发展,全球正进入了一个高度交往的社会。交往乃是马克思一生关注的中心课题,交往理论是马克思社会哲学思想的一个重要内容,交往是历史唯物主义的基本范畴,是社会有机系统的主要粘合剂,是社会进步的重要机制,是历史向世界历史转变的主要推进器,是在新的全球化背景下构建和谐社会的基本前提。解读马克思的交往思想,深入研究马克思交往理论的哲学蕴涵,探讨马克思交往理论在当代的价值,有助于我们对马克思交往理论有一完整的认识,也有益于对唯物史观的深入了解。  相似文献   

Peter T. Leeson 《Public Choice》2009,139(3-4):443-459
Is a genuine social contract mythical? I argue that pirates created genuine social contracts that established a system of constitutional democracy based on the same decision-making calculus and with the same effects that Buchanan and Tullock’s contractarian theory of government describes in The Calculus of Consent. Pirates’ constitutional democracy is the “holy grail” of social contract theory. It demonstrates that the contractarian basis of constitutional democracy is more than a mere analytic device or hypothetical explanation of how such a government could emerge. In pirates’ case, Buchanan and Tullock’s social contract theory describes how constitutional democracy actually did emerge.  相似文献   


Between the late 1960s and the early 1980s, the Korean developmental state implemented a series of drastic egalitarian educational policies that were primarily geared toward social integration. While promoting social mobility and educational expansion, they provided the basis of the egalitarian social contract in Korea's educational policymaking for decades. Since the 1990s, however, the Korean state has implemented neoliberal education reforms that led to the rapid dismantling of the egalitarian framework for the country's educational policymaking. These neoliberal reforms were strongly supported by the affluent middle class that prefer elitist education and can afford expensive private education. The general direction of change in Korea's educational policymaking suggests both significant change and continuity in the character of the Korean state and its relations to society since the 1990s. The contemporary Korean state still maintains a highly strategic and activist orientation in adopting and implementing policies although its policies are increasingly neoliberal in content. In doing so, the Korean state is gradually abandoning its broad social base and mobilizational capacity, while increasingly connecting with the upper segments of the middle class.  相似文献   

The purposes of this essay are to describe how federal research and development policy has altered authority relationships and to suggest a new concept of legitimacy in accord with the changed conditions. Research and development (R and D) creates an indeterminate future. Thus, the politics of research and development incorporates an apparent contradiction : political leadership demands that jobs be done which require creative and unpredictable actions on the part of private organizations, while it also demands that contractors be held responsible for fulfilling goals efficiently, avoiding deleterious secondary consequences, and refraining from abuses of power. The paradox can be resolved by creating norms of responsibility that allow for judgments on how a job is done rather than what is to be done. New institutions for technological assessment to check on unintended consequences of projects and citizen review boards to estimate the quality of life engendered by projects may provide such norms of responsibility.  相似文献   

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