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我国现行著作权法中规定的"署名权,即表明作者身份,在作品上署名的权利"与我国著作权法第三次修订草案送审稿中曾拟定的"署名权,即决定是否表明作者身份以及如何表明作者身份的权利"的表述,都以偏概全,名不副实。其实署名权是表明作者身份权的下位概念,表明作者身份权又是保护作者身份权的下位概念。建议在我国著作权法第三次修改中,将"署名权"改为"主张作者身份和反对损害作者身份的权利"的保护作者身份权。我国著作权法中的著作人身权应当由保护作者身份权、保护作品完整权与发表权共同构成。  相似文献   

论征纳权利——兼论税权问题   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
施正文 《中国法学》2002,(6):144-154
征纳权利是税收程序法的基石理论范畴 ,对它的内涵、定位、分类、内容、征税权与纳税人权利相互关系等的科学揭示 ,是税收程序法乃至整个税法理论体系形成和理论创新的标志 ,对推动税收法治建设意义重大。  相似文献   

刘双丰 《行政与法》2013,(12):92-95
本文分析了领导干部应对突发事件应当具备的洞察和鉴别能力、统御全局能力、组织协调能力、快速反应和决断能力,提出了提高领导干部应时突发事件能力的对策,即应当充分认识提高领导干部应对突发事件能力的重要性,切实加强学习,重视在实践演练中提高,增强服务意识,不断对突发事件应对工作进行深刻的反思和总结.  相似文献   

从现有国际人权法渊源中确立促进和保护受教育权的国际标准可谓构成国际人权法的新发展 ,而从国际人权上对受教育权作出识别是确定上述标准的前提。本文根据有关受教育权的主要国际文件的统一化进程并结合国际社会的实践将受教育权归类为基本教育权、初等教育权、中等教育权、高等教育权和教育选择权 ,并依据一系列国际文件对世界各国促进和保护受教育权的义务性安排建立起国际社会促进和保护各类受教育权的国际标准模型 ,同时揭示了上述国际标准模型在适用过程中的特性。  相似文献   

高轩 《政法学刊》2003,20(3):30-32
英美法系国家的宪法监督权,通常由普通法院和专门机关来行使,这些机关均享有宪法解释权和适用权,宪法监督主体享有宪法解释和适用权是行使宪法监督权的关键和保证。  相似文献   

They thought this out very well, having in mind the television broadcast of the Constitutional Court session on TV Channel One. Ukraine has not seen anything like this before. The general public, as a rule, has been able to see only the final portion: a judge in his robes pronouncing a verdict—a decision that is not subject to appeal. Today everyone who wants to can become familiar with the work in the constitutional kitchen. Total access, as they say. Well, almost total, since the confidentiality of the meeting room is still preserved.  相似文献   

An 18-year-old woman in an advanced stage of pregnancy was admitted to hospital for gynaecological emergency treatment with pain after kicks to the lower abdomen. Premature detachment of the placenta was diagnosed and an immediate Caesarian section was performed. Although the newborn was resuscitated at once by the medical team, it died two days later in the paediatric hospital from multiorgan failure. The autopsy results together with the pathological findings of the palcenta proved the causal context between the kicks, the premature detachment of the placenta and the hypoxia requiring postnatal resuscitation, so that the perpetrator was found guilty.  相似文献   

While many basked in the euphoric rays emanating from the New Jersey state court Mt. Laurel decision, commentators and litigators in the land use field were tempering their sentiments with the knowledge of the U.S. Supereme Court's impending consideration of a primary federal land use challenge in Warth v. Seldin. The Court's 5-4 decision, affirming a federal appeals court'ss affirmance of the dismissal of an exclusionary zoning challenge by various individuals and groups, was predicated on the elusive concept of “standing.” If a sufficient case or controversy existed, according to the Court, or if the various classes of plaintiffs alleged a sufficiently personal stake in the outcome of challenge, their right to challenge Penfield's zoning could be established. In Warth the majority took a restrictive view and, on a one by one basis, denied standing to each of the plaintiffs.  相似文献   

张清  严婷婷 《北方法学》2012,6(4):82-92
适足住房权是指公民有权获得可负担得起的适宜于人类居住的、有良好的物质设备和基础服务设施的、具有安全、健康和尊严,并不受歧视的住房的权利。它主要包括:居住权、安全与健康权(或称舒适权)、住宅公平权、住宅隐私权、住房选择偏好权、住宅救济权以及住宅不受侵犯权和自由处分的权利。人权实现与国家义务之间存在密切的内在关联,对于人权的实现国家既具有消极义务,更具有积极义务。我国政府在公民适足住房权实现上具有不可推卸的义务,应从尊重、保护、促进和实现四个方面对国家义务进行分析,使之具有较强的体系性和可行性。  相似文献   

在媒体事件发生频率越来越高、影响越来越大的网络时代,领导干部作为执政者,要切实尊重新闻舆论的传播规律,把舆论引导作为执政能力建设的重要内容,真正实现善待媒体、善用媒体、善管媒体,进而提高新闻执政能力。  相似文献   

I was surprised to read in Joseph Savirimuthu's article on theGoogle Print Library project (Volume  相似文献   

Geneva, 2nd April 2008 Professor Geoff Gilbert Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Refugee Law Dear Professor Gilbert, May I refer to the article on ‘Redundant or Essential?How politics shaped the Outcome of the 1967 Protocol’by Dr. Sara Davies in the  相似文献   

Feinberg J 《Ratio juris》1991,4(2):131-151
Abstract .
One of the strongest arguments against the legalization of voluntary euthanasia is that even though a given suffering or comatose patient may have a moral right to die, legal recognition of the right would lead inevitably to mistakes and abuses in other cases. The flaw in this argument is the assumption that it is always and necessarily a greater evil to let someone die by mistake than to keep a person alive by mistake. In fact, we cannot plausibly say that one of these two kinds of mistake is in itself, isolated from other factors, always more serious than the other. This point is illustrated by an examination both of a terminal patient whose prospect is a full year of intolerable pain (Matthew Donnelly) and of a patient in a "persistent vegetative state" (Nancy Cruzan). Moreover, it is untrue that legalization would necessarily lead to greater numbers of mistakenly approved discontinuances of treatment than of mistakenly approved refusals of termination, and numbers, it is argued, do matter.  相似文献   

171例脑干颅神经损伤   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
目的 观察头部受力致脑干颅神经损伤的形态学改变 ,探讨脑干颅神经损伤形成机制及其与头受力部位和方式的关系。方法  171例脑干标本 ,于双侧第 3~ 12对颅神经的根部水平横切取组织块 ,常规固定、脱水、包埋、切片、HE染色 ,光镜检查。结果 所有标本均见颅神经损伤。有动眼神经损伤 ( 12 0例 ,70 2 % ) ,面听神经损伤( 92例 ,5 3 8% ) ,三叉神经损伤 ( 85例 ,49 7% ) ,外展神经损伤 ( 4 5例 ,2 6 3 % ) ,舌下神经损伤 ( 3 1例 ,18 1% ) ,迷走神经损伤 ( 2 7例 15 8% ) ,舌咽神经损伤 ( 2 4例 ,14 0 % )及滑车神经和副神经损伤 (各 10例 ,5 8% )。损伤可为单侧或双侧 ,累及单条或多条。病理形态学改变有出血 ( 4 2例 ,2 4 6% ) ,水肿 ( 2 6例 ,15 2 % ) ,神经根部组织结构变形 ( 71例 ,41 5 % ) ,根部撕裂 ( 3 2例 ,18 7% )等。结论 脑干颅神经损伤是脑干损伤的并存病变 ;位脑干高位的颅神经损伤比位低位的多 ,粗的神经损伤比细的多而严重 ;动眼、面、听神经损伤的发生率较高。  相似文献   

刑事个案中多个量刑情节冲突为常见事态。《最高人民法院关于常见犯罪的量刑指导意见》试图通过量化的量刑范式为司法实践提供指引,如此做法的合理性值得商榷。在责任主义的视野之下,有效区分预防刑情节和报应刑情节在个案中的作用与影响,坚持罪刑均衡原则、一般与特殊相统一原则及基本公正原则是解决量刑情节冲突的可行之路。  相似文献   

我国知识产权法学界通说认为,《著作权法》所规定的修改权与保护作品完整权是一种权利的正反两个方面,如果按此理解,修改权委实没有独立存在的价值。然而,这是对修改权的误读,修改权的内容无法被保护作品完整权所涵盖,二者所保护的作者的精神利益是不同的,它最大的价值在于当作者思想和观点变化时得基于此项权利来维护作品与其思想、观点的一致性。  相似文献   

Legal theorists argue that the constitutional right to property is defined, in part, by the property beliefs of the community, and how they change; yet little is known about these beliefs. In each of the three present studies, subjects aged 4 to 15 years, and adults, rated story characters who refused to return objects to their previous owners. Subjects under 10 did not clearly differentiate loss or destruction of one's own from another's property (study I), or the rights of persons who acquired possession by theft, loan, finding, or gift (study II). Creative labor was considered a more legitimate basis for possession by 15-year-olds than by 10-year-olds or adults (study III). These results support the idea that children understand “own” in the same way as adults understand “on loan”.  相似文献   

Farewell to the Exclusive-Inclusive Debate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years there has an ongoing debate between two versionsof legal positivism. According to one, called exclusive positivism,whenever the law refers to morality, the law necessarily directsits subjects to an external, non-legal, standard, because thereis a conceptual impossibility in incorporating moral standardsinto the law. According to the rival inclusive positivist position,such incorporation is possible, and therefore moral standardscan be (although they need not be) part of the law. In thisarticle I argue that both views are mistaken since they bothassume that whenever words like ‘equality’, ‘justice’etc. appear in the law they refer to moral standards. Rather,I argue, these words refer to legal standards, which are differentfrom the moral standards. As a result the question of the possibilityof incorporation can be avoided, and the debate between exclusiveand inclusive positivists put to rest.  相似文献   

适应“入世”新形势 重构我国外资法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
慕亚平  黄勇 《政法学刊》2001,18(1):8-11
随着社会主义市场经济的建立和改革开放的深入,尤其世界贸易组织体系下与贸易相关的投资措施的制度的确立,使得我国原本就显得落后,难以适应社会主义市场经济新形势的外资法面临更加严峻的挑战和冲击,重构我国外资法律体系已经显得十分迫切.为适应"入世"新形势,应当建立以市场经济为基础、以资本运行和管理为主导的立法模式,新的外资法体系应当是包括统一外资法、企业组织法、部门产业政策法及相关配套法律的完整体系.  相似文献   

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