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Does commercial speech deserve the same freedom from governmental interference as do noncommercial forms of expression? Examination of this question forces a reappraisal of the grounds upon which freedom of expression rests. I urge an analysis of those grounds which founds freedom of speech upon the requirements of individual autonomy over against society. I then apply the autonomy analysis to commercial expression by examining the empirical features which distinguish commercial forms of expression. Some such features - e.g., “triviality” — have been cited by others as justification for limiting the freedom accorded commercial speech, but I reject the power of those features to limit freedom of expression. Instead, I identify three features of commercial expression which are relevant to the task: resiliency (coupled with potential for abuse), action-orientation, and intimate connection with conventional commercial structures. I discuss the implications of these features for legitimizing governmental restriction of freedom in commercial expression, with the general conclusion that such restriction must be more severely limited than is commonly thought.  相似文献   

言论自由作为一种基本人权,历来受到各国的关注和重视,并受到积极保护。但近年来,中国部分地区发生以公民涉嫌诽谤政府为由侵犯公民言论自由权利的行为,并引发社会的广泛关注。本文结合相关案例从言论自由和诽谤罪的定位及两者之间的界限,探讨保护言论自由及言论自由权的界限问题。  相似文献   

行政自由裁量的“自由”与“不自由”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵德铸 《行政与法》2004,3(6):69-71
尽管行政自由裁量权的不断扩张为有识之士所担忧,但迅速发展的社会要求赋予行政机关更多的自由裁量权当然,这种裁量的自由是法律控制下的自由,超出法律界限的自由将不复自由因此,为保证法律赋予行政自由裁量权行使的初衷,自由权力的行使应受到权力和权利的制约.  相似文献   

瑞典新闻出版自由与信息公开制度论要   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一 新闻出版自由与信息公开制度的产生与演进瑞典是世界上最早确立新闻出版自由和信息公开制度的国家 ,其新闻出版自由和信息公开制度是瑞典历史上王权和国会相互斗争和妥协的产物。近代瑞典国家形成于 1 6世纪初期 ,此前瑞典是中世纪建立的由丹麦、瑞典、挪威组成的卡尔玛联盟(KalmarUnion)的部分。联盟长期为丹麦人所统治 ,后来又为德国人所控制。从 1 5世纪中期开始 ,瑞典人认为联盟是一种外来的压迫和束缚 ,试图从中解放出来。一批下层贵族首先起义 ,召集了四大阶层(贵族、教士、城市自由民和农民 )全国代表会议 ,这次会议被认为是瑞…  相似文献   

走入一个哲学家和思想家的精神世界是一件非常不容易,有时会很痛苦,甚至是不可能的。而要想走入其精神世界,首先要读懂其文章著述;但读懂其文章著述又谈何容易?作为存在主义的代表人物,萨特早就为我国的学者所熟知,但真正读懂了其著述的人恐怕寥寥无几,这或许也正是萨特所以能成为思想家的原因之一。作为一个法律实务工作者,潘志恒律师此文,通过对萨特代表作《存在与虚无》的潜心研读和用心追踪,通过对“虚无”、“否定”、“选择”和“超越”的分析解读,对他认为是萨特存在主义精髓的“自由”的“存在”作出了个人的评价,同时也将其本人解读的“存在”的“自由”作了阐发。其所用功力显见于存在之中,其所作立论亦飘荡于自由之中。是虚无抑或存在,是选择抑或超越,读者自可断之。本刊荐之以乐见。  相似文献   

Contributing to literature on jurisdictional variation in freedom of information (FOI) law and policy, we draw from accounts of experiences of FOI requests submitted to police agencies in nine Canadian provinces and ten US states. We conceptualize these experiences using notions of “brokering access,” “law in the wild,” and “feral law.” Our findings demonstrate key differences in how public police agencies store, prepare, and disclose information at municipal and provincial/state levels in Canada and the US, meaning that FOI‐related feral lawyering in Canada and the United States differs and fluctuates because of the variation in the mode of contact with FOI coordinators, fee estimate practices, and procedures for and responsiveness to appeals. In conclusion, we discuss the implications of our findings for methodological and sociolegal literature about FOI requests and for provincial/state FOI policies in both countries.  相似文献   

卢梭和马克思都是思想史上的重要人物。但是长期以来,人们对卢梭与马克思的思想联系关注较少。本文试图通过对卢梭自由观与马克思早期自由观的简要介绍,阐明卢梭与马克思之间的思想联系。卢梭和马克思都对本体论意义上的自由和积极自由予以了关注,但他们对自由与法律的关系和自由、道德与利益的关系的论述却存在差异。  相似文献   

法的自由价值有三层含义:作为法的终极价值的“自由存在”,作为法的基本价值的“平等的行为自由”以及作为法的一类具体权利的“自由权”。对于上述含义的系统梳理应能为法治国家奠定一块坚实的价值论基石。  相似文献   

The reaction to 11 September damaged the liberty of those living in Europe who found themselves targeted as suspect terrorists while seeming to do little to ensure the security of the wider community. More recently a second emergency, rooted this time in the financial and economic collapse of 2008 onwards, has caused a further unravelling of Europe's constitutional project, even threatening the gains of past generations of European idealists. In today's Europe universal liberty and security have no meaning for many even if their shape is retained in structures that in truth mock rather than deliver democracy and human rights. This article traces the origins of the crises that have afflicted so directly the breadth of liberty and human security in the Union, demonstrating their roots in ‘viruses’ that have been present from the start of the European movement but which have now spiralled out of control. The essay ends by asking what can be done to prevent the full decline of the region into a state of neo‐democratic/post‐democratic unfreedom, one in which capital unbound from democracy thrives at the expense of the people.  相似文献   

言论自由、出版自由、新闻自由的主体及其法律保护   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
言论自由的主体是自然人 ,出版自由的主体是自然人和法人 ,新闻自由的主体是法人。法律应当对言论区别不同类型给以相应的保护 ;对出版自由 ,法律既要保护 ,又要限制 ,但二者的界限尚有待明确 ;法律对新闻自由在保护的同时 ,要注意它与公民个人权利、与国家权力、与公众人物的利益发生冲突时应采取不同的调整手段。  相似文献   

遗嘱自由的限制之法理分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
遗嘱是公民生前按照法律规定的方式对自己的财产做出处分并在其死亡时发生效力的一种法律行为.无论古今中外,各国都不同程度上确立了遗嘱自由,并使遗嘱继承成为现代社会普遍接受的继承方式.基于私法的伦理性因素和私有财产的功能.需要对遗嘱自由进行必要的限制.  相似文献   

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