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李奕  刘雪松 《行政与法》2005,9(9):122-124
法官自由裁量权的行使是法律适用中的重要问题。本文从法理学的角度首先分析了法官自由裁量权存在的最基本动因,认为法律规则的固有缺陷是法官自由裁量权存在的最基本原因;随后在对法官自由裁量权的不同理解进行考察的基础上,对法官自由裁量权的内涵进行了界定;最后通过对法官自由裁量权运行的分析,指出直觉、知识、逻辑以及视域的开放是法官进行自由裁量时所涉及到的四个最基本的因素,而这四个因素被合理地组织到自由裁量的最基本过程。  相似文献   

人民民主是社会主义民主的核心要义,是中国共产党和当代中国的理想和追求.我国设计了以人民代表大会制度为标志的一系列制度措施来实现人民民主,但在具体的政治实践中却面临种种问题.协商民主是强调讨论对话和审议的民主形式,恰好在某种程度上弥补了目前我国人民民主实践的不足.  相似文献   

This study, based on elite interviews and quantitative data, examines the public policy‐making influence of the Spanish Congress since the formation of its new democracy (1979–96). Three of the factors considered in this study are derived from previous comparative legislative studies: (1) the size of or absence of majority representation of the government party in the legislative body; (2) the degree of party unity and party discipline; and (3) the existence of a specialised committee system. In new democracies, we must also take into account the malleable circumstances of the new regime. In Spain, the following also appear to have an impact on parliamentary influence especially: (1) the special requirements of the process of democratic consolidation; (2) the nature of legislation; (3) the formal rules affecting parliament; (4) the impact of membership in the European Union; and (5) Spain's asymmetric federal structure.  相似文献   


This study is a feminist exploration of how gender influences the professional and social lives of women judges in Turkey. I asked women judges from lower courts to talk about their professional journey to explore if and how gender emerges as a category that makes sense to them. Gender was sometimes more visible in the form of a “success” story of playing along men’s rules, or in memories of struggling to balance work and family; while other times it was more implicit in narratives on meeting expectations, failing expectations, ignoring expectations. All in all, these narratives attest to the gendered hierarchies and instances of institutional sexism in what is considered a masculine profession. They also reveal the prevalence of a particularly conservative and patriarchal culture upon the ways in which these inequalities and disadvantages are experienced by women judges in Turkey.  相似文献   

Democracy and the rule of law are the pillars of sustainable development and the guarantee of fundamental freedoms in any society. The rule of law is one of the prerequisites to creating an enabling environment that supports socio‐economic growth and political development. The future of democracy rests with the ability of democratic governments to observe the rule of law. The rule of law is the fulcrum of democracy and the pillar upon which the structures of democracy stands. This article examines the crucial importance of the rule of law as a catalyst for the sustenance of democracy in Nigeria.  相似文献   

在当今世界的大多数国家,民主成为各种国家权力运行的普遍原则。基于此,本文提出了检察民主的概念,分析了其特征和内容,并对现行的人民监督员制度进行了概评,以求为检察民主的理论发展尽绵薄之力。  相似文献   

This study explored the effects of judges' personal characteristics (gender, race, age, and political affiliation) and case characteristics on the outcomes of federal cases of hostile environment sexual harassment. Results revealed that even after controlling for the effects of relevant case characteristics (e.g., severity of the harassment), judges' personal characteristics influenced case outcomes. Specifically, younger judges and Democrat judges were more likely to find for the plaintiff (the alleged victim of harassment). The probability that the decision would favor the plaintiff was only 16% when the case was heard by an older judge but 45% when heard by a younger judge. The probability that the decision would favor the plaintiff was only 18% when the case was heard by a judge who had been appointed by a Republican president but 46% when the judge had been appointed by a Democrat president.  相似文献   

法官独立是司法独立的重要组成部分,是中国司法改革申一项不可回避的课题。本文先阐述法官独立的内涵,指出法官独立应从司法权独立,审判独立和法官身份独立三个方面加以理解,再分析影响中国法官独立的诸多因素,最后提出在中国构建法官独立制度的设想。  相似文献   

论司法裁判的事实根据   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李玉萍 《法学论坛》2000,15(3):81-86
司法裁判的事实根据中的"事实"如何理解和操作,是司法公正内涵中的最基本的问题,也是审判制度及审判方式改革成功与否的前提和基础.对此,世界各国司法理论和实务都备加关注.我国法学界长期坚持的"客观真实"标准在理论和实践中均产生了许多问题,因而,适应当前司法改革的需要,重新界定司法裁判的事实标准已成为必然趋势.笔者认为,"法律真实"应成为我国司法裁判的事实根据.  相似文献   

社会的现实需求使传统法官产生了层级的分化,中央法官保持法律的统一性和稳定性,担负统一规则之责,法律专业化程度较高;基层法官在多样性的区域文化需求和法律之间游移.其更注重与地方性公共知识和情感共识保持一致,裁判具有鲜明的地方性.传统社会法官的职业化过程中,基层法官较之中央法官显示出的专业性差异,使他们长期被隔离于法律职业群体之外.中央法官的职业化和基层法官的去职业化倾向构成传统社会法官体系的独有特征.  相似文献   

在临床法医鉴定和司法实践中 ,对于不同致伤因子、不同性质、不同部位的边缘性和多元性损伤如何评定 ,对《人体重伤鉴定标准》第 93条、《人体轻伤鉴定标准 (试行 )》第 5 3条如何正确理解和运用 ,本文引入“损伤系数”并就损伤系数的概念、公式来源、应用及在法医鉴定中的意义等进行了综述 ,以期对人体损伤的定量评定这一问题的解决有所推动 ,从而更好地运用国家鉴定标准  相似文献   

In this article, I analyse the European Union (EU) in the light of the Lefortian question: What place does power have in a democracy? Claude Lefort has argued that modern democracy is a regime where the place of power is empty. In this article, I investigate what this entails for the EU. I take the current situation of democracy in the EU as being marked by two developments: the contestation of democracy by citizens on the one hand and the hollowing out of democracy at the EU level on the other. Exemplary for the first development are the popular protest movements known as the indignados. The second feature is exemplified by governance and technocracy. My argument suggests that the critical response of the former to the latter can in fact be read as the claim that what should have been the empty place of power in European democracy has come to be occupied by the establishment of an authoritarian regime of expert rule.  相似文献   

Richard A. Posner plays a totemic role within law and economics, and not only. His scholarship is so wide to the point that it is quite impossible to face any topic without finding a seminal contribution by him. This introduction presents a special issue devoted to Posner’s scientific and academic work.  相似文献   

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