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新冠肺炎疫情从2020年春节期间发生以来,四川旅游业立即停摆跌入低谷,对四川旅游业造成了短期直接和长期间接的影响,同时也带来了新的挑战和机遇。政府部门应抓好复工复产和应急能力的提升,加大对旅游企业的政策扶持力度,实施振兴计划;企业应增强发展信心,加强自身建设,严控成本创新产品和营销。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情在全球的蔓延对跨境电子商务产生了不容忽视的影响,既有机遇亦有挑战。从机遇方面看,疫情加快了跨境电子商务转型发展步伐,促进跨境电子商务各环节发展,刺激跨境电子商务基础设施建设;从挑战方面看,凸显了跨境电商物流的短板,加大了跨境电子商务经营风险,加剧了跨境电商企业的生存危机。从短期及长期维度提出了一系列推动跨境电子商务发展的策略,旨在缓解新冠肺炎疫情对我国跨境电子商务的冲击,促进跨境电子商务的健康发展,早日实现贸易强国目标。  相似文献   

重视并保障人民安全是中国共产党治国理政的核心内容。党的十八大、十九大以来,尤其是新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,习近平立足于全局和时代的战略高度,从我国经济社会发展和抗击疫情的实际出发,紧紧围绕人民安全问题创造性地提出了一系列新观点、新思路、新途径。既为我国取得抗"疫"人民战争、总体战、阻击战的胜利提供了新思想、新方向,又为世界各国打赢新冠肺炎疫情阻击战贡献了"中国智慧"和"中国方案"。  相似文献   

基于新冠肺炎疫情前后两期"中国大学生追踪调查"的相关数据,分析新冠肺炎疫情前后中国大学生国家认同感的变化趋势。研究发现,中国大学生的国家认同感整体处于较高水平;新冠肺炎疫情得到有效控制后,大学生的国家认同感进一步提升;家庭社会经济地位较低的大学生国家认同感的提升程度更大。研究结果表明,"灾害社会脆弱性理论"并不能有效解释新冠肺炎疫情前后中国大学生国家认同感的变化趋势。本研究对理解中国大学生的国家认同感及其影响机制具有一定的理论和现实价值。  相似文献   

移动互联网时代,每逢有重大公共卫生事件发生,必然伴随有网络舆情,有效治理网络舆情是重大公共卫生事件处置的重要内容。新冠肺炎疫情防控是新中国成立以来一场前所未有的战役,网络舆情热度、烈度、扩散度、敏感度和破坏度也远超以往。在事件本身及利益相关者、政府、媒体、网民以及网络环境等因素的综合作用下,新冠肺炎疫情网络舆情呈现出井喷式发展、病毒式传播、舆论场对冲激烈、次生谣言层出不穷等特点。新冠肺炎疫情网络舆情启示我们,必须要将重大公共卫生事件网络舆情治理纳入国家治理层面考虑,采用多元主体协同治理和差异化引导策略。  相似文献   

自新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,全国各族人民在党中央的坚强领导下,共同抗"疫"。在抗"疫"斗争中,我们始终把人民群众的生命安全放在首位;坚持党的领导,发挥党员干部的先锋模范作用;号召全民参与,集中力量办大事;坚持公有制为主体,多种所有制经济共同发展;重视法治的规范调节和强制约束功能。我国始终秉持着人类命运共同体的理念,让中国人民、世界人民再一次见证了中国共产党的坚强领导和中国特色社会主义制度的显著优势。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎重大疫情暴发以来,患者医疗费用是由个人负担、社会保险负担还是政府财政负担,已经成为社会广泛争议的话题。人类的发展史就是一部重大疫情的抗争史,由于重大疫情发生的频次越来越高,患者的医疗费用总额大、负担较重,重大疫情已经成为重大社会风险。患者医疗费用的非制度化不利于公众的国家认同感,需要建立重大疫情医疗费用公共化制度。重大疫情的灾难性特征决定了保险不是化解医疗费用风险的最优手段,社会成员健康的外部性特征决定了公共财政具有不可推卸的责任,建立重大疫情应急储备基金制度应是重大疫情医疗费用公共化的实现路径。重大疫情应急储备基金制度应由"政府为主、社会参与的筹资体系,平战结合的预案体系,科学合理的基金管理体系"等共同构成。  相似文献   

2020年,在新冠肺炎疫情的背景下,国外左翼以纪念恩格斯诞辰200周年、列宁诞辰150周年等为契机,就一些重大理论和现实问题展开探讨和研究,特别是对疫情下资本主义制度展开总体性批判,并深入探讨了社会主义问题,高度赞扬了中国特色社会主义。同时,国内学者对北美左翼、欧洲左翼、拉美左翼等主要论题进行了富有成效的追踪研究。另一方面,对国外左翼的研究还有待进一步深化和拓展。  相似文献   

巫祖钰 《学理论》2020,(11):17-18
新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,我国展现了在面对突发事件面前的大国风范,我们的国家临危不乱,利用制度优势面对考验;我们的医务人员临危受命,带着新型科技力量冲向疫情的最前端。一场疫情,展现了当代中国人民团结一致的伟大民族精神,更是展现了新一代青年对于时代的担当与责任。无数青年选择逆行,用生命构架希望的桥梁。这场疫情更是让我们重新重视人与自然的关系,珍惜生命,爱护自然,保护野生动植物,携手构建美丽生态地球村。疫情之下,全国各族人民积极奋战,携手并肩共筑钢铁长城,万众一心挺起中国脊梁。  相似文献   


As COVID-19 rapidly spread across the globe, every government in the world has been forced to enact policies to slow the spread of the virus. While leaders often claim responses are based on the best available advice from scientists and public health experts, recent policy diffusion research suggests that countries are emulating the COVID-19 policies of their neighbors instead of responding to domestic conditions. Political and geographic considerations play a role in determining which countries imitate one another, but even among countries that are politically or geographically distant, nationalist regimes seem to favor certain approaches towards the pandemic. We investigate why this is the case by examining whether countries that embrace a nationalist ideology are more likely to emulate the COVID-19 policies of similarly nationalist regimes. We demonstrate that, even after controlling for domestic circumstances and linguistic, trade, geographic, and political connections, nationalist countries are emulating each other’s responses. These results are robust and shed light not only on new mechanisms of policy diffusion but also on the growing international cooperation of nationalist regimes and leaders.


As the architect of racial disparity, racism shapes the vulnerability of communities. Socially vulnerable communities are less resilient in their ability to respond to and recover from natural and human-made disasters compared with resourced communities. This essay argues that racism exposes practices and structures in public administration that, along with the effects of COVID-19, have led to disproportionate infection and death rates of Black people. Using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Social Vulnerability Index, the authors analyze the ways Black bodies occupy the most vulnerable communities, making them bear the brunt of COVID-19's impact. The findings suggest that existing disparities exacerbate COVID-19 outcomes for Black people. Targeted universalism is offered as an administrative framework to meet the needs of all people impacted by COVID-19.  相似文献   

许雅静 《学理论》2013,(22):172-173
在经济全球化迅速发展的进程中,文化全球化的趋势可谓势不可挡。文化全球化给我国的文化建设带来了双重影响,既为我国文化发展带来机遇的同时也带来了严峻的挑战。在全球化背景下,我国采取何种对策建设既有中华民族特色又能够应对文化全球化挑战的先进文化,成为一个重要的课题。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically changed employment across sectors in 2020. This Viewpoint essay examines public sector labor relations during the pandemic and describes the impact bargaining process that is used to protect public employees. The authors draw on their own experience with impact bargaining negotiations and the public labor relations, conflict management, and civil service reform literatures to develop recommendations for public union labor leaders during times of crisis. They suggest that public unions have an important role in crisis management but must act strategically to develop good working relationships with leadership and successfully negotiate employee protections in uncertain times.  相似文献   

自2019年年底暴发并延续至今的新冠疫情,并非偶发性的自然事件,而是内源于当代社会并造成重大全球性灾难的社会事件。时空压缩既是当代社会时空结构特征的凝练表达,也是新冠疫情发生的基本场域,准确把握新冠疫情的本质离不开时空压缩这一重要背景。一方面,新冠疫情的发生始终处于当代时空结构中,它在暴发、传播以及治理过程中表现出的社会特征,是新冠病毒的自然属性与时空压缩社会特征遭遇和碰撞的产物;另一方面,新冠疫情的社会特征不仅突显出时空压缩背景下当代社会的高风险性和脆弱性,而且打破了人们对资本逻辑支配下时空压缩破坏性后果盲目乐观的迷思。遏制新冠疫情蔓延的关键是准确界定当代时空压缩背景下新冠疫情的社会特征,并采取有针对性的治理策略。  相似文献   

形式主义是个老大难问题,治理起来相当困难。在新冠肺炎疫情防控过程中,尤其是在初期和一些地方,形式主义问题不仅存在还比较严重。在防控疫情这一“准战时”状态下,形式主义问题危害性更大。形式主义问题的根源是官僚主义,而官僚主义的形成有体制和思想两个层面的原因。从这两个层面施治,都属于治本之策,其中思想或理念层面的引领尤为重要。党的十八大以来,习近平总书记倡导并形成了三大新理念,即问题导向、结果导向和民意导向。与新理念相对立的旧理念正是形式主义问题的思想根源。新理念不只是理念,还是一套行动指南。只要确立并践行新理念,就能有效抑制形式主义问题的滋生,从而起到重要的治本作用。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 outbreak has left an indelible effect on Bangladesh's agriculture sector, like that of most developing countries. Considering that agriculture is the cornerstone of Bangladesh's economy, we made an effort to compile a detailed scenario of COVID-19's effect on it through a relevant literature review. Since no significant studies outlined a complete picture of the pandemic's impact on agriculture, our study ventured to reveal the circumstances of each sub-sector of agriculture. During the early phases of the pandemic, farmers engaged in agriculture production got poor prices, with the majority of them incurring losses. Labor shortages and input scarcity were the most prevailing hindrances across all the sub-sectors. The export volume seemed to shrink hugely, hurting the country's GDP. The supply chain for agricultural commodities was disrupted as a result of the lockdown and mobility restrictions, which resulted in the elimination of the majority of intermediaries. Unprecedented challenges occurred in the input and output markets, as well as in the agro-industries, exacerbating the situation. However, while the vegetables and poultry sub-sectors recovered utterly and the dairy sub-sector somehow managed to stabilize, other sub-sectors are still grieving. This study highlighted some policies that can mitigate the miseries of the agriculture sector and overcome further potential threats in Bangladesh and other agriculture-led developing countries.  相似文献   

《Strategic Comments》2020,26(5):vii-ix
The ECB, turning a page from its sluggish response the 2008–09 financial crisis, has responded to the COVID-19 recession by quickly stabilising banks and flooding the eurozone with cheap capital. Yet the crisis has caused fiscal imbalances – most notably between Germany and Italy – to worsen, with no prospect of making political headway towards mutualising the debts of individual member states.  相似文献   

Journal of Chinese Political Science - By conducting discourse analysis on quotidian expressions of nationalism of Chinese netizens and analyzing their “Liking” behavior, this article...  相似文献   

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